

Multiple survivor factions formed in Appalachia after the Great War, some effectively disbanded, with their human members being wiped out by the Scorched Plague and others comprised of those newly arriving to the region.

Icon Factionr Locations Status Appearance
FO76LL BoS medallion Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel Camp Venture • Fort Defiance • Thunder Mountain power plant Defunct
Fallout 76
- Mentioned only Charleston Emergency Government Charleston Capitol Building Defunct
Fallout 76
FO76 Mothman Cult Decal Cult of the Mothman Point Pleasant • Landview Lighthouse • Kanawha County Cemetery • more Defunct (-2102)
Active (2103)
Fallout 76
Enclave Symbol (FO3) Enclave The Whitespring Resort • The Whitespring bunker • Camp McClintock • Enclave research facility Defunct
Fallout 76
Steel Dawn
FO76 Free States Free States Abbie's bunker • Ella Ames' bunker • Harpers Ferry • more Defunct
Fallout 76
Order of Mysteries Logo Order of Mysteries Riverside Manor Defunct
Fallout 76
FO76 flagwaving raidersfaction d Raiders Palace of the Winding Path • Top of the World • Pleasant Valley Ski Resort • Sunnytop Ski Lanes • more Defunct
Fallout 76
FO76 Responders logo Responders Charleston Fire Department • Flatwoods • Morgantown Airport • Grafton • more Defunct
Fallout 76
Taggerdy's Thunder logo Mentioned only Taggerdy's Thunder Spruce Knob Lake • Camp Venture Defunct
Fallout 76
FO76 Red star pin People's Liberation Army Mama Dolce's Food Processing • Fujiniya Intelligence Base • The Deep Active Fallout 76
FO76 Pioneer Scouts Pioneer Scouts Pioneer Scout camp • Pioneer Scout lookout • Camp Adams • Kiddie Corner Cabins • Dolly Sods wilderness Defunct
Wild Appalachia
- Mentioned only Burrow Boys The Burrows Unknown Wild Appalachia
WLSettlers Faction icon Foundation Settlers Foundation Active Wastelanders
Steel Dawn
FO76 flagwaving raidersfaction d Crater Raiders The Crater • Crater watchstation • The Crater war room • Makeshift vault Active Wastelanders
Steel Dawn
Blood Eagle Decal Blood Eagles Rollins labor camp • Widow's Perch • Big Bend Tunnel • Bloody Frank's • The Vantage • Crimson Prospect • Watoga Underground • Dagger's Den Active Wastelanders
Steel Dawn
BRC Blue Ridge Caravan Company Big Bend Tunnel • Big Bend Tunnel East Active Wastelanders
Secret Service Logo Secret Service Vault 79 Active Wastelanders
- Free Radicals WV Lumber Co. Active Wastelanders
- Mentioned only Edwin's gang Unknown Active Wastelanders
- Sargento's gang Watoga Civic Center Active Wastelanders
FO76LL BoS medallion Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force
New (Appalachian) Brotherhood
Fort ATLAS Active
One Wasteland For All
Steel Dawn
- Jennie Brown's villagers The Retreat Active Steel Dawn

Technical factions[]

These are different types of actor factions which are used in the game for technical purposes and to enable complex functionality during combat encounters. Most factions are hostile to player characters and creatures not in their faction (example; deathclaws attack super mutants).

Faction IDs
Player faction 0001C21C
Bug faction 00028670
Creature faction 00022B31
Yao guai faction 000B3D82
Radroach faction 000EDCE1
Bloodbug faction 000EDCE2
Bloatfly faction 000EDCE3
Stingwing faction 000EDCE4
Eyebot faction 000EDCE5
Deathclaw faction 0001E722
Scorched faction 000364CE
Super mutant faction 00058305
Tick faction 0008EDA1

