

Trouble Brewin' is a side quest in Fallout 4.



  • 前往位於郵政廣場東部的三葉草酒館
  • 進入地下室激活飲料哥。
  • 護送飲料哥到瑞福大飯店(芳鄰鎮內)。
  • 與魯弗斯對話。


  • 決定將飲料哥佔為己有。
  • 護送飲料哥到玩家指定的聚落



當玩家到達三葉草酒館時,裏面會有一些弱弱的掠奪者,一個名叫加夫的精英掠奪者在樓上,還有幾隻鼴鼠在找到釀酒機械人的地下室。一進酒吧左邊門上樓的房間是一個帶保險箱的房間,而在地下室,可以在一個保護者儲存艙內找到飲料哥,被一個專家難度的終端鎖定。派翠克的終端裏說明了他在地下室藏了密碼。密碼位於閃爍的紅燈下方的架子頂部 - 要拿到它,玩家必須從地下室樓梯跳到架子上,或者在角落的架子處跳起來按E。





Quest stages[]

50 (Optional) Sell Drinkin' Buddy to Rufus
110 Bring Drinkin' Buddy inside the Hotel Rexford
300 Find the Brewing Machine
500 Send the Drinkin' Buddy to the Hotel Rexford
(Optional) Keep Drinkin' Buddy for yourself
505 Follow Drinkin' Buddy to the Hotel Rexford
506 Talk to the staff of the Hotel Rexford
507 Talk to Rufus
700 Collect your reward from Rufus
710Quest finished{Player Payout}
800Quest failedQuest failed - Buddy destroyed
1000Quest failedQuest failed - Rufus killed


  • 由於飲料哥沒有被標記為必要角色,所以他可能會陣亡在前往芳鄰鎮的旅程中。
  • 可以將在聯邦獲得的釀造配方交給飲料哥。
  • 大部分同伴都喜歡私自留下飲料哥的決定,其中麥奎迪..凱特..嘎爪居禮會特別喜歡,丹斯、狗肉和X6-88無感。
  • 壯壯不喜歡私自留下飲料哥的決定。


  • Has platform::PCPC If the player decides to send Buddy to Hotel Rexford, and Buddy makes it to Goodneighbor by himself without being escorted, he will be waiting outside the Hotel Rexford. After the player talks to Rufus, the quest hangs at "Bring Drinkin' Buddy inside the Hotel Rexford". Talking to Buddy will not get him to enter or follow you into Hotel Rexford, and he stays in his "Introduction" loop; he cannot be exchanged with or given more recipes, even if the player has read the recipes in their Pip-Boy.[已驗證]
    • Has platform::PCPC The quest can be completed, even if you choose to keep Buddy, by opening the console and entering setstage 0017d18c 700. You will then be set to the last stage (speaking to Rufus) as if you had sent Buddy to the Hotel Rexford. Alternatively, you can use setstage 0017d18c 710. This gives you the reward Rufus promised you and completes the quest.
  • Has platform::PCPC If Buddy still provides the dialogue choice to be sold to Rufus after the quest completes you can change this with the command setstage 1761c7 120. The dialogue choice will permanently change to "No thanks" and helps prevent the player from accidentally re-assigning Buddy. Even though Buddy's home destination is Hotel Rexford, he will then head back to the Shamrock Taphouse. If the player returns to Hotel Rexford and uses 17429b.moveto player to get Buddy back to the Hotel Rexford, Buddy will still return to the Taphouse afterwards.
  • Has platform::PCPC If the player decided to keep Buddy when first encountered without the quest and sent him to a settlement the quest may become broken and can't be completed as Buddy will set the home parameter back to Taphouse and will not move to Hotel Rexford.[已驗證]
    • After talking to Rufus in Goodneighbor, ask Buddy where to get more recipes; he will respond by asking if you want to commence delivery to Hotel Rexford, in which case you should say "I am keeping you for myself." Ask him again for more recipes and now choose the option "I've sold you." He will then continue to Goodneighbor.
    • To avoid this, the player (if without the quest from Rufus) must not send him to a settlement if decided to keep him as of this moment the home parameter is still set to the Taphouse. Get the quest from Rufus, then tell Buddy to move to Hotel Rexford, at this stage the home parameter will be set to Hotel Rexford. The player is then required to escort Buddy to the hotel, after which the quest should complete properly.
    • Has platform::PCPC This bug can be fixed with the use of console commands. One can reset the quest with the command resetquest DialogueGoodneighborRufus. After that, it is advised to follow the steps detailed above to avoid any further issues.
  • Has platform::PCPC If player decided to keep Buddy after telling Rufus he would send him to the Hotel Rexford, one optional objective completes, but the quest remains in the log stuck on (Optional) Send the Drinkin' Buddy to the Hotel Rexford.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Attempting to send Buddy to Hotel Rexford results in Buddy accepting request but not going. Talk to Buddy again and tell him you're keeping him for yourself, give settlement destination, then doing Hotel Rexford dialogue again will get him to go.
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 If the player decides to send Buddy to Spectacle Island he will get stuck in the water and never arrive to the settlement, causing the quest to glitch. The only way to resolve this is to kill Rufus to fail the quest. [驗證逾期]