
干得好,伯克先生!多么盛大的烟花汇演!我真希望我们能再引爆一枚核弹。这种情况并不常见。— 阿利斯泰尔·特佩尼,评论核彈鎮的毁灭

阿利斯泰尔·特佩尼(英文名:Allistair Tenpenny)是2277特佩尼大厦的创始人和所有者。



然而,他的财富和舒适让他对生活感到厌倦,因此他挑战自己,不仅狙击在下面漫游的生物,还狙击偶尔的访客。[Non-game 1]


  • 特佩尼是个隐士,从不离开他的顶层套房,尽管有人提到他在玛格丽特·樱草的咖啡馆预留了一个座位。[3]
  • 他每天从玛格丽特·樱草处点餐,总是点"鬣蜥肉块三文治,不加盐,旁边放一个去皮的梨。"[4]
  • 他带着一把狙击步枪,在他所谓的"废土狩猎"中用来射击废土中的东西。[5]
  • 他坐在他的阳台上,欣赏着塔楼的景色,唯一困扰他的是核彈鎮,他称之为地平线上的一个碍眼的东西。[6]附近有诸如威士忌小酒杯香烟包烟灰缸棋盘等物品。



FO76 ui icon quest


  • 原子威力大: 独行者可以与阿利斯泰尔和伯克先生先生一起站在特佩尼的阳台上,共同见证核彈鎮在核爆炸中的毁灭。选择为特佩尼炸毁核彈鎮,伯克将让特佩尼为独行者提供大厦内的套房。
  • 给我爆了他们的头: 克劳利先生想要有人杀死特佩尼。如果遇到这种情况,特佩尼会提出还价,雇佣独行者来杀死克劳利。
  • 特佩尼大厦: 独行者可以说服特佩尼允许尸鬼搬进来。在尸鬼被允许搬进来后,罗伊·菲利普斯和特佩尼会发生"分歧",而特佩尼会发生"意外"导致特佩尼的尸体被塞进储物柜。[7]
  • 狩猎奴隶: 特佩尼是王梅的前任所有者,在这个无标记的任务中被提及。[8]


  • 如果特佩尼被杀,古斯塔沃将接管特佩尼大厦。
  • 如果特佩尼被独行者一枪打死,那么鉚釘城的人民和守卫就会谈论他的死讯。[9]


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
特佩尼的西装 狙击步枪 阿利斯泰尔·特佩尼西装钥匙
FoS Allistair Tenpenny套装


  • 他是基础游戏中仅有的九个拥有"非常邪恶"业报的命名角色之一。
  • 如果事情真的发生,特佩尼不会承认伯克的死亡。




辐射3的一篇后记中,Emil Pagliarulo提到了阿利斯泰尔·特佩尼,因为他从英国前往首都废土以寻求他的财富。Pagliarulo表示,通过提及有关世界其他地区状况的小细节,像特佩尼这样的角色可以“充当催化剂”来激发玩家的想象力。[Non-game 2]



  1. Fallout 3 loading screen: "Tenpenny Tower is the brainchild of Allistair Tenpenny, a British refugee who came to the Capital Wasteland seeking his fortune."
  2. Fallout 3 loading screen: "Allistair Tenpenny now rarely leaves the comfort and safety of his penthouse suite. His is a madness reserved for the obscenely rich."
  3. Margaret Primrose: "New here? Pick any table, except that one in the corner. That's Mr. Tenpenny's table. Nobody sits there. Except him, of course."
    (Margaret Primrose's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me about Allistair Tenpenny."
    Margaret Primrose: "Every day it's the same thing. The man has no imagination with his meals. But it's his building, so everyday I make that damned "Iguana Bits sandwich, no salt, with a peeled pear on the side. Send it up to the penthouse."
    (Margaret Primrose's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "What are you shooting at out there?"
    Allistair Tenpenny: "Why, anything I want, dear boy/girl. Anything I want... Wasteland safari. Very relaxing."
    (Allistair Tenpenny's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "I've been wondering... why blow up Megaton?"
    Allistair Tenpenny: "I complained off hand one day about how I thought that heap of metal on the horizon was a bit of an eyesore. Mister Burke offered to take care of it. Burke is such an agreeable man, isn't he? I don't know how I got along without him. I practically don't have to think about things anymore. He takes care of everything. I seldom even have to ask. He's a real go-getter, that one. We need more men like him if we're to rebuild the world."
    (Allistair Tenpenny's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What happened to Mister Tenpenny?"
    Roy Phillips: "I'm afraid Tenpenny and I had little disagreement. Not to worry though. He soon had a little "accident." Problem solved."
    (Roy Phillips' dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Yes. I'm one of them. Have been for years. <lie>"
    Mei Wong: "No! Don't take me back! I would rather die than be a slave for that awful Allistair Tenpenny."
    (Mei Wong's dialogue)
  9. Rivet City guard: "You know Tenpenny Tower, right? Well, Allistair Tenpenny was killed."
    Rivet City guard: "I heard about that! He was shot in the head like he was some sort of zombie. They say that's how you kill a Ghoul too."
    (Rivet City guard's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.60: "Allistair Tenpenny
    An 80-year-old Englishman turned American entrepreneur, the man who discovered the tower saw it as an opportunity to provide residents with a standard of living enjoyed by the affluent in the days before the nuclear Armageddon. A rich eccentric who's bored with life and looking for new challenges, he enjoys sniping at Wasteland creatures, Ghouls, and the occasional visitor from his suite atop Tenpenny Tower."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Emil Pagliarulo: "Allistair Tenpenny came to the Capital Wasteland from Great Britain to seek his fortune, so that alone tells you that the U.K. was also hit in the war. And if he came to U.S. to succeed, that says a lot about how screwed up Europe must be. So we just allude, a little bit, to the state of the rest of the world. We like to leave a lot to the players' imaginations, and somebody like Tenpenny serves as a catalyst for those thoughts."
    (Fallout 3 Afterthoughts)