關於范布伦角色,參見Arcade Gannon (Van Buren)


阿卡德·伊斯雷尔·甘农(英文名:Arcade Israel Gannon)是天啟追随者的成员,并且是2281年间潜在的同伴







阿卡德感叹无法完全摆脱没有父亲形象的成长过程,想知道他是否为他计划了什么,以及这些计划是否符合现实。[1][4]他同意其余成员对他父亲良好品格的评价,并分享说,虽然他不会试图填补父亲的位置,但他的目标是尽最大努力追随父亲的脚步,为他人的生活带来改变。[4][19] 他有一种强烈的愿望,要回报残党对他一生的支持,最终接受他们的道路和他自己的不同,他对自己选择的方向感到满意。[20][21]





Perk nociception regulator color
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。状态在硬核模式 开始时过期。
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予强化治愈辅助能力。
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest



  • 信使和追随者关系良好。
  • 信使已完成尖峰时刻並給了朱莉·法卡斯她所需要的醫療補給品。
    • 请注意,对于这种方法,信使需要先问:"你需要帮助吗?" 之后,阿卡德将感谢信使为追随者所做的工作,并会出现"加入我"的选项。
  • 信使能通过 [口才 75]
  • 信使有坚定的独身主义者辅助能力
  • 如果信使在与阿卡德交谈时的[智力 3]或更低,他会同情他们。如果信使无法通过任何其他检定,则临时智力降低效果在这种情况下会很有用。
  • 克雷格·布恩一样,如果信使在军团中获得良好声誉,阿卡德将拒绝加入。为了绕过这一点,信使可以穿上NCR派系盔甲并再次与阿卡德交谈。它将暂时绕过派系检查并允许阿卡德成为同伴。当信使试图招募他时,阿卡德不会受到天启追随者的负面声誉影响。



  • 当招募ED-E或雷克斯作为同伴时,他将对其中任何一个发表评论。
  • 在招募甘农之前穿上军团服装并试图与之对话是不可能的,因为他会拒绝与玩家角色交谈,并表示他只愿意在说"如果你想说话,请脱掉那件可笑的军团制服后说话。这是侮辱性的。"
  • 核子可乐放入阿卡德的库存时,阿卡德最终会喝掉核子可乐,只剩下空瓶和瓶盖。
  • 阿卡德会在玩家角色找到或完成任务时评论许多任务事件,例如当沃尔普斯·因库塔给予玩家角色凯撒印记时,评论说沃尔普斯是军团的“最臭名昭著”的间谍,当被艾米丽·奥塔尔要求在幸運38號賭場中植入错误或激活阿基米德II时。
  • 与凯撒会面后,阿卡德开始谈论凯撒。通过[智力 8],信使可以回答他们永远无法完全理解凯撒和他的军团的观点。[26]


地点 评论
哦,你好,艾米丽。是的,就是我,阿卡德·甘农,天启追随者的一员。 我想帮助渗透Lucky 38? 我很高兴你这么问...
如果你喜欢可怕的事情和人,拉斯维加斯大道不是一个坏地方。 我永远无法理解把钱捐给富人的诱惑力。
我读过关于瑞普康试验场的文章。我认为他们做了一些工作... 政府在战争之前。火箭和一些能量武器的原型。
  • 作为天启追随者的一员,阿卡德在整个废土上得到了广泛的认可。与阿卡德一起旅行时:
    • 自由城的市民经常会说“你好,阿卡德”。并且有时会说他们惊讶地发现他在要塞之外,因为他们认为“那些科学家类型喜欢呆在室内”。
    • 凯撒军团的成员会表示他们不相信追随者有勇气走出自由之界。
    • 炸藥幫逃犯会用贬义的语气说他,称阿卡德为“四眼”。
    • NCR公民会谴责信使与“无政府主义狂热分子”而不是“文明人”为伍。
    • 大汗帮会说“我已经好几年没在这里看到追随者了。”
    • 猫王帮成员将评论“我看到你已经聘请了一名追随者医生。聪明的举动,自由城就是这样。”




  • 关于怀特的下场任务:
    • 在不带上阿卡德并已经完成怀特的下场之后访问西区时,当阿卡德对安德森发表评论时。说“对。追随者不认可他的行为,以及所有这些。”得1点。
    • 如果信使通过向西区合作社勒索钱财来完成任务,阿卡德就会惩罚他。说“他们从犯罪中获利,现在我也获利。”得1点。
    • 如果通过杀死安德森来完成任务,当阿卡德挑战信使时说“安德森杀死了怀特。他应该为他的所作所为付出代价。”得2点。
    • 如果通过杀死安德森来完成任务,当阿卡德挑战信使时说“过去的事就过去了”,得1点。
    • 如果通过杀死安德森来完成任务,当阿卡德挑战信使时说“你在没有证据的情况下假设动机。请理性”得1点。(这需要智力7),其次是“要么就这样,要么在NCR连锁中度过余生。”
  • 与阿卡德一起首次访问 要塞:
    • 当阿卡德询问他们为什么在那里时说“新维加斯有多乱,你真的认为凯撒没有什么可提供的吗?”然后是“是的,这正是我的建议。”得2点。
    • 说“他在我看来很聪明”得1点。 在阿卡德是同伴的情况下第一次见到凯撒之后。
  • 在与阿卡德(有一次)与托马斯·希尔登(任何以“是...再见”或“错误转向?...”结尾的对话)交谈后,他将谈论希尔登的动机。
    • 说“但最后,这一切不都归结为数字吗?”得1点。
  • 谋杀非敌对无辜者得1点。(直到阿卡德发表负面评论后才会提出厌恶。)


  • 信使以“如果你不喜欢它,就离开”的一些变化来回应他的挑战之一。
  • 他们进入特使營地准备帮助凯撒攻击胡佛大坝
  • 友谊地久天长任务中说服残党支持凯撒军团
  • 激活阿基米德。 如果玩家角色回应"现在是NCR烤肉的时间",他也会变得敌对。(把电力转移给阿基米德II不是问题。)
  • 在暗杀金博尔后向凯撒报告。不管信使是否准备好继续最后的任务,他都会离开。只要任务未完成,他就会留下来。


# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
虽然阿卡德的意图是纯洁的,他的目标是崇高的,但他最终还是像他之前的许多人一样屈服于莫哈韋的残酷。 阿卡德死亡。
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 2
信使诱骗和被军团监禁,阿卡德成为凯撒的私人医生好几年。凯撒开始喜欢与这样一个有教养的人探讨哲学问题。阿卡德不情愿地成为了他的智力陪练伙伴。经过多年的奴役,在一个没有戒备的时刻,阿卡德用手术刀和双手剖腹自尽。由于缺乏其他熟练的医疗人员,军团无法阻止他的死亡。凯撒哀悼了好几个月。 还有你,布鲁图?期间将阿卡德作为凯撒的私人医生出售为奴隶,完成凯撒军团我来,我见,我征服
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
尽管军团在胡佛大坝取得了胜利,但这位特使并没有凯撒那样的医疗需求。拉尼厄斯很快厌倦了阿卡德的尖刻的风趣,把医生钉在十字架上。 还有你,布鲁图?期间杀死凯撒并把阿卡德出卖给拉尼厄斯。完成凯撒军团我来,我见,我征服
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
凯撒军团莫哈韋廢土撤退的过程中,阿卡德是一个悲惨的受害者,也是众多受害者之一。他的尸体和许多其他人的尸体堆在军团长征回家途中的一个无名峡谷中。 还有你,布鲁图?期间将阿卡德作为凯撒的私人医生出售为奴隶,为独立新维加斯完成没有神,没有主人
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
虽然阿卡德并没有期望NCR会取得胜利,但他为自己在抵御凯撒军团的入侵中保卫胡佛大坝而感到自豪。不幸的是,当传言说阿卡德曾经是英克雷的一员时,他被迫离开天啟追随者。在赏金猎人、NCR游骑兵和钢铁兄弟会的追捕下,阿卡德深入东部平原,从此杳无音讯。 NCR完成找到了!;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德帮助残党
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
阿卡德曾希望自由城能够独立于NCR的统治,但他很高兴凯撒军团在胡佛大坝被阻止。他在自由城照顾了一段时间的病人,然后与追随者一起回到NCR领土成为一名教师。 NCR完成找到了!;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德返回自由城的追随者营地。
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
尽管军团在胡佛大坝的胜利击溃了阿卡德,但他并不是NCR的伤亡者之一。在NCR从莫哈韦废土撤退期间,他帮助保护NCR公民和难民前往莫哈维前哨站。不幸的是,一名NCR游骑兵认出他父亲的盔甲是英克雷的财产。他被逮捕,作为战犯受审,并被无限期监禁。 完成军团的我来,我见,我征服;完成友谊地久天长,并建议阿卡德和残党帮助NCR
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
当军团部队接近新维加斯的消息传到自由城时,阿卡德尽力帮助人们带着充足的补给逃跑。一个军团探子看到阿卡德帮助当地人逃跑,并在百夫长前指认他。阿卡德的团伙在西区附近被查获。无人生还。 完成军团的我来,我见,我征服;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德返回自由城的追随者营地。
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
胡佛大坝击败凯撒军团后,他被豪斯先生的权力游戏激怒了。尽管在保安機器人建立起广泛的控制权后,他还在自由城呆了一段时间,但他最终还是回到了NCR的地盘。对天啟追随者的幻想破灭后,他在晒骨场的郊区定居下来,在那里做了一名愉快的家庭医生。 豪斯先生完成孤注一掷;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德返回自由城的追随者营地。
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
尽管阿卡德为自己是在胡佛大坝击退军团的捍卫者之一而自豪,但他还是被豪斯的掌权击溃了。由于在该地区失去生命和自由而感到悲伤,阿卡德离开了莫哈韦废土,前往未知的地方。他从此杳无音讯。 豪斯先生完成孤注一掷;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德帮助残党
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
阿卡德为自己是在胡佛大坝击退军团的捍卫者之一而自豪。看到该地区摆脱了NCR和豪斯先生的束缚,他更感到自豪。尽管新维加斯的独立并不是他所希望的那样,但阿卡德还是利用他在英克雷的知识和技术尽可能地维持秩序。 为独立新维加斯完成没有神,没有主人;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德去帮助残党。
FNV Arcade Ending Slide 1
当阿卡德得知凯撒军团被击败,NCR被赶出新维加斯时,他正在照顾自由城的当地人。尽管他发现新维加斯的独立并不是他所希望的那样,但他还是尽力帮助当地人自治。 为独立新维加斯完成没有神,没有主人;完成友谊地久天长并建议阿卡德返回自由城的追随者营地。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Arcade's lab coat
Gannon family Tesla helmet*
治疗针 x3
* 只有在胡佛大坝战斗时才穿。
** 因为阿卡德的电浆防卫者使用魔法同伴弹药而不是能量电池,所以它没有-2 DT效果来自使用标准能量子弹。否则,该武器的统计数据与标准版本相同。






  • 虽然从未在游戏中声明,但Joshua Sawyer曾说过阿卡德的中间名是伊斯雷尔。这并不表明他的种族,而是反映了他在一个不道德的世界中保持道德的斗争。Joshua Sawyer对以色列的首选解释是“与上帝抗争的人”。[Non-game 2]
  • 他最初被安排出现在黑島工作室已取消的辐射3'范布倫中(参见阿卡德·甘农)。
  • 阿卡德·甘农是J.E.的几个玩家角色之一。Sawyer在玩由Chris Avellone开发的“辐射”桌面RPG时使用[Non-game 3]
    • Sawyer拥有一本他为阿卡德角色设计的原始笔记本,该笔记本是在这款桌面游戏过程中创建的。在2020年10月的直播中,Sawyer透露了此笔记本的一些内容,包括用于阿卡德的参考图像(见图库)。在阿卡德的个人资料中,据说他34岁,体重约145磅。他的中间名最初是“丹尼尔”,他父亲的名字是马克。[Non-game 4][Non-game 5][Non-game 6]
  • 当被带到要塞时,阿卡德会对信使感到不安并问“发生了什么事?我在你的但丁面前扮演维吉尔吗?” 这是对但丁的《神曲》的引用。
  • 阿卡德最糟糕的结局直接模仿了朱利叶斯·凯撒成为古代罗马统治者时卡托的自杀;卡托在试图刺伤自己时滑倒,被迫剖腹以达到他的目的;凯撒对他的死感到不快。
  • 如果被问及军团对拉丁语的使用,阿卡德会回答“凯撒可以引用卡托来满足他的目的。” 这是对莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》中“魔鬼可以为他的目的引用圣经”这句话的释义。




Joshua Sawyer Formspring



Joshua Sawyer on Tumblr


因为阿卡德和凯撒都懂拉丁语,他们使用的教科书很可能也包含了罗马文学的片段和作为古代观点的引用(在惠洛克的书和许多其他书中很常见)。因为当代(即20 /21世纪)拉丁语教育的主要目的通常不是对话或写作,而是对经典文学的理解,这些引用/参考的使用很常见,尽管通常没有上下文。

例如,学生可能会知道“fastina lente”的意思是“慢慢地加快”,但可能不知道它来自苏埃托尼乌斯,他引用了奥古斯都的话,而奥古斯都首先从希腊语中借用了这句格言。即使他们确实了解了所有这些,追随者也可能无法访问苏埃托尼乌斯的文本,关于凯撒留斯的一生。
J.E. Sawyer


  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果你有莉莉和ED-E作为同伴,则可以招募他作为第三个同伴。維羅尼卡·聖安傑洛也是如此。也可以同时拥有猫王、勞爾和阿卡德。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在将同伴阿卡德解雇到老摩门教要塞后,他有时会通过对话再次变得无法招募。让你的非人形同伴(ED-E或雷克斯)前往幸运38赌场/他们的家,然后再次尝试阿卡德的对话。他的追随者对话将重新出现。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在完成友谊地久天长并说服阿卡德留在自由城后,他可能不会回到自由城,而是在幸运38赌场套房内闲逛,并成为一个信息中心,直到他所有的演讲选项都用尽。当阿卡德被送到幸运38赌场,然后完成友谊地久天长时,就会发生这种情况。如果你不想阿卡德在幸运38赌场,请在解雇他时将他送回老摩门教要塞。即使他在完成任务之前没有被解雇,这种情况也可能发生。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时他在完成友谊地久天长后仍然可以招募。他不会显示同伴屏幕并且会在休闲模式中死亡而不是被击昏,但仍会跟随玩家。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 完成他的友谊地久天长的任务后,当你与他交谈时,你无法退出对话。要退出,你必须重新加载存档。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在友谊地久天长之后,有一种方法可以让阿卡德·甘农仍然是你的跟随者。出门前一定要保存,因为他给你甘农家族特斯拉装甲后会消失,你可以在他得到他父亲的盔甲时跟着他出去,然后让他再次成为你的跟随者,尽可能多在它起作用之前,你必须选择返回自由城的选项,因为这是他不会被锁定在残存者地堡指挥中心的唯一方法。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时候当你没有跟随者时,你可能会要求他成为跟随者,他会声称你的团队已经有太多人了。在要求阿卡德加入之前招募雷克斯或ED-E会改变他的响应树并让他接受你的加入提议。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 阿卡德偶尔会在快速旅行中死亡。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在战斗中,阿卡德周围可能会发生爆炸,并永久性地瘫痪他的腿。尝试使用治疗针和/或医疗包是行不通的,将阿卡德作为你的同伴并等待相当长的时间也不行。(解雇他后,你可以看到他在资自由城的老摩门教要塞蹒跚而行)。一个可能的解决方法是改变他的服装并让他进行攻击,这应该可以让他摆脱残疾状态。他也将无法与信使一起快速旅行。如果你不记得你在哪里失去了他,等待他追上是一个可能的解决方案。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 有时当你进入老摩门教要塞时,阿卡德可能会被复制。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时,在与阿卡德交谈时,当任何一个非人形同伴在队伍中时,不会显示一起旅行的选项,解散另一个同伴将允许他被招募。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 当阿卡德被招募时并与之交谈时,告诉他跟随你的选项可能不会出现。这可以通过告诉他等待,然后告诉他在同伴轮中跟随你来解决。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 被阿卡德的电浆手枪变成“黏糊糊”的敌人有时会在整个游戏中一直存在。这可能特别烦人,因为它会占用更多内存并可能导致FPS滞后。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 当阿卡德退回信使给他的任何物品时(如果玩家激活阿基米德,或者在友谊地久天长结束时离开),他可能不会重新装备他的默认追随者装备,让他在接下来的游戏中“赤身裸体”。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 给阿卡德戴上战前的帽子,游戏渲染就会混乱。可能发生在其他游戏平台上,也可能发生在不同的同伴身上,但尚未经过测试。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果两人都在幸运38赌场中等待,布恩将带上阿卡德的电浆防卫者。他将使用它而不是他的猎枪,让阿卡德手无寸铁。这些武器没有出现在他的库存中。解决此错误的一种方法是与維羅尼卡一起进行伴随故障。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时在进入赌场并交出你的武器后,阿卡德不会拿回他的默认武器(或你发给他的任何武器)并会用拳头攻击(在此故障期间,我无法向他发放另一件武器,因为他会装备它,并且在他第一次参加战斗时,他会立即将武器的状态消耗到0%并丢弃它并说“此武器已完结”)不确定此问题是否与Xbox360无关。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 阿卡德不会使用任何GRA远程武器。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 有时,如果阿卡德装备了放在他的库存中的武器,它会在快速旅行后从他的库存中消失,他会切换回他的电浆防卫者。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时发放给阿卡德的武器,例如高斯步枪可能看起来好像它们具有完整的条件,但在与一个或多个敌人进行短暂战斗之后武器将完全耗尽,除了阿卡德偶尔会说需要新武器外,没有任何警告。更复杂的是,他可能会丢弃耗尽的武器,使其难以或无法定位和修复。强烈建议信使在给阿卡德任何稀有或命名武器时经常保存游戏并经常检查他的库存。
  • Has platform::PCPC 阿卡德可能会停止执行“后退”命令。这会持续存在于任何新的或旧的存档文件上。没有已知的修复方法。[已验证]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "Arcade, I'm asking you because I'm interested. Don't put yourself down."
    Arcade Gannon: "Oh, all right. I'm thirty-ish. Well, late thirties. I was born... west of here. I was an only child and spent most of my time with my mother. My father died when I was young and I never got over it. Oh... and I like medicine and reading books about failed Pre-War socioeconomic policies. Right now, I'm sure you're asking yourself, 'Why hasn't some lucky man scooped this bachelor off his feet?' Like I said, I'm boring."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  2. Arcade Gannon: "I wasn't always with the Followers, or with the NCR. My late father was an officer in a group called the Enclave, a remnant of America's Pre-War government. Memories being short around here, not a whole lot of people remember them. But they did bad things. Terrorized communities, kidnapped people. Eventually, someone stopped them. I was born a few years later at a military base on the coast, a place called Navarro."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Courier: "Where did the Enclave go?"
    Arcade Gannon: "A lot of different places. I only know what I was told. Some of them were cut down by the NCR and the Brotherhood. Some of them went east. My mother never told me what happened to my father, but she and I went south with some others and integrated into the NCR. When the NCR learned that Enclave personnel had integrated, we kept moving to the fringes. It's one of the reasons why I wound up out here."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Courier: "I'm sure your father would be proud of you."
    Arcade Gannon: "I wonder if he would. It's pointless, I know, but sometimes I wonder what he wanted me to be. Maybe being a doctor in the middle of Nevada wasn't exactly what he had in mind for his little boy. I grew up without him. I'll always feel like something is missing from my life. But you're right. It's not like I'm the only kid in the wasteland who's grown up without a dad. Johnson always said my father was a good man. If that's the only thing about me that's like him, that's enough for me."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Courier: "What happened to Navarro?"
    Arcade Gannon: "After the Enclave's command structure fell apart, it was only a matter of time before Navarro was overrun by NCR forces. My mother and I left with some of the troopers from my father's old unit, the same people I've kept in contact with over the years. Anyone who didn't get out was killed by the NCR. Even some of the ones who escaped were eventually hunted down by the Brotherhood of Steel."
    Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Where did you learn that?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Not from the Legion, if that's what you're getting at. Books. Sheet music. Gladiator movie holotapes. Bits and pieces here and there. The Followers have extensive libraries, but we all draw water from the same old well. Even Caesar."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "How did you join the Followers?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Honestly, it isn't too difficult if you have half a brain and aren't a complete jerk. I wanted to help people and I enjoyed learning, so I signed up. New Vegas is in trouble, so I came out here. If someone doesn't step up and try to help the people here, it's going to end very badly."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Arcade Gannon: "Hi. If you're looking for medical help, try the other doctors. I'm just a researcher. Not even a particularly good one."
    The Courier: "What kind of research"
    Arcade: "Oh, you know. Finding alternative treatments for common illnesses and injuries. Stimpaks out of barrel cacti and other fantastic improbabilities. As far as fruitless wastes of time go, it's quite noble in its aims."
    The Courier: "Why do you do research instead of providing medical assistance?"
    Arcade: "Not all Followers are 'people persons.' Besides, someone needs to do research. I have no problem with Julie sticking me back here. Out of sight, out of mind. There are worse things one can be, though I do admit, it is a bit boring. Though it has a noble goal, I don't think this research will yield much fruit. No pun intended."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Do you always deflect personal questions?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Only to obfuscate my past association with a fascist paramilitary organization. I'm joking, of course. I will deflect personal questions at any opportunity."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Why do you do research instead of providing medical assistance?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Not all Followers are 'people persons.' Besides, someone needs to do research. I have no problem with Julie sticking me back here. Out of sight, out of mind. There are worse things one can be, though I do admit, it is a bit boring. Though it has a noble goal, I don't think this research will yield much fruit. No pun intended."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "Why do you do research instead of providing medical assistance?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Like I said before, not all Followers are good with people. I'm fine doing research back here, even if it is a bit boring... and pointless... and a complete waste of time. Don't mind me. I'm just voicing my thoughts so they don't burrow out of my skull in a fit of abject despondency."
    The Courier: "You don't sound too enthusiastic about it."
    Arcade Gannon: "I'm enthusiastic about helping people, but nihil novi sub sole."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  12. Arcade Gannon: "For the past hundred years or so, the Followers have managed to get by using salvaged medical supplies from the Old World. But the side effect of medical success is that more people live longer. Funny how that works. Eventually, we'll run out of hospitals to loot. We need new ways to produce those supplies. Or maybe old ways, if this research goes anywhere."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "Where did you get your medical training?"
    Arcade Gannon: "The Followers taught me everything I know about medicine. Despite our humble abode here in New Vegas, we have great facilities back in the NCR. We may have over extended ourselves by setting up camp in Freeside, but the people here need help from someone. If not us, who?"
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "Well you... you're different."
    Arcade Gannon: "I am, but they're still my family. I think you were right the first time. If there's something I can do to help hold the dam, I'll do it. Look, there's something I have to do, but I promise I'll be back in a while. Trust me. And thanks again for your help. It means a lot to me."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  15. 15.0 15.1 Arcade Gannon: "Since my mother died, Daisy's been the only woman in my life. She was the only other woman close to my father, too. She flew him out on over a dozen missions, including his last. I've always been close to Daisy. There have been some good men along the way, but lovers make poor confidants. Daisy never had children of her own, so she was always there to listen. Being in the Enclave didn't mean much to her. She just loved to fly. It broke her heart to be grounded."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  16. Arcade Gannon: "Moreno took the fall of the Enclave hard. He never questioned his orders, never questioned the legitimacy of what the Enclave was doing. To him, it was all one unbroken chain, from Washington to Richardson. When we left Navarro, I remember looking up at Moreno. He said, "Kiss America goodbye, boys." When we left the Enclave behind, the love in him burned itself out. Now there's just a bitter old man left."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  17. Arcade Gannon: "If I had to pick anyone who didn't belong in the Enclave, it would definitely be Johnson. He hated what the Enclave was doing. Day to day, week to week, he would question orders, subvert mission objectives, do anything he could to serve without serving. It's amazing he was never court-martialed. He always had good things to say about my father. Said I was like him in a lot of ways. I wish I knew."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  18. Arcade Gannon: "Judah Kreger is the glue that's kept us all together over the years, and with good reason. Anyone who can command Moreno and Johnson in the same unit without somebody getting fragged is one hell of a leader. Kreger was polite and kind, but never warm. He always did his best to make me feel welcome in the group. I think he did it out of a sense of loyalty to my father. Loyalty means a lot to Judah. Not loyalty to the Enclave, or even the ideals they fought for, but to the people who served with him."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "You aren't like the others, Arcade. You're still young. It's up to you to decide who you want to be."
    Arcade Gannon: "True enough. Maybe I can't fill my father's shoes. I wouldn't even know how. But if following in his footsteps for a while means I can do some good out here, I will do my best. I need to go do something. I won't be gone long, but I'll catch up with you later. Thanks for your help with the others. It means a lot to me."
    ([[VFSArcadeGannon.txt#351|Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "It seems pointless to do all of that without a goal."
    Arcade Gannon: "I'm sure Henry has goals. He was just more concerned with the "how" than the "why" of things. Being in the Enclave didn't really mean much to him. I guess I'm lucky that I'm part of the Followers. Helping people as a doctor is important, but with the Followers, it feels different. It feels like we're working toward something more important. That's more than the sum of good deeds that we do."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  21. Arcade Gannon: "I've been wondering about Daisy and the others for so long, I still haven't figured out what I should do. I mean, I'm not like them. I was born at Navarro and my father served with them, but I wasn't really part of the Enclave. It seems presumptuous of me to think that I could join the fight, even if this is a cause worth fighting for. Because I know when fighting breaks out at the dam, all hell is going to break loose in Freeside. They're going to need every doctor they can get."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  22. The Courier: "The NCR needs help against the Legion before Caesar moves on the dam. We could use your skills."
    Arcade Gannon: "The NCR had a chance to use the Followers' skills before, but being imperialists mattered more to them. No thanks."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "I don't think either of us can fully understand what he and the tribes have gone through."
    Arcade Gannon: "A fair point, but from the perspective of someone on the east side of Arizona, the man is clearly out of his mind. Maybe he didn't intend for things to wind up this way, but that doesn't mean he needs to perpetuate this bizarre anachronistic myth. And it doesn't mean that we should sit by and nod our heads at every absurd faux-Roman casus belli he can dream up. He's a tyrant. The bad kind. And there's no way we're letting him take Hoover Dam."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  24. The Courier: "He's a madman. What did you expect?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Well, yeah! Right. What did I expect? The man's a megalomaniac. He acts like this is some pre-ordained cycle we're returning to. Of all the people who could learn from our past mistakes, he goes and throws all of our knowledge off of a cliff. Instead of trying to learn from the past, he re-creates it, runs back over the same old barren ground."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "Who, Caesar?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Of course, Caesar! You can hardly even hold his men responsible, given how they're practically raised to worship him as a living deity. What's the point of surviving the war? Why did the founders of the Followers crawl their way out of vaults to bring knowledge back to the wasteland? So we could act like the last two thousand years didn't happen? Play dress up so we can fight ancient wars all over again? No way is he getting away with this. I'm not letting it happen. You're not letting it happen."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  26. Arcade Gannon: What a load of Brahmin shit! Can you believe that guy?"
    The Courier: "I don't think either of us can fully understand what he and the tribes have gone through."
    Arcade Gannon: "A fair point, but from the perspective of someone on the east side of Arizona, the man is clearly out of his mind. Maybe he didn't intend for things to wind up this way, but that doesn't mean he needs to perpetuate this bizarre anachronistic myth. And it doesn't mean that we should sit by and nod our heads at every absurd faux-Roman {kah-soos beh-lee, "case of war"} casus belli he can dream up. He's a tyrant. The bad kind. And there's no way we're letting him take Hoover Dam."


  1. PlayStation Blog Meet the Companions
  2. Kerr1994: "I'm wondering, is Arcade Gannon is meant to be ethnically Jewish? It's something which seems to be implied by his middle name being 'Israel' but I've never heard it confirmed either way."
    Joshua Sawyer: "His middle name isn’t intended to suggest ethnicity (just as my first and last names aren’t indicative of mine!). I had thought of Arcade as having a difficult time being moral in a world with so much immorality, so his middle name is Israel, meaning (in some interpretations) “one who struggled with god”."
    Joshua Sawyer's tumblr Frog Helm Fan Club
  3. J.E. Sawyer on Formspring
  4. Arcade portrait (clipped from larger livestream; October 24, 2020)
  5. User: "Had Arcade Jr. been thought up by then, or was this for Arcade Sr.?"
    J. Sawyer: "His father (as a tabletop character) was named Mark Gannon. In F:NV, Arcade's father is never named."
    (Fallout: New Vegas: Old Thread, Something Awful forums)
  6. J. Sawyer: "Last week I was going through some packed boxes of books and I found my old binder for Arcade during our BIS Fallout tabletop game."
    User: "...does the quote on the binder read, "It's an old lie, Arcade. Canis caninam non est (Dog does not eat dog)?""
    Sawyer: "Yep, that's the quote."
    (Fallout: New Vegas: Old Thread, Something Awful forums)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)