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这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 |
在后来的游戏中,这种情况发生了改变;《辐射3》、《辐射:新维加斯》、《辐射4》和《辐射76》中的酒精饮料都提供了有益和负面的影响。 《辐射:新维加斯》通过玫瑰威士忌同伴辅助能力特别强调了威士忌,本质上是在激活时将道具变成战斗化学武器。酒精饮料一般不含辐射,但有受辐射的变化。
- 啤酒,由谷物酿造的最古老的酒精饮料之一。
Battle Brew[]
Battle Brew is a potent concoction made from vodka, mutated cave fungi, and Salient Green. The mixture has no Charisma bonus, but the drinker will be healed and be given greater resistance to injury.
High Voltage Hefe[]
High Voltage Hefeweizen, often shortened to Hefe, is an alcoholic beverage ,Voltage和 Hefe这两个词是德语,一个意为酵母一个意为小麦。使用energy-based核融合电池作为原料for the "high voltage" part of the brew's name.
Jake Juice[]
Despite being a rare version of scotch, it has exactly the same effects and value as scotch. It renders +1 Strength, +1 Charisma, and -1 Intelligence for four minutes to the consumer.
Lead champagne[]
A sparkling wine brewed using lead, tarberries, and nuclear material, appearing in a glass champagne flute. It increases Rad Resistance by 250 but increases fall speed and sprint cost by 10%. It can be used to create lead champagne Mimosas and lead champagne Bellinis.
Liquid Courage[]
Liquid Courage is a custom-made brew that provides temporary bonuses of one to Luck and Strength each. It also provides immunity to fear attacks from the wendigo colossus, hence the courage part of the name.
私酒是一种酒精含量很高的酒精饮料,与其他饮料相比,它对使用者性格的影响更为显著,更能提升个人魅力。和其他酒一样,它能增强力量,但在作用期间会降低智力。In Appalachia, a variant known as cranberry moonshine can be found.
Mountain honey[]
A high-proof distilled liquor brewed using honey and fermented snaptail reed. It increases Strength and Charisma by one and Max HP by 25 while also lowering Intelligence by one.
A high-proof distilled liquor brewed using Nuka-Cola Quantum and nuclear material. It decreases the AP cost of sprinting by 80% and increases AP regeneration by 50% while inflicting 30 Rads and causing the user to "blackout" after the drink's duration.
Tick blood tequila[]
A distilled beverage typically made from agave brewed using tick blood and pure crimson flux, served in a small shot glass. It can be used to create tick blood Tequila Sunrise and tick blood Tequila Margaritas.
威士忌是一种由发酵的谷糟制成的蒸馏酒精饮料。喝威士忌會加力量和魅力,並減智力。 The brands most commonly found in the wastes are Olde Royale and Uisce Beatha.
White Russian[]
A chilled cocktail made by mixing vodka with canned coffee and brahmin milk. It reduces limb damage to the user by 25%.
Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation of grape juice. It is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast which consume the sugars found in the grapes and convert them into alcohol. There are several vintages available in the wasteland, including 2055 Chateau Lafayette[2], the 2043 Chateau Montrose[3], and the 2064 Atomic Claret.[4]
Beantown Brown Beer[]
Beantown Brown Beer was the favored drink among blue-collar workers after a long day on the job. Known for being the common man's beer, it had a higher than average alcohol content and a lower than average price tag. The beer was produced at the Beantown Brewery in Boston.
A sparkling white wine produced from grapes grown in the Champagne region of France. The term is commonly used for any sparkling wine, regardless of the origin of the grapes.[5] A handcrafted version appears in Appalachia, known as lead champagne.
Extractor Sunrise[]
Created by Ansel of the United States Army Robotics Division, this drink is made with one part vodka and grenadine mixed in a glass of bio med gel. The resulting pinkish drink largely came about as a dare to whoever would drink it first, but the concoction turned out "pretty good", sweet with the right amount of "kick", but is a bit thick because of the bio gel. Names for the drink were debated until Extractor Sunrise won the popular vote. The drink largely remained a Robotics Division secret as the cost of bio med gel was upward of $1000.[9]
疯狗 30/30[]
酒-Z 它是一种不含酒精的合成饮料,只在避难所市生产。[12][10] 在游戏中,没有实际的“ 酒-Z”物品,因为对话选项只会给调酒师20美元,为了一个辅助能力而增加其“饮用”的统计。
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Khan raider: "{138}{}{Hey, anyone remember what was in a Long Island Ice Tea?}"
"{139}{}{Yeah, vodka, rum, tequila, triple sec, lime, and Nuka.}"
(Bcgengrd.msg) - ↑ Munitions access terminal: "{139}{}{Read Trade}"
"{150}{}{This is Klinger from the 8063rd. We're in desperate need of part number 102-53B. I've got a case of Chateau Lafayette 2155 if you could expedite the order. Get back to me ASAP.}" - ↑ Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Food Riots Rile Feds
- ↑ The Courier: "I'd like to buy some things."
Sink Central Intelligence Unit: "Very good, sir. If I might suggest a table wine, the 64 Atomic Claret is a lovely little vintage."
(Sink Central Intelligence Unit's dialogue) - ↑ The Chosen One: "{261}{}{Can you tell me about Mr. Bishop?}"
Leslie Anne Bishop: "{270}{}{My husband? That is simple. He is deceased. SUCH a tragedy. I'm still recovering from all the champagne I drunk when I heard.}"
NCLABISH.MSG - ↑ The Chosen One: "{106}{}{I hear you have someone else's spleen.}"
Wong Yi Tze: "{140}{}{Ahh, yes! Indeed. I will prepare it with fava beans and a nice chianti.}"
(Fcdrwong.msg) - ↑ Sierra Depot experiment log
- ↑ The Courier: "I'd like to buy some things."
Sink Central Intelligence Unit: "Very good, sir. If I might suggest a table wine, the 64 Atomic Claret is a lovely little vintage."
(Sink Central Intelligence Unit's dialogue) - ↑ RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal entries; Brain extraction terminal, Div03-BE-0112
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 The Chosen One: "{120}{}{What's on tap?}"
Lydia: "{145}{}{We have synthetic beers and liquor...vodka-H, tequila derivatives W and W2. Oh, and water. And brahmin milk. Beer or liquor is ten bucks, water or milk's three bucks.}"
The Chosen One: "{147}{}{Uh, do you have any real alcohol?}"
Lydia: "{226}{}{Why? You looking for something with some more kick than these synthetic drinks?}"
The Chosen One: "{227}{}{Perhaps. Drinking synthetic alcohol can't really compare to the real thing.}"
Lydia: "{230}{}{That's for sure. I used to have a... well, I used to know this merchant who had a bottle of Maddog 30/30. Bitter stuff...couldn't feel my tongue afterwards, but it was refreshingly different.}"
The Chosen One: "{231}{}{What happened to this "merchant's" stash?}"
Lydia: "{234}{}{It got drunk. Or so I heard. There were a few other "friends" here in Vault City who helped this merchant friend drink the stash. They were willing to pay a good price to have the real stuff for a change.}"
The Chosen One: "{235}{}{I'll bet. You know, I could probably get some more of the real stuff, easy. I've been travelling the wastes a lot, and getting a hold of alcohol is no big deal.}"
Lydia: "{238}{}{Is that so? Well, if you happened to be looking to relieve yourself of some real alcohol, then I could make it worth your while. If you could keep quiet about our deal. And get the contraband past the gate.}"
The Chosen One: "{239}{}{How much real alcohol would you need?}"
Lydia: "{240}{}{Say, a case of ten bottles of premium alcohol, and ten bottles of beer. And none of that radioactive stuff I hear comes out of Gecko. Just good old "booze," all right?}"
The Chosen One: "{241}{}{I happen to have just that amount right here.}"
Lydia: "{244}{}{Excellent! Here's something for you... that amount's double the price the cases are worth. And this transaction never happened, all right?}"
The Chosen One: "{246}{}{Thanks. Pleasure doing business with you.}"
(Vcdwnbar.msg) - ↑ Mom: "{351}{}{Mantis marsala.}"
(DcMom.msg) - ↑ 12.0 12.1 The Chosen One: "{119}{}{What's on tap?}"
Bartender: "{136}{}{"On tap?" How... quaint.}"
"{137}{}{We have mineral water, distilled water, and sparkling water. We also have several synthesized alcohols.}"
The Chosen One: "{138}{}{Um... what synthesized alcohols do you have?}"
Bartender: "{153}{}{We have synthetic derivatives H and T, and we recently brewed an extremely popular mixture, "Alcohol-Z," which has a rich pseudo micro-brewery flavor. Each is modestly priced at twenty dollars a glass.}"
The Chosen One: "{173}{}{How do you manufacture these synthesized alcohols?}"
Bartender: "{176}{}{The Auto-Docs within Vault City can brew synthetic substitutes for otherwise-addictive substances. As I understand it, these synthetics were used as placebos for chem addicts before the war.}"
The Chosen One: "{177}{}{You seem to know a great deal about these synthetics.}"
Bartender: "{183}{}{I was a servant to Dr. Troy for a few months before being re-assigned here. He required that I be fluent with the Vault City medical database.}"
The Chosen One: "{185}{}{Medical database?}"
Bartender: "{192}{}{Yes, several of the computers on the first floor of the Vault contain a vast array of medical information. It's all quite fascinating, though the jargon can be confusing if you don't have medical training.}"