
All this advanced technology, and we still can't cure the common cold.— Dean Volkert

Doctor Dean Volkert (username Volkert.D)[1] is a scientist in the Institute in 2287.


Although everyone in the Institute is a doctor of some sort, Volkert is the closest that they have to a dedicated physician and medical care specialist.[2] He's responsible for maintaining medical records and ensuring every member of the Institute remains in good shape to advance the cause of science.[3]

He has a gruff bedside manner[4] and has a particularly low opinion of the surface's medical practitioners, considering them little more than butchers.[5] His dedication to his patients' well-being puts him in a strenuous relationship with the rest of the BioScience division, as he spends most of his time (up to sixteen hours a day) practicing medicine and administrating the clinic at the expense of other tasks the department, or his colleagues, assign to him.[6][7][8]

He even has unrestricted access to Hydroponics (for medicinal purposes) and will simply take any plants he needs from the plantations, much to Isaac Karlin's annoyance.[9] Volkert also carries out medical experiments, testing new compounds on synth workers. He does not consider synths humans or even persons, and treats his test subjects with clinical detachment, expecting them to record any symptoms they experience in full detail.[10]

Perhaps the most difficult relationship is with his son, Brendan Volkert. Unlike his father, who can spend endless tiring days delving into theoretical bioscience (antigens and immunogens, thoretical gene and virotherapy treatments, producing oncolytic viruses through genetic modification), Brendan struggles with science and complex theoretical topics. In an effort to impress his father, Brendan feigns interest in his father's biological pursuits. Dean accepts it, hoping that his son will follow in his footsteps one day.[11][12][13] He sincerely hopes this will stop Brendan from disturbing other Institute members from their duties, as he is sick of fielding complaints from Evan Watson of Advanced Systems regarding Brendan's attempts to ingratiate himself with Rosalind Orman, his love interest.[14]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
FO76 vaultboy firstaid


  • Institutionalized: Volkert is met during the quest, and introduced as a free healer: His services are free of charge, but can only be used when the player character is wounded or irradiated.
  • Pinned: Volkert will be encountered giving a health exam to Father, who will cut the appointment short to talk to the player.
  • Nuclear Family: Volkert will be present at Father's deathbed, directing the Sole Survivor to see him before he passes, and directing them to Allie Filmore after Father's death.


服装 武器 其他 物品
Green Institute lab coat Institute rifle Fusion cell


Dean Volkert appears only 在辐射4 .


  • Has platform::PCPC The healing service he provides does not cure addictions.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Like every other physician, he provides healing up to one's maximum Hit Points minus one point.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One After the quest A House Divided, he will no longer offer his services and ignore the player character when interacting with him. To fix this, he must be forced into combat, which will refresh his AI. This bug also causes him to be stuck on his terminal and interacting with the terminal won't force him off it.[已验证]


  1. Institute concourse terminal entries; terminal, View Access Logs
  2. The Sole Survivor: "You're the doctor here?"
    Dean: "Everyone's a doctor here. But if you mean physician, then yes, I'm about as close as we've got to one."
    (Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  3. Dean: "Once you've settled in, I'll want do a physical and get a file going on you. No hurry, though."
    (Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  4. All responses to requests for healing have the script note "A doctor examining a patient, beside manner is a bit gruff."
  5. Dean: "There. Good thing you didn't turn to one of those Commonwealth butchers for medical care."
    (Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  6. Institute scientist: "Doctor Volkert, have you had a chance to fill that prescription I requested?"
    Dean: "Not yet."
    Institute scientist: "Have you been able to at least test the samples I gave you?"
    Dean: "No. Look I've been very busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can."
    Institute scientist: "Well it shouldn't take long. It's not like I'm asking you to cure cancer."
    Dean: "Wouldn't that be nice."
    (Institute scientist's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  7. Clayton: "Hi there, Dean. How's it going?"
    Dean: "Well enough, I suppose. What's on your mind?"
    Clayton: "You're past deadline on the report for batch three-seven-six-one. What's the hold-up?"
    Dean: "I spent a few days restocking the meds. I have to do that from scratch, you know. It's time-consuming."
    Clayton: "Well, I'm sure you'll do your best to get back on schedule."
    Note: This is one of the two randomly-used sets of lines in the Hydroponics2 dialogue scene.
    (Clayton Holdren's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  8. Clayton: "How are things with you, Dean?"
    Dean: "Busy, but nothing I can't handle. What do you want? "
    Clayton: "I was expecting the growth rate metrics yesterday. Have you written that up yet?"
    Dean: "I sent you a message about this. I spent sixteen hours seeing patients this week."
    Clayton: "I see. Well, our schedule is important so, I trust you'll make it a priority."
    Note: This is the other randomly-used set of lines in the Hydroponics2 dialogue scene.
    (Clayton Holdren's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  9. Isaac: "One of the ginger plants is gone. Was this another of your medical emergencies?"
    Dean: "Doctor Li's been having trouble sleeping, so I used it to make a remedy."
    Isaac Karlin: "You had no right!"
    Dean: "Save it, Isaac. You know I have full access to the garden when it comes to medicinal matters."
    Note: This is one of the two sets of randomized lines for the Hydroponics3 dialogue scene.
    (Isaac Karlin's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  10. Dean: "No visible reaction to the K-14 compound. We'll start the next trial, then. The dosage will be much larger this time, and the side effects will likely be more pronounced."
    Synth: "Will there be any pain?"
    Dean: "I honestly don't know. I suppose it's your job to find out. Now hold still. There, all done. You can return to your duties, and remember to record every symptom you experience in detail."
    Synth: "I hope I'll prove a useful test subject for you, doctor."
    Dean: "Mm hm."
    (Synth worker's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  11. Brendan: "How was your day?"
    Dean: "Complicated...and long."
    Brendan: "What did you work on?"
    Dean: "Extremely theoretical bioscience, I'd bore you."
    Brendan: "No, I'm really interested in this stuff. Try me."
    Dean: "Just a lot of headaches over antigens and immunogens."
    Brendan: "Yeah, that's...my...favorite subject."
    Dean Volkert: "I'm glad you're finally taking an interest in science, son. Keep up the good work."
    Note: This is one of three dialogue sets in the InstituteSS6 dialogue scene.
    (Brendan Volkert's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  12. Brendan: "How was your day?"
    Dean: "Complicated...and long. "
    Brendan: "What did you work on?"
    Dean: "Extremely theoretical bioscience, I'd bore you."
    Brendan: "No, I'm really interested in this stuff. Try me."
    Dean: "Just a little theoretical gene and virotherapy in relation to hypothetical biotechnological treatments."
    Brendan: "Yeah, that's...my...favorite subject."
    Dean Volkert: "I'm glad you're finally taking an interest in science, son. Keep up the good work."
    Note: This is one of three dialogue sets in the InstituteSS6 dialogue scene.
    (Brendan Volkert's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  13. Brendan: "How was your day?"
    Dean: "Complicated...and long."
    Brendan: "What did you work on?"
    Dean: "Extremely theoretical bioscience, I'd bore you."
    Brendan: "No, I'm really interested in this stuff. Try me."
    Dean: "Just examining fauna and it's potential to produce oncolytic viruses through genetic modification."
    Brendan: "Yeah, that's...my...favorite subject."
    Dean: "I'm glad you're finally taking an interest in science, son. Keep up the good work."
    Note: This is one of three dialogue sets in the InstituteSS6 dialogue scene.
    (Brendan Volkert's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
  14. Dean Volkert: "Brendan, were you hanging around Advance游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 Systems today?"
    Brendan Volkert: "Yeah...but only for like five minutes...why? Wait, let me guess, Doctor Watson complained about me again."
    Dean Volkert: "Yes, exactly. Doctor Watson said you were disturbing members of his lab today and he had to ask you to leave."
    Brendan: "I wasn't disturbing anyone. I said hello to Rosalind and he kicked me out for no reason. The guy hates me."
    Dean: "He doesn't hate you. He just hates that you distract people while they have important work to do. Brendan, just stop going over there and this won't be a problem anymore."
    Brendan: "I'm not making any promises."
    (Brendan Volkert's and Dean Volkert's dialogue)
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal