Spray n' Pray is a legendary submachine gun sold by Cricket, or by other merchants (very rarely). It is typically equipped with high-tier mods, such as a large quick-eject drum and a suppressor, and can be modified at a weapons workbench.
The weapon has the Explosive effect, in which each shot deals 15 points of area-of-effect explosive damage on impact. This can easily lead to friendly fire upon one's companions, oneself or NPCs who are close to the target. It also benefits from the Demolition Expert perk. An additional benefit to its explosive ammo is that it causes most enemy types to stumble, effectively stunning them while being fired upon.
Spray n' Pray is sold by a wandering merchant by the name of Cricket. She has been known to set up shop in Bunker Hill, and can occasionally be found outside of Vault 81, Warwick Homestead or Diamond City and throughout the Commonwealth. Building a trade caravan post has the possibility to make her spawn randomly in the settlement.
Behind the scenes[]
"Spraying and praying" is a term used to describe when someone fires a fully automatic weapon in long bursts with little to no regard for accuracy in the hopes to score a hit.
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One Shots fired will not ignite gas in the air or oil on the ground.[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One The weapon can lose all of its attachments and description/name if left in a metal box next to the power armor station in Sanctuary Hills for too long, but keeps the weapon effect. [已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One The explosive effect allows the player character to unlock some one-way doors that need to be opened by firing at. As it deals area of effect damage, the area unlocks the door whether the player character stands behind or in front of the door. [已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One Spray n' Pray may turn into a regular submachine gun when stored. [已验证]