
因此,今晚,在我们共进晚餐之际,让我们共同开创新的事业。强大的东西。 一些我们可以引以为豪的东西。我们可以以此为基础。 我们将保留以前最好的东西并加以利用。总有一天,我们会夺回失去的一切。 让我们打造鋼鐵兄弟會Formation of the Brotherhood of Steel

失落山丘分会(英文名:Lost Hills chapter),最初由罗杰·麦克森长老领导,是鋼鐵兄弟會的创始会,开始于2082年。[1]










Fo1 Losthills Entrance


11月的几周后,战争难民来到了这个地堡。一路上人们都在遭受伤亡,因为当士兵们被T-51 动力装甲保护时,他们的家人却没有装甲。袭击商队的劫掠者很快就学会了以无保护的平民为目标。尽管袭击者每夺走一条生命就要付出两条生命的代价,但仍有许多人失去了生命,其中包括罗杰·麦克森的妻子,而不是他那十几岁的儿子[Non-game 1][7]

几名士兵也在大逃亡中脱离了队伍,由丹尼斯·艾伦中士领导。[8]艾伦的派系无视麦克森上尉的警告,违抗组织的意志,从车队中分离出来,使用他们的动力装甲挖掘威斯科技研究设施的遗迹。他们从此杳无音信。[7]2151年左右,兄弟会派出骑士去寻找艾伦的组织或其遗骸。他们发现的都是荒凉的废墟。[Non-game 2][9]



语言是有力量的,莉兹。他们建立身份。如果你一直使用它们,它们就会有意义,即使它们一开始并不存在。是罗马灭亡后的骑士和文士保护了西方文明的残余。所以我们是新的骑士,我们的角色是相似的。但我们需要的不只是名字。我们需要新的传统,我们自己的,嗯,神话。人们可以完全相信的东西。罗杰·麦克森伊丽莎白·塔格蒂说, 关于兄弟会
Taggerdy card art





在阿帕拉契亚,兄弟会坚持为打击变种人而获取军需品的做法引起了争议,这引起了應變同盟的不满,尤其是在2082年12月的圣诞洪水之前。然而,他们最终找到了一种共同的语言,在2086年5月的Battle of Huntersville中站在一起。尽管兄弟会遭受了损失,但它取得了胜利。与此同时,罗杰·麦克森宣布了失落山丘的新任务: 为子孙后代收集、记录和保存人类的集体知识,作为文明重生的催化剂。[21]阿帕拉契亚的一些人对这项新政策反应热烈,另一些人则勉强接受,还有一些人,如Hank Madigan,离开了兄弟会,加入了應變同盟。

然而,当阿帕拉契亚兄弟会在紅莓沼澤遇到輻屍人辐尸兽时,新的任务很快就被搁置了。阿帕拉契亚兄弟会与麦克森在失落山丘的首席研究员Hailey Takano文士协商后,迅速计算出辐尸兽代表着人类潜在的灭绝事件。失落山丘提供了许多设计和武器设计图来帮助遏制这股潮流,包括一个声波发生器和一个自动化研究程序。塔格蒂请求麦克森允许她的团队使用核武器来对付辐尸兽,但被麦克森禁止了,因为他发现使用核武器的概念,即使是帮助对抗辐尸兽,在他们的世界被核武器摧毁后,在道德上太可恶了。

到20世纪90年代,由于旧世界通信基础设施的失败,失落山丘和阿帕拉契亚之间的通信不断下降。在被切断之前,麦克森命令塔格蒂控制局势,并禁止使用核武器。[22][15]最终,通讯完全中断,失落山丘和阿帕拉契亚分开了。阿帕拉契亚分会继续战斗,试图通过消耗来摧毁辐尸兽,但到了2093年,他们的人数减少到被迫关闭冒險營,他们的第一个基地,并将剩余的力量集中在反抗要塞雷霆山發電廠。應變同盟的支持不断减少,为了阻止辐尸兽和他们的主人的浪潮而不断的战斗造成了他们的损失,阻止了兄弟会完成由高野提供给他们的避難所科技大學的自动化研究项目。最终,兄弟会发起了Operation Touchdown。这最后的努力是在2095年1月发起的,以牺牲包括约莫雷诺骑士和塔格蒂圣骑士在内的整个打击部队为代价,短暂地遏制了这股浪潮。最终,阿帕拉契亚兄弟会于2095年8月18日至19日在反抗要塞和雷霆山的最后一战中被歼灭,标志着阿帕拉契亚兄弟会的终结。[15]


FO76SR Ramirez Rahmani

莱拉·拉玛尼圣骑士 (左边第二个),兄弟会第一远征军领袖

然而,在2103年,一小群援军从失落山丘赶来,他们要检查全国各地的科技中心,扩大兄弟会在东海岸的规模,并找出塔格蒂发生了什么。他们被称为兄弟会第一远征军,由莱拉·拉玛尼丹尼尔·信领导,并打算在阿帕拉契亚的阿特拉斯堡建立基地。这个团队还有一个名叫敖得萨·瓦尔迪兹的文士。虽然麦克森的动机是真诚的,他想知道他的朋友塔格蒂发生了什么事,但拉玛尼确信长老委员会有一个不可告人的动机: 为了消除她的影响和干涉,因为她经常争论他们的方式。

远征军在横穿全国的徒步旅行中发现了一个受到入侵者威胁的城镇。为了帮助他们,拉玛尼和信同意向村民提供武器来帮助他们防御。不幸的是,掠夺者偷走了枪支,杀死了镇上的居民。在袭击中,兄弟会失去了一名重要成员Alan Connors,并获得了两个失去父母的年轻难民兄弟姐妹MarciaMaximo Leone。这一事件引发了拉玛尼和信之间的分裂,信希望自己和拉玛尼一起接受长老会议的审判。

FO76 Atlas arrival


到达阿帕拉契亚后,他们沮丧地发现塔格蒂的兄弟会被辐尸兽消灭了,只有Vernon Dodge是唯一已知的幸存者。拉玛尼决定,为了在该地区建立兄弟会的存在,该组织需要与阿帕拉契亚的其他派系合作,特别是創建會的解决方案。信开始怀疑拉玛尼的选择,尤其是她想要推迟与失落山丘长老重建联系的愿望。拉玛尼和信处理了无数的冲突,包括Meg Groberg的掠夺者,与超级变种人的战斗,以及由一个被驱使的科学家策划的用FEV感染水循环的计划。

FO76SD Rahmani breaks the communicator




2135年,罗杰·麦克森死于癌症。对于兄弟会来说,他已经是一个传奇人物了,他基本上被奉为创始人拯救者。他的儿子,麦克森二世,取代他成为最高长老,而他的孙子,约翰·麦克森,加入了圣骑士等级制度,显示出巨大的潜力。[Non-game 3][7]大约在2141年,兄弟会停止从外部吸收新成员,仅仅依靠他们的自然增长来增加他们的人数。[23]

兄弟会当时是该地区的主要势力,牢牢控制着地堡周围的土地,并与邻近城镇建立贸易关系,尤其是中樞市。然而,对硬科学的关注让位于对人文学科,尤其是历史学科的损害。软科学的衰落最终导致了一些最年轻一代的初学者不知道罗杰·麦克森是谁。[24]在2150年,他们与新组建的毒蛇幫发生冲突。[Non-game 4]战斗在随后的几年里愈演愈烈,最终导致最高长老麦克森二世于2155年去世。约翰·麦克森的父亲原本以为当面对身穿动力装甲的兄弟会战士时,掠夺者会打破队形逃跑,但没有考虑到他们的宗教狂暴。当他摘下头盔时,一支毒箭射中了他,几小时后他就死了。[Non-game 5]约翰·麦克森被提升为长老议会成员,而倫巴斯则被指派进行一场消灭毒蛇帮的战役。圣骑士们在一个月内追踪并消灭了几乎所有的成员。少数毒蛇帮得以逃向北部和东部的山脉; 虽然小团体继续存在并在新加州进行袭击,但他们从未恢复全部力量。倫巴斯和约翰·麦克森最终都晋升为领袖,约翰·麦克森在2159年成为最高长老,并将倫巴斯提升为圣骑士长。[Non-game 4]

在战役期间,兄弟会派遣了一些侦察兵和使者到中樞市追踪毒蛇帮成员,从这些开始,中樞市和兄弟会开始了全面的贸易关系。以前也有商队向兄弟会运送物资,但在摧毁毒蛇帮后不久,商队列车就定期从中樞市直接开往兄弟会。[Non-game 4]虽然局势保持和平与繁荣,但中樞市和兄弟会之间的问题不时出现。在21世纪50年代后期,中樞市的纯水商人试图用大量的水来交换武器储备。尽管兄弟会拒绝了这一提议,但商人们还是不顾一切地试图拿走武器。小偷被抓住了,但是兄弟会的长老们投票否决了一次报复性的远征。[25]


FO01 NPC Vree G


2161年,兄弟会发现了一个新的敌人。十月,一群骑士在废土巡逻时发现了一个死亡的超級變種人。在检查了这个生物后,文士长弗蕾确定它是无菌的,但也指出一定有一个中心地点创造了这些變種人。[Non-game 6][26]由于担心潜在的入侵,长老委员会颁布了几项安全法令,包括在威胁过去之前暂停训练新兵。[27]







同一被摧毁后,兄弟会协助其他人类定居点驱逐变种人,使冲突双方的生命损失降到最低。兄弟会在一段时间内一直处于权力结构之外,通过缓慢地将先进科技重新引入新加州,成为一个主要的研究和开发机构。倫巴斯的英明指导无疑将兄弟会带到了其权力的顶峰。[33]兄弟会与发展中的新加州共和国关系良好,以至于联邦中有一个州以兄弟会创始人的名字命名: 麦克森。然而,失落山丘从未被纳入NCR。[Non-game 7]






  1. Fallout 76 establishes that the foundation of the Brotherhood took place several years after the Great War.
  2. Power management and mainframe terminal: "Base Information"
    "West Tech Research Facility: Founded in 2002 as a private contractor for the United States government, the company initially consisted of two divisions--the Advanced Weapons Research and the Biomedical Sciences divisions."
    "In 2069, West Tech was the single largest contractor for the United States government; its largest contract being Powered Infantry Armor Model T-51b."
    "In light of significant advances in 2076 by the NBC on the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, the United States Defense Department, in fear of international espionage, moved a team onto the site to secure and oversee the project, now dubbed the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) project."
  3. Power management and mainframe terminal: "FEV (Force Evolutionary Virus). Status: Pending"
    "FEV Summary Digest: 2073. As China became increasingly aggressive with their use of biological weapons, the United States government felt that a countermeasure was needed. The Pan-Immunity Virion Project (PVP) was officially formed September 15, 2073."
    "2075. It became clear that the best way to combat the newly created biological weapons was to alter uninfected DNA so that it was no longer susceptible to standard viral infection."
    "2076. Unforseen side effects began surfacing in early 2076 with the PVP. Animal test subjects began showing an abnormal growth rate accompanied by increased brain activity."
    "The U.S. government took notice of these discoveries, and in the interests of national security, moved a team on-site to secure and oversee the project, which was now dubbed the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) project."
    "2077. FEV nears completion. Test on lab animals are at a near 100% success rate. Size and muscle density increase approximately 60%, and the protential intelligence increase by 200%."
    "Effects upon human subjects remain unknown; although they are theoretically promising."
    "The military, wishing to continue further testing, builds a large facility at the Mariposa military installation in central California. At this new facility, testing of the FEV virus continues on volunteer subjects from the military."
  4. FEV experiment disk: "Log Date January 7, 2077
    Major Barnett has ordered transfer of all FEV research to the Mariposa Military Base. He plans to continue the project experiments on volunteer subjects. I am against this, and would like it noted here that research on human subjects is not recommended by myself or my staff."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Captain Maxson's diary
  6. Maxson log
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Sophia's tape
  8. Chris Avellone placed Allen's rebellion in 2134 for the Fallout Bible, which would have made him at least an octogenarian when he split off. He appears to have missed two elements: Cabbot's explanation that the group split off during the Exodus and the fact that the disk references United States Army ranks and the United States Armed Forces, instead of the Brotherhood of Steel. Furthermore, Avellone mentioned elders in the timeline, who did not exist in any capacity in 2077. Sophia's tape makes it clear that Allen defied Captain Maxson, not the elders.
  9. The Vault Dweller: "Ancient"/"Order"
    Cabbot: "Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened."
    The Vault Dweller: "Exodus"
    Cabbot: "The ancient Brotherhood came from some place far up north a long, long time ago. We call this the great Exodus. You can read about it more if you ask Vree in the library."
    (Cabbot's dialogue)
  10. Official Fallout Twitter: "November 2077, a month after the Great War, army Captain Roger Maxson arrived with survivors at the Californian bunker of Lost Hills. There he formed the Brotherhood of Steel, who used a functioning satellite to extend their reach across America… all the way to Appalachia."
  11. Radio log: Aug 29 2077
  12. Taggerdy's journal: NOV 04 2077
  13. Formation of the Brotherhood of Steel
  14. About the Brotherhood
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 See Brotherhood of Steel (Fallout 76) for references.
  16. Camp Venture terminal entries; commander's terminal, JAN-03-81: E Fisher
    Note: This entry establishes that Taggerdy is still referred to as a lieutenant, indicating the switchover did not yet take place.
  17. Squire Asher's journal
  18. A Vault Dweller: "Where are you from?"
    Paladin Rahmani: "I'm originally from the California branch of the Brotherhood of Steel. I was dispatched near Marisposa游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 before the bombs fell. I learned that some members of the US military had created an organization to help people. I was also a member of the US military, joining up with the Brotherhood was a natural transition for me."
    (Leila Rahmani's dialogue)
  19. A Vault Dweller: "Where are you from?"
    Scribe Valdez: "California, though truth be told I've spent most of my life in one bunker or another."
    (Odessa Valdez's dialogue)
  20. Fort Atlas terminal entries; Scribe Valdez's terminal, KNIGHT Shin, Daniel
  21. Preservation of technology
  22. The nuclear option (holotape)
  23. 23.0 23.1 John Maxson: "Hello, youngster. Cabbot said you wanted to talk. Look I'm uh . . . I'm pretty stacked up right now, so I'll uh . . . I'll help you out as long as you don't start flappin' your gums too much. You know, outsiders are like that, always jawin' . . . Hehehe. Kinda like me, huh?"
    The Vault Dweller: "Outsiders? What do you mean by that?"
    John Maxson: "An Initiate not born here. You're the first Outsider we've let join in a long, long time. Well, near on twenty years now."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  24. The Vault Dweller: "You don't consider the Brotherhood's weaponry to be important?"
    Sophia: "Vree seems to think that the research of new weaponry and the information gathered from Mutant autopsies is more important than our history. She has forgotten that our history is a vital part of our lives. It has gotten so bad that many of the new initiates don't even know who Roger Maxson is or what exactly he did for us."
    (Sophia's dialogue)
  25. The Vault Dweller: "Merchants"
    John Maxson: "You want to hear about the Water Merchants. Hehehe, well you can't trust them. A few years ago, they offered us Water for a huge stockpile of weapons. We told them no, and you know what they did? Sent in thieves to steal the weapons! We caught 'em, but the Elders voted down going to the Hub to teach the merchants a lesson."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  26. Vree's autopsy report: "This is truly amazing. Some of the Knights on a patrolling expedition came across an unusual creature."
  27. The Vault Dweller: "Okay, can you teach me some stuff?"
    Rhombus: "Stuff? I could teach you how to fight...if you had any ability. But the High Elder decreed no training of new recruits until the threat of invasion passes."
    (Rhombus' dialogue)
  28. The Vault Dweller: "Do you have any clues as to what's behind the disappearance of the caravans?"
    John Maxson: "When we heard about the missing caravans, we sent out a few scouts east and the north. The ones who went north never returned. One came back from the east. He talked about a score of strange beings, all muscle with burnin' eyes. The Elder's aren't doin' squat, but I'm getting ready just the same."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  29. [需要澄清]The Vault Dweller: ""
    John Maxson: "I got a gut feeling there's a small force in the east and a much bigger one in the north. The Elders are collecting dust because none of the scouts returned from the north. I can't do anything but watch."
    "Well the Merchants from the Hub told us a bunch of caravans disappeared on their way up north. I think there's an army in the mountains, but the Elders, well, they don't want to act until they're sure."
    (John Maxson's dialogue)
  30. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "I returned to the Hub, looking for clues. Some time was spent there, and I discovered a shady underworld amongst the hustle and bustle of that large city. They thought they could manipulate me, but I proved them wrong and used the crooks instead. I did rescue a young man who belonged to the Brotherhood of Steel. A few trouble-makers tried to stop me, but I learned much about survival since leaving the Vault."
  31. 31.0 31.1 Vault Dweller's memoirs: "It was in my best interest to leave town for a while. I journeyed to this Brotherhood. Thinking they would have the knowledge I sought, I tried to join them. They required me to go on a quest before they would let me in. Thinking it would be a short and easy quest, I agreed and set off for the place they called the Glow. The horror of atomic war was never so obvious to me until then. The Brotherhood was surprised to see me, and even more surprised to see that I had not only survived their quest, but succeeded. They gave me the information I required and some of their technology, and I set off in search of the Boneyard."
  32. Vault Dweller's memoirs: "I had to find these Vats, and put them out of action as well, lest another take the Master's place and continue to build the mutant army. Fortunately, my friends at the Brotherhood had a few clues, and helped me reach my goal. Invading the Vats, I came across more mutants and robots. None could stand in my way. I had a mission. I had a goal. I had a really large gun. It was here that Dogmeat fell, a victim of a powerful energy forcefield. I miss that dog. I destroyed the Vats that day, and with it, the mutant army. The last I heard, they splintered and disappeared into the desert."
  33. Fallout endings: "The Brotherhood of Steel helps the other human outposts drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life, on both sides of the conflict. The advanced technology of the Brotherhood is slowly reintroduced into New California, with little disruption or chaos. The Brotherhood wisely remains out of the power structure, and becomes a major research and development house."
    Note: As Rhombus' survival is a prerequisite (otherwise the BoS turns into the Steel Plague), he is its leader in this time.
  34. The Chosen One: "Okay - and what is it that you do?"
    Matthew: "At one time we were the sole bastions of technology left on the planet. We set ourselves up as what could best be called 'technology police.' We hoarded the old knowledge and only doled it out in small parcels. Of course, it was only to those who we felt deserved it and had the wisdom to properly use it."
    (Matthew's dialogue)
  35. The Chosen One: "Before we go any further, why tell me all this now?"
    Matthew: "(sigh) The Enclave has developed vertibird technology, flying machines that allow them to move deeply into surrounding territories. Without similar technology to counter this threat, the Brotherhood would be unable to stop an invasion launched by the Enclave. We need to have vertibird technology, or a viable counter to it, for ourselves."
    "Now, recently the Enclave established a base north of here called Navarro. It's used as a stopover point for the maintenance and refueling of vertibirds. It's my belief that such a base may have complete technical plans of the vertibirds. All I need is for someone to infiltrate the base, steal the plans, and bring them here to me."
    The Chosen One: "Let me guess. You want me to infiltrate this base for you."
    Matthew: "Let me be frank with you, the Brotherhood of Steel is not the power that we once were. We believed ourselves to be the sole source of technology left to mankind. Secure in this belief we have let our order decline over the years. Now we don't have the resources at our disposal to deal with the Enclave. We need your help."
    (Matthew's dialogue)
  36. The Chosen One: "You said 'at one time.' What about now?"
    Matthew: "Several months ago we came across a group known as the Enclave. Much to our surprise their level of technology surpassed even our own. We found this quite disturbing and considered contacting them. However, we decided on a more cautious course of action until we could determine exactly who the Enclave was, and the underlying purpose of their organization."
    "To this end, we have reactivated small outposts near areas of Enclave activity from which we can safely observe them. Currently, we have activated such outposts in the Den, the NCR, and here in San Francisco."
    The Chosen One: "Sounds interesting. What have you learned?"
    Matthew: "We have found that the Enclave deals heavily in drugs, weapons, and slaves. However, these are simply trivial pursuits leading up to some higher purpose, which we have failed to uncover. We are still watching them."
    (Matthew's dialogue)
  37. The Chosen One: "Why is it that nobody around here mentions you?"
    Matthew: "We've had this base for years. By maintaining it at a low level with minimal staffing, never drawing attention to ourselves, we've achieved anonymity. We leave the Shi alone, and they leave us alone."
    (Matthew's dialogue)
  38. The Lone Wanderer: "So what's your long-term plan for dealing with the Brotherhood?"
    Henry Casdin: "The Brotherhood came out here to recover technology from the eastern cities and bases. If Lyons won't do it, then we will. And when we resume contact with the Western Elders, Lyons is going to be put in his place. Even if that place is in front of a firing squad."
    (Henry Casdin's dialogue)
  39. The Lone Wanderer: "What kind of changes?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "We were dispatched with a specific mission. We were sent to locate and secure any technology remaining from before the war. Like our robotic monstrosity. That was our greatest find. Damn thing still doesn't work, but at least it's ours. But those damned Super Mutants... They changed things. Lyons changed. He decided they were a threat. Not just to us, but to everyone. And so he altered the mission. Finding the source of the mutants and putting a stop to them was his goal. Our original mission became an afterthought. We've failed both."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 Nov Captain Maxson, his men, and their families, arrive at the Lost Hills bunker a few weeks later, suffering many casualties along the way, including Maxson's wife (but not his teenage son). The Lost Hills bunker becomes the HQ of the Brotherhood of Steel the Vault Dweller finds in Fallout 1."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2134 A faction within the Brotherhood of Steel led by Sergeant Dennis Allen gains strength, and they urge the Elders to let them explore the southeast Glow for artifacts. The Elders refuse, so Allen and his divisionist group splits away from the Brotherhood of Steel, taking some technology and weapons with them."
    "2134 Led by Sergeant Dennis Allen, a small team of the Brotherhood of Steel head to the West Tek research facility in search of technological artifacts. They arrive there twenty days later, and are promptly chewed apart by the West Tek's unforgiving automated defense systems. Wounded, Allen begins to suffer radiation poisoning from a leak in his suit. Before he dies, he logs what happened to the expedition into a holodisk then goes to join the Brotherhood in the sky."
    Note: While the date 2134 is given in the timeline, Cabbot explicitly names the date as 2077.
    Note: The first name is given only in the Fallout Bible 0 timeline. In the game itself, he is only referred to as "D. Allen".
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2135 Elder Roger Maxson dies of cancer, and his son, already an accomplished soldier, takes up the role of 'General' (Elder) within the Brotherhood of Steel. John Maxson becomes a member of the Paladins, showing tremendous promise as a soldier."
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Fallout Bible 6: "Defeat at the Hub in 2125: Their failed attempt to raid the Hub during the Hub's formative years, stopped almost solely by Angus, the founder of the Hub. Angus' defense caused the Vipers to retreat north, and they roamed the wastes for many, many years, occasionally attacking caravans and small settlements. Around the early 2150s, however, the Vipers had grown to their former strength from captured slaves and caravan drivers and had begun to establish a power base in the badlands to the North of the Hub (and south of the Lost Hills Bunker). Driven by a religious frenzy (and the need to provide for their much larger numbers of soldiers and disciples), they began raiding more frequently than before, attracting the attention of the Brotherhood of Steel. The Brotherhood sent out a few squads of scouts to track the raiders down - it was more of a training exercise conducted by John Maxson's father, as the Brotherhood was convinced that small detachment of troops in Power Armor would be sufficient to deal with a group of raiders, no matter how large.
    Near Extermination by the Brotherhood of Steel in 2155: One Brotherhood squad found the Vipers, and during the firefight, John Maxson's father (who was leading the squad) was killed with a poisoned arrow. The response from the Brotherhood was immediate. The Paladins, now led by Rhombus, began a full scale campaign against the Vipers, tracking them down and wiping out almost all of their members within the span of a month. A handful of Vipers were able to flee north and east into the mountain range, but they were never heard from again.
    During the campaign, the Brotherhood sent a few scouts and emissaries to the Hub to track down Vipers members, and from these beginnings, the Hub and the Brotherhood began full trade relations (caravans had delivered to the Brotherhood before, but not long after the destruction of the Vipers, caravan trains ran directly from the Hub to the Brotherhood on a regular basis). So some good did come out of the Vipers' presence in the wastes, for what it's worth."
  5. Fallout Bible 0: "2155 John Maxson's father dies in a raid by the Vipers. Expecting the raiders to break and run, Maxson doesn't take into account the religious ferocity of the Vipers (or their poisoned weapons), and when a single arrow nicks him with his helmet off, he dies within hours. John Maxson takes up the role of Elder, and Rhombus becomes the new head of the Paladins."
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2161 October A Brotherhood of Steel patrol comes across a dead super mutant in the badlands. They take the corpse back to the Scribes, and Head Scribe Vree begins her examinations of the super mutant."
  7. Fallout Bible 6: "2. How was the Brotherhood of Steel involved with NCR after the destruction of the Enclave?
    Unknown. Presumably, they'd already established some level of co-existence with NCR even before the events of F1, judging by one of the states of NCR being dubbed 'Maxson' (more on that in a future update except to say that the Lost Hills Bunker was NOT turned into a town in NCR) and considering their pre-existing ties to the Hub, which became a state by the time of F2. I've always imagined that NCR and BOS have maintained an uneasy truce, with barter and (some) technology sharing between the two groups."