關於the faction,參見Acadia (faction)

Gametitle-FO4 FH
Gametitle-FO4 FH
You've entered a place of clarity. Understanding. Peace. While you're here in Acadia, synth-kind welcomes you, as long as you welcome us.DiMA

Acadia is a pre-War observatory, used by DiMA as a safe haven on the Island in 2287 for synths who have fled the Institute.


This old astronomical observatory[1] located on Cadillac Mountain had lain dormant for over a century since the Great War, until it was claimed by DiMA and Faraday as the site of their new synth colony. Clearing out the debris and junk of a century of decay, the observatory soon became a safe haven for synths brought in from the Commonwealth.[2] By 2287, it contains comfortable quarters for all liberated synths and a massive mainframe in the observatory dome, filled with humming computers that provide DiMA with additional storage and processing power.[3][4]


Acadia is divided into three distinct levels. The entry level contains the dome and control center, where DiMA and Faraday usually reside. The level below contains the farm, infirmary, and main living quarters (together with crafting machines). The bottom level is used primarily for workshops and storage.

The air around Acadia is fresh and free of fog. The observatory is situated at the top of a small mountain.

When entering through the front door there is a corridor with some stairs leading down on the right, Faraday's office/laboratory on the right past the stairs, and then the corridor leads directly into what was formerly the telescope room/planetarium of the observatory. DiMA can be found in this main room, often with Chase and Faraday. This circular room is lined with servers along the walls and has some stairs leading up to a mezzanine. There is also a door (locked initially) which leads downstairs.

Downstairs are living quarters with several NPCs and synth refugees, including Dejen and Cog, both of whom are vendors.

Continuing downstairs to the next floor is Kasumi Nakano, who has fled to Acadia from the Commonwealth, believing that she is actually a synth. There are some terminals and storage rooms located down on this floor.


Notable loot[]

Ground level[]

  • Acadia storage key - In the room with DiMA. Go up the stairs and follow the platform around the room until the end. There stands a table with the key on top of it.
  • Faraday's terminal password - In the observatory.
  • Faraday's program - On the table next to Faraday's terminal when eavesdropping during Where You Belong, or on the terminal when hacking it.
  • Worn key - Given by DiMA at the start of Reformation. Opens Confessor Martin's hideout.
  • Acadia's Shield - Given by DiMA if one chooses to keep his secret in The Way Life Should Be.
  • Chase's uniform - Worn by Chase.
  • Hitman's Institute laser - Given by Chase upon completion of the quest The Arrival.

Intermediate level[]

  • More than 40 black bloodleaves and some aster on the shelves tended by Aster.
  • Cog's journal - On a barrel in the corner, behind Cog in his store.
  • Recon marine chest piece - Sold by Cog.
  • Sergeant Ash and Old Reliable - Unique weapons sold by Dejen.
  • Islander's Almanac issue #4 - In the back of Dejen's counter on the second shelf, next to the group of candles. Stand on the inside side of the counter to see it.
  • Crippling sledgehammer - Given by Cog in The Price of Memory if the Sole Survivor talks to him instead of Jule.

Bottom level[]

  • Storage room notice - Posted next to the storage room in the north.
  • Three mini nukes, two fusion cores, a steamer trunk, two duffle bags, four ammunition boxes, a metal box, an explosive crate and a chem box - Behind a Master-locked door that can also be opened through a Master-locked terminal.
  • Unyielding synth chest piece - In Jule's lockbox after completing the quest The Price of Memory by talking to Jule instead of Cog.


Acadia appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor, and in the tabletop game Fallout: The Board Game.

Behind the scenes[]



  1. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Acadia is built out the remains of an astronomical observatory."
  2. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "The settlement of Acadia was founded as a refuge for freed synths who wish to live among their own kind."
  3. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Although it is primarily a refuge for synths, Acadia outwardly expresses a desire for peace with all the other residents of the island."
  4. Far Harbor loading screen hints: "Some of the synth refugees in Acadia are Institute escapees who refused to get their memories wiped by the Railroad. Others underwent the process, but the memory wipe didn't take... or started to unravel."