Vault 21 Playing Cards

The Vault playing cards are a set of Fallout: New Vegas-themed playing cards, featuring characters from the game. The deck was a promotional item included with the Collector's Edition of Fallout: New Vegas.


The deck contains 55 cards: 52 playing cards, two Jokers and one Caravan rule card. The backs of the cards are randomized, featuring the game locations including Vault 21, Ultra-Luxe, Silver Rush, The Tops, Atomic Wrangler Casino, Lucky 38, Gomorrah and the Bison Steve.

The cards' suits are themed such that Spades are characters in and around the Freeside area, Clubs are members of Caesar's Legion, Hearts are affiliates of the New California Republic, and Diamonds are residents of the New Vegas Strip. The Courier and Benny serve as the deck's two Jokers.


Card Back Image Quote Card Back Image Quote
Joker 2 FNV Lucky 38 card "Enjoy your stay." Joker
Joker 1 FNV Tops card "Real shame you got caught up in this, kid."

Spades and Hearts[]

Spades and Hearts
Card Back Image Quote Card Back Image Quote
A ♠
Ace of Spades FNV Atomic Wrangler card "Still want to talk tough, Chief?" A ♥
General Oliver
Ace of Hearts FNV Vault 21 card "You ain't pissing on me right now, you're pissing on the Bear."
2 ♠
The Garret Twins
2 of Spades FNV Atomic Wrangler card "Our wealthiest client has a little thing for Ghouls. And a thing for cowboys." 2 ♥
Boone and Manny
2 of Hearts FNV Lucky 38 card "You take out a debt, it's only a matter of time before someone comes collecting."
3 ♠
3 of Spades FNV Ultra Luxe card "There are two kinds of folks. You load your gun like an ordinary man, or you load it like a devil." 3 ♥
3 of Hearts FNV Bison Steve card "A sober woman might take insult at that. Me, I might just bust you one."
4 ♠
4 of Spades FNV Bison Steve card "Dinnertime, boys!" 4 ♥
Captain Pappas
4 of Hearts FNV Tops card "You better keep your nose clean. I'll be watching you."
5 ♠
5 of Spades FNV Tops card ""Second, he doesn't like hats, or the people wearing them." 5 ♥
Ambassador Crocker
5 of Hearts FNV Gomorrah card "Interested in politics, eh? Well, grab a seat and get comfortable."
6 ♠
Arcade Gannon
6 of Spades FNV Atomic Wrangler card "It's...a thing. A science thing. It hunts robots. Don't worry about it." 6 ♥
Alice McLafferty
6 of Hearts FNV Bison Steve card "The hired hands know what they're signing up for - we don't hide anything with fancy talk."
7 ♠
7 of Spades FNV Silver Rush card "Go bully some Molerats, jackass." 7 ♥
Colonel Hsu
7 of Hearts FNV Tops card "Calm is what you have to be when people look to you. And it's all you can be when things are out of your hands."
8 ♠
The Van Graffs
8 of Spades FNV Silver Rush card "That's business, after all." 8 ♥
8 of Hearts FNV Vault 21 card "..."
9 ♠
The Followers of the Apocalypse
9 of Spades FNV Atomic Wrangler card "All this bloodshed. Such a waste of human life." 9 ♥
Crimson Caravan
9 of Hearts FNV Atomic Wrangler card "Trade routes, my friend. Trade routes."
10 ♠
The Kings
10 of Spades FNV Ultra Luxe card "Freeside is the Kings' turf. Remember that." 10 ♥
The Gun Runners
10 of Hearts FNV Gomorrah card "It's amazing what passes for a firearm around here. You'd be better off throwing rocks."
J ♠
Jean-Baptiste Cutting
Jack of Spades FNV Silver Rush card "One day Mama took me aside and said, 'Boy you're never going to go very far, but you're going to make a whole lotta people come up short." J ♥
Chief Hanlon
Jack of Hearts FNV Tops card "I wish I could explain it to you. The old chief's finally at a loss for words."
Q ♠
Julie Farkas
Queen of Spades FNV Vault 21 card "You've been a godsend." Q ♥
Colonel Moore
Queen of Hearts FNV Silver Rush card "Unlike the good ambassador, I don't intend to blink."
K ♠
The King
King of Spades FNV Ultra Luxe card "Where every man is free to follow his own path, do his own thing. Where every man is a king in his own right." K ♥
President Kimball
King of Hearts FNV Lucky 38 card "Today you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevadas, defiant and enduring."

Diamonds and Clubs[]

Diamonds and Clubs
Card Back Image Quote Card Back Image Quote
A ♦
Ace of Diamonds FNV Gomorrah card "I'm not sure if you're funny or just stupid, but I'm not amused." A ♣
Legate Lanius
Ace of Clubs FNV Vault 21 card "We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die."
2 ♦
Marilyn and Jane
2 of Diamonds FNV Lucky 38 card "Mr. House has a lot of needs, sugar. And a lady doesn't kiss and tell." 2 ♣
Dead Sea and Alexus
2 of Clubs FNV Gomorrah card "This is no place for the faint of heart and no one comes down into this vile pit without purpose."
3 ♦
Heck Gunderson
3 of Diamonds FNV Ultra Luxe card "Heck, I'll hire anybody with a pair of legs and at least one good eye at this point." 3 ♣
3 of Clubs FNV Ultra Luxe card "The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in."
4 ♦
Sarah Weintraub
4 of Diamondsnew FNV Vault 21 card "There's a lot more to this than a classy chassis, you know?" 4 ♣
Canyon Runner
4 of Clubs FNV Silver Rush card "To enslave them is to save them - to give them purpose and virtue."
5 ♦
Michael Angelo
5 of Diamonds FNV Vault 21 card "Yeah, I imagine that it takes a lot to fill the void of such a bottomless soul." 5 ♣
Aurelius of Phoenix
5 of Clubs FNV Lucky 38 card "It is the armor of a Centurion. You have the rare honor of beholding it unspattered by the blood of my inferiors."
6 ♦
Tommy Torini
6 of Diamonds FNV Tops card "Now why would you want to go breaking Tommy's heart asking a question like that?" 6 ♣
6 of Clubs FNV Gomorrah card "A vengeful spirit, some of the more superstitious women say."
7 ♦
Mr. New Vegas
7 of Diamonds FNV Lucky 38 card "The women of New Vegas ask me a lot of there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Of course there is. You're her. And you're still as perfect as the day we met." 7 ♣
Cato Hostilius
7 of Clubs FNV Atomic Wrangler card "Rise and shine."
8 ♦
The White Glove Society
8 of Diamonds FNV Ultra Luxe card "You see? We remain the very picture of courtesy, even in the face of such impolite accusations. We have nothing to hide here." 8 ♣
8 of Clubs FNV Bison Steve card "Mars favors the bold, does he not?"
9 ♦
The Omertas
9 of Diamonds FNV Gomorrah card "You play some games, have some fun." 9 ♣
9 of Clubs FNV Lucky 38 card "Give us cause, Profligate."
10 ♦
The Chairmen
10 of Diamonds FNV Tops card "Ring-a-ding, baby." 10 ♣
Praetorian guard
10 of Clubs FNV Ultra Luxe card "Praetorians, to arms!"
J ♦
Jack of Diamonds FNV Tops card "Oh, they're a shifty pack of rats." J ♣
Vulpes Inculta
Jack of Clubs FNV Bison Steve card "Pile body upon body"
Q ♦
Queen of Diamonds FNV Ultra Luxe card "I know our reputation hasn't always been spotless, but that's all in the past now." Q ♣
Queen of Clubs FNV Tops card "AROOOOOOOO! Aroooooooo! Aroooooooo! Aroooooooo!"
K ♦
Mr. House
King of Diamonds FNV Lucky 38 card "We don't have to dream that we're important." K ♣
King of Clubs FNV Gomorrah card "Yet we are at the throat of the Great Bear. Victory is at hand."

Caravan rules[]

A transcript of the Caravan instructional card included in the deck.

How to Play Caravan

Building a deck
Caravan decks consist of at least 30 cards from one of more traditional playing card sets. The deck may have any number of cards of any type that suits a player's strategy, although it cannot have duplicate cards from the same set. For example a K♠ from set A and a K♠ from the set B deck is acceptable, but more than one K♠ from set A would be illegal.

Caravan is played with two players building three opposing piles (or "caravans") of numbered cards. The goal is to outbid your opponent's caravan with the highest value of numbered cards without being too light (under 21) or overburdened (over 26).

The game begins with each player taking eight cards from their deck and placing either one numerical card or ace on each caravan. Players may not discard during this initial round.

One both players have started their three caravans, each player may do one of the following on their turn: 1. Play one card and draw a new card from his or her deck to their hand: 2. Discard one card from their hand and draw a new card from his or her deck: or 3. Discard one of their caravans by removing all cards from that pile.

Caravans have a direction, either ascending or descending numerically, and a suit. The suit is determined with the first card placed on a caravan, the direction by the second. All subsequent cards must continue the numerical direction or match the suit of the previous card. Cards of the same numerical value cannot be played in sequence, regardless of suit. Face cards can be attached to numeric cards in any caravan and will affect them in various ways.

Card values

  • Joker - Played against Ace, 2-10. Effects change based on whether it is an ace or numbered card (see below). Multiple jokers may be played on the same card.
  • Ace - Value of 1. Jokers played on aces remove all other non-face cards of the ace's suit from the table. E.g. a joker played on an A♠ removes all spaces (except face cards and that card, specifically) from the table.
  • 2-10 - Listed value. Jokers played on these remove all other cards of this value from the table. E.g. a joker player on a 4♥ removes all 4s (other than that card, specifically) from the table.
  • Jack - Played against Ace, 2-10. Removes that card, along with any face cards attached to it.
  • Queen - Played against Ace, 2-10. Reverses the current direction of the hand, changes the current suit of the hand. Multiple queens may be played on the same card.
  • King - Played against Ace, 2-10. Adds the value of that card again. E.g. a king played on a 9 adds 9 to that hand. Multiple kings may be played on the same card for multiplicative effects. E.g. 4 + king = 8. 4 + two kings = 16.

A player's caravan is considered sold when the value of its cards is over 20 and under 27. The other player may still outbid by increasing the value of their opposing pile while still staying within the 21-26 range. When each of the three competing caravans has sold, the game is over. In the event that one of the three caravan values are tied between players, the game continues until all three caravans have sold. The player with two or more sales wins the pot.

It's a snap!


  • In a few cases, images on the playing cards appear differently than how the characters are depicted in-game.
  • The box features a Vault 21 logo and the text: Playing cards, Official Training Aid. Control Group 52-1487.3-Vault 21. Standard Edition. A Vault-Tec Distribution. The sides read Fallout: New Vegas and Enjoy Your Stay. The top flap reads Vault Playing Cards.
  • The back designs on the Vault playing cards are different than those used in game for Caravan and Blackjack.

