FNV Biz sign 12
Why don't you relax a second? Get your bearings. Let's see what the damage is.— Doc Mitchell

General information[]

In the Mojave Wasteland, there are 15 doctors who can restore the Courier's HP, purge radiation, cure addiction and sell medical supplies, including:

Name Location Faction (required reputation) Restores HP Purges radiation Cures addiction Merchant


Ada Straus Novac Novac Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Alex Richards Camp Forlorn Hope NCR Yes Yes Yes No Start Medical Mystery and involved in Restoring Hope
Argyll Nellis Air Force Base Boomers (Liked) Yes Yes Yes Yes Involved in Volare!
Bert Gunnarsson Aerotech Office Park - Yes No No No -
Doc Sawbones Camp Golf NCR No Yes Yes No -
Hannigan NCR Correctional Facility Powder Gangers Yes No No No Involved in I Fought the Law
Henry Jacobstown - Yes Yes Yes No Start Guess Who I Saw Today and involved in For Auld Lang Syne and Nothin' But a Hound Dog
Julie Farkas Old Mormon Fort Followers of the Apocalypse Yes Yes Yes Yes see her page
Linda Schuler Hidden Valley bunker Brotherhood of Steel Yes Yes Yes Yes see her page
Kemp Camp McCarran NCR Yes Yes Yes Yes Involved in A Final Plan for Esteban
Markland Bitter Springs NCR Yes Yes Yes No Involved in Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues
Doc Mitchell Goodsprings Goodsprings Yes Yes Yes Yes Starts Ain't That a Kick in the Head and involved in Ghost Town Gunfight and Run Goodsprings Run
Emily Ortal New Vegas Strip Followers of the Apocalypse Yes No No No Starts The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Red Lucy The Thorn - Yes No No No Involved in Bleed Me Dry and Fight Night
Usanagi New Vegas Medical Clinic Followers of the Apocalypse Yes Yes Yes Yes Involved in I Don't Hurt Anymore and sells implants