
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV LR
Get up without my permission, I'll blast your ass so far through your head, it'll turn the moon cherry pie red.





多米諾可說是足智多謀,精通槍法(尤其是手槍),爆炸物刀法。他是個偏執狂,設下許多惡作劇般的陷阱,在別墅區藏了許多秘密補給。考慮到鬼人的存在,這些行為還算說得過去。He is also overly obsessed with robbing the Sierra Madre in revenge for the perceived insult from Sinclair, who he believes built the casino just to overshadow him.

多米諾總算等到了機會,伴隨著克里斯汀·羅伊斯的出現。Christine tracked Elijah from Big MT to the Sierra Madre Casino, where she suffered the same fate as Domino. At some point, 多米諾把昏迷的克里斯汀困在了一台自動醫生醫療機里,切除了她的聲帶。在信使進入馬德雷山賭場後,in Vera Keyes' hotel room,醫療機重新編程後給她換上了維拉·凱耶斯的聲帶。where it is revealed that her capture was part of Domino's plan to break into the vault, as the elevator could only be activated by the voice of the long-dead Vera Keyes.

與玩家的互動 []


Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予Unclean Living辅助能力。
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter


FO76 ui icon quest
  • Find Collar 14: Dean Domino
  • Strike Up the Band
  • Curtain Call at the Tampico
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap -
卖: -
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: -
40 Weaponsmith


12 The American Dream
此角色出租床位 Bottle cap -.
Probability colored
此角色商队扑克牌' 他们可以出 瓶盖


  • Find Collar 14: Dean Domino: The player has to find and recruit Dean in the Residential District.
  • Strike Up the Band: The player has to escort Dean to Puesta del Sol south for him to connect a circuit.
  • Curtain Call at the Tampico: The player has to confront Dean in the Sierra Madre Casino in the Tampico and can choose to either let him go free, or kill him for his actions before the War.
  • Heist of the Centuries: 如结局时他未死,他将帮助玩家抵抗电台的作用。


  • 多米諾會製作馬德雷山馬提尼,並教給玩家製作馬德雷山馬提尼的perk with the correct dialogue choices.


# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Nvdlc01 eg dean
Dean Domino, entertainer, singer... thief... had his last show on the Sierra Madre stage. The heist he spent over two hundred years planning fell apart, just as the first, by underestimating his partner's strength. Not long after the Courier left the Villa, the lights in the theater shut off, one by one. Only Dean's Hologram remained on stage, singing silently to an empty room. Still... as consumed as he had been with its riches and ruin, the Sierra Madre had held him captive long ago. Dean is dead.
Nvdlc01 eg dean
Dean Domino, entertainer, singer... thief... explored the Sierra Madre not long after he was rescued by the Courier. Once he left the theater, the Sierra Madre recognized him as a guest, and many doors opened to him. He had to admit, it had been built to last. During his search, he came across the final records of Vera and Sinclair, and realized what happened the night the bombs fell. He felt strangely sad for a moment, and he had no idea why. Shrugging it off, his mind turned instead to where the Courier had come from. Vegas still survived, out there in the Mojave. Its sights, sounds... and casinos, ripe for the taking. So giving the Sierra Madre one last nod and a wink, he set off beyond the Cloud to begin again. Dean is alive.


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Dead Money jumpsuit (after Gala event if tuxedo is removed)
9毫米手枪 - -


  • 迪恩的得意技只有爆炸物槍法
  • Dean's Hit Points regenerate slowly over time. Very few non-player characters have this attribute; the only other known ones are Mean Sonofabitch and God.
  • 當迪恩作為玩家的夥伴時,他能夠保護玩家免受紅雲25%的傷害。This perk is known as Unclean Living.
  • When present, Dean will comment on the player every time they loot one of his stashes, often expressing that the stash is there for himself. However, he will not retaliate in any manner.
  • Dean is the only Dead Money companion that has a firearm as a default weapon, the other two defaulting to unarmed. This makes him a valuable aid when engaging Ghost people at range, since his ammo never runs out.
  • 莫哈維廢土上有時能見到迪恩的海報(比如在貓王的房間、幸運38總統套房還有讀盤畫面),暗示這個人物的登場。
  • 當玩家在全息投影儀上播放錄音時,迪恩的投影形象會唱起名曲"Something's Gotta Give"。
  • 雖然迪恩是屍鬼,但他的嗓音清楚而抑揚頓挫,不似一般殭屍那麼刺耳。
  • 迪恩的耳朵少了外耳廓,但迪恩的蛤蟆鏡能固定在耳朵的位置上。
  • 潛行時。迪恩和勞爾·特哈達一樣會抱怨膝蓋疼。When he is smoking and crouching, he won't bend his knees all the way.
  • 多米諾的內心十分脆弱,玩家和他打交道時要小心翼翼才能不挫傷他,與他交惡的後果是很嚴重的。Expressing irritation, aggression, or contempt will earn his ire. Also, passing the Barter skill checks in his dialogues 将会导致玩家结局时必须杀死他, as he takes the player's competence as a personal insult. 除交易技能外的其他技能判定对他没什么影响。
    • Noteworthy, if the first Barter check is passed upon meeting with Domino, he will have unique dialogue for the rest of the Dead Money storyline.
  • When both Dean and Christine are not companions, they can initiate dialogue with each other (or at least to the extent that Christine can), and Dean will comment on her muteness by saying "You're not much for conversation, are you?" Likewise, Dean may engage God in conversation at the Villa fountain where God expresses his disdain for the ghoul for not leaving the Sierra Madre when he had the chance.
  • Dean seems to ignore the fact that he has the collar on (more than the other characters) and, on the rare occasion he does pay attention to it, he refers to it as a "bow tie".
  • Though Dean says that he has learned how to use a knife, he does not have Melee as a tagged skill.
  • Dean is an avid smoker. When found, he has a lit cigar in his room, and as a companion will frequently smoke a cigarette.
  • Dean is the only companion besides Boone who allows you to take his clothes.
    • If his unique clothes are taken and he is dismissed as a companion, he will automatically equip a Dead Money jumpsuit, even though it was nowhere present in his inventory.
  • Despite how much he talks of wishing to stay away from Ghost People, his apartment in the Residential District is brightly lit up with Christmas lights pointing directly to it.
  • Assemble Your Crew的成就图标显示他有头发, 但游戏中没有。

Notable quotes[]


Dean Domino is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas and Lonesome Road, and appears only in the add-on Dead Money.


  • 迪恩·多米諾的名字是迪恩·馬丁(美國歌手,喜劇演員)和胖子多米諾(美國搖滾鋼琴家,創作人)的綜合。迪恩·多米諾曾提到他簽約於帝國唱片,而這正是胖子多米諾在現實中籤約的公司。but unlike Dean Martin, Dean Domino speaks using an southeastern British accent.
  • 如果玩家點了Wild Wasteland這個perk,迪恩會在第一次殺掉鬼人時向電影魔誡英豪致敬——「他沒死,這是個陷阱,拿斧子來!」
  • When asked about the nature of the ghost people, Dean will attempt to quote (though incorrectly both times) the famous exchange between Hamlet and Horatio: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
  • The surname "Domino" may be a gesture to Gaston Leroux's gothic novel "The Phantom of the Opera" later made into a musical by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber—a one-sided love story between a disfigured man and an operetic soprano named Christine. The musical's logo features a domino (in this context, a type of mask that covers half the face), worn by the Phantom to conceal his facial deformities. The aviator sunglasses worn by Dean Domino resemble the eye openings of such a mask. The multiple copies of "¡La Fantoma!" magazine hidden throughout the Sierra Madre and vicinity would seem to bolster this assumption.


  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If you kill Dean on a set of stairs, his body might glitch out of the map. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes, when Dean is knocked unconscious, he may never wake up until you restart a save, or enter a new area. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Right after killing Dean on the stairs, a message might come up and say: "Dean is dead" over and over even after clicking Ok.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If Dean is talked to while he is still marked as "hostile", it will remove the hostile tag. making the quest uncompleteable.[已验证]

