A weathered brown coat, covered in metal plates which are attached with belts- some repurposed waist belts, some cut into the coat itself.
Depending on the variant of the outfit, the armored coat provides between 39 and 93 Damage, and between 69 and 150 Energy Resistance. Regardless of variant, it provides 10 Radiation Resistance. The MK V variant has both the highest base Damage Resistance and highest base Energy Resistance of any outfit in the game.
Can be looted from Glory after her death or by pickpocketing.
If the player character sided with the Brotherhood of Steel or Institute for the ending, Railroad heavies will occasionally attack Brotherhood/Institute checkpoints, wearing leveled versions of the coat.
If the player character sided with the Railroad for the ending, Railroad heavies manning the checkpoints will occasionally die in their defense, eventually allowing every level of the coat to be collected.
The level of the coat (MK I-V) that the NPCs carry is dependent on your level.
Glory's coat will be Mk III if killed during a mission regardless of what level the player character is. Outside of a mission, the coat will be Mk I. However, if the coat is pickpocketed and Glory does not have any other clothes, it will respawn as Mk III.
Airship captain's hat ·Army helmet (dirty) ·Baseball cap ·Battered fedora (crumpled, dirty, worn, yellow) ·Blue battling helmet ·Bowler hat (Triggerman bowler) ·Coast Guard hat ·Combat armor helmet (Commando helmet) ·Faded visor ·Field scribe's hat ·Formal hat ·Grandpa Savoldi's hat ·Gray knit cap ·Green hood ·Green rag hat ·Hard hat (Mining helmet) ·Lieutenant's hat (Captain Ironsides' hat) ·Lorenzo's Crown ·MacCready's hat ·Mascot head ·Medical goggles ·Metal helmet ·Military cap ·Militia hat ·Minuteman hat ·Minutemen general's hat ·Newsboy cap ·Pompadour wig ·Postman hat (dirty) ·Press cap ·Sea captain's hat ·Silver Shroud hat ·Submariner hat ·Tinker headgear ·Trilby hat ·Ushanka hat ·Welding helmet ·Yellow slicker hat