關於與鋼鐵兄弟會相關的圖像,參見Brotherhood of Steel iconography
關於非正統東部鋼鐵兄弟會等級制度的詳細信息,參見Brotherhood of Steel hierarchy (Midwest)



兄弟會的成員分為不同的等級,每個等級都有自己的職能。 階級本身和等級的實際組織在一定程度上有所不同,通常因地理區域而異。 大多數都遵循原來的排名制度。束縛之鏈學說傳統上旨在確保兄弟會成員之間的服從和一致性,最大限度地提高兄弟會作為戰爭機器的效率。

所有成員都受制於相同的法律體系,至少在理論上是這樣。 即使是長老也可能因違反兄弟會章程或法律而被解職,例如無故破壞技術設備、違反束縛之鏈或謀殺其他成員。由於要求長老以身作則,如果允許長老保留職位會損害分部的士氣或完整性,他們也可能被剝奪職位。[1] 在實踐中,法律是有選擇性的,例如; 最高長老約翰·麥克森可以直接向放逐者下達命令,而不會產生任何後果。[2] 由於分部對大部分教義一無所知,諾蘭·麥克納馬拉長老違反束縛之鏈也沒有引起注意。[3]





早年實施了臨時等級制度,旨在強調和加強約翰·麥克森提出的意識形態。麥克森的目標有兩個:首先,它會剝奪兄弟會成員與戰前軍隊和政府的聯繫,確保倖存的將軍或政客無法援引他們的誓言並命令他們這樣做,例如,再次對世界造成核破壞 (就像Col. Ellen SantiagoSec. Thomas Eckhart阿帕拉契亞的情況一樣)。其次,它將為兄弟會成員提供一個鼓舞人心的新系統,讓他們相信並為之獻身,填補他們所知道的文明毀滅留下的空白。靈感來自西羅馬帝國的衰落,當時騎士和學士在帝國崩潰後維持秩序並保存知識。[4] 到 2082年6月 20日,他手下的所有成員都轉而使用兄弟會的等級和做法,無論是在新加州還是阿帕拉契亞州。[5][6]


這種早期模式的獨特之處之一是扈從軍銜,無論年齡大小,都授予新兵。 總體而言,對新系統的反應大多是積極的,[7]儘管該組織內部存在一些保留意見,尤其是在陸軍遊騎兵等精英部隊的退伍軍人中[8]。對一些人來說,使用「扈從」一詞對成年男女進行排名——傳統上指的是不超過兒童的年輕貴族——被排名成員認為是一種侮辱。 高級騎士泰德威爾遜說服麥克森改變它,儘管在阿帕拉契亞與西部切斷時大多沒有引入修改。[9]


  1. 新兵是兄弟會中最年輕和/或經驗最少的成員,其唯一目的是訓練和學習成為騎士或學士的有價值成員。儘管預計要到晚年才會做出選擇,但新兵可以選擇在早期學習成為騎士或學士,並被稱為新兵學士或騎士。[10] 新兵首先被提升為高級新兵,然後是他們所選擇勛位的學徒,即上述騎士或學士。 選擇不是一成不變的,會員可以在完成學徒期並獲得晉升資格之前在勛位之間轉移。[11] 完成訓練後,學徒將晉升為熟練騎士或學士。[12]
  2. 學士是科學家,負責研究和逆向工程回收技術,維護兄弟會的科學知識,甚至試驗新科技(儘管兄弟會專注於保存意味著這種情況很少見)。[13][14][15] 學士很少離開安全的地堡,但他們有時會被召集到現場檢查一項技術或執行超出兄弟會士兵技能的任務。由於他們的固定職責,學士通常在醫療機構工作,負責兄弟會成員的重症監護和長期護理。騎士是兄弟會的工匠和步兵。他們維護兄弟會的技術儲備,在需要的地方修理和提供技術服務,並生產新武器來補充庫存和提供貿易商品。 騎士還執行巡邏、偵察任務,並在進攻行動中支援聖騎士。當遠征中可用的聖武士太少時,騎士也可能承擔戰鬥角色。 那些專注於戰鬥訓練的人可能有資格成為聖騎士。[16][17][18][19][20][21][22]
  3. 聖騎士是兄弟會的主要戰鬥力量,負責所有安全和外部活動。他們配備了兄弟會提供的最好的軍事技術,是廢土上最可怕的戰士之一。[16][23] 聖騎士的等級通過提升傑出的騎士而得到充實,[19]以任何其他方式成為聖騎士是非常不可能的。[24] 雖然動力裝甲在兄弟會存在的第一世紀主要保留給聖騎士使用,[25]但也存在例外情況,允許騎士和在極端情況下甚至新兵使用動力裝甲(通常是較舊的型號,例如T-45)。[26]
  4. 長老是兄弟會的最高級別成員、領導人和決策者,決定從膳食到競選過程的所有事情。[27] 通常,只有聖騎士才有資格成為長老,但其他分支的非凡成員可以例外。[28] 不管他們的服務部門如何,長老都由其成員選舉進入議會,其首領最高長老也由議會選舉產生。[29] 候選人可以拒絕這個提議。[30] 在最初的四位最高長老中,有三位屬於麥克森家族,但議會沒有要求向麥克森家族的成員提出這個職位。[31][32]

里昂斯模式被引入到被稱為大本營的D.C.地堡中,以應對首都廢土遇到的挑戰,並再次向當地招募開放隊伍。里昂斯的代表定期在首都廢土進行招募活動,[33]贊助志願者進入兄弟會行列。[34] 2276流放者的組建迫使里昂斯暫停了贊助計劃並接受新兵,導致大量缺乏技能但過於熱心的士兵湧入隊伍。[35]

  1. 扈從是出生於鋼鐵兄弟會的孩子,他們以扈從的身份開始接受訓練和灌輸。在里昂斯的指揮下,大本營里唯一的扈從是年輕的亞瑟·麥克森[36]
  2. 新兵是兄弟會中最年輕/或經驗最少的成員。儘管他們通常的目的是訓練和學習成為騎士或學士的重要成員,[12]但人力短缺迫使里昂斯將他們部署在戰鬥角色中——可預見的後果是災難性的。[35]
  3. 學士是科學家,負責研究和逆向工程恢復技術,維護兄弟會的科學知識,甚至試驗新科技(儘管兄弟會專注於保存意味著這種情況相當罕見)。[16][14][15] 兄弟會內有三種學士勛位,專注於不同類型的技術:劍(進攻)、盾(防禦)和羽毛筆(平民)。[37][13] 與失落山丘模式的一個主要區別是,學士還負責兄弟會的製造和工程活動,這一職能最初是為騎士擔任的。[38]
  4. 騎士聖騎士負責安全、後勤和作戰行動,形成一個單一的、連續的等級制度,這反映了里昂斯宣稱積極主動的重點。[39] 雖然在兄弟會存在的第一世紀,動力裝甲主要是為聖騎士使用的,[25]但在里昂斯的騎士中使用動力裝甲是常態,而非例外。然而,在失落山丘下,新兵只在某些特殊情況下使用動力裝甲。[40][41]
  5. 長老是分會團的最高級別成、的領導者和決策者,決定著從膳食到競選過程的一切。[27] 歐文·里昂斯長老(當時的星光聖騎士)在戰場上被提升為長老,並擔任了二十多年的長老,直到他於2278年左右去世。他的女兒莎拉·里昂鐵衛在他之後被提升為長老。



與西方分部形成鮮明對比的是,兄弟會積極招募廢土人。亞瑟·麥克森長老繼續里昂斯的做法,包含並擴大了資助。 所有成年新兵都必須由現有的兄弟會成員(通常是聖騎士)資助,會和他們一起旅行,教他們兄弟會的理想並訓練他們進行戰鬥。[42] 為此,現役成員可以提拔新兵在實地授予軍銜,但軍銜和後續晉升必須儘早得到長老的確認。[43] 然而,雖然成員可以撤回他們的資助,[44]但一旦長老確認了級別,只有長老才能將資助方從組織中解除。[45]出生於兄弟會的人獲得扈從軍銜,成為新兵後將加入其中一項服務,就像那些被資助和招募的人一樣。[36]


  • 地面戰鬥路徑從新兵的等級開始,然後成為志士者。在完成他們的訓練(或啟蒙)後,候選者將成為一名完全的騎士,並有權穿上動力盔甲。[46] 然後騎士繼續他們的工作和訓練以獲得騎士指揮等級,然後成為一名聖騎士。騎士是東方分部地面部隊的主體,是他們軍隊的中堅力量。聖騎士是老兵,代表了兄弟會可以使用的最熟練的地面士兵。他們也有望成為誠信的象徵,並為其他部隊樹立榜樣。[47] 聖騎士通常被部署為戰場指揮官或負責戰場特種作戰,例如偵察或精密技術回收。[48] 兄弟會東區還保留著一個特殊的軍銜:鐵衛。這是授予東海岸兄弟會最傑出和經驗豐富的士兵的罕見而顯赫的軍銜。 擁有此職級的人,不需要命令,通常自行決定行動,直接向長老復命。該軍銜很少被授予;到2287年10月,兄弟會已經很多年沒有鐵衛了。[49]
  • 空戰路線是兄弟會等級體系的最新成員。它的成員被授予槍騎兵軍銜,負責駕駛普利德溫號和兄弟會的垂直飛行機艦隊。軍銜結構與地面作戰路線騎士相似,但最高軍銜為槍騎兵長。數名槍騎兵長駐紮在聯邦,可以在普利德溫號或駕駛垂直飛行機上找到,但他們向槍騎兵長凱爾斯報告,凱爾斯是 普利德溫亞瑟·麥克森長老的二把手兼普利德溫號 船長。[50][51]
  • 研究和工程路徑由那些追求學士路線的人組成。 學士分為三個不同的教團:劍教團、盾牌教團和羽毛筆教團,負責武器的研究和維護、護甲的研究和維護以及分別保存歷史、記錄和非戰鬥技術。每個教團都由一名督學領導,他與學士長和長老就某些問題進行協商。[37] 與西部分會或里昂斯不同,東部分會還指派學士實地行動。 戰地學士接受過基本的戰鬥訓練,以提高他們的技能,並使他們成為戰地中任何兄弟會單位的強大資產。[52]

兄弟會的所有成員都適任長老。 長老要麼由分會投票選出,要麼由失落山丘的長老議會提拔。[53] 截至2287年,鋼鐵兄弟會東海岸分會的長老是亞瑟·麥克森,他是兄弟會創始人羅傑·麥克森最後一位已知的後裔。



最高長老是整個鋼鐵兄弟會和其他長老的領袖。 最高長老也可能被稱為將軍,作為榮譽稱號。[54][55][56]



長老們組成了兄弟會的執政委員會。 個別長老偶爾是兄弟會當地分會的領導人。[Non-game 1] 在正常情況下,成為長老的能力是為聖騎士保留的,儘管也有例外,例如曾經是學士的伊利亞長老[28]


鐵衛是東岸分會使用的一個軍銜,排在星光聖騎士與老之間。鐵衛不需要特定的命令,通常自行決定行動,長老只發布長期的、高級別的命令。鐵衛由分會長老直接任命,作為他們意志的延伸。 沒有要求必須指定一名鐵衛,所以許多分部可以多年沒有鐵衛。[58]


聖騎士首先必須是領導者,其次才是一個人。— 騎士Daniel Shin


聖騎士的主要指揮官,負責監督他們的行動並訓練他們。[59] 聖騎士長可以根據他們的能力自行決定將兄弟會的其他成員加入聖騎士。[60]

  • 約翰·麥克森在 2155 年接受最高長老職位之前是失落山丘的聖騎士長。他被倫巴斯取代。
  • 直到 2276 年,諾蘭·麥克納馬拉一直是莫哈韋戰團的首席聖騎士。在災難性的朝陽行動之後,他成為了長老,埃德加·哈丁被任命為首席聖騎士。諾蘭·麥克納馬拉 在 2276 年之前,他一直是莫哈韋分會的聖騎士長。在災難性的旭日行動之後,他成為了長老,埃德加·哈丁被任命為聖騎士長。


高級聖騎士是有希望成聖騎士士長的聖騎士。 他們在其他聖騎士和騎士中很受尊敬,可以極大地提高士兵的士氣。

  • 高級聖騎士塔琉斯,失落山丘, 2161
  • 高級聖騎士拉莫斯,莫哈韋,2281
  • 埃德加·哈丁在伊亞長老統治期間是一名高級聖騎士。[61]



  • 輻射3中,只有里昂斯長老任命的星光聖騎士克羅絲。 里昂斯本人在晉升為長老之前是一名星光聖騎士。[62]
  • 可以看到輻射4,星光聖騎士守衛著自由至尊的建築平台,如果獨存者完成戰無不勝,可以在聯邦南部地區的檢查站現場看見他們。 星光聖騎士等級與玩家角色同步。


聖騎士指揮官是東部分會的單元領導者,在兄弟會的隊伍中備受尊敬。他們在戰場上很少見,經常和兄弟會的其他指揮官一起謀劃,但當他們出現時,他們是一支不可忽視的力量,經常被發現擁有強大的能量武器,領導著龐大的部隊。 他們的排名僅在星光聖騎士、鐵衛和長老之下。


聖騎士是鋼鐵兄弟會的一類成員。它們被比作兄弟會的學士,因為它們處於同一級別,但目標不同。他們是兄弟會的保護者,他們裝備著動力裝甲和一系列致命武器,在廢土上為兄弟會的利益而戰鬥和保護。[Non-game 2]



騎士的指揮官,掌管他們所有的行動。 兄弟會允許組合職位,一個人可以同時成為騎士長和聖騎士長。[64]







  • 輻射3中,騎士中士威爾克斯是唯一的騎士中士。
  • 輻射4中,除了負責波士頓機場補給站的騎士中士加維爾,以及唯一提到的角色騎士中士道斯外,騎士中士很多,但沒有透露姓名。





騎士負責製造和修理武器和其他技術。 經過多年的服役和經驗,最優秀的騎士被提升為聖騎士,兄弟會軍隊的頂峰。[Non-game 3] 下一個等級是高級騎士,最後,秩序的領導者是騎士長。在東岸分會中,「騎士」是一個嚴格的軍銜,學士是負責製造技術的人。

  • 騎士以某種形式出現在每一款遊戲中。
  • 輻射中,安東尼保羅在他們的ID下被描述為熟練的騎士。
  • 輻射3斷鋼擴展包中,獨行者在完成任務奪回!後變成了一名騎士,雖然騎士通常需要先作為新兵進行訓練,但似乎可以由長老自行決定跳過,因為里昂斯長老直接任命獨行者為騎士。 里昂斯甚至表示,他將在獨行者的案例中「規避我們的標準招聘程序」。



志士軍銜是由兄弟會東岸分會在2277年至2287年之間的某個時間創建的,表示一個新兵在上級軍官(例如聖騎士或騎士指揮官)的指導下接受訓練,以晉升為正式 ——成熟的騎士。



在兄弟會高級成員領導的清掃任務中,扈從偶爾會被帶走作為觀察員。 凱爾斯槍騎隊長在輻射任務以身作則中賦予獨存者這樣的責任。陪伴玩家角色的扈從不參與戰鬥,只是觀察和學習戰鬥技巧。




新兵是鋼鐵兄弟會等級系統中最低的等級之一。 等級的準確定義似乎因地區分會而異。

西岸分部用這個詞來表示一個剛剛加入兄弟會的實習生,而其他兩個部門保留這個頭銜,直到新兵完成初步培訓。最合理的解釋在於西岸分會明顯比其他分區更加孤立; 其新招募的人員大部分是現有成員的後代,很少有外部人員被接納進入該組織。 相比之下,情況迫使其他兩個分會積極從當地人口中招募。


在西岸分部,入會者是剛被兄弟會接納為學徒的基本級別。完成初步培訓後,同修會晉升為學徒,例如沃特金斯學徒。 處於選擇職業道路階段的學徒將變得熟練,但必須選擇他們希望接受的培訓方向; 無論是學士還是騎士。[66]

如果他們的任務值得,他們甚至可能會獲得動力裝甲,就像在失落山丘地堡的卡波特,或里昂斯的傲的倒霉的新兵雷丁一樣。 然而,這些都是罕見的情況。然而,這些都是罕見的情況。在某些分會中,例如在亞瑟·麥克森的東岸分會或莫哈韋分會中,從未見過新兵穿著動力裝甲,而是穿著兄弟會工作服偵察裝甲



知識就是力量。— 學士, 2161

學士的任務是創建和保存記錄,記錄了兄弟會回收的科技,以及用於試驗新武器和其他有用的設備,供騎士聖騎士在戰場上使用。學士很少離開波士頓地堡的安全地帶,但他們有時會被召集到現場檢查一項技術或執行超出兄弟會士兵技能的任務。[Non-game 4]兄弟會中許多學士的態度可謂以科技為中心。雖然有大量研究歷史和文化,但大多數學士將研究重點放在與獲取、修復或創造科技相關的主題上。[67][68]共有三個主要的學士教團:每個教團都由一名由學士長指定的督學領導。[69][70]

  • 劍之教團 負責武器研發。 槍枝,彈藥任何具有攻擊性的東西。[69]
  • 盾之教團 負責防禦研究。能量護甲,防禦建築,任何旨在保護的東西。[69]
  • 羽毛之教團 保存古人的書本知識,尋找各種書籍和全息磁帶。[69]


學士長是鋼鐵兄弟會中級別最高的平民階級。學士長負責選擇哪些學士在哪個項目上工作以及應將哪些學士分配給每個教團。學士長還要指定每個教團的督學,並且還必須監督每個教團正在進行的項目。學士長是一個非常聰明的人,他掌握了劍、盾和羽毛筆教團,也可能承擔自己感興趣的項目,就像學士長羅斯柴爾德自由至尊項目中所做的那樣。學士長是必須參加最高長老、長老議會、將軍、聖騎士長和騎士長會議的人之一。 學士長只向大長老和長老議會報告。


督學監督和批准他們教團中的學士正在進行的每個項目,並將適當的學士分配給正確的項目。每位督學必須就每個項目向學士長報告,後者將他們分配給各自的教團,並獲得批准以推進新項目。 他們經常在自己的項目上工作,這些項目通常會很快完成,因為督學可以對它們進行優先排序並為它們分配高級學士。

2277年,首都廢土地區共有三名督學。 皮博迪,劍之教團,伊莉莎白·詹姆遜,羽毛之教團,以及鮑迪奇,盾之教團。

輻射3中,督學實際上並不是軍銜,而是某些學士所扮演的角色。 然而,在輻射4的事件中,督學已經成為他們自己的一個軍銜,高於高級學士。







這些是正在接受培訓的學士。 在東岸兄弟會服役。






槍騎兵的軍銜是指兄弟會的專職飛行員。槍騎兵必須接受專業培訓才能學習如何操作和駕駛垂直飛行機飛艇。該培訓涵蓋標準操作和駕駛程序,但真正的培訓是在重火力下進行駕駛。槍騎兵的主要作用是為地面部隊提供空中支援和執行運輸任務。雖然槍騎兵主要接受空戰訓練,但他們也接受地面部隊訓練,並經常攜帶雷射武器,以防被擊落和交火。在亞瑟·麥克森的領導下,槍騎兵軍銜對於鋼鐵兄弟會來說是獨一無二的。[Non-game 5]










槍騎兵新兵是槍騎兵中最低的地位。 然而,他們仍然能夠自己駕駛垂直飛行機





是由長老們選出來的,不記得是哪個了,但是我想沒有提到任何細節,所以你可以做任何你想做的事情,我肯定不會碰到玩家可能會發現的矛盾。Dave Hendee 關於選舉長老,Fallout聖經8
騎士才能成為聖騎士。成為聖騎士是很特別的。Dave Hendee 關於聖騎士的晉升, Fallout聖經8



  1. Hidden Valley bunker terminals; terminal, Elder Dismissal Incidents
  2. Interactions with John Maxson in Fallout.
  3. Still in the Dark
  4. About the Brotherhood
  5. Camp Venture terminal entries: "JAN-03-81: E Fisher" This entry establishes that Taggerdy is still referred to as lieutenant, indicating the switchover did not yet take place.
  6. Squire Asher's journal
  7. I am a knight
  8. Anonymous diary page
  9. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's terminal, Squires and Ranks
  10. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 PCnames 的參考文獻內容文字。
  11. The Courier: "What do you mean decide for yourself?"
    Melissa Watkins: "I'm currently an Apprentice in the Brotherhood, and recently became eligible for Journeyman status. But first, I have to decide which Order I want to join - the Knights or the Scribes."
    (Melissa Watkins' dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1008}{}{Initiates}"
    John Maxson: "{1108}{Gen_60}{Well that's what you are. Initiates train and learn to become knights or scribes.}"
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Courier: "Tell me about the Scribes."
    Melissa Watkins: "The Scribes are responsible for discovering how all the old tech we recover actually works and sometimes even work on inventing new things. Without them, the Brotherhood could never fulfill its mission. Or at least, that's what my dad always used to say."
    (Melissa Watkins' dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Scribes}"
    John Maxson: "{1109}{Gen_61}{Well, Scribes copy down the weapon specs. We've got information all the way back to my granddad. Sometimes a scribe comes up with a new idea for a weapon. Hehehe. Doesn't happen too often. They all answer to Vree.}"
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1005}{}{Scribes}"
    Cabbot: "{1105}{Cab_58}{OK, well, scribes are the keepers of all the histories and the blueprints for the weapons we make. I just love books; that's why I want to be one . . . a Scribe, that is.}"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Fallout Bible 6: "The Brotherhood of Steel: The Brotherhood of Steel (BOS) is a techno-religious organization, with roots in the US military and government-sponsored scientific community from before the war. The BOS is mostly composed of the descendents of those military officers, soldiers, and scientists, but aside from some outlanders among their ranks, the BOS is as close to pure strain humanity (prime normals) as you're going to find outside of a Vault."
    "The ranks of the BOS is generally recognized as being composed of the best and the brightest... which means the BOS is a really small organization, at least compared to NCR. They make up for this with their frightening arsenal of pre-war and post-war technology: They have laser weapons, power armor, surgical enhancements, combat implants, and a squad of Brotherhood Knights have the ability to erase an entire town from a map without a scratch."
    "The Brotherhood are generally good guys, but they have their faults - (1) they don't care for mutants, (2) they worship technology, and in many cases, put it above human life, and (3) they don't like to share their choicest technological bits, despite the obvious benefits their technology could bring to the wasteland. It's commonly accepted within the Brotherhood that the people of the wasteland are not responsible enough to use (and maintain) all of the technology the BOS has at their disposal. They are known trade some of their technologies with frontier communities and NCR states, but they keep the more sensitive technologies to themselves."
    "It is believed that the current HQ of the BOS is the Lost Hills bunker in Fallout 1, but at the time of Fallout 2, the BOS is spread across the wastes in small bunkers and installations hidden from the eyes of common folk – finding them all and wiping them out would be a difficult and dangerous task."
    "The BOS is divided into different ranks: Initiates are trainees who are expected to perform well enough in the training process to be promoted to Squires. After proving themselves, Squires are promoted to Knights. After many years of service and experience, the best Knights are promoted to Paladins - the pinnacle of the Brotherhood military. Paladins who survive to their later years become Elders, and they number among the Brotherhood ruling council.""It is also possible to serve the Brotherhood as a Scribe. Scribes are responsible for copying the ancient technologies, maintaining the current technology and even experimenting with new weapons and other useful devices. Scribes rarely leave the safety of the BOS bunkers, but they are sometimes called into the field to examine a piece of technology or perform a task beyond the skills of the Brotherhood soldiers.""It is said that the BOS symbol, broken down, represents each of these orders. The sword represents the Paladins, the wings represent the Elders (the "wings" control the movement of the sword), the large gear represents the Knights, and the two smaller gears represent the Scribes and the Squires, whose services keep the Knights supplied with the information and the manpower to get their jobs done. No one is sure what the circle means, however."
  17. The Vault Dweller: "{345}{}{What is the Brotherhood's main purpose?}"
    John Maxson: "{172}{Gen_21}{Our main goal is to survive. The Scribes copy old plans for weapons or design new ones, and the Knights make the guns from 'em. Most guns come from us.}"
  18. The Vault Dweller: "{173}{}{You trade the weapons to the Hub?}"
    John Maxson: "{176}{Gen_22}{That's the way we get our supplies.}"
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1010}{}{Knights}"
    John Maxson: "{1110}{Gen_62}{The Knights make the weapons. And when he's good enough, a Knight can advance to become a Paladin and then an Elder and so forth. Right now Rhombus is the head of the Knights.}"
  20. The Vault Dweller: "{1006}{}{Knights}"
    Cabbot: "{221}{Cab_59}{Well, you see, they're the ones who want to become protectors of the Brotherhood. There's not many of them, but they train their whole lives to become Paladins.}"
  21. The Courier: "Tell me about the Knights."
    Melissa Watkins: "Knights are in charge of all of our equipment. Power armor, gatling lasers, you name it. All of it built and maintained by Knights. Knights also get to go out on patrols, scouting assignments, and support the Paladins in offensive operations. Being a Knight would mean getting to see more of the world, fight the Brotherhood's enemies, and possibly someday become a Paladin like my mother."
    (Melissa Watkins' dialogue)
  22. Daniel Shin: "Since we only have one Paladin here, I also lead various combat operations and support Paladin Rahmani in any ways necessary"
  23. The Vault Dweller: "{1011}{}{Paladins}"
    John Maxson: "{1111}{Gen_63}{Paladins are in charge of all security and outside activities. I remember tradin' with the Hub, goin' on scouting missions for the Elders. Ah man, those ware a good times.}"
  24. Fallout Bible 8: Dave Sayz: Yes, Knight before you can become a Paladin. Becoming a paladin is special.
  25. 25.0 25.1 The Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{What about that metal suit you're wearing?}"
    Talus: "{196}{}{Only Paladins wear Power Armor, someday you may earn the right to wear it.}"
  26. Cabbot, and optionally, the Vault Dweller wear T-51b power armor as initiates. Daniel Shin, as a knight similarly possesses power armor, under the circumstances of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force.
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Vault Dweller: "{1004}{}{Elders}"
    Cabbot: "{1104}{Cab_57}{They make all the decisions around here, from what we eat to what our duties are. And uh, they argue a lot, too. The High Elder seems to have to step in a lot.}"
  28. 28.0 28.1 The Courier: "Tell me about your last Elder."
    Edgar Hardin: "Elijah was a strange one. His even becoming Elder was highly questionable, seeing as how he was a Scribe. Typically, only Paladins are eligible. But an exception was made in his case, on account of him being a genius. Unfortunately, whatever scientific acumen he had didn't extend to tactics. Trying to defend HELIOS was a blunder of the worst kind, and many brothers lost their lives because of it. Many of the senior paladins, myself included, advised him to fight a retreating action, but he refused to budge. Said he almost "had it working". We never did find out exactly what he was talking about. When the perimeter was finally overrun, the Elder had simply vanished."
    (Edgar Hardin's dialogue)
  29. Fallout Bible 8: Dave Sayz: Elected or chosen by the elders, don't recall which, but I don't think specifics were mentioned anywhere so you can do whatever you want I'm sure without running into an inconsistency that the players might find.
    Sebastien - my take is that they're paladins elected to the council, but in the Maxson line, they elevated mostly because of seniority. You're right - the limited number of council members would preclude becoming an Elder because of seniority only - though you could also argue that BOS members don't usually live to get "old."
  30. The Vault Dweller: "{1006}{}{Elder}"
    John Maxson: "{1106}{Gen_58}{Hehehe. A fine, handsome, upstanding man. The High Elder position is to mediate the meetings between the Elders. You see, two years ago I got talked into it. If I'd of known then...}"
  31. Maxson II was killed in 2155, but John Maxson only replaced him on the elder council on that date. He only became the high elder in 2159. See Maxson II for details.
  32. The Vault Dweller: "{1006}{}{Elder}"
    John Maxson: "{1106}{Gen_58}{Hehehe. A fine, handsome, upstanding man. The High Elder position is to mediate the meetings between the Elders. You see, two years ago I got talked into it. If I'd of known then...}"
  33. The Sole Survivor: "You're beating around the bush. Is there something you're trying to tell me?"
    Danse: "Is it that obvious? I've... never been very good at these things. Let me start at the beginning. I grew up alone in the Capital Wasteland. Spent most of my childhood picking through the ruins and selling scrap. When I was a bit older, and had a few caps to my name, I moved into Rivet City and opened a junk stand. While I was there, I met a guy named Cutler. We got along pretty well, watched each other's backs and kept each other out of trouble. When the Brotherhood came through on a recruiting run, we felt like it was the best way out of our nowhere lives, so we joined up."
    (Danse's dialogue)
  34. The Sole Survivor: "So there is a human being under all of that power armor after all."
    Danse: "Sometimes I need a reminder, but yes... there is. When I was an Initiate, my sponsor was Paladin Krieg. Toughest squad leader I ever served with. He was a model soldier, embodying the values every trainee was striving to achieve. Fiercely loyal, secure in his beliefs and brave to a fault. From the moment I was assigned to his squad I was singled out... it felt like he was pushing me harder than the rest of the team. I fought by his side for years and we had some seriously close calls, but he never explained to me why I was treated that way."
    (Danse's dialogue)
  35. 35.0 35.1 The Lone Wanderer: "So, you guys looking for new recruits?"
    Sarah Lyons: "That's a negative. We've got too many local conscripts as it is. Most are undertrained and too damned trigger happy for their own good. Our very own Initiate Reddin is a sterling example."
    (Sarah Lyons' dialogue)
  36. 36.0 36.1 Fallout 4 loading screens: "Children born into the Brotherhood of Steel begin their training, and indoctrination, as Squires."
  37. 37.0 37.1 Fallout 3 scribe proctors describe the function of each order.
  38. Scribes in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.
  39. Knights in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.
  40. Initiate Reddin, Initiate Jennings, and optionally, the Lone Wanderer
  41. Paladin Gunny: "Yeah, I can train you. But don't ask me to like it. My Initiates sweat blood, and you just get a free pass?"
  42. The Sole Survivor: "So what's all this about you being my sponsor?"
    Danse: "Elder Maxson is understandably particular when it comes to new recruits. He believes in order to keep the Brotherhood strong, we have to bond as brothers. As your sponsor, it's my duty to travel with you throughout the Commonwealth to ensure that our ideals are being observed. That's why I'm so concerned about your performance in the field."
    (Danse's dialogue)
  43. Semper Invicta and Shadow of Steel
  44. Danse: "I've already told you, I'm retracting my sponsorship. You're on your own."
    (Danse's dialogue) Danse's reaction at low loyalty.
  45. Danse: "I don't know why you even bother staying with the Brotherhood."
    (Danse's dialogue) Danse's reaction at low loyalty.
  46. The Sole Survivor: "Where can I get Power Armor?"
    Danse: "Only Knights are allowed to wear Brotherhood Power Armor. And you're no Knight. Not yet. Until Elder Maxson grants you that title, you'll have to make due with what you've got. Anything else?"
    (Danse's dialogue)
  47. The Sole Survivor: "I won't disappoint you, Elder."
    Arthur Maxson: "Had I even a single doubt in my mind, I wouldn't have awarded you the promotion. Just be aware that a Brotherhood Paladin is expected to be a symbol of integrity to our brothers and sisters."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue (Fallout 4))
  48. Brotherhood paladins typically lead squads in Fallout 4.
  49. Arthur Maxson: "Paladin, I'm pleased you've returned. Captain Kells and I wanted to speak with you. Captain Kells."
    Kells: "First and foremost, I wanted to inform you that using the Minutemen to destroy the Institute was a risky venture at best. Using untrained non-military personnel in the operation could have had devastating consequences and resulted in an unnecessary loss of life. In the future, Elder Maxson and I need you to approve any tactical changes before they're executed. As I expect Elder Maxson has already explained, the destruction of the Institute is simply the first stage of our operations in the Commonwealth. There are still Super Mutants and ferals to be dealt with as well as any remaining synths that escaped the blast. It's our hope that you'll continue serving with the Brotherhood and assist us with eradicating these threats."
    The Sole Survivor: "Of course, Captain."
    Kells: "Very good Paladin."
    Arthur Maxson: "In light of your service, Captain Kells and I both feel you deserve unique recognition for your contributions, both past and future. It's with great pleasure, and the utmost respect that you are hereby granted the title of Sentinel. This is the highest honor a Brotherhood soldier can achieve, but we both felt strongly that it was well deserved."
    Kells: "In addition, we'd like to present you with this jetpack modification for your power armor. The Brotherhood has few of these devices in its possession, but we feel you've earned the right to utilize one of them. Congratulations, Sentinel. It's an honor to be serving with you."
    The Sole Survivor: "Would I be the only Sentinel in the Brotherhood?"
    Arthur Maxson: "In our division, yes. There hasn't been a Sentinel serving under me for many years now. It's a position that commands a great deal of honor and respect, so I do not award it lightly."
    The Sole Survivor: "Thank you both. I'm really quite honored."
    Arthur Maxson: "The honor is ours. So, Sentinel... for the first time since we've met, I have no orders for you. From this moment forward, you will decide which missions you undertake and how you will guide us. Captain Kells and the personnel at the Cambridge Police Station still possess numerous operations for you to undertake. Where you go from here is up to you. Ad Victoriam, Sentinel."
    (Arthur Maxson's and Kells' dialogue)
  50. The Prydwen terminal entries; Captain Kells' terminal, Maxson MX-001E CP-05
  51. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Piloted by Lancer-Captain Kells, the Prydwen has traveled extensively along the East Coast... but this is its first journey to the Commonwealth."
  52. Knights and paladins are treated as field combatants, based on their appearances in Fallout 4, while scribes handle all manufacturing and research duties.
  53. Prydwen terminal entries; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, The Rise of Elder Maxson
  54. Vault Dweller: "{142}{}{Maxson? General Maxson?}"
    Kyle: "{143}{}{Not General Maxson, his grandfather, Roger Maxson. I heard you brought back a disk that told what happened to the guys who rebelled against him and went down there to recover the lost technology.}"
  55. MAXSON.MSG: "{100}{}{You see General Maxson.}"
  56. Rhombus: "{186}{Rhom40}{Ah, General Maxson was the finest Head Paladin ever. When he took over as High Elder, I became Head Paladin.}"
  57. The Vault Dweller: "{1006}{}{Elder}"
    John Maxson: "{1106}{Gen_58}{Hehehe. A fine, handsome, upstanding man. The High Elder position is to mediate the meetings between the Elders. You see, two years ago I got talked into it. If I'd of known then...}"
  58. The Sole Survivor: "Would I be the only Sentinel in the Brotherhood?"
    Arthur Maxson: "In our division, yes. There hasn't been a Sentinel serving under me for many years now. It's a position that commands a great deal of honor and respect, so I do not award it lightly."
  59. Rhombus: "{118}{Rhom7}{I am Rhombus, head of the Paladins. I train those willing to learn.}"
  60. Vault Dweller: "{139}{}{You think I could become a paladin?}"
    Rhombus: "{142}{Rhom14}{Possibly. When the invading army is vanquished, come back to be trained.}"
  61. Edgar Hardin: "Many of the senior paladins, myself included, advised him to fight a retreating action, but he refused to budge. Said he almost "had it working""(Edgar Hardin’s dialogue).
  62. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide pp. 43-44
  63. Dialogue differences with Knight Sergeant Gavil in Fallout 4.
  64. Jennifer: "{217}{}{Have you talked to Rhombus? He's the Head Knight. He's just right over there in that room.}"
  65. The Sole Survivor: "So there is a human being under all of that power armor after all."
    Danse: "Sometimes I need a reminder, but yes... there is. When I was an Initiate, my sponsor was Paladin Krieg. Toughest squad leader I ever served with. He was a model soldier, embodying the values every trainee was striving to achieve. Fiercely loyal, secure in his beliefs and brave to a fault. From the moment I was assigned to his squad I was singled out... it felt like he was pushing me harder than the rest of the team. I fought by his side for years and we had some seriously close calls, but he never explained to me why I was treated that way."
    (Danse's dialogue)
  66. The Courier: "What do you mean decide for yourself?"
    Melissa Watkins: "I'm currently an Apprentice in the Brotherhood, and recently became eligible for Journeyman status. But first, I have to decide which Order I want to join - the Knights or the Scribes."
    (Melissa Watkins dialogue)
  67. The Vault Dweller: "{345}{}{What is the Brotherhood's main purpose?}"
    John Maxson: "{172}{Gen_21}{Our main goal is to survive. The Scribes copy old plans for weapons or design new ones, and the Knights make the guns from 'em. Most guns come from us.}"
  68. The Vault Dweller: "{1009}{}{Scribes}"
    John Maxson: "{1109}{Gen_61}{Well, Scribes copy down the weapon specs. We've got information all the way back to my granddad. Sometimes a scribe comes up with a new idea for a weapon. Hehehe. Doesn't happen too often. They all answer to Vree.}"
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 The Lone Wanderer: "What are the Orders?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature. Defensive research is done by the Order of the Shield. Power Armor, defensive structures anything that is intended to protect us. The Order of the Quill preserves the written knowledge of the ancients, seeking out all manner of books and holotapes."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  70. The Lone Wanderer: "What Order are you a part of?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "Actually, I am proctor of the Order of the Quill. I oversee the Archives and Library here in the Citadel. We are dedicated to preserving the history of the Brotherhood as well as unearthing the secrets of the pre-war civilizations. We have a single field associate: Scribe Yearling. She operates out of the former Library of Congress to the northeast."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  71. Captain Kells' terminal; Maxon MX-001E CP-05
  72. Named simply Brotherhood of Steel Paladin in the game.
  1. Fallout 2d20 Rulebook p.382: "Elders make up the Brotherhood of Steel’s leadership council. To reach the lofty position of Elder, an individual must progress through the Brotherhood’s ranks and must reach at least Paladin to be considered. While a council of Elders are responsible for the entire organization, one or more Elders may also lead their own chapters in various parts of the wasteland."
  2. Fallout 2d20 Rulebook p.383: "Paladins are the prize soldier within the Brotherhood’s forces. Equipped with Power Armor and the best weapons the Brotherhood can offer, they represent the veterans of the Brotherhood and often those who are decorated fighters. Achieving the rank of Paladin requires an individual to show both extreme devotion to the Brotherhood and have an impressive record and is a rank many aspire to achieve."
  3. Fallout 2d20 Rulebook p.383: "The rank of Knight among the Brotherhood of Steel is a much respected one. Knights are often responsible for maintaining weapons, armor, and technology within the brotherhood’s遊戲中的拼寫、標點和/或語法 possession. Reaching this rank is not easy and requires dedication and years of service. Many who reach this rank are ambitious and aspire to move upwards towards the prestigious rank of Paladin."
  4. Fallout 2d20 Rulebook p.384: "Scribes are the recordkeepers and scholars of the Brotherhood of Steel. While they can fight and receive the same basic combat training as any other member, this is not their primary role. Scribes handle the cataloguing, repair, acquisition, and study of any technology that finds its way into the Brotherhood’s hands. They sometimes accompany field units if their expertise is required in retrieving or locating an artifact of importance, but most Scribes stay within the base of operations of the chapter."
  5. Fallout 2d20 Rulebook p.385: "The rank of Lancer denotes a member of the Brotherhood who takes on the role as a Vertibird pilot. They undergo specialist training to learn how to fly and maintain the aircraft used by the Brotherhood of Steel so that they can properly provide transport and air support. Not only do Lancers need to have a good understanding of their craft but also a good understanding of how to fly while under heavy fire. While they primarily focus on combat from the skies, they also carry laser weaponry in case they find themselves on the ground amid a firefight."