


圖標 任務名 地點 任務NPC 報酬 任務ID
Aint That a Kick in the Head
誰打爆了我的頭(Ain't That a Kick in the Head) 清泉镇 米歇爾醫生 21號避難所連身褲, 嗶嗶小子3000, 18 瓶蓋, 6 发夹,基於標記的額外技能 (具體內容詳見任務頁面) 00104C1C
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东山再起(Back in the Saddle) 清泉镇 珊妮 斯迈尔斯 50 瓶蓋, 狐鼠步槍, 30 5.56mm子彈, 60 5.56mm子彈(可選), 50 XP, 清泉鎮聲望(可選) 0010A214
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使用营火(By a Campfire on the Trail) 清泉镇 珊妮·斯迈尔斯 治療粉 0015D912


圖標 任務名稱 地點 任務NPC 報酬 任務ID
They Went That-a-Way
他们往那边走了 普瑞姆, 尼普顿, 巨石城 米歇爾醫生 1000 XP 000842DD
叮-叮-叮! 上好佳赌场 杰赛普 1000 XP - 1200 XP 0011345D
注意: 他们往那边走了的整个故事情节可以直接跳到新維加斯上好佳赌场来完成任务。然而,从清泉镇直接向北到新維加斯的道路是非常危险的,被各种致命的敌人所困扰,他们可以轻易地杀死一个低级的信使






圖標 任務名稱 地點 任務NPC 報酬 任務ID
Wild Card
万能牌:王牌 上好佳赌场 好好先生 00165C37
Wild Card
万能牌:管理层变革 幸运38赌场 好好先生 300 XP
NCR 惡名
Wild Card
万能牌:你和哪一路的人马? 要塞 好好先生 750-500 XP 0016A161
Wild Card
万能牌:边注 賭城區 好好先生 军团恶名。如果万能牌:管理层变革也已完成了,小心凯撒的愤怒!禁止踩熊!会失败。 00157322
Wild Card
万能牌:收尾工作 幸运38赌场, 埃尔多拉多变电所 好好先生 500 XP, NCR恶名 0015827D
You'll Know it When it Happens
当发生时你便知道 胡佛大坝 格兰特游骑兵, 好好先生, 豪斯先生 1000 XP, NCR恶名 00131F08
No Gods No Masters
没有神,没有主人 幸运38赌场顶层公寓 好好先生 结束游戏 00154233


圖標 任務名 地點 任務給予者 報酬 任务ID
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家I 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 600 XP, 1000瓶蓋, 幸运38赌场总统套房 00147885
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家II 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 00147886
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家III 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 NCR/軍團惡名 00147887
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家IV 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 NCR/軍團惡名。小心凯撒的愤怒!禁止踩熊!会失败。 00147888
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家V 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 鋼鐵兄弟會惡名 00147889
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家VI 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 0014788A
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家VII 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 NCR惡名 001599CD
The House Always Wins
豪斯总是赢家VIII 幸運38號賭場 豪斯先生 0014788B
All or Nothing
孤注一掷 胡佛大坝 豪斯先生 遊戲結束 00154234


圖標 任務名 地點 任務給予者 報酬 任务ID
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易爆品 奈利斯空軍基地 丹尼斯·克罗克 200 XP, 300-400-500瓶盖, NCR声誉 00116B41
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王翼弃兵 NCR大使馆 丹尼斯·克罗克 1300 XP, 600瓶盖, 如果你灭了貓王幫NCR声誉或NCR惡名 0011F95B
For the Republic
为了共和国,第2部分 胡佛大坝 摩尔上校 475 XP, 在告诉摩尔上校可汗帮已经被摧毁后NCR声誉/軍團惡名,如果钢铁兄弟会被说服与NCR结盟,NCR将惡名。

完成第二部分(黑手党)后小心凯撒的愤怒!会失败。 在完成豪斯先生任务线后第三部分会失败。

You'll Know it When it Happens
当发生时你便知道 胡佛大坝 格兰特游骑兵, 好好先生, 羅伯特·豪斯 1000 XP, NCR声誉 00131F08
找到了! 胡佛大坝 李·奥利弗将军 游戏结束 00133075


圖標 任務名 地點 任務給予者 報酬 任务ID
Render Unto Caesar
献给凯撒 要塞 凯撒 軍團声誉, NCR惡名。

豪斯先生的任务线会在完成第2部分后失败 (为豪斯先生)。 禁止踩熊!会在完成第4部分后失败(白手套协会)。

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还有你,布鲁图? 要塞 凯撒 001252D6
Arizona Killer
亚利桑那杀手 要塞 凯撒, 卢修斯 军团声誉 00131F09
Veni Vidi Vici
我来,我见,我征服 特使營地 拉尼厄斯特使 游戏结束 00137AB9


這些任務可以在遊戲中的任意時候完成, 但大多數不會影響主線。注意,某些任務會因為你在某些幫派有著過低的聲望而無法完成.

圖標 任務名 地點 任務授予者 獎勵 聲譽 任务ID
The Legend of the Star
宝贵的教训 夕阳沙士公司总部 費斯圖斯 1600 經驗值, 1500 瓶蓋, 咻咻槍 00105998
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药品生意 红岩药品实验室 黛安 增压剂配方或250瓶蓋,450瓶蓋,可汗诡计 大汗帮 聲望 00140C3B
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蚂蚁捣乱 奈利斯空軍基地 拉克尔 300經驗 大炮族聲望 001083DE
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吾乃闲云野鹤 德卡提卡布金矿 雷诺斯 100經驗 NCR聲望 0011F935
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Back in Your Own Backyard 尼尔森 遊騎兵米羅 150經驗,50瓶蓋 NCR聲望,军团惡名 00129445
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超越牛肉 無上奢華賭場 莫蒂默赫克·甘德森 100/500經驗,200/500瓶蓋 賭城區聲望, 白手套协会聲望 0010D2C6
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小心凯撒的愤怒! 莫哈韋廢土 凯撒军团 軍團惡名 00167F0F
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物以类聚 银色冲击 格洛丽亚·范·格拉夫, 简·巴普蒂斯特·卡廷 600 XP, 范·格拉夫战斗装甲, 1000瓶蓋 00124123
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苦泉镇医务室的蓝调 苦泉镇 马克兰中尉 2個治疗针, 4個抗輻寧, 4消輻寧 NCR聲望 00139B8D
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榨干我的血 棘刺城 瑞德·露西 开饭铃, 狩猎左轮手枪, 獵槍, 1,650 XP, 5,200瓶蓋 001348DB
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Booted 尼普顿, 军团突袭营地 箱卡 100 XP 炸药帮聲望 00131E7C
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巨石城对决 巨石城 門羅中尉 300 XP NCR聲望, 大汗帮聲望 0010E908
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再见吾爱 蛾摩拉 乔安娜 其中400瓶蓋(如果通过交易检定可以獲得600瓶蓋)來自Carlitos, 200來自喬安娜. 00110A65
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凱撒的支持 棉花丛湾 自己 軍團銀幣,隨機戰利品 00163427
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凯撒的雇佣兵 要塞 自己 軍團銀幣 军团声誉好坏参半 00163429
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Can You Find it in Your Heart? 莫哈维前哨站 杰克逊游骑兵 200 XP, 军用步枪, 72 5.56mm armor piercing rounds, 100瓶盖, 2 weapon repair kits, 2 caravan lunches. NCR声誉 00144122
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Classic Inspiration 迈克尔·安吉洛的工作室 迈克尔·安吉洛 每张照片150瓶盖, 200 XP & 500瓶盖。 赌城大道声誉 00112577
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攀越群山 苦泉镇 吉尔斯队长 100 XP NCR声誉 00133046
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冷,冷的心 尼普顿 沃尔普斯·因库塔 150 XP 可能的军团声誉 001349B5
Come Fly With Me
伴我飞翔 诺瓦克, 瑞普康试验场, 吉布森垃圾场, 克拉克原野 曼尼·瓦爾加斯, 杰森·布莱特, No-bark Noonan 800 XP + 200 XP, 太空服 诺瓦克声誉 00080664
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疯狂,疯狂,疯狂 黑山 尼尔 1000 XP 00166B87
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泪流成河 红岩峡谷 杰瑞朋克 350 XP 00140C3C
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讨债人 原子牛仔赌场 弗朗辛·加勒特 600 XP, 300瓶盖, 玩家宿舍在原子牛仔赌场 自由城声誉 0010E1DC
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别把我当作乞丐 大汗帮营地, 斯隆, 普瑞姆 Melissa 150瓶盖,各种药品或85瓶盖 大汗帮声誉或NCR声誉 000E37E7
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禁止踩熊! 莫哈韋廢土 NCR 几个NCR任务失败 NCR恶名 00167F0E
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ED-E我的爱 纳什家, 普瑞姆 ED-E ED-E升级 001572E8
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Emergency Radio 莫哈韋廢土 自己 NCR供应下降 0015FB7C
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以牙还牙 探照灯营地 Astor 200或250瓶盖, 500或1000 XP NCR或军团声誉 00134498
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盲人的视力 隐秘山谷地堡, 黑山 麦克纳马拉长老 加入鋼鐵兄弟會, T-45d动力装甲, 动力装甲训练和军械库的全部使用权。 001638F0
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我们犯错的旗帜 高尔夫营地 麦克雷迪 200 XP NCR fame 0010431C
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友谊地久天长 各自 阿卡德·甘农 500 XP, 残存者动力装甲, 甘农家族特斯拉装甲, 动力装甲训练 00157E60
GI Blues
G.I.布鲁斯 貓王的演藝學校 貓王 500-1500 XP 自由城声誉 0010E196
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鬼镇枪战 清泉镇 特鲁迪 250瓶盖, 150 XP 清泉镇声誉, 炸藥幫恶名 00104EAE
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猜猜我今天看到了谁 雅各布斯镇 亨利 500 XP, 哦,寶貝! 0013F405
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Hard Luck Blues NCR sharecropper farms, 东部水泵站, 西部水泵站 Morgan Blake 200-250 XP NCR声誉 00159FA0
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心痛的数字 莫哈维前哨站 沙伦玫瑰·卡斯蒂 500 XP, 复仇之手平静的心辅助能力 0015DA16
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尖峰时刻 老摩门教要塞 朱莉·法卡斯 500 XP 天啟追随者声誉 0010E1DA
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知之甚少 蛾摩拉 卡奇诺, 乔安娜 400瓶盖或50蛾摩拉代币, 皮条小子30亿 00110A63
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我可以让你在乎 特定的位置 維羅尼卡·聖安傑洛 Bonds of SteelCauseless Rebel辅助能力, 1000 XP 00145F85
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I Don't Hurt Anymore 麦卡伦营地敢死队营地 戈羅貝茨中尉 250 XP NCR声誉 0015E480
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我忘了记住去忘记 诺瓦克 克雷格·布恩 1st Recon survival armor1st Recon assault armor for Boone. 001349A7
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I Fought the Law NCR Correctional Facility Eddie Various items, 300-200xp, 100 caps, 1 Mentats, 1 Psycho, 1 Buffout NCR or Powder Ganger fame 0008D0E3
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I Hear You Knocking The Fort Lucius 100 XP Legion fame 001268BD
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I Put a Spell on You Camp McCarran, The Fort Colonel Hsu, Vulpes Inculta 500XP, 250 caps or 550 XP, 250 caps NCR or Legion fame 000E790F
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Keep Your Eyes on the Prize Mojave Outpost Ranger Ghost 100 XP NCR fame 00144124
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Left My Heart Cottonwood Cove Frank Weathers or Mrs. Weathers 1000 XP, 50 caps or 300 XP, 50 caps 00135F63
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Medical Mystery Camp Forlorn Hope Dr. Richards 300 XP NCR fame 001214AB
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My Kind of Town Primm Beagle or Johnson Nash 300 XP 000DA115
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No, Not Much Bitter Springs Captain Gilles 300 XP, positive Karma or 2 Pork n' Beans, 2 purified water, $20 NCR or $100 NCR, 21 case 5.56mm, negative Karma NCR fame 00133045
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不过是条猎犬 The King's School of Impersonation The King Rex as companion, 500 XP 001176B8
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我的爸爸 Red Rock Canyon Regis 700 XP, 500 caps (or) 2 low-quality 10mm SMGs (or) 2 super stimpaks Great Khans fame 00140C3A
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One for My Baby 诺瓦克 克雷格·布恩 150 XP, 100 caps, 1st Recon beret 00151403
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Pheeble Will LVB Station Walter Phebus 375 XP and 400 caps, or 500,1000,1500 caps and 100 - 200 XP 0011F86A
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Pressing Matters Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters Alice McLafferty 100 XP, 500 caps NCR fame 0014EF5F
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Restoring Hope Camp Forlorn Hope, Helios One, Nelson Major Polatli, Carl Mayes 300 XP, Liberator NCR fame 001214AA
Return to Sender
Return to Sender Camp Forlorn Hope Reyes 500-600 XP NCR fame 0014F3B1
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Run Goodsprings Run Goodsprings Joe Cobb Powder Ganger fame 0015EC5B
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Someone to Watch Over Me North Vegas Square, North sewers Crandon 1000 caps, 150 XP 000F2429
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Still in the Dark Hidden Valley bunker Elder McNamara 1000 XP, 1400 caps, Brotherhood of Steel safehouse key Brotherhood of Steel fame 0015D79D
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Sunshine Boogie Nellis Array Loyal 300 XP Boomers fame 0015ECC9
Talent Pool
Talent Pool The Tops Tommy Torini 550 XP, 150 caps The Strip fame 00116504
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Tend to Your Business Freeside Head Paladin Hardin Membership into the Brotherhood of Steel, T-45d power armor 001633F2
That Lucky Old Sun
That Lucky Old Sun Helios One Fantastic or Haggerty 350 XP, Big Book of Science, caps, chems NCR fame or infamy 000E282D
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The Coyotes Aerotech office park Parker 250 XP, 150 caps 000F8892
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The Finger of Suspicion The Fort, Vault 21 Vulpes Inculta 100 XP Legion fame 001271EA
The Legend of the Star
The Legend of the Star Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters Festus Unlocks doors for next quest 000E8F7D
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The Moon Comes Over the Tower New Vegas Strip Emily Ortal 500 XP Followers of the Apocalypse fame 0011A0C5
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The White Wash Camp McCarran Carrie Boyd Key to MP confiscated goods trunk 000F0629
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There Stands the Grass Camp McCarran Thomas Hildern 1200-1500 XP, 1200-2000 caps 000EF63B
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Three-Card Bounty Camp McCarran Dhatri 250 caps per bounty, 100 XP per bounty NCR fame 000F81BD
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Unfriendly Persuasion Jacobstown Marcus 350 XP, 2500-3000 caps 00148A34
Volare! Nellis Air Force Base Pearl Boomer flightsuit, Boomers helmet Boomers fame 000FF5DF
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Wang Dang Atomic Tango Atomic Wrangler Casino James Garret 150-400 caps, 450 XP 0010E1DB
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We Are Legion Nelson Dead Sea Liberator, 300 XP Legion fame 00125E7E
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We Will All Go Together 探照灯营地 Astor 25 caps per dogtag, service rifle, 25 XP per dogtag 0014050C
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Wheel of Fortune Camp Searchlight Logan Random weapons, 100 XP 0014050D
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Why Can't We Be Friends? Vault 19 Philip Lem or Samuel Cooke 300 XP Powder Ganger fame 0013E5AF
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You Can Depend on Me Crimson Caravan Company Alice McLafferty 500 caps, 550 XP 000EDB37
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Young Hearts Nellis Hangars Jack 300 XP, 470 caps Boomers fame 00150B8B



名称 地点 授予 奖励 任务ID
A Bit of Slap and Tickle Casa Madrid Apartments Self Sex with a prostitute of your choosing ????????
A Final Plan for Esteban Camp McCarran Christina Morales Karma or 50 caps ????????
A Pair of Dead Desperados, I Primm Self ????????
A Pair of Dead Desperados, II Wins Hideout Self Vance's lucky hat (optional), Vikki's bonnet (optional), Vance's 9mm submachine gun ????????
A Team of Moronic Mercenaries Primm Layla The casino reopens ????????
Access Powers REPCONN Headquarters Self Q-35 matter modulator ????????
All Fired Up! Vault 34 Self All-American, pulse gun ????????
An Ear to the Ground Camp Forlorn Hope James Sexton NCR fame ????????
Andy and Charlie Novac, Ranger Station Charlie Ranger Andy Ranger Takedown ????????
Arizona Scavenger Cottonwood Cove Aurelius of Phoenix Caesar's Legion fame, caps ????????
Barton the Fink Goodsprings Source Barton Thorn Miscellaneous loot ????????
Bear Necessities Nellis Air Force Base Lindsay Boomer fame or infamy ????????
Big Winner, ... New Vegas (and Sierra Madre with Dead Money add-on) casinos Self Caps, suites, banned from casinos 00145F88 (The Tops)
Bounty Killer Vault 3 Colonel Hsu NCR fame ????????
Cajoling a Cudgel Sealed sewers Self The Humble Cudgel ????????
Claws Mended Sloan Snuffles NCR fame ????????
Claws Out Quarry Junction Chomps Lewis NCR fame ????????
Dealing with Contreras Camp McCarran Contreras, Carrie Boyd This Machine ????????
Defacing the Humble Stone Boulder City Private Kowalski Possible NCR infamy ????????
Democracy Inaction Vault 11 Self 500 XP ????????
Eddie's Emissary NCR Correctional Facility Eddie Powder Ganger fame ????????
Fight Night The Thorn Red Lucy 120 caps ????????
Flogging a Dead Corpse Freeside Freeside thug ????????
Friend of the Followers Old Mormon Fort Julie Farkas 300 XP (if joining the Followers), caps ????????
Gland for Some Home Cooking Primm Ruby Nash Ruby's casserole ????????
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger New Vegas Medical Clinic Dr. Usanagi Various implants and more SPECIAL points ????????
Help for Halford Camp Guardian Private Halford Dog tag fist schematics ????????
Hidden Valley computer virus Hidden Valley Scribe Ibsen Access to Hidden Valley database ????????
I Love Bananas Vault 3 Rick Lancer Overseer's computer password, vault 3 maintenance key ????????
Keith's Caravan Charade Aerotech Office Park Parker 250 caps ????????
Meeting an Equal North Vegas Square Jules .44 magnum hand load schematics ????????
Poor Meat Never Makes Good Soup Camp McCarran William Farber ????????
Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans Camp McCarran William Farber Discount ????????
Old School Ghoul Novac, Camp McCarran or Camp Forlorn Hope, Nellis Airforce Base Raul Tejada Old Vaquero or Full Maintenance 000E61A5
Papers, Please Mick & Ralph's Mick Counterfeit passport ????????
Pistol Packing Hidden Valley Knight Torres Tri-beam laser rifle, Brotherhood of Steel fame 0010A6FC
Powder to the People The Fort Siri Healing powder, Legion fame ????????
Power to the People Sloan Self NCR fame or 5 scrap metal, conductor, sensor module ????????
Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy The Fort Melody Bad karma or Good karma and Legion fame ????????
Silus Treatment Camp McCarran Carrie Boyd NCR fame ????????
Straus Calls Novac Ada Straus Cheaper healing ????????
Tags of Our Fallen Camp Forlorn Hope, Cottonwood Cove Carl Mayes, Aurelius of Phoenix 2-10 caps per dogtag ????????
The Screams of Brahmin Novac Dusty McBride 75 caps, 10 brahmin steaks, Novac fame ????????
Trudy's Radio Repair Goodsprings Trudy Goodsprings fame, 50-75 caps ????????
Wind-Brahmin Wrangler Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch Nightkin Possible Stealth Boy ????????
You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs Sloan, Quarry Junction Jas Wilkins Wasteland omelet ????????

Dead Money[]

These quests are only playable after Dead Money is installed.

Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Quest ID
Icon gray x
Sierra Madre Grand Opening! Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker Father Elijah Holorifle
Dead Money jumpsuit
Assemble Your Crew
Find Collar 8: "Dog" Villa Police Station Father Elijah Dog as a companion, Ravenous Hunger xx{{#pad:0139df|6|0|left}}
Assemble Your Crew
Find Collar 12: Christine Villa Clinic Father Elijah 200 XP, Christine as a companion xx{{#pad:0139e1|6|0|left}}
Assemble Your Crew
Find Collar 14: Dean Domino Residential District Father Elijah Dean Domino as a companion xx{{#pad:139fe0|6|0|left}}
Having a Ball
Fires in the Sky Salida del Sol South Father Elijah 800 XP xx{{#pad:013a3f|6|0|left}}
Having a Ball
Strike Up the Band Puesta del Sol South Father Elijah 800 XP xx{{#pad:013a40|6|0|left}}
Having a Ball
Mixed Signals Puesta del Sol Switching Station Father Elijah 800 XP xx{{#pad:013a04|6|0|left}}
Having a Ball
Trigger the Gala Event Salida del Sol North Father Elijah 1600 XP xx{{#pad:000fc0|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Put the Beast Down Cantina Madrid, Sierra Madre Casino Father Elijah XP/Karma vary amongst decisions xx{{#pad:013a03|6|0|left}}
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Curtain Call at the Tampico The Tampico, Sierra Madre Casino Father Elijah xx{{#pad:013a43|6|0|left}}
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Last Luxuries Executive Suites, Sierra Madre Casino Father Elijah xx{{#pad:013a44|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Heist of the Centuries The Vault, Sierra Madre Casino Father Elijah 37 gold bars xx{{#pad:000fc1|6|0|left}}

Honest Hearts[]

These quests are only playable after Honest Hearts is installed.

Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Quest ID
Icon gray x
A Family Affair Sorrows Camp Waking Cloud Variable XP xx{{#pad:010c82|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Arrival at Zion Zion Canyon Jed Masterson Variable XP xx{{#pad:008893|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin Eastern Virgin Follows-Chalk Variable XP
.45 Auto pistol
War club
Icon gray x
Chaos in Zion Zion Canyon Self A Light Shining in Darkness, Joshua Graham's armor, Daniel's outfit xx{{#pad:00ae9c|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Civilized Man's Burden Dead Horses Camp Follows-Chalk Variable XP xx{{#pad:010c83|6|0|left}}
O Daughter of Babylon
Crush the White Legs Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP

A Light Shining in Darkness
Joshua Graham's armor
Daniel's outfit
Daniel's hat
Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet
Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist
Chalk's headdress

Icon gray x
Departing Paradise Southern passage Self xx{{#pad:010c25|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Deliverer of Sorrows Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00f708|6|0|left}}
May my Hand Forget its Skill
Flight from Zion Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP
A Light Shining in Darkness
Chalk's headdress
Daniel's outfit
Daniel's hat
Joshua Graham's armor
Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet
Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist
Icon gray x
Gathering Storms Sorrows Camp Daniel Variable XP xx{{#pad:00f304|6|0|left}}
Restore Our Fortunes
Gone Fishin' Dead Horses Camp Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00f6ef|6|0|left}}
When We Remembered Zion
Happy Trails Expedition Northern Passage Happy Trails Expedition Broadcast 175 caps, When We Remembered Zion achievement xx{{#pad:008891|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Prisoners of War Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00b4d3|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Retake the Bridge Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00b4d1|6|0|left}}
In a Foreign Land
River Monsters Yao guai cave Daniel Variable XP xx{{#pad:00c7c2|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Rite of Passage Sorrows Camp, White Bird's Cave, Ghost Den White Bird Variable XP, She's Embrace xx{{#pad:0094c3|6|0|left}}
Restore Our Fortunes
Roadside Attraction Dead Horses Camp Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00f6ee|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Sanctity of the Dead Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00b4d2|6|0|left}}
In a Foreign Land
The Advance Scouts Zion Canyon Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00c7c0|6|0|left}}
In a Foreign Land
The Grand Staircase Sorrows Camp Daniel Variable XP xx{{#pad:008894|6|0|left}}
In a Foreign Land
The Treacherous Road Old Rockville Bridge Daniel Variable XP xx{{#pad:00c7c1|6|0|left}}
Restore Our Fortunes
Tourist Trap Dead Horses Camp Joshua Graham Variable XP xx{{#pad:00f6f0|6|0|left}}

Old World Blues[]

These quests are only playable after Old World Blues is installed. The XP that is rewarded for quests is variable based upon your level when the quest is completed. The total XP split between the main storyline quests is approximately 3000 XP at levels 1-4 and 22000 XP at levels 45-50, the secondary quest XP ranges from 75 XP per quest to 550 XP per quest.

Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Quest ID
Icon gray x
A Brain's Best Friend Think tank Dr. Borous Variable XP xx{{#pad:014bF8|6|0|left}}
All My Friends Have Off Switches The Sink Sink Central Intelligence Unit Various The Sink services xx{{#pad:0112e3|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Coming Out of Her Shell Think tank Dala Various ammunition once per day xx{{#pad:014c2c|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Field Research The Sink The Sink Various sink services xx{{#pad:0112d6|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
He Came... And Went Think tank Doctor Dala Variable XP xx{{#pad:014C2D|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Influencing People The Sink The Sink Various sink services xx{{#pad:0112e5|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Midnight Science Fiction Feature! Mojave Drive-in Mysterious Broadcast Variable XP xx{{#pad:002FCA|6|0|left}}
舊世藍調 Big MT Doctor Klein Add-on completion, Big Mountain Transportalponder! xx{{#pad:002FCC|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
On The Same Wavelength Think tank 8 Variable XP xx{{#pad:014c63|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Picking Your Brains Think tank Various Doctors Variable XP xx{{#pad:0121e3|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Project X-13 X-13 Stealth Testing Lab Test terminal Stealth suit Mk II xx{{#pad:006d8d|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Sonic Emitter Upgrade Think tank Doctor Klein Variable XP xx{{#pad:0166e2|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
Welcome to the Big Empty The Sink Self xx{{#pad:002fcb|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
When Visitors Attack! Think Tank Various Doctors Variable XP xx{{#pad:014CFE|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
What's In A Name? Think Tank Doctor 0 Variable XP xx{{#pad:014cfb|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
X-2: Strange Transmissions! Think Tank Doctor Klein Variable XP xx{{#pad:002fcd|6|0|left}}
X-8: High School Horror! Think Tank Doctor Klein Variable XP xx{{#pad:002fce|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
X-8 Data Retrieval Test X-8 Research Center Test terminal Variable XP xx{{#pad:00dd5c|6|0|left}}
X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator! Think Tank Doctor Klein Variable XP xx{{#pad:002fcf|6|0|left}}

Lonesome Road[]

Icon Name Location(s) Given by Reward Quest ID
Icon gray x
The Reunion Canyon wreckage Radio Signal 10 XP xx{{#pad:003603|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
The Silo The Divide Pip-Boy 2200 XP xx{{#pad:003617|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
The Job Hopeville Missile Silo Bunker Ulysses 2310 XP xx{{#pad:00360f|6|0|left}}
Condemned to Repeat It
The Launch High Road Ulysses 4400 XP xx{{#pad:0039e3|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
The Tunnelers Cave of the Abaddon Pip-Boy 2200 xp xx{{#pad:003613|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
The Divide Ashton Silo Control Station Pip-Boy 4400 XP xx{{#pad:003610|6|0|left}}
Icon gray x
The Courier Ulysses' Temple Pip-Boy 2200 XP xx{{#pad:003616|6|0|left}}
Hometown Hero
結局 Ulysses' Temple Pip-Boy 5000 XP, a footlocker containing various unique items, +1 SPECIAL Point,
+ Brotherhood of Steel fame, and Followers of the Apocalypse fame.
Hometown Hero
天啟 Ulysses' Temple Pip-Boy 5000 XP

Courier duster
Ulysses' duster
Ulysses' mask
+1 SPECIAL Point,
Access to the Long 15 and/or Dry Wells
Boomers and Powder Ganger fame (both targets only)
NCR fame (targeted Legion)
Legion fame (targeted NCR)
NCR and/or Legion infamy



许多支线和主线任务在辐射:新维加斯是以20世纪50年代著名歌手的流行歌曲命名,如迪恩·马丁和法兰克·辛纳屈 。


  • 辐射:新维加斯任务IDs列出了可以在PC版的控制台中使用的任务ID