



HUD将消失,你将在屏幕左下角看到提示 (--- |),你可以在其中输入以下命令(控制台还将记住任何以前输入的命令,你可以使用向上和向下箭头键滚动)。控制台打开时,游戏将暂停,视角将冻结。如果控制台左侧不可见,可能需要编辑安装文件夹中的 Fallout4_Default.ini文件。增加iConsoleTextXPos变量会将提示进一步向右移动到视野中。如果你正在使用Xbox/PS控制器,则辐射4不需要关闭该控制器即可使用控制台。如果你使用的是控制器,只需使用键盘启用控制台即可。




  • target.command – 目标命令。这些将在此处以targetIDplayer作为目标列出。
    • 目标命令也可以通过用鼠标选择目标或在命令前使用prid <refID>来工作。
  • command – 非目标命令。
  • 将注意到一些命令既可以与目标一起使用,也可以不与目标一起使用,从而产生全局或目标效果。


目标命令将需要一个引用作为目标,通常在实际命令之前输入,如中间的分隔点所示。对于大多数功能,将需要Form ID。例如,如果你希望你的玩家角色(PC)成为目标,你可以:

  • 使用PC的reference ID: 00000014. <command>
    • 例子: 00000014.additem 000D83BF – 将1个管道扳手添加到PC的库存中。
  • 左键点击PC(当控制台打开时,你将获得一个光标来单击世界中的对象/角色以将它们选择为目标),在控制台的标题处" 00000014 [EP]将显示,指示你的PC的ID作为目标。现在你可以输入任何目标命令而无需输入目标,因为控制台会自动在其前面加上你选择的ID。要取消选择你的目标,只需再次单击它,它就会从标题中消失。
    • 例子: additem 000D83BF
  • 在困难的环境中选择物品,以及滚轮增强选择:在拥挤的环境中或存在边界超出其可见边缘的物品时,指向和左键单击可能无法选择预期的物品。如有疑问,请使用非破坏性控制台命令验证选择:
    • 在尝试点击NPC后,inv(显示库存)命令是一个方便的验证器。如果显示了合理的清单,则很可能选择了预期的NPC。
    • 尝试单击任意物品后,可以使用命令modpos z 1将所选项目的高度增加一个单位(附近物品的几个像素;更远的物品更少)。如果所需的物品向上移动,则选择成功。无论成功与否,在执行任何其他操作之前,始终使用命令modpos z -1来反转该命令的效果。(如果物品在modpos z -1之后闪烁或模糊,可以使用不会移动物品的命令来修复,例如modpos z 0。)
  • 如果物品的ID已知,则可以使用命令prid 00000014避免鼠标选择的歧义(Pick Reference ID)去选择一个目标(玩家角色,在本例中)。要取消选择它,只需输入prid
    • 例子: prid 00000014; additem 000D83BF
  • 对于玩家角色,你实际上可以只使用“玩家”作为reference ID,控制台会在执行命令时自动转换为00000014。这是游戏中唯一这样的占位符,"targetID"只是这个页面上的一个占位符,表示需要目标的命令。
    • 例子: player.additem 000D83BF


每个物品、对象、字符等都有一个八字符的十六进制reference ID。 键入ID时,可以省略前导零。

  • 例子: 00000014.additem 000D83BF是等同于14.additem D83BF



  • 例子: prid 00000014; additem 000D83BF


你可以在命令中使用逻辑运算符以获得分支条件。在控制台中执行if语句的语法如下。if <if condition>; <if true>; elseif <elseif condition>; <elseif true>; else; <if false>; endif.

  • 例子: if player.GetItemCount f > 300; player.removeItem f 300; player.addItem 1f66c 150; endif
    • f是瓶盖(对于瓶盖,form id为0000000f;前导零可以省略)
    • 1f66c是5mm子弹(同上)


  1. 钱的数额是经过检查的。
    • 如果玩家有超过300个瓶盖,则if语句为真。
    • 否则,该语句是错误的,并且没有任何反应。
  2. if true部分,游戏会从玩家身上移除300个瓶盖并添加150个5mm子弹。
    • 这是为联邦提供补给的一种手段。
    • 你可以将值或项目更改为您想要的任何内容。
  3. 在此示例中,我们没有使用elseifelse块,因为它们是可选的且不是必需的。
操作符 含义
< 少于
<= 小于或等于
> 大于;也称为多于
>= 大于或等于
== 等于
! 否定

注意:控制台不区分大小写。虽然此处列出的命令包含大写以提高可读性,但你如何输入它们并不重要: 例如tgmTGMtGm都可以使用。


  • help <matchstring> <filter> <form type> – 搜索物品ID、辅助能力名称,甚至其他命令。使用PageUpPageDown键或等效键盘来滚动控制台。
    • matchstring: 搜索词。
    • filter: 从0到4的整数。
      • 0 – 列出所有结果。
      • 1 – 列出函数
      • 2 – 列出设置
      • 3 – 列出全局变量
      • 4 – 列出其他表单(可选表单类型,常见示例见下文)。
    • form type: 4 个字符的表单类型标识符(仅在使用过滤器值4时使用,否则忽略),例如:
      • AMMO - 弹药。(哔哔小子INV/AMMO 显示中的所有项目都是AMMO类型。)
      • ARMO – 盔甲和衣服。 (哔哔小子INV/APPAREL显示中的所有项目都是ARMO类型。)
      • ALCH - 食物、饮料和药品。 (哔哔小子INV/AID显示中的所有项目都是ALCH类型。)
      • BOOK - 所有杂志、笔记和一些设计图。(哔哔小子INV/MISC中显示。)
      • CELL – 地图的单元格。
      • FACT – 派系。
      • FURN – 家具。在Workshop模式下,有些行为正常(118f4b),有些只能报废(ab568),而有些则根本无法操作(db85e)。
      • MISC – 杂项,包括所有"垃圾"物品。 (哔哔小子INV/JUNK显示中的所有项目都是MISC,INV/MISC 中的某些项目也是如此。)
      • NPC_ – NPC。 (下划线满足4个字符的要求。)
      • KEYM – 钥匙。
      • OMOD – 物品模组。
      • PERK – 辅助能力。
      • QUST – 任务。
      • SPEL - 影响角色的条件,更好(“强化生命值”),或更坏(“酒精成瘾”)。
      • STAT – 静态对象(使用显示名称,not实际模型名称)。
      • WEAP – 武器。 (哔哔小子INV/WEAPONS显示中的所有项目都是WEAP类型。)
    • Example: help leather 0 – 这将列出所有内容 - 物品ID、辅助能力名称和命令 - 名称中带有“Leather”。
    • Example: help "leather armor" 0 – 如果你的搜索词包含空格,请将其括在引号中。
    • Example: help raider 4 armo – 列出所有名称中带有“raider”的盔甲。
    • Example: help "gunner con" 4 npc_ – 列出名称中带有“gunner con”的所有NPC,例如“Gunner Conscript”。
  • ClearConsoleclear – 清除控制台日志。
    • 注意: 当命令被接受时,它不会按预期清除控制台。
  • ShowAllMapMarkers <bool or bool,bool,bool>tmm <bool or bool,bool,bool>
    • tmm 1 – 启用你的嗶嗶小子发现的所有位置,快速旅行(不更新哔哔小子3000 Mark IV中的“发现位置”统计信息)。
    • tmm 0 – 禁用所有地图标记。
    • tmm 1,0,1 – 在没有快速旅行的情况下将所有地图标记添加为未发现。
  • ToggleGodModetgm – 使玩家完全免疫伤害、放射線和水下缺氧。它还提供无限的弹药和弹夹,承载能力AP(一些武器重新装填会使用AP)。消輻寧治疗针tgm处于活动状态时无效。动力装甲核融合核心仍然会耗尽,但可以使用喷气背包充能。此外,它还为在定居点中建造物品提供了无限资源。从高处坠落仍然会导致玩家像受到伤害一样退缩,但不会造成伤害,并且同伴可能会评论说你因此受到伤害。
  • ToggleImmortalModetim角色仍然会受到伤害,但生命值永远不会归零;它不赋予辐射免疫力,也不赋予无限的AP或弹药。
    • 警告: 如果你遇到杀戮动画(例如 死亡爪掏膛),这将不可逆转地弄乱你的角色,这可能导致你的四肢或头部被碎片取代,从而导致永久性致残减益(感知或敏捷为0),对于受影响的插槽装备无法装备和你角色的所有对话被跳过(如果头部受伤)。虽然视觉效果可以通过进入/退出动力装甲来解决,但特殊属性的永久0和你的静音玩家角色无法恢复并迫使你重新加载以前的存档。
  • ToggleCollisiontcl – 使玩家能够向任何方向移动,包括穿过固体物体和/或空白空间。(A.K.A. "noclip")。它允许你“飞”过一个区域并查看它或从某个位置解开。确保单击空白区域以清除控制台中正在使用的任何ID以使其正常工作,不带参数的prid也可用于相同目的。
    • 注意: 你仍然无法通过地图边界处的隐形墙。
    • 注意: 禁用碰撞时,区域内的NPC无法更改位置;他们将尝试在碰撞被禁用之前向任何方向行走,但只能原地行走。轶事证据表明,这种无法移动可能会导致他们的AI重新加权他们所走路径的价值,随着时间的推移将其从可行的路径降低到不可行或不受欢迎的路径,这可能会对他们将来的移动产生负面影响。(一篇关于NPC AI功能和限制的文章来自对该主题有深入了解的人会有所帮助。)
    • 注意: 有时此命令不起作用。 如果你输入ToggleCollision并且没有任何反应,只需保存你的游戏并退出到桌面即可。当你重新启动游戏时,该命令应该可以工作。
  • ToggleGamePausetgp – 将游戏置于冻结状态,即使离开控制台也是如此。与tfc和tm结合使用可用于排列完美的屏幕截图。再次输入以恢复游戏。
  • SetCameraFOV <Third person FOV> <First person FOV>fov <Third person FOV> <First person FOV> – 游戏摄像机水平的角度Field OfView 以度为单位设置。较高的值会使你周围的世界更适合屏幕,但也会使图像更加扭曲。
    • fovfov 0 0 - 将两个FOV设置为默认值70度。
    • 第二个参数可以省略,但这会将第一人称FOV设置为70(这是默认值)。
    • 警告: 众所周知,此命令会干扰哔哔小子屏幕,导致它看起来放大得太远,阻止你查看哔哔小子屏幕顶部的各种选项卡以及大多数位于左侧的项目。如果出现此问题,你可以尝试通过调整FOV来解决此问题。如果调整FOV不起作用,则需要在更改FOV设置之前加载以前的存档。
  • ToggleFlyCamtfc – 将相机与角色分离,允许你在第三人称视图中独立移动它(范围限制在当前uGridsToLoad单元格设置的范围内)
    • tfc 1 – 另外冻结所有动画,对截图很有用。
  • SetUfoCamSpeedMult <int>sucsm <int> – 更改Freefly相机的移动速度。
    • sucsm 10 – 移动速度减半。
    • sucsm 20 – 默认速度。
    • sucsm 40 – 双倍移动速度。
  • ToggleMenustm – 切换UI覆盖显示(包括控制台)。此命令隐藏所有可用的菜单和用户界面显示。它还隐藏了控制台。但是,它不会禁用任何菜单或UI显示。他们仍然会接受用户交互或命令。因此,即使看不到命令,也可以使用控制台输入命令。 再次键入tm以将菜单切换为再次可见。
    • 注意: 这可用于隐藏屏幕截图的UI。
  • screenshot – 在不移除任何HUD元素的情况下截取屏幕截图。截图存储在根目录“Fallout4.exe”中,命名为“ScreenShot#.png”。 与tm结合使用可使控制台和HUD不可见以获得更好的屏幕截图。
    • 注意: 目标目录和屏幕截图文件的名称可以通过在与“Fallout4Prefs.ini”和“Saves”子目录(通常是你的Documents\My Games\Fallout4\"目录)。在文件的[Display] 部分中,添加以sScreenShotBaseName=开头并以所需目录的路径“和”屏幕截图前缀结尾的行文件名。
      • 例子: sScreenShotBaseName="C:\Users\JohnDoe\Pictures\Screenshots, Game, Sorted by\Fallout 4\ScreenShot"
        • 路径的最后部分 ScreenShot 成为屏幕截图文件名的前缀。如果省略,文件名将仅包含一位或多位数字,后跟“.png”扩展名。 如果包含,如本例所示,名称将以“ScreenShot”开头,以通常的数字和“.png”扩展名结尾。
          • 将在“下一个”屏幕截图名称中使用的数字存储在“Fallout4Prefs.ini”的 [Display]部分的iScreenShotIndex=行中 ”文件,位于与“Fallout4.exe”相同的目录中。
        • 如果所需目录的路径不包含空格或其他有问题的字符,则可以省略周围的双引号。
  • UpdateGodraySettingsgr – 启用/禁用/编辑God-Ray
  • CenterOnCell <cell edid>coc <cell edid> – 将玩家传送到指定单元格的中心。
  • SetConsoleOutputFile <filename>scof <filename> – 将控制台输出写入指定文件。
    • 注意: 在接受命令时,不会生成任何文件或内容。
  • RunConsoleBatch <filename>bat <filename> – 执行由放置在游戏目录中的文本文件 (.txt) 定义的指定命令列表。仅输入不带文件类型结尾的原始名称。
    • 例子: bat testfile加载'testfile.txt'的内容,放置在安装目录中。
  • tfow - 在本地地图上切换战争迷雾。
  • ToggleGrasstg – 切换草地显示。
  • ToggleTrijuicingtj – 切换Trijuicing。 [Unknown]
  • ToggleLODLandtll – 切换远处的LOD显示。
  • ToggleSkyts – 切换天空显示。
  • TogglePreCullingtpc - 切换预剔除。
  • ToggleWaterSystemtws – 切换水显示。在探索水下区域时很有用。它会在几秒钟内超时,因此你必须重新输入命令。当你进入另一个单元格时,它也会停用。
  • ToggleBorderstb - 切换单元格和单元格四边形边框。
  • ToggleWireFrametwf – 切换线框模式。
  • Hlp [espname] – 热加载插件。在CK或FO4Edit中编辑和保存esp之后使用。这允许立即测试编辑,而无需退出游戏并重新加载。在保存ESP之前,你必须先在游戏中运行FCF。
  • FCF – 强制关闭文件。关闭所有母版和插件,将文件句柄释放到esp,以便可以将其保存到CK或FO4Edit。参见 HLP。
  • QuitGameqqq – "快速退出", 立即关闭游戏。
  • ClearScreenBloodcsb – 消除当前的血液飞溅、爆炸产生的灰尘和类似的屏幕效果。
  • SaveGame <filename>save <filename> – 创建具有给定名称的存档文件。
    • 注意: 已保存的游戏未列在默认的保存列表中。要找到使用命令“SaveGame”创建的存档,你需要选择“加载 -> 选择角色 -> 显示所有存档”。
  • LoadGame <filename>load <filename> – 加载输入的保存文件。
  • SetGlobalTimeMultiplier <multiplier>sgtm <multiplier> – 设置游戏时间的乘数。例如,1.0是标准时间,0.5是慢速,0.25更慢。
    • 警告: 可以破坏很多东西。 安全值是0到25。超过50会降低帧率,更高会导致游戏崩溃。
  • CharacterLightcl – 启用/禁用/编辑用于角色模型的边缘照明。Character Light也可以应用到其他目前不使用的模型上。它也可以从模型中删除。
    • cl oncl off – 打开/关闭角色照明,这是游戏应用于角色/生物的人造光。
      • 注意: 区分大小写,因此cl on将起作用,但CL ON不会。
    • cl rim float - 设置角色照明的强度。如果角色照明关闭,将无效。默认值为0.02,它也区分大小写。
      • 例子: cl rim 0.02


  • SetStage <QuestID> <Quest stage number> – Moves the quest in your quest log to the indicated quest stage. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed. This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc.
  • GetStage <QuestID> – Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, etc.
  • sqtShow Quest Target: Generates a list of current quest targets. Can also be used to find Quest IDs.
  • CompleteQuest <QuestID> – Completes the given quest.
  • ResetQuest <QuestID> – Resets the given quest.
    • Warning: This command can potentially break a quest, with no way to move forward on that quest. This can be due to several parameters of the quest such as being set to "run once" or automatically setting the stage to the highest possible value of that quest whenever the quest is "stopped". One workaround is to create a personal mod using a tool such as FO4Edit that adjusts the quest's parameters to allow for a successful reset. Note that depending on how complex the quest is, there might be a need to mod the quest to allow for a reset, and then after successfully resetting it, editing the mod to restore some or all of the original restrictions (such as restoring "run once" after resetting the quest). It is recommended that one backs up their save files before attempting to perform any quest modding in this manner.
  • ShowQuestObjectives <QuestID> or sqo <QuestID> – Shows all current quest objectives. If called with no parameters, it will return all quests, completed or otherwise.
  • CompleteAllObjectives <QuestID> – Completes all current objectives for the given quest.
  • caqsComplete All Quest Stages: finishes every quest, granting you all quest items and quest related achievements, Very buggy and may cause the game to crash.
  • MoveToQuestTarget <QuestID> or movetoqt <QuestID> – Teleports the player to the quest target.
  • ShowQuestStages <QuestID> or sqs <QuestID> – Used to display all the stages of a quest.
  • ShowQuestVars <QuestID> or sqv <QuestID> - Show variables for a quest by its ID
  • saq - Start all quests, causes game to crash; unable to progress to beginning scene.

Inventory manipulation[]

All of these commands are applicable to both NPCs and the player. Where targetID is shown in the examples, replace it with either the reference ID of an NPC, or the word player (or the number 14) to apply the command to yourself. If targetID and its trailing period (.) are omitted, the commands apply to the currently selected item in the console. The console's selected item may be set manually using the prid <targetID> command, or interactively by clicking.

  • targetID.addItem <formID> <amount> <silent> – Add to the inventory of targetID the item of type <formID> in the quantity <amount> (or the default, 1). When targetID is the player, the confirmation message is suppressed when <silent> is 1, or shown when 0 or omitted. Use the "help" command to find the form ID.
    • Example: player.addItem 001EC66A 1 to add one of every type of shipment to your inventory. As usual, leading zeros and case are irrelevant, so 1ec66a would also work in this example.
    • Warning: Unlike previous games (such as Skyrim), negative <amount> values are not tolerated, and will crash the game. So, use of addItem with a negative <amount> is no longer an alternative to removeItem.
    • Flag: Type random numbers (like 1, 2, 3) until you get the kind of armor you want (Standard, Sturdy or Heavy).
  • targetID.cf "ObjectReference.AddItem" <itemID> <amount> <silent> – Unlike the console's addItem command, the Papyrus ObjectReference.AddItem function accepts either a form ID or a reference ID as its <itemID> parameter. When a reference ID is used, it can move a specific in-game item (for example, a piece of armor lying on the ground, and successfully click-selected in the console) into the inventory of targetID. <itemID> may be entered manually, or the word selected may be used to operate on the console's currently selected item. With a reference ID, <amount> must be 1 or omitted (the default is 1, and any other value is treated as 1). With a form ID, <amount> may be any value greater than zero. When targetID is the player, the confirmation message is suppressed if <silent> is 1 or true; it is shown if <silent> is omitted, 0 or false.
  • targetID.cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" <itemFormID> <modFormID> – Adds to an inventory item of type <itemFormID> the feature <modFormID>, where <modFormID> should specify an applicable "OMOD" item.
    • Example: player.cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" 1942d6 22dc7d – Modifies an item in your inventory of type "Green Shirt and Combat Boots" (1942d6) by attaching to it "Railroad Hybrid Weave Mk5" (22dc7d).
  • targetID.cf "ObjectReference.RemoveModFromInventoryItem" <itemFormID> <modFormID> – Removes from an inventory item of type <itemFormID> the feature <modFormID>, where <modFormID> should specify an "OMOD" item attached to <itemFormID>. (There is also a more general function, targetID.cf "ObjectReference.RemoveAllModsFromInventoryItem" <itemFormID>.)
  • targetID.drop <formID> <amount> – Removes from the inventory of targetID items of type <formID> in the quantity <amount>. The removed items fall to the ground near targetID.
  • targetID.removeItem <formID> <amount> – Removes from the inventory of targetID items of type <formID> in the quantity <amount>. The removed items are destroyed.
  • targetID.removeAllItems <recipientRefID> – Removes all items from the inventory of targetID. If the optional <recipientRefID> parameter is supplied, the removed items will be added to the inventory of <recipientRefID>; if the parameter is omitted, the items are destroyed. <recipientRefID> may be the reference ID of a container, NPC, or the player.
    • Example: targetID.removeAllItems player – The entire inventory of targetID is transferred to the player's inventory.
  • targetID.showInventory <showArmorMods> or targetID.inv <showArmorMods> – Lists the inventory of targetID as a series of item quantities, names, and form IDs. Equipped items are listed as "Worn". If the optional parameter <showArmorMods> is 1, all armor items include a sub-list of attached mods.
  • targetID.equipItem <formID> – Equips targetID with an item of type <formID> from its inventory. (When targetID is player, this command can be useful for equipping items that don't appear in the Pip-Boy inventory.)
  • targetID.unequipItem <formID> – Unequips an item of type <formID> from targetID. (When targetID is player, this command can be useful for unequipping inaccessible items, such as the Pip-Boy.)
  • targetID.unequipAll – Unequips all items from targetID. The unequipped items remain in the inventory of targetID.
    • Warning: Using this command on a character in power armor will cause the power armor frame to be destroyed and the character to be permanently disfigured.
  • targetID.openActorContainer 1 – Displays the inventory of targetID using the same in-game dialog box that is used for containers, allowing items to be moved between the player and target inventories, and equipped/unequipped. However, any equipped outfit (for example, "Red Dress" or "Green Shirt and Combat Boots") is not shown. Equipped armor, hats, guns, etc. are shown. The equipped outfit can be made accessible in several ways: within the dialog box, equip the target with an alternate outfit (at which time that alternate will cease to appear in the list), or, before using openActorContainer, use unequipItem or unequipAll.

NPC manipulation[]

  • targetID.kill – Kills the target (unless essential).
  • targetID.resurrect – Resurrects NPCs. Will not work on NPCs who are "scripted" to be dead by default, either through a quest script's effect or an internal data flag.
    • Warning: Be aware that NPCs with crippled limbs/head can spawn without them or with a collection of giblets where the limb/head used to be. Disabling and enabling the NPC again after the resurrect command should fix this. If the NPC is killed after resurrecting them, they may also fail to ragdoll on their second death.
      • Some creatures will not resume their "animated" state when resurrected, and will simply glide along the ground while not moving at all. This is entirely dependent on the race/species of the creature - creatures that always do so include brahmin (both pack and non-pack variants) and Mister Gutsy. Disabling and enabling them again will fix this bug, but when not able to use those commands
  • ShowBarterMenu – Enables you to barter with NPCs.
  • recycleactor – Resets some NPCs.
    • Note: This causes randomly generated NPCs and random encounter NPCs (like a patrolling minuteman, raiders attacking a settlement, or a named traveling trader) to vanish completely from the area. This can be used without a "resurrect" command.
    • If used on the player, it will reset all effects currently affecting the player. This makes it useful for addressing glitches. The player's inventory will reset (be emptied), and any gear or items will be removed. A Vault 111 jumpsuit will be added and equipped. Appearance, level, perks, quests, caps, fatigue, and thirst do not reset.
    • Using the command on a companion will cause them to respawn on the next map change. Can be used when one is stuck in a Power Armor frame; the power armor set will spawn to the location where one wears it with all modifications undone.
    • It fixes the error from the above command by refreshing their model.
    • Using this command on a power armor frame will return the frame to its original location and replace all current armor pieces with a random assortment of leveled armor pieces (though the model won't change until entry).
    • Using this command on a random settler will "reroll" the settler, allowing for an alternate appearance or gender. "Rerolled" settlers will spawn at one of the settler spawn points around the settlement and will stick to it until the game is restarted (which will just assign them a new spawn point).
    • Note that this command will also reset the inventory of any NPC (including companions) to their default state, and as such, any gear or items given to them will be forfeit (the "resurrect" command also has this issue, so make sure to take any important items off of their bodies before you use that command as well).
      • The command openactorcontainer 1 may be used while selecting any NPC with the console to open up their inventory (as if you were trading items with a companion) as a workaround for the above issues. This will work on any NPC, including creatures and robots (hostility does not stop it from working, either).
    • Automatron (add-on) If used on a robot companion, it will remove every mod installed on it and reset its appearance to its default state.
  • killall – Kills all NPCs and creatures in the area except for companions and "essential" NPCs that are too important to die. They will instead slump down until healed with a stimpak, or until enough time passes.
  • kah – Kills all hostiles in the area. Non-hostiles are unaffected.
  • setcommandstate 1 – It's a command that can be used on NPCs or settlers to get them to do things outside your settlements. A very useful command to make NPCs (guards, provisioners, etc.) get into power armor.
  • callfunction "actor.switchtopowerarmor" – A useful command function to order settlers/merchants/NPCs out of your power armor when dialogue is not offered. (Can happen on occasion when settlements are attacked.) First target the NPC, then type the command.
  • targetID.tai – Toggles the AI on an NPC. This basically freezes them until toggled again.
    • tai – With no selected target it will toggle the AI globally.
  • targetID.ToggleCombatAI or targetID.tcai – Toggles all AI combat routines.
    • tcai – With no selected target it will toggle the combat AI globally.
  • tdetect – Toggles AI detection: Disables AI from detecting anything. Including other NPCs, creatures and the player character.
  • targetID.sexchange – Changes the sex of the NPC. Please note that this does not always come out comely.
    • Warning: Only use this on disposable NPCs. This will mess up NPCs essential to quests, but it can be remedied by restarting the game and loading a previous save.
  • setessential <formID> <bool> – Allows an NPC to be permanently killed or alternatively - unable to be killed, depending on the value used (see below). Trying to set an NPC that is already "essential" (or not) to the same value they already had using this command doesn't do anything.
    • Note: As this requires the NPC's form ID (and what's shown when they are selected with the console is their ref ID), use their name and the "help" command to look up their form ID.
      • For example, to remove Deacon's essential status, type help Deacon 4 npc_, then use the ID it lists for him in the above command.
    • setessential <formID> 0 – Allows the NPC to be permanently killed.
    • setessential <formID> 1 – Sets them to be unkillable.
  • targetID.isessential – Returns 0 or 1 depending on whether the target is non-essential or essential.
  • targetID.isprotected – Returns 0 or 1 depending on whether the target is non-protected or protected (similar to isessential).
  • targetID.getav CA_affinity – Get Companion Affinity Level (Events usually triggered at 250, 500, 750, 1000 with 1000 being max, unless in a relationship with a companion which maxes at 1100)
  • targetID.setav CA_affinity – Sets Companion Affinity Level to an absolute value.
  • targetID.modav CA_affinity – Modifies Companion Affinity Level by a relative value.
    • Warning: It's generally advisable to use setav for Companion Affinity to avoid unintended consequences. See the general notes section for the Console Commands page.
  • ForceRepath - (AKA frp) - The selected NPC, if currently pathing, is forced to forget its current path data, and start to find new paths from scratch.
  • ForcePathFailure - (AKA fpf) - The selected NPC, if currently pathing, is forced to regard the path it is currently trying to take as a failure, and to re-evaluate its current pathing options in that light. (This is a somewhat-educated guess, that appears consistent with observed NPC behavior.)
  • ResetAI – Resets an NPC's AI. Example use case: An NPC is endlessly trying to walk through a wall, or similar non-traversable obstacle, and the commands ForcePathFailure and/or ForceRepath have revealed that it is not currently pathing. ResetAI will cause it to "forget" what it has "learned", which should stop its current behavior, and then begin "learning" again. As is apparent, the NPC AI is very limited, and the new results may not better, or even different from, the previous results, but it should provide at least a temporary respite from the immersion-ruining spectacle of an NPC relentlessly attempting the same obviously impossible action.
  • refID.moveto player - Moves NPC with refID to player
  • targetID.ToggleControlsDriven or targetID.tc – Allows you to control selected AI.
    • Note: Does not (automatically) remove control of your previous character. As such all commands like moving forward will be sent to both controlled targets. Toggle player.tc to remove control from the player character.
  • targetID.playidle editor_id – Causes the NPC to perform the specified idle. Idles can be found using the help command, by specifying a form type of IDLE (e.g., help "idle" 4 IDLE). [Note that not all idle's have the term idle in their editor IDs. Use creation kit or xEdit to see the complete list.] If the idle is not valid for the selected actor, nothing will happen (e.g., the actor is the wrong race, is/is not in first person, is/is not in power armor, etc.). Top stop an idle, use playidle looseidlestop or to stop the player, open/close the pipboy.


Main factions
Name ID
Atom Cats 00048641
Brotherhood of Steel 0005DE41
Children of Atom 0002FB84
Diamond City security 00002F65
Triggermen 00083AD0
The Forged 0031010D
The Institute 0005E558
Minutemen 00068043
Player 0001C21C
Raiders 0001CBED
Railroad 000994F6
Gunners 00058303
Pillars of the Community 000BBF88
Neighborhood Watch 000E1ACC
see more at: Fallout 4 factions
  • targetID.AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1> – Adds target to faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target, e.g. player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 to add yourself to the player faction. 0=friend, 1=ally.
  • targetID.RemoveFromFaction <faction id> – Removes target from faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target
  • targetID.removefromallfactions – Removes the target from all factions. Be aware that this will also remove the player character from the "player faction" if used on themself.
  • setally <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions friendly with each other. 0=friend, 1=ally
  • setenemy <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions enemies with each other. 0=neutral, 1=enemy

Stats and character manipulation[]

  • player.GetValue <character variable> or player.getav <character variable> – Prints a report of the current value of a given variable to the console. See list of character variables in this section for examples of what can be used here.
  • player.SetValue <character variable> or player.setav <character variable> <amount> – Sets actor values to a given amount (S.P.E.C.I.A.L., skills, experience, resistances, action points, health, etc.). Using setav will affect the perk chart and unlock new perks for the player to select from.
    • Example: player.setav speedmult 100 (default)
  • player.ModValue <character variable> or player.modav <character variable> <amount> – Modify an actor value. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. set using "modav" will change in the Pip Boy but will not affect the Perk chart - use "setav" for this instead. The value will max out at its normal maximum value. A negative number lowers the variable.
    • Example player.modav experience <amount>
    • Note: This will provide you with however much experience you enter as the amount. You will receive all levels gained after one level bar fills allowing for perk points to be spent. However, you'll need to allow the bar to fill out all the experience gained; if you enter a second amount before the first is done you'll have to wait for the first amount to finish. Therefore, using this command with too high a number at once (such as exceeding 400,000), is not advisable. You can, however, save and load your game in order to skip the wait.
    • Note: Modding experience into negative values has a variety of consequences depending on the size of the value change. These can be achieved by adding "-" before them, e.g. "player.modav experience -1000" will subtract experience by that amount, this can push the experience value into the negative. Negative experience values can be restored to positive values by applying a positive mod value, or by earning experience normally. The Player level can also be locked by applying a negative modifier to experience, however, this is irreversible and requires an integer of -3.4e37 - a 39 digit negative number beginning with as little as 34. This breaks the experience value, and will display with a value of "-1.j" in the console and "NaN" in the Pipboy.
  • player.ForceValue <character variable> or player.forceav <character variable> <amount> – Force a value.
    • Note: It is recommended to use ModAV instead of ForceAV, especially if you want to revert the change later. ForceAV overrides the automatic calculation of actor values, and nothing will affect that actor value again aside from another ForceAV or a ModAV. For example, with a Carry Weight of 200, a ForceAV carryweight 5000 will give the player character a carrying capacity of 5000. Getting an extra point of strength will not change that capacity, even if you ForceAV the Carry Weight back to 200 before getting the additional point of strength. On the other hand, a ModAV carryweight 5000 will result in a carrying capacity of 5200, getting an additional point of Strength will make that increase appropriately, and a subsequent ModAV carryweight -5000 will place the value back where it should be based on Strength. Also, Player.ModAV Experience ### will add or subtract experience from your XP pool. Adding experience such that the player advances more than one level will only give one perk point, one perk point per level. Subtracting experience will not reduce the player level. It is recommended to only add sufficient experience to advance one level at a time or not exceed 400000 xp point.
    • Using player.getav experience will yield your current XP pool, and using player.setav experience #### (where #### represents a value you want to have) will result in adding the appropriate number of levels AND perk points. (example...when player.getav experience is used it will result in a number, for this we'll say 1000. Now I want to add 1000 to it I will use player.setav experience 2000 this will add the number of levels adequate for a 1000 XP gain, and will add all the perk points for the levels gained.
  • player.addperk <perk ID> – Adds a specific perk and its rank. For a list of perks see Fallout 4 perks.
    • Note: This command does not add preceding or succeeding ranks within a perk - it only adds one perk rank. For example, if you want to be a Master Locksmith (rank 4/4), you must also add (or have already learned) Locksmith perk ranks 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4.
  • player.removeperk <perk ID> – Removes a specified perk.
    • Note: For some reason this does not seem to work for the V.A.N.S. perk.
    • Note: For some reason this does not seem to work for the Critical Banker perk.
  • CGF "Game.AddPerkPoints" <int> – Adds the specified number of Perk Points, they can be spent in the standard perk chart.
  • CGF "Game.RewardPlayerXP" <int> – Rewards player the specified number of experience points.
  • player.sexchange - Change player character's sex.
    • Warning: think about removing sex-related perks
    • Warning: sometimes, for unknown reasons, this command crashes the game.
  • player.setlevel <level> – Set level. Note that this cannot be used to level your character down.
  • advancepcskill <advskill> – Advance a point on a specific skill branch.
  • showlooksmenu <id> 1 or slm <id> 1 – Edit target's appearance.
    • Example: showlooksmenu 14 1 – Edit player character (RefID 14).
    • Warning: Do not modify non-humans.
    • Note: Using this command does not open any special interface. The game does not freeze and the target does not stop moving. To get around this, position yourself in front of the target so that you have a good view, then open the console. Enter tgp (for ToggleGamePause) to freeze the game, then the slm command. When finished editing the target's appearance, open the console and enter tgp again.
  • showspecialmenu – Bring up the menu to change name and assign SPECIAL points.
  • getgs <string> – Show game settings value.
  • player.resethealth – Refills health bar, leaves radiation sickness.
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin <value> – Allows you to set the value for your jump. The higher the number, the higher the jump. Be careful as jumping too high will cause fall damage.
    • Example: setgs fJumpHeightMin 90 (default)
  • setgs fjumpfallheightmult <value> - Allows you to set the multiplier for receiving fall damage. Higher numbers will increase falling damage, zero will completely remove falling damage.
    • Example: setgs fjumpfallheightmult 0.1 (default)
  • setgs fjumpfallheightmin <value> - Allows you to set the minimum distance you must fall before beginning to take fall damage. The lower the number the shorter the distance. Setting this value below your jump height will cause you to take fall damage from jumping.
    • Example: setgs fjumpfallheightmin 600 (default)
  • player.moveto <targetID> – Move to the NPC or item.
  • targetID.moveto player – Moves the NPC or item to the player.
    • Example: 0003eff3.moveto player – Moves "Rylee" to the player
  • player.setrace <race id> – Changes the race of the player. Can be used to change into a Ghoul, Super Mutant, or a Synth. You can find a list of the race ID's using the help function.
    • player.setrace Human – Reverts any race change.
    • Note: Changing into certain races can crash the game

Character variables[]

Most can be used by name, e.g. ModAV luck 10, but for the rest you must use the ID.

  • Charisma affects settlement size. Base settlement size is 10 settlers for most settlements, plus your character's charisma. For example, if your charisma is 7, then your max settlement size is 17.

Items, world, and target/reference manipulation[]

This is easiest if you first click on something in the world with the console open to target it. You may also use PickRefById <ref_id> to select an object.

  • GetPlayerGrabbedRef – Gives reference ID of currently held Item (To grab, press and hold E on item and then type command in console)
  • PickRefById <ref_id> or PRID <ref_id> – Same as clicking on a target to select its ID. Useful for manually selecting world items (such as player grabbed items) if the mouse cannot select it. Also, execute (multiple) commands on "invisible" or unreachable targets.
    • Example: prid 3f2bb; moveTo player; – Selects Strong as target (wherever he may be) and then moves him to the player.
    • This works only with "cached" NPCs. Many are: if not, visiting their cell helps.
  • PickLastRef or plr - Picks the last spawned ref. Useful for selecting objects spawned via the console without having to click it afterwards.
    • Example: pt 34a3f; plr; modAngle z 180 will spawn a toilet directly in front of the player, select the newly created reference, and rotate it 180 degrees.
  • PlaceThere <form id> <count> <distance> <direction> or pt <form id> <count> <distance> <direction> - Spawns an object where the cursor is placed, in the direction the player is facing. Very useful for precisely placing objects not usually available in the workshop, and allows more control over using player.PlaceAtMe. The same rules for spawning weapons that will not work apply here as well.
    • Note: It seems the distance and direction parameters don't affect the way objects are spawned. Please update thisif you can get them to work properly.
    • Example: pt 34a3f will spawn a toilet directly in front of the player.
  • disable – Hides the selected reference object.
  • enable – Shows the selected reference object.
  • player.PlaceAtMe <form_id> <stack amount> <quality> – Spawn a character/creature/item/Static Object on top of the player. While the console is open, you may also use reference targets, then simply use "placeatme" without a prefix to spawn on top of the target. Stack amount defaults to 1 and can be omitted.
    • Note: If this command is used on a weapon or armor, you will not be able to pick it up. Use player.addItem. If 'placeatme' is used without a prefix, the item will be spawned in the vicinity of the player.
    • Example: player.placeAtMe dedeb will spawn 1 BOS uniform and work properly. player.placeAtMe df42e will spawn 1 combat rifle, and will not work properly. player.placeAtMe 1db4c 1 to spawn 1 Deathclaw on top of you.
  • SpawnDupe – Spawn exactly one duplicate of the selected reference. World objects that contain multiples will only duplicate a single item. E.g. A box of shotgun shells containing 3 shells will only duplicate a box containing 1 shell.
    • If you spawn a duplicate NPC, it will only duplicate whatever items they had in their inventory originally. (E.g. Spawn a settler that has different armor or weapon equipped). Also, if you duplicate a settler, they will have to be assigned to a settlement. It is similar to generating a new settler from the console.
    • Warning: Do not spawn duplicate quest targets or unique NPCs/items. This may lead to unforeseen bugs and/or game crashes.
    • Warning: Spawning duplicate containers or static objects (or anything that needs to align sensibly with the rest of the world) is problematic, because items spawn at random angles on their X, Y and Z axes, and at different coordinates from the original. The problem of the random angles is solved by using three sets of commands: getangle z, followed by spawndupe; plr, and then setangle x 0; setangle y 0; setangle z <Good_Z_Angle> where, for "<Good_Z_Angle>", one enters the number returned by the getangle z command. (Combining the last two commands sets is tempting, however not all commands take effect in the order they are issued. Issuing the command sets separately avoids that problem.) For some purposes, this result is sufficient, especially given the ease of altering item altitudes using modpos z <offset> or setpos z <altitude>. However, if the duplicated item's X and Y coordinates must be changed to align it with another item (usually the original), then knowledge of item dimensions and trigonometry are required.
    • Warning: Spawning a duplicate of a light-emitting item, creates a duplicate of the item, but not its glow (the light it is meant to emit). The problem, at least where electric lights using radiant power in settlements are concerned, is eventually solvable through a combination of using workshop mode to move the duplicated, glow-free light next to a light that is already glowing until the duplicated light also starts glowing, then cancelling the move to return the duplicated light to its original position. Even so, that may only be enough to turn-on a light that was off; it may, or may not, acquire and retain its glow. Subsequently, moving far away from the settlement (fast traveling to a distant settlement is a good choice), then returning, usually resolves any remaining issues. If not, repeated application of these steps should, eventually, resolve all the issues.
  • attachMod <Mod_ID> or amod <Mod_ID> – Adds a mod onto the selected item.
  • removeMod <Mod_ID> or rmod <Mod_ID> – Removes a mod from the selected item.
  • setScale <decimal> – Set the scale of an item in game. It's usually required to "disable" then "enable" the item for the new scaling to fully take place.
    • Warning: Using this command to change your character's size while wearing power armor may cause you to lose all equipped armor and clothing as well as your Pip-Boy, which cannot be recovered by any known means other than loading a previous save.
    • Note: Be careful when using setscale to large numbers like 10. You may seem big and powerful, but a very small drop-off (in comparison to your size) will be fatal. Cliffs look very tiny from 50 feet up, but still kill you as if you were normal size. Additionally cells will still only load as if you were normal size, and moving through un-spawned cells can crash the game. It is suggested to use the no-clip command tcl to prevent falling.
  • getScale – Prints out the scale of the item in the console.
  • getPos <axis> – Prints out the current position of the object along a given axis (x|y|z)
  • setPos <axis> <decimal> – Sets the position of the item along a given axis (x|y|z)
    • Appears to make some items disappear.
  • modPos <axis> <decimal> – Adjusts the position of the item along a given axis by a given amount.
  • lock and unlock – Lock/Unlock doors, safes, terminals or any other locked container. Other lock states can also be set with special values. Unlock will not work on doors that are "locked from the other side". You will first need to press the left mouse button on the item in order to identify what to lock/unlock.
    • Values between lock 1 and lock 100 set the difficulty to that of the Locksmith skill (0-25 novice, 26-50 advanced, 51-75 expert, 76-100 master).
    • lock 0 – Lock using the previous type of lock it had, or novice if it had none.
    • lock -1 or lock 255 – "Requires Key"
    • lock -2 or lock 254 – "Inaccessible"
    • lock -3 or lock 253 – "Requires Terminal"
    • lock -4 or lock 252 – "Chained"
    • lock -5 or lock 251 – "Barred"
  • activate – Activate an item, say a door, that is normally operated by a switch
    • Example: prid 1870D2; activate player; – Manually triggers the UFO Fly By scene for the player. Use with caution.
  • markForDelete – Similar to disable, will delete any item from the game, removing it permanently. It may disappear immediately, or it may require you to exit and re-enter the area.
    • Warning: This console command can remove important parts of the map, NPCs or even the player. Use with extreme caution.
  • setOpenState <int> – Similar to activate, but will open and close it without the player having to use it.
    • setOpenState 0 – Closed.
    • setOpenState 2 – Open.
  • setOwnership – Make the item yours. (for instance a cabinet or a bed)
  • setAngle <axis> <degrees> – Rotate/level an object (typically one that was placed with placeatme) on the 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' axis. Commonly used after placing a Power armor frame before attempting to enter the frame, so that the player doesn't freeze (a bug), by clicking on the frame, and setting the X and Y axis angle values to 0.
  • getAngle <axis> – Get Rotation angle of an object on the 'X', 'Y' or 'Z' axis; prints the angle degrees on the console. Useful to align building items with other building items, usually with the Z axis, when preparing to use setangle.
  • modAngle <axis> <degrees> – Adjusts the angle of the item along a given axis by a given amount.
  • player.moveTo <ref_id> – Move the player to an object.
  • set <global> to <value> - Sets the given global to a specified value. For example, to enable ballistic weave, use set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1.
  • set timescale to <scale> – Sets the timescale, the ratio determining how fast game time moves relative to real time.
    • set timescale to 20 – 20 seconds pass in game for every second in real time (default setting).
    • set timescale to 1 – 1 second passes in game for every second in real time.
    • set timescale to 0 – Stops time of day.
    • show timescale Used without parameters returns the current timescale setting (doesn't always work).
    • Warning: Altering the timescale will cause the game to crash if NPCs spawned using placeleveledactoratme or moveto player enter into combat.
    • Note: A timescale of 0 will prevent actors to cross cell borders.
    • Note: Reducing the game timescale reduces fast travel time as well.
  • set gamehour to <time> – Sets the gamehour to the entered value. Change applies only when player unpauses the game. Before making any changes to the gamehour, using GetCurrentTime or Show GameHour might be useful.
  • set gameday to <day> - sets the current day of the current month. set gameday to 1 would set it to the 1st of the month. Avoid 31 as this will corrupt your game if the month lacks a 31st day. Use Show GameDay to find the current day of the month.
  • set gameyear to <year> - Example: set gameyear to 2289. Don't go before 2287, or you risk corrupting your game.
  • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_<difficulty string> – You can temporarily increase the chance of legendary enemies through the console, which does not affect the difficulty.
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_VE – Very Easy
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_E – Easy
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_N – Normal
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_H – Hard
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_VH – Very Hard
    • fDiffMultLegendaryChance_SV – Survival chance of legendary enemies.
  • forceweather <WeatherID> or fw <WeatherID> – Instantly changes the weather.
  • setweather <WeatherID> or sw <WeatherID> – Sets the weather to change gradually.

Weather IDs[]



player.placeatme 20593 will spawn a settler. Settlers spawned this way must be moved to a settlement via the Workshop interface (default is "R" on PC) before they can be assigned to work.

  • Note: - A settler spawned like this can be assigned to a supply line and home of an existing settler (if done in that order) to take over that supply line. This can be done to fix bugged supply lines when the original settler can't be found.

For those with the Far Harbor DLC, you can replace 00020593 with xx{{#pad:01054D|6|0|left}} to spawn the Far Harbor variant of a settler. This settler will have different randomized looks from the Commonwealth settlers and will have generic dialogue specific to Far Harbor. The xx is based off the load order - 01 if Far Harbor is the first loaded add-on, 02 if the second, etc. If this fails, replace the xx with 10, 20, 30, etc., depending on the load order.

player.placeatme c1aeb - will let you place a workbench anywhere that can be used to build a settlement. Note: Currently there is no known way to get settlers to move to your new settlement (other than sending them from another settlement). To start building it is necessary to activate god mode (tgm) after placing the Workbench. If placed near enemies, kill all surrounding enemies. You can sometimes get the placed workbench to work without going into god mode.

setpv bCommandable 1 - This should allow you to be able to command a settler, such as a child who is normally not commandable.

setpv bAllowMove 1 - This should allow you to move a settler who is normally not movable, such as Marcy Long, to another settlement.

setpv bAllowCaravan 1 - This should allow you to force a normally not movable settler to become a caravan/provisioner/supply line.

  • Note: You will need to fast travel away from and back to the settlement for these above three commands to take effect.

scrapall - Scraps all eligible references in the loaded area.

  • Warning: scrapall should only be used after entering and exiting the workshop. Do this every time you use this command or items in other areas may also be scrapped, such as the doors to the basement in The Castle, for example. You will be unable to enter these areas if they are deleted. Be very careful when using this.
  • Note: Even if entering and exiting the workshop, the scrapall command may scrap other objects in loaded areas outside the intended area. Objects such as bobbleheads, perk magazines, farm plants and electrical wires. This is most notable when using scrapall in the Red Rocket truck stop. Some objects closest to Red Rocket in Sanctuary will also be scrapped. This causes a bug where the game crashes directly to desktop on PC when attempting to manually scrap/store some indirectly affected objects such as electrical connection points that are missing wires.

Modifying workshops[]

These commands modify settlement workshops, which can have an impact on the rest of the settlement.

To use these commands target the workshop with your console open. Or, you can use prid to target a settlement from the following list.


The callfunction "workshopscript.setownedbyplayer" 1 command will make the settlement owned by player without completing the appropriate quest.

Size Budget[]

The size budget is a combination of triangle counts and draw calls and is configured for each settlement. Each object the player creates in the settlement will use a portion of both in the budget, with more complex objects using up more. The budget itself is tracked as actor values attached to the workbench. Note that in order to use these actor values you must use the numeric id as they do not have a usable console name.

The getav command will allow you to see the current values.

  • getav 348 - Will show the current number of triangles used by the player.
  • getav 34A - Will show the current number of draw calls used by the player.
  • getav 349 - Will show the maximum value of the triangle budget for the settlement.
  • getav 34B - Will show the maximum value of the draw call budget for the settlement.

The setav command will let you change the values.

  • setav 348 <value> - Will set the current number of triangles used by the player.
  • setav 34A <value> - Will set the current number of draw calls used by the player.
  • setav 349 <value> - Will set the maximum value of the triangle budget for the settlement.
  • setav 34B <value> - Will set the maximum value of the draw call budget for the settlement.

The modav command will allow you to increase or decrease the current values. Positive numbers increase value, negative decreases value. Allows the value to change.

  • modav 348 <value> - Will modify the current value of the triangles used by the player.
  • modav 34A <value> - Will modify the current value of the draw calls used by the player.
  • modav 349 <value> - Will modify the maximum value of the triangle budget for the settlement.
  • modav 34B <value> - Will modify the maximum value of the draw call budget for the settlement.

Decreasing the 348 and 34A values or increasing the 349 and 34B values will allow you to build more. Decreasing the 348 and 34A values can also be achieved in-game by using this exploit.

Note: The budgets are there for a reason, to keep players from building overly large settlements that could negatively impact performance. Using these commands to ignore the budgets could have consequences.(the first time you use it nothing might happen but as soon as you leave the settlement area you will not be able to access the area again and the game crashes every time you try to get close to your settlement or even fast travel there.)

Settlement resources[]



  • getav 331 - Show the current value
  • setav 331 <value> - Adds to the base food value provided by the plant.
    • Note: A settler can only work on 6 Food worth of crops at a time, regardless of how much a single plant may be set to produce. As such, for the ease of assigning settlers, it is not recommended to set this value higher than a total of 6 per crop (e.g., setav 331 5 for mutfruit plants and setav 331 5.5 for any other crops).


  • getav 332 - Show the current value
  • setav 332 <value> - Adds to the base water value provided by the pump or purifier.


  • getav 333 - Show the current value
  • setav 333 <value> - Sets the defence provided (for turrets), or adds to the base defence value for guard posts/towers.

Note: These commands can be used to make a resource object produce additional resource types. For example, a pump can be made to produce food and defence, as well as water. This will produce food without a settler assigned to it, since the pump does not normally require anyone assigned to it. This can be a useful workaround where building is restricted, for example to provide food at Boston Airport. Be aware that this trick does not necessarily work with all objects. Adding a new resource to an object that isn't already a resource producer means it does not show up in the top bar. Adding power to an object that doesn't have a power connection means the power cannot be used. So power can be added to a power conduit, and this will power things connected to it according to the power value available there, but the top bar will not change.


In Console Mode, first you need to click on a bed in a settlement.

  • getav 334 - The returned value lets you know if a bed is sheltered ("1.00") or not ("0.00"). Sheltered beds are important to raise the happiness in a settlement.


Enter the console command mode and click on the settlement workshop (actual object) before using these commands:

  • getav 00129157 - Show the current Happiness value
  • getav 0012722C - Show the current Bonus Happiness value. Bonus happiness is required to raise settlement Happiness from the cap without it of 80, to 100. This is provided by some crafted stores (check tooltips) and some NPCs: junkyard dogs, house cats and gorillas. Also possible from completing some settlement quests. Instead of the workshop, you can click on a specific object to get its individual Bonus Happiness value, for instance, clicking on a gorilla and typing getav 0012722C will return 20.
  • getav 00127238 - Show the current Happiness Target value. Your settlement happiness will gradually assume this value. Great to check how well your settlement is doing.

Modify with these commands:

  • modav 00129157 <value>
  • modav 00127238 <value>

Note: the 'modav' command will add to the existing value. Alternatively, you can use the 'setav' command to set the exact value you want.

Papyrus scripts[]

The Papyrus scripting engine contains a large number of script functions many of which have no equivalent console command. You can call these functions from within the console using the following console commands.

  • targetID.CallFunction <function> <parameters> or targetID.cf <function> <parameters> – Calls function on referenced target ID.
    • Example: cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" 536c4 46d90 this will attach the mod "46d90" (heavy armor) to the base item "536c4" (metal chest piece) in the targetID's inventory. You could use this after additem 536c4 to guarantee that at least one metal chest piece in the target's inventory will be the Heavy variant.
    • Function: The console searches for the function on any scripts currently attached to the reference. If multiple scripts are found with the same function, you will have to clarify which script using the "Script.Function" syntax. Make sure to encapsule Script.Function in quotes "".
    • Parameters: These are optional, and can be added if the called function needs them. Up to 10 parameters can be added, each separated by a space. If the parameter contains a space, encapsulate it in quotes "".
  • CallQuestFunction <Quest> <function> <parameters> or cqf <Quest> <function> <parameters> – Calls a function on the specified quest.
  • CallGlobalFunction <"Script.Function"> <parameters> or cgf <"Script.Function"> <parameters> – Calls a global function.
    • Example: cgf "Debug.Notification" "Hello there." will display an ingame notification with the text "Hello there."
    • Note: Unlike CallFunction and CallQuestFunction this command requires that the function uses the "Script.Function" syntax.


  • Functions called through these commands are not executed instantly. This can affect Batch files. For example, running cf "ObjectReference.RemoveItem" 1 false 536c4 player would move the item 536c4 to the players inventory. If you then ran player.drop 536c4 1 in your batch file, telling the player to drop the item, it would not work because the game engine will execute console commands like drop before running function calls. To alleviate this, you could run the relevant function call instead: player.cf "ObjectReference.DropObject" 536c4 1 and it will be executed in the expected order.

Cheat scripts[]

On PC, place a text file (.txt) in Steam\Steamapps\Common\Fallout 4 with any or all of the below commands, ending with a semicolon (;) and a new command on each line. To run the script while in-game, open the console and type bat <filename> without the file-type extension. For example, if the file name is "test.txt", simply type bat test in-game to run the script and all of the commands will be applied instantly.

Using player.placeatme 1f8545 will spawn a chest containing every single possible weapon X legendary combination in game. Be aware that the chest spawns each weapon one at a time, making it a very time-consuming process.

Using player.placeatme 1e7dc6 will produce a chest beneath the player character's feet that has 500 of all material types in one chest.

Visual bug glitches & annoyances[]

There is currently a bug going around that involves locking the imagespace mod of the Recon sight and/or the Night vision sight. Use these two codes to correct them.

rimod 00094636;
rimod 002041b6;

To completely disable all imagespace modifiers use the following command:

sisme 0;



  • 与之前的游戏不同,在辐射4中使用控制台命令不会禁用成就
  • 添加或删除辅助能力时,必须添加/删除所有等级才能获得所有等级的效果。例如,如果你在没有先添加1级的情况下添加2级独行侠,那么只有2级有效。
  • 在创意工坊模式下使用上帝模式"tgm"时,资源似乎被限制为“999”,但资源实际上是无限的,可以构建需要超过999的任何资源的物品(比如2-3级商店)。
    • 此外,创意工坊模式不会取消建造商店的辅助能力要求,但会取消上限要求。但是,它确实消除了建造crafting stations的辅助能力要求。
  • 可以为物品添加传奇修饰符,但是任何武器或盔甲都不能拥有一个以上的传奇属性,并且将传奇修饰符应用于已经拥有的物品会替换它。
  • 使用modav CA_affinity编辑同伴的亲密度不仅会调整他们当前的亲密度,而且会影响所有未来通过累积modav CA_affinity值改变亲密度的实例。例如,如果输入modav CA_affinity 100后出现“不喜欢”事件,则同伴亲密力将更改-7.50 + 100.00,导致同伴获得净92.50亲密度,尽管是负面事件。为防止出现这种情况,建议在修改亲密度时使用setav,这不会影响亲密度更改事件。需要触发事件才能使用setav或modav注册更改(并触发对话框等)。
  • 如果玩家在访问克罗格的记忆之前使用sexchange命令,则在此过程中,避难所中的部分将显示父母双方都抱着两个尚恩。
  • 使用player.modav actionpoints会对喷射背包动力装甲mod的使用产生不利影响。将值设置得太高将导致启动喷射加速器立即耗尽核融合核心
Technical information