
为不确定的未来带来革命性的安全保障。— 避难所科技公司口号

避难所科技公司(英文名:Vault-Tec Corporation) (也被称为避难所科技工业)是前的防卫公司,它设计并实施了一个被称为避难所的掩体网络。[Non-canon 1][1]这些掩体旨在在发生核事件时保护美国的居民。[2][3][4][Non-canon 2]


另见: 避难所

美国卓越的核防御公司早在2031年就已经存在,当时它收购了摩根鎮的当地大学并将其重新命名为避難所科技大學,其中一些顶尖的高管和科学家要么在那里任教,要么从那里毕业。[5]这种对干部的投资将在2050年代初得到回报:当欧洲联邦-中东战争新瘟疫联合国崩溃导致全国性恐慌时,政府设立了安全屋计划[6]2054年中运作。[Non-canon 3]

贫穷的政府用垃圾债券为该项目提供资金,即便如此,在全国范围内也只启用了122个这样的避难所,让不到0.1%的人口在发生大屠杀时能够被挽救。[Non-canon 4]13号避难所的预算为4000亿美元,到其建设结束时,总成本达到6450亿美元,远远超过初始数字的150%。[Non-canon 5]情况进一步增加了惊人的成本: 作为国防的重要组成部分,该项目的大部分内容都受到新修订的间谍法的保密和保护,[Non-canon 6] 该公司在执行安全方面获得了广泛的特权,包括授权其私人安全在激活避难所时使用致命武力。[7]缺乏监督导致持续的管理不善,[8][9][10]腐败,[11][12]和贪污[13]在战前定义安全屋计划,甚至在考虑到残暴的避难所实验之前。然而,对于所有这些问题,避难所科技能够创造出许多尖端技术并开发出合法保护居民的避难所。[Non-canon 7]

其中一些奇迹表现为建筑科技的突破,使这些巨大的掩体得以快速建造。[Non-canon 8]大部分在2063年之前完成,尽管几个避难所的建造被推迟,特别是13号避难所(仅在2063年8月开始建造)和华盛顿特区周围的网络[Non-canon 9]因停工而延误。 [14]尽管存在这些问题,避难所科技还是开始在新吞并的加拿大中宣传避难所,尽管这些都处于完成的早期阶段。[15]



在已完成的避难所中进行的训练慢慢地产生了狼来了效果:随着时间的推移,参加演习的人数越来越少,限制了避难所未来在确保人类生存方面的作用。[Non-canon 9]然而,即使他们不这样做,影子政府还是决定不让避难所成为保护人类的庇护所。[Non-canon 10]在建立对安全屋项目的控制后,他们为了自己的目的颠覆了它。作为社会保护计划的一部分,避难所的建造不是为了拯救人类,而是为了测试他们的人口。[19]只有17个避难所被设计为作为控制避难所正常工作。[20]其他105个避难所以各种场景为特色,从烦人到彻头彻尾的致命,以衡量人类如何在这些场景中为自己的邪恶目的采取行动。[Non-canon 11]有些人没有为他们的人口提供足够的食物合成器,有些人只有男人,或者被设计为过早打开。该实验的目的是为英克雷自己的项目收集数据,具体目的尚不清楚。[21]

当2077年10月23日到来并发生大戰时,避难所科技空袭警报响起,但狼来了效应导致只有一小部分人进入了避难所。它们被密封,实验进入了决定性阶段。[Non-canon 12]控制避难所按预期运作并保护其人口。然而,其他人就没有那么幸运了。在接下来的几十年里,许多避难所都会因为他们的实验而失败。少数幸存下来的人往往会繁荣昌盛。2091年,收到清空信号后,8号避难所开放,地下掩體都市成立。[Non-canon 13]一年后,洛杉矶废墟中的示范避难所开放。 居民们在被称为晒骨场的地方建立了内城区[Non-canon 14][Non-canon 15]


避难所科技的主要重点是开发一系列核战争防御设施及其建造所需的技术。尽管他们最知名的产品仍然是避难所,但该公司还开发了更便宜的替代品,例如系列1000避难所[1]并将其技术外包给其他需要经过验证的地下掩体建造方法的实体。[22]它的专有发明旨在提高避难所居民的生活质量,包括SimuSun Lighting、Floorsuck Autocleaner Systems、Culinator 3000 Kitchen Systems、Entertainotron Rooms 和Eye-On-You camera[23]

除了维持地下人口所需的建筑和技术外,避难所科技还开发了核反应堆(例如避难所之星),[24]器官提取器等医疗器械,[25] motion sensor基于瓦茲電子的设计,[26] 甚至是SimTek 5000虚拟现实模拟套件,用于让避难所居民适应外部环境[Non-canon 16]以及避難所科技輔助瞄準系統用于应对任何威胁。[Non-canon 2]

未来科技是公司里的一个部门,负责开发尖端技术,让避难所居民勇敢面对后核世界的恐怖。他们的最高成就是G.E.C.K.[Non-canon 17]




然而,避难所科技员工的实际情况完全不同。员工们收到了避难所科技员工手册,这是一本具有纪念意义的出版物,其中概述了公司及其程序的所有内容,包括上厕所的时间。这些规定无异于严厉和压迫:避难所科技的人力资源和行政部门考虑2.25分钟(135秒)是浴室休息的合理时间长度。剥削性和虐待性的劳动做法似乎是常态。[29][30]作为政府的战略防御承包商,避难所科技的事务和所有相关出版物(包括,例如,避难所居民生存指南)受到新修订的间谍法的保护,任何举报的企图都可能对举报人造成比公司更大的伤害。[Non-canon 6]








  • 避難所科技的電話號碼是1-888-4-82858832 (1-888-4-VAULTTEC)。[50]
  • 该公司有时被称为Vault-Tek,[51][52][53] Vault-Tech,[54] VaulTek,[55]和Vaultex,[需要引证]尽管自辐射3以来它一直被拼写为Vault-Tec。







  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 15 map from Fallout 2 is signed as Vault-Tec Series 10001-0649 Vault-Tec Industries.
  2. Fallout 2 Vault-Tec Industries billboard loading screen.
  3. Museum of Technology terminal entries; museum information terminal, Vault-Tec's Vault of Tomorrow
  4. Vault 92 terminal entries; Richard Rubin's terminal, personal entry 000897398
  5. Fallout 76 loading screens: "In 2031, Vault-Tec re-branded Morgantown's local college as Vault-Tec University, and some of their top executives and scientists either taught or graduated from there. Go Fighting Wendigos! "
  6. Woods Estate terminal entries: "Vault Tec - Project Safehouse
    Mr. Wood,
    To answer your questions:
    1. Yes, there is room for both you and your son
    2. Yes, your war efforts are greatly appreciated
    3. Yes, you can arrange for your son to be delivered to a safe location in the event of war since you will likely be separated from him. If he is at either location you specified: his home, his school, we will be able to assist.
    4. No, his nanny will not be able to join him
    Regards, Vault-Tec"
  7. Vault 76 terminal entries, VAULT 76 SECURITY INSTRUCTIONS
  8. Knight Paul: "{134}{}{A Water Chip? The ones from the old Vault-Tec shelters?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{135}{}{Yes!.. Do you have one?}"
    Knight Paul: "{136}{}{No. Those things were junk, they were prone to failure. We don’t deal with purifying our own water here. We have water delivered by caravans from the Hub.}"
    Water chips were made by the lowest bidder and were prone to breakage, despite dealing with an essential serivce..
  9. Vault City central computer: "{244}{}{Due to a shipping error, it appears Vault 8 received a box of surplus water chips intended for another Vault. The other Vault most likely received Vault 8's second GECK.}"
    Another major instance of mismanagement, a shipping error related to an essential service.
  10. Vault 88 terminal entries : "October 22, 2077
    Barstow's coming tomorrow. Another dog and pony show. Entrance is finally properly done. So if she brings VIPs, as long as they stick to that section, it'll feel like a real Vault.
    Turns out the construction boys aren't so bad. Been having a friendly poker game. From the way things are going, they're going to be here a good long while yet. Got invited to some Halloween party. God knows we could use a little excitement around here.
    August 29, 2077
    Finally got a real security system. I know the entrance is window dressing, but if Barstow keeps bringing the top brass around it's my ass if something goes wrong.
    The construction crew keeps griping about the new security measures. They can complain all they like."
    This shows Vault 88 construction was deliberately faked to appease Valery Barstow and the higher ups, and this was another deliberate fake ("another dog and pony show").
  11. Vault 114 terminal entries, PRIVATE: Science Staff Only
    Shows that Vault-Tec was deliberately misleading and lying to the public and prospective Vault dwellers about its Vaults and capabilities.
  12. Vault locations v34.129
    A deliberately misleading and boastful publication that is completely divorced from the reality of the Vaults (Vault 13 has consistent water supply problems due to junk technology, Vault 12 failed completely, and Vault 15 suffers from multiple cave-ins.
  13. Vault 118 overseer's log
  14. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 108
  15. 15.0 15.1 Rejected letter from Vault-Tec
  16. 16.0 16.1 Vault 88 terminal entries; Vault 88 overseer's desk, Prime Directive
  17. Valery Barstow: "Well. At least that's over. Let's continue. I tried digging my way to the entrance. With that Control Board, I could've changed everything. But there was simply too much rubble for the equipment to handle. But my work, my work kept me going. Here. Among these papers is my life's work. I'd like to share it with you. Doctor Braun tasked me with something vital. A series of prototypes and their related... well, experiments, that could redefine society. But as you can see things did not go according to plan."
    (Valery Barstow's dialogue)
  18. The Sole Survivor: "So these experiments can be run ethically?"
    Valery Barstow: "If you insist on hobbling the prototypes' potential, yes, you could abide by as many ethical standards you'd like. I suggest being more open-minded, but the choice will be ultimately yours."
    (Valery Barstow's dialogue)
  19. Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot control terminal: "{360}{}{Active PoseidoNet Stations: Atomic Powerplant #5, Navarro Refinery, Control Station ENCLAVE, ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control…AccessDenied}"
  20. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Vault 76
  21. Dick Richardson: "{218}{prs33}{Well, no it didn't. But at least it knocked the damn Red menace back into the stone age.}"
    The Chosen One: "{219}{}{And us with it.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{220}{prs34}{Well, no. No... not quite. You see, we had planned ahead. We were ready. }"
    The Chosen One: "{221}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{222}{prs35}{We had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure. These facilities - the Vaults - were part of the great plan.}"
    The Chosen One: "{223}{}{Those damn Vaults didn't work the way they were supposed to. A lot of people in them died.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{224}{prs36}{Actually, they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to. You might call it a social experiment on a grand scale. }"
    The Chosen One: "{225}{}{An experiment?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{226}{prs36a}{The Vaults were set up to test humanity. Some had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months. They each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants.}"
    The Chosen One: "{227}{}{What about Vault 13? What was it's purpose?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{228}{prs37}{Ahh. Vault 13 was a special case. It was supposed to remain closed until the subjects were needed. Vault 13 was, in scientific parlance, a control group.}"
    The Chosen One: "{229}{}{But they would all have died if my ancestor didn't get them a replacement water chip. That doesn't seem to fit in with your plan.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{230}{prs38}{An unfortunate, and unforeseen, accident. However, as it turns out, a rather fortuitous one.}"
    The Chosen One: "{231}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{232}{prs39}{As it turns out we needed test subjects from untainted, pre-war, human stock - your ancestors in Vault 13 - and some freshly mutated stock - the villagers from Arroyo.}"
    The Chosen One: "{233}{}{Why?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{234}{prs39a}{For the Project. It's almost ready. Humanity's salvation is almost at hand and the United States of America will be the progenitor of that rebirth.}"
    The Chosen One: "{235}{}{Rebirth? What do you mean?}"
  22. 游戏中出现非避难所设施,包括电子防护避难所
  23. 23.0 23.1 Museum of Technology Vault tour
  24. 24.0 24.1 Power plant operations
  25. Computer terminal: "{103}{}{Welcome to Vault-Tec's state-of-the-art organ extraction apparatus. To operate, please place donor in operating room, turn dial to appropriate species, and select organ to be extracted.}"
  26. The Chosen One: "{349}{}{What is it?}"
    Stark: "{350}{}{It's a Vault-Tec Motion sensor. We were going to strip it for parts, since it's too old for our Pip Boys, but it looks like it's compatible with your model.}"
    The Chosen One: "{351}{}{How does it work?}"
    Stark: "{352}{}{Keep it in your hand and it IDs hostiles in your immediate area when you use it. Or you can call up the Pip Boy automap as normal, then just click the "scanner" button and they're lit up like a neon sign.}"
  27. Vault locations v34.129
  28. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Vault-Tec employee terminal
  29. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Vault-Tec employee terminal, Message 0101C Bathroom Breaks
  30. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Vault-Tec employee terminal, Message 0099D Vending Machines
  31. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Admission Protocol
  32. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, Drills, Drills, Drills and What to do?
  33. Vault 81 terminal entries; old overseers terminal, What to do?
  34. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Vault-Tec employee terminal; Message 0099D Vending Machines
  35. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Vault-Tec employee terminal; Message 0101C Bathroom Breaks
  36. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Company Store; Vault-Tec Baseball Cap
  37. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Company Store; Vault-Tec Drink Cozy
  38. Vault-Tec bomber jacket
  39. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Company Store; Vault-Tec Leather Bomber Jacket
  40. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Company Store; Vault-Tec T-Shirt
  41. Vault-Tec headquarters terminal entries; Company Store; Vault-Tec Vault-Tec Golf Tee
  42. Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, Personnel Assignments
  43. Vault 114 terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal, PRIVATE: Science Staff Only
  44. Vault 76 animated teaching shorts
  45. Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 Pip-Boy minigames
  46. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, Security Log - 10/21/77
  47. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Nuka-World mail system, Outgoing Mail JCB976NWC
  48. F2 VTFilmsVault-Tec Films presentation in Vault 13
  49. Vault-Tec Maps render of New California
  50. Vault-Tec calendar in The House of Tomorrow
  51. The Chosen One: "{323}{}{Did Vic ever have anything that was labeled ‘Vault-Tek’?}"
    Jenny: "{390}{}{Vault-tek? He might have had something like that. I’m not sure. I know he did have a lot of really old stuff.}"
    (Jenny's dialogue)
  52. DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{242}{}{Presidential Security Passkey recognized, Good day, Mr. President. Emergency Counter Insurgency Protocol initiated (**Malfunction**) Security link offline on this level. Please submit form FG-I-106-32-0635 to authorize repair services. Thanks for using another fine Vault-Tek product. Good day.}"
    (DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal's information)
  53. Vault Power Nodes: "These generators are currently offline. Vault-tek apologizes for any problems that may be caused and promise that all systems will be made operational as soon as possible. We are awaiting the supply of parts, which should arrive within the next 2.274 years."
    (MIS 25 Speech.txt)
  54. V. 114 interviews
  55. Master ending Fallout


  1. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide: Pocket Reference Edition p. 39, front and back cover.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout 3 promotional content/Prepare for the Future
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 In light of the Euro-Middle-Eastern conflict and the plague scare, the United States sets Project Safehouse in motion. The project, financed by junk bonds, is designed to create shelters, called Vaults, for the populace in the event of a nuclear war or deadly plague. Construction begins late in 2054 and proceeds rapidly due to advances in construction technology. "
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fallout Bible 0, Vault system
  5. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.1—1-1—2: "Important Vault statistics
    Vault Number: 13
    Starting construction date :August 2063
    Ending construction date: March 2069
    Starting Budget: $400,000,000,000
    Final Budget, with interest: $645,000,000,000
    Total number of occupants: 1,000 (at capacity)
    Total duration: 10 years (at capacity)
    Number of living quarters: 100 (hot bunking required if at maximum capacity)
    Door thickness: 4 yards, steel
    Earth coverage: 3,200,000 tons of soil, at 200 feet
    Computer control system: Think machine
    Primary power supply: Geo-thermal
    Secondary power supply: General Atomics Nuclear Power backup systems
    Power requirements: 3.98mkw/day
    Stores: Complete construction equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, water purification from underground river, defensive weaponry to equip 10 men, communication, social and entertainment files (for total duration)"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide inner cover: "NOTICE.––This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the New Amended Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by the law."
  7. Fallout Bible 6, Life with the GECK:
    "1b. What may be suitable for planting in the present may not be suitable in 20 yrs. This is esp true I would think in theFO universe with its rather unstable ecosystem. I mean if one really wanted to be certain that what one was panting would grow the best thing to do would be to collect the seeds, spores etc from already growing food sources - these have a guaranteed fertilization rate. After all those corn seeds that were put in the GECK 50 yrs ago now have not sufficiently mutated to endure the new Wasteland (even in a "normal" ecosystem, the only strains of plant that survive are those that mutate)."
    "You're absolutely right. The GECK builders had no idea what the post-nuclear world would be like, and they had no real way to anticipate it, despite their "thorough tests" (it's doubtful they gave it much thought, to be honest, considering how badly organized the Safehouse project alone was, not to mention the experimental nature of the Vaults) - still, it seems as if the seeds present in the GECK were viable for Vault 8."
  8. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 In light of the Euro-Middle-Eastern conflict and the plague scare, the United States sets Project Safehouse in motion. The project, financed by junk bonds, is designed to create shelters, called Vaults, for the populace in the event of a nuclear war or deadly plague. Construction begins late in 2054 and proceeds rapidly due to advances in construction technology."
  9. 9.0 9.1 Fallout Bible 0: "2063 August The construction of most Vaults completed, except for Vault 13, whose construction finally gets off the ground... heralding a development cycle that seems plagued with problems. Drills begin in the other cities with completed Vaults, but the increasing frequency of the drills has a "cry wolf" effect, and the turnouts for drills trickle off as the years go on."
  10. One Man, and a Crate of Puppets, panel 1: "The Vault Experiments were never designed to rescue the people that lived inside them. They were a vast social experiment designed to study pre-selected segments of the population."
  11. 11.0 11.1 Fallout Bible 0, #More questions, questions:
    "The Vault experiments were an idea created by Tim Cain, and I don't really know the reason behind them, but I can offer some speculation."
    "First off, thematically, it's pretty creepy, and we all know that developers will pull all sorts of crazy shit to try and mess with players' heads. It's possible that Tim had just finished watching an X-Files episode and had conspiracy theories swimming around in his subconscious. As to your comment about the experiments being a bit over the top, well, yeah. We're guilty as charged."
  12. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 October 23 Great War: Bombs are launched; who struck first is unknown... and it is not even known if the bombs came from China or America. Air raid sirens sound, but very few people go into Vaults, thinking it is a false alarm. The Vaults are sealed."
  13. Fallout Bible 0: "2091 Vault 8 opens, and they use their GECK to create fertile ground for their city. This eventually becomes Vault City."
  14. Fallout Bible 0: "2092 LA Vault opens, the Boneyard is founded and attracts survivors."
  15. Fallout Bible 6, Life with the GECK:
    "1b. What may be suitable for planting in the present may not be suitable in 20 yrs. This is esp true I would think in theFO universe with its rather unstable ecosystem. I mean if one really wanted to be certain that what one was panting would grow the best thing to do would be to collect the seeds, spores etc from already growing food sources - these have a guaranteed fertilization rate. After all those corn seeds that were put in the GECK 50 yrs ago now have not sufficiently mutated to endure the new Wasteland (even in a "normal" ecosystem, the only strains of plant that survive are those that mutate)."
    "You're absolutely right. The GECK builders had no idea what the post-nuclear world would be like, and they had no real way to anticipate it, despite their "thorough tests" (it's doubtful they gave it much thought, to be honest, considering how badly organized the Safehouse project alone was, not to mention the experimental nature of the Vaults) - still, it seems as if the seeds present in the GECK were viable for Vault 8."
  16. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.2—1: "SIMTEK OPERATIONS
    The Vault-Tec Research Group has determined that after a long period of security, many Vault-Dwellers will feel “uncomfortable” with the idea of returning to the outside world. The SimTek 5000 will provide a safe and reassuring return to life on the outside world. This chapter will give you a brief walk-through of the operation of the SimTek 5000."
  17. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide pp. 5—34:
  18. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 384: "[6.19] Suffolk County Charter School
    The student base of this school consisted mostly of lower-income and disadvantaged students. These children were lucky enough to be chosen for trials of a new food substitute paste developed by Vault-Tec in conjunction with the U.S. government. The paste was intended to provide all necessary nutrition and have a shelf life of over 100 years. Despite some minor side effects, the paste is both nutritious and delicious. Why not try some yourself? You’ll be in the pink!"
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  19. Shop-Tec
  20. Playing cards
  21. Promotional item - Boston Bugle Volume 12, no. 748
  22. Fallout 4 site image
  23. Fallout 4 site image
  24. Fallout 4 site images
  25. 25.0 25.1 Fallout 3 promotional items/Vault Dweller's Survival Guide: Pocket Reference Edition p. 3
  26. Fallout 4 site image
  27. 27.0 27.1 Chris Taylor interview for Vault13.net:
    Saint Proverbius (SP): "Which Vault number was the Master's base?"
    Chris Taylor (CT): "The Master was in the Vault-Tec private Vault. This was the demonstration model built for the federal government, it was also very close to the Vault-Tec headquarters."
  28. Fallout Bible 6, Life with the GECK:
    "1b. What may be suitable for planting in the present may not be suitable in 20 yrs. This is esp true I would think in the FO universe with its rather unstable ecosystem. I mean if one really wanted to be certain that what one was panting would grow the best thing to do would be to collect the seeds, spores etc from already growing food sources - these have a guaranteed fertilization rate. After all those corn seeds that were put in the GECK 50 yrs ago now have not sufficiently mutated to endure the new Wasteland (even in a "normal" ecosystem, the only strains of plant that survive are those that mutate)."
    "You're absolutely right. The GECK builders had no idea what the post-nuclear world would be like, and they had no real way to anticipate it, despite their "thorough tests" (it's doubtful they gave it much thought, to be honest, considering how badly organized the Safehouse project alone was, not to mention the experimental nature of the Vaults) - still, it seems as if the seeds present in the GECK were viable for Vault 8."
  29. Bloomfield Space Center design document/1: "In November, 2076, the Enclave seized control of Bloomfield Space Center. They knew nuclear war was just around the corner, so they tried to refit the Hermes-13 and convert it into a vehicle that would take selected personnel (mainly themselves) off-planet, destination yet to be determined."
  30. The Vault Fallout Facebook
  31. Fallout in other media
  32. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.250: "After a demo vault was opened to the public in Los Angeles, near the Vault-Tec headquarters, public enthusiasm helped fund the junk bond drive that funded the rest of construction. It was a ray of hope in a profoundly dark time. Those too far from a full vault could buy a Series 1000 shelter, a one-level subterranean mini-vault priced more reasonably for a small corporation or medium-sized community."