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NameClosest map markerLocation description
Big Book of ScienceCathedralTower, level 3, on bookshelf
Big Book of ScienceLos Angeles VaultEntrance to the lair, on the floor
Big Book of ScienceLos Angeles VaultLevel 2, on a mad scientist
Big Book of ScienceGlowLevel 1, in locker
Big Book of ScienceGlowLevel 4, in locker
Big Book of ScienceLost HillsLevel 1, in a storage crate
Big Book of ScienceThe HubMerchant: Mitch in Downtown
Big Book of ScienceThe HubMerchant: Mrs. Stapleton in Downtown
Dean's ElectronicsCathedralTower, level 3, on bookshelf.
Dean's ElectronicsGlowTwo on Level 4, one in a locker, the other in a wall safe.
Dean's ElectronicsLos Angeles VaultLevel 2, on a mad scientist.
Dean's ElectronicsLost HillsLevel 1, in a storage crate.
Dean's ElectronicsThe HubMerchant: Mitch in Downtown.
Dean's ElectronicsThe HubMerchant: Mrs. Stapleton in Downtown.
Dean's ElectronicsNecropolisThe leader of the underground ghouls will give you three if your Repair is too low to fix the water pump.
Dean's ElectronicsLost HillsGiven by Kyle near the broken power armor when you find the parts.
First Aid BookBoneyardAdytum underground (Zimmerman's hideout), on bookshelf.
First Aid BookCathedralTower, level 3, on bookshelf.
First Aid BookLos Angeles VaultLevel 2, on a mad scientist.
First Aid BookLost HillsLevel 1, in a storage crate.
First Aid BookThe HubMerchant: Mitch in Downtown.
First Aid BookThe HubMerchant: Mrs. Stapleton in Downtown.
First Aid BookShady SandsRazlo's house, on bookshelf.
First Aid BookVault 15Level 3 Command Center, nearby northwest wall.
Guns and BulletsCathedralTower, level 3, on bookshelf.
Guns and BulletsBoneyardFollowers of the Apocalypse Library, 1st room to the left, on the floor.
Guns and BulletsGlowLevel 5, in locker.
Guns and BulletsThe HubMerchant: Mrs. Stapleton in Downtown.
Guns and BulletsJunktownCasino, on Gizmo's bookshelf.
Guns and BulletsMariposa Military BaseStronghold, level 1, on the floor.
Guns and BulletsNecropolisHall, in desk.
Scout HandbookCathedralMerchant: Shopkeeper on level 1 of the tower.
Scout HandbookCathedralTower, level 3, on bookshelf.
Scout HandbookThe HubMerchant: Mitch in Downtown.
Scout HandbookThe HubMerchant: Mrs. Stapleton in Downtown.
Scout HandbookJunktownGeneral Store, in Killian Darkwater's safe.
Scout HandbookShady Sands gardenGarden, on the bookshelf.
Scout HandbookShady Sands entranceEmpty house, on the bookshelf.

