
兄弟会尽了最大的努力,但有时还是要付出一点代价... 特别的。这就是里昂斯的骄傲的由来。莎拉·里昂斯

里昂斯的骄傲(英文名:Lyons' Pride,通常缩写为the Pride) 是2277年由里昂斯的钢铁兄弟会的精锐士兵组成的战术单位。[1][2][3][4] 任务是在华盛顿特区國家廣場切維蔡斯地区负责镇压超级变种人的活动。[5][Non-game 1]


里昂斯的骄傲是由长老里昂斯组建的,以对抗在华盛顿特区地区日益增长的超级变种人,后来也对抗了英克雷势力。[5][Non-game 2]该组织由他的女儿领导,铁卫莎拉·里昂斯,她亲自从申请者名单中挑选可能加入里昂斯的骄傲的人。[2][3][4][6]

里昂斯的骄傲主要在切维蔡斯银河新闻电台前哨运营,此前它与电台经理三狗达成协议,为电台提供保护,以保持[[银河新闻电台(广播)|电台]的广播,并切断英克雷電台主导的电波。[7][Non-game 1]然而,该组织在大本營A区内也有一个私人区域,称为里昂斯的活动室,其中包括军营和公共休息室。

2277年,在一次增援银河新闻电台前哨站常备部队的任务中,因为超级变种人的攻击,里昂斯的骄傲失去了两名新兵: 雷丁詹宁斯[6][8][Non-game 3] 骄里昂斯的骄傲来与自由至尊獨行者一起参加了净水计划的战斗。在这场战斗中,里昂斯铁卫和獨行者进入了傑佛遜紀念堂,输入了净化代码,激活了净水计划净化器,没有改良型FEV,导致爆炸,所有在场的人都失去了活动能力。[9][10][11]

净水计划战役两周后,[12] 崔斯坦圣骑士,在里昂斯铁卫伤愈期间负责里昂斯的骄傲,[13]在许多任务中协助獨行者,包括对英克雷控制的卫星中继站攻击[14]奥尔尼发电厂获得特斯拉线圈 ,[15]并在袭击亞當斯空軍基地的过程中指导他们。[16]在摧毁了移動基站之后,莎拉·里昂斯铁卫协助了Pride One上獨行者的潜逃行动。[17]













  • 该组织的名字是"lion's pride"的文字游戏。'狮群(pride)'是一群狮子的统称。



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the Lyons' Pride?"
    Dusk: "We're the most elite tactical unit ever assembled in the Brotherhood of Steel, here or anywhere else. Hell, ain't nothin' Sarah's cubs can't handle."
    (Dusk's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the Lyons' Pride?"
    Glade: "You my friend, are talking about the most elite fighting force ever assembled within the Brotherhood of Steel. Each of us was handpicked by Sentinel Lyons herself. You can't even realize what an honor that is. Sarah defines combat excellence."
    (Glade's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the Lyons' Pride?"
    Kodiak: "Ah, see, the Brotherhood's one thing, but the Pride... Best of the best. Every damn one of us. Hand picked by Sentinel Lyons herself."
    (Kodiak's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the Lyons' Pride?"
    Sarah Lyons: "It's the best of the Brotherhood, bar none. No one gets in without my say-so."
    (Sarah Lyons' dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Lone Wanderer: "Who did you say you were again?"
    Sarah Lyons: "The name's Sarah Lyons, Sentinel and squad commander of the Lyons' Pride. We're with the Brotherhood of Steel. We do our best to hold back the Super Mutants in this area. But when civilians stumble into our sights, that gets a bit difficult. Doesn't it?"
    (Sarah Lyons' dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Citadel terminal entries; Citadel personnel terminals, Lyons' Pride Recruiting
  7. Wilks: "Welcome to the Galaxy News Radio Outpost. I'm Sergeant Wilks, and I'm in charge here. What brings you into the D.C. area?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "What's the Brotherhood doing here?"
    Wilks: "We have a relationship with the station here. We stay in this reinforced structure, and protect it from the Super Mutants. This is the only real safe spot in the ruins of D.C. The rest of the place is crawling with those walking abominations. It's nice to have a port in the storm, you know?"
    (Wilk's dialogue)
  8. Sarah Lyons: "Jennings? "
    Vargas: "Negative."
    (Sarah Lyons and Vargas' dialogue)
  9. Deacon: "I miss Capital Wasteland. You can actually drink the water there."
    (Deacon's dialogue)
  10. The Prydwen terminal entries; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, The Rise of Elder Maxson
    "When Elder Owyn Lyons died, care of young Arthur Maxson passed to Sarah Lyons, Owyn's daughter, who was then named Elder in his place. But when Sarah fell in battle shortly thereafter, things became complicated."
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "What happened? How did I get here?"
    Owyn Lyons: "You were brought back to the Citadel after some sort of energy spike in the purifier. You and Sarah were both knocked unconscious. Quite a bit has happened since then"
    (Owyn Lyons' dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "How long was I out?"
    Owyn Lyons: " Just about two weeks. Don't worry. We've been taking good care of you."
    (Owyn Lyons' dialogue)
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Lone Wanderer: "So you're in charge now, huh?"
    Tristan: "Until Sarah gets back on her feet, I'm running the Pride. It's just temporary. But for now, I'm calling the shots. We were just about to mobilize, since everything's in place."
    (Tristan's dialogue)
  14. Events of Death From Above
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "Olney? No, I don't think so."
    Tristan: "I'm sorry, perhaps there was a misunderstanding. I'm not asking you to go. I am, as your superior officer, ORDERING you to go. This is your assignment. You are to proceed to the Olney Powerworks. Once there, you are to locate and acquire a Tesla Coil, and return to the Citadel with it. Now get moving."
    (Tristan's dialogue)
  16. Orders
  17. Sarah Lyons: "Surprised to see me?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "I'll say! You look much better."
    Sarah Lyons: "Well, we both have the Pride to thank for that. Without them, we'd both be dead. But enough about me. You've done one hell of an outstanding job out here, soldier. A hell of a job! Now it's time to do my job and to get your ass onto this Vertibird before it goes up like a nuke."
    (Sarah Lyons' dialogue)
  18. Lyons' Pride insignia
  19. In-game inventories of Lyons' Pride members
  20. Brotherhood of Steel pilot: "Citadel Control, this is Pride One... Citadel Control, come in."
    (Brotherhood of Steel pilot's dialogue)
  21. The Lone Wanderer: "So, what happens to the Brotherhood now?"
    Vallincourt: "I've got just piles and piles of Enclave technology to take apart and put back together. Who do you think got our captured Vertibird flying? Now let me get back to work before Rothchild assigns me trash detail."
    (Vallincourt's dialogue)
  22. The Lone Wanderer: "So what's your job in the Lyons' Pride?"
    Glade: "Me? Heavy weapons. Miniguns, Missile Launchers... If it's bigger than a human and goes boom, I'm all over it."
    (Glade's dialogue)
  23. The Lone Wanderer: "What's your combat specialization in Lyons' Pride?"
    Sarah Lyons: "Hell, I do it all. Recon, demolition, tactical assault. Guess you could say I'm the Pride's jack of all trades."
    (Kodiak's dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do here?"
    Dusk: "I'm a sniper with the Pride. Put any mutie bastard within one mile of me and my rifle and, well... pack it up troops. Fight's over. Colvin thinks he's a better shot. Man's delusional."
    (Dusk's dialogue)
  25. The Lone Wanderer: "So what's your specialty in the Lyons' Pride?"
    Irving Gallows: "Spec ops. Let's leave it at that."
    (Irving Gallows' dialogue)
  26. Sarah Lyons: "The Pride and I have decided that after all you've survived, you've done enough to be an honorary member of Lyon's Pride. So congratulations. Membership comes with some privileges, including our Power Armor. You want the full suit, or the Recon armor?"
    (Sarah Lyons' dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.96: "SENTINEL SARAH LYONS"
    "Sarah, 26, was born in the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel headquarters. At the age of seven, she accompanied her father on his journey east to the Capital Wasteland (her mother having died several years earlier). Sarah Lyons is Brotherhood through and through, as dedicated and decorated as her father when he was younger. She commands a group of soldiers assigned to patrol the Washington, D.C., Mall area and operates out of the G.N.R. studio outpost."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 71: "ELDER OWYN LYONS"
    "Lyons, 75, was already highly decorated when he set out from the order's West Coast headquarters, leading a party of soldiers on a mission to reestablish contact with the 'Eastern Brotherhood.' He discovered this abandoned Pentagon military complex. The presence of Super Mutants sent a chill up the collective spine of the Brotherhood; these weren't the children of the dreaded Master, nor were they the remnants of the band that fled east and were ultimately destroyed (or assimilated into the Brotherhood of Steel) in the Chicago area. No, this was a new breed of Super Mutant, one with a local origin. But where did they come from? What did they want? How were they reproducing? Elder Lyons was ordered to discover the source of this new Super Mutant infestation and wipe it from the face of the earth. Recent weeks have seen him galvanize his 'Pride' to thwart the remnants of the Enclave forces, and to provide drinking water to all."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 77: "INITIATE JENNINGS"
    "Unfortunately, Paladin Vargas, whose job is to train initiates and steer them away from heavy fighting, has failed in this responsibility. His oversight has recently resulted in an attack on a ground of Brotherhood of Steel Initiates. Initiate Jennings bore the full brunt of a Super Mutant attack, and recently succumbed to the wounds.
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 90: "PALADIN VARGAS"
    "The sergeant of Lyon’s Pride, Vargas is 30, and a no-nonsense, professional type. He is Sarah’s right hand man; she relies on him for his experience and advice, and he supports her and mentors her. There is a very close but mostly unspoken friendship between them. He is no relation to Nathaniel Vargas of Megaton."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 89: "PALADIN GLADE"
    "Paladin Glade is the oldest member of Lyon’s Pride and serves as the group’s technician and smith. But it’s a well-known fact that Glade is also the most well-rounded and experienced Paladin in the Pride and is not to be trifled with. He’s a badass, so don’t mess with him."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  6. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 80: "KNIGHT CAPTAIN COLVIN"
    "A sniper in Lyons' Pride, Colvin is 40, friendly, and warm to everyone; he has priest-like tendencies. To him, combat is like worship, and he treats his rifle as a holy object and his targets as the unfortunate victims of his god's wrath. He says a prayer for the soul of each mutant he kills. He's extremely experienced, and completely unflappable: all according to god's will. He can be found guarding Galaxy News Radio from Super Mutants."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  7. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 80: "KNIGHT CAPTAIN IRVING GALLOWS"
    "Gallows is the Pride’s scout and stealth expert. He’s a quiet, kind of creepy man who isn’t much liked by the Brotherhood members beyond the Pride. It’s been said that if an enemy is in the field and sees Gallows, he’s already dead. Gallows tends to disappear from time to time, which only adds to the mystery surrounding him. But it is well known among the other members of Lyons’s Pride that Gallows is actually out hunting and killing Super Mutants. At least, they HOPE they’re Super Mutants...."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  8. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.59
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)