Final version of the Fallout d20 cover
Fallout Pen and Paper d20 was a cancelled pen and paper role-playing game based on the Fallout computer games developed by Glutton Creeper Games. Because Bethesda threatened Glutton Creeper with legal action, they were forced to change the game into a generic post-apocalyptic RPG called Exodus.
Project history[]
On June 10, 2006 GCG finished contract negotiations with Interplay for a license to create a d20 Modern OGL setting for Fallout. The products announced by Glutton Creeper were the Player's Guide, the Campaign Guide and the Organization Companion Guide.
On May 8th, 2007 ZeniMax Media/Bethesda Softworks threatened to file an injunction against GCG for damages, should they not cease and desist production of Fallout PnP d20 products. They stated that Interplay never had the rights to license a Pen and Paper to GCG under their license of Fallout from 2004 before the purchase of the IP, and claimed that it may damage the Fallout brand and forecoming Fallout 3 release by linking the two. The Fallout d20 page on GCG website was removed.
On June 19th, 2007 GCG finished the conversion of its Fallout d20 project to another post-apocalyptic PnP setting named Exodus that encompasses the South-West of the United States (to include New Mexico, Arizona, California, Northern Mexico, Utah, Nevada. They made it generic enough to use in any setting, but have added a new storyline that is based classless system. There were two classless option to choose from (aggressive and non-aggressive) that determines Base Attack, Save bonuses, Hit Die, and so on. Backgrounds, Occupations, Race and Tag Skills determined class skills. All characters got a background and could choose to take an occupation. Traits were present with all of the classics from Fallout, as well as many more new options.
Two samples of the Player's Guide were presented by Glutton Creeper. One of them consisted of background info, and the other of description of Traits. Both were criticized by inconsistency with Fallout canon. Due to criticism, the initial cover design presented by GCG was redone to make it more consistant with the Fallout setting.
External links[]
- Glutton Creeper Games
- Fallout d20 official forum at Duck and Cover
- Fallout d20 forum at Glutton Creeper Games
- Gluton Creeper Games Yahoo! Group