本文介紹的是本游戏由贝塞斯达软件公司制作. 關於黑島工作室的"辐射3"被取消,參見范布倫
關於辐射3相关文章概述,參見Portal:Fallout 3



辐射3(英文:Fallout 3;台湾译名:異塵餘生3)是一款由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发并由贝塞斯达软件公司发行的后世界末日电脑和主机开放式动作角色扮演游戏。这是辐射系列的第三部主要作品(整体第五部),也是互动娛樂的《辐射》和《辐射2》的续集。它于2008年10月28日在北美发行,2008年10月31日在欧洲发行,2008年12月4日在日本发行。它可以在PCXbox 360PlayStation 3上运行。2015 年 11 月 11 日,辐射3开始向后兼容 Xbox One 和更高版本的 Xbox Series X/S。





主页面: Fallout 3 gameplay


主要角色的创建发生在玩家体验角色的童年时。玩家在母亲去世前使用由父亲进行的基因投影来决定角色的总体外观。之后,父亲摘下外科医生的面具,露出一张与玩家为角色选择的面孔相似的面孔; 无论如何,你父亲的种族也将与你自己的种族相同。当角色还是一个孩子的时候,他就会收到一本名为《你很特別》的书,在这本书中玩家可以设定角色的7个主要属性。角色在童年时期获得训练武器(BB枪)和嗶嗶小子3000,玩家在各种测试中的表现决定了其他属性。此外,在避难所内的一些任务能够影响玩家角色与他或她父亲的关系。技能和辅助能力类似于以前的游戏: 玩家从13个标签技能中选择3个作为角色的特长。从游戏中删除了5个技能(《辐射》和《辐射2》有18个技能)。急救医疗被整合到医学中,投掷陷阱被整合到爆破中,偷窃被整合到潜行中,野外生存和赌博被彻底移除。玩家可以达到的最高等级是20级(在购买第三个DLC后将提升到30级,并能够在完成主要故事任务后继续游戏)。前几代辐射游戏中的特征和《辐射3》中的辅助能力结合在一起,玩家每升一级就可以选择一个新的辅助能力。


主页面: Fallout 3 combat



主页面: Fallout 3 items

游戏玩法的一个动态方面是,随着时间的推移,枪支会逐渐磨损。 当武器磨损时,它的伤害会减少并失去精度。但是,同类型的破旧枪支可以结合起来制造更可靠和威力更大的武器。武器原理图也可以被找到并用于制造各种装置,例如用来发射各种午餐盒和填充动物玩具的垃圾发射器,或者用避难所科技午餐盒樱桃炸弹传感器模块瓶盖制造的瓶盖地雷。 除了装备各种武器,玩家还可以使用不同的护甲和服装,从而改变不同的技能。例如,当穿上一套机械师的工作服可以提高玩家的修理技能。护甲和衣服分为头部和身体的两个主要部分,允许玩家穿戴不同的帽子和护甲组合,以及面具和面部服装,可以与帽子一起穿戴。 此外,玩家的库存有一个特定的重量限制,防止玩家携带过多的物品。故事相关或必要的物品,如弹药没有重量,因为开发者不希望陷入库存管理的泥潭。如果增加SPECIAL的力量属性,你的负重限制将增加。




主页面: Karma

业报系统是《辐射》游戏玩法中的一个重要功能。玩家的行动,包括对话和战斗选择,会影响玩家在游戏世界中的地位;做出正确决定的玩家会更受非玩家角色的欢迎,而做出错误决定的玩家则会有相反的反应。玩家也可以犯罪,而任何受到犯罪伤害的组织或团体在大多数情况下都完全清楚玩家的行为。没有受到犯罪影响的其他组织不会知道,而且由于一个城镇通常全是自己的组织,在一个城镇犯罪的消息不会传到另一个城镇。但是要注意:善行或恶行会导致相反阵营的悬赏。鷹爪組織(如果你是好的)或修正者(如果你是坏的)将随机伏击你,不受任何特定区域的约束,出现在废土的任何地方。 然而,组织的规模和边界可以变化,并且可能不限于单个区域。游戏世界本身计划比 Oblivion 的世界小得多,但现在大小相似。[1]


Lone Wanderer-SMG


  • While Fallout and Fallout 2 feature turn-based combat and top-down isometric view in a 2-D engine, Fallout 3 features real-time combat and first- or third-person view in a 3-D engine. Fallout Tactics and the canceled Van Buren featured both turn-based and real-time combat and a top-down view.
  • Perks and Traits have been merged. In Fallout and Fallout 2, Traits were chosen at character creation, and were commonly a combination of a powerful advantage and a potent disadvantage, where Perks were purely advantageous.
  • In the SPECIAL character system, the number of skills have been reduced from 18 to 13, traits have been removed and perks are selected every level instead of every 3 to 4 levels.


SPECIAL 代表 Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility 和 Luck。这些属性决定了你的角色将是哪种类型的人。


Art of Fallout 3 The Capitol


主页面: Fallout world

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic, retro-futuristic Washington, D.C. following the Great War between the U.S., China, the Soviet Union and other countries. The Great War occurred on October 23, 2077 which caused immense damage and destruction despite lasting less than two hours. Before the Great War, the Resource Wars nearly crippled the world and brought riots to the streets, during which the United Nations disbanded, and an F.E.V. plague coupled with global terrorism rendered the United States paranoid of both real and imagined communist plots. Canada was annexed by the United States in order to help the U.S. war effort against the Chinese in Alaska. The fact that Canada had the plentiful resources of nearly untouched wilderness made America's effort well worth the protection the U.S.A. promised to provide.


主页面: Fallout 3 plot

The introductory sequence introduces the Lone Wanderer (player character) to their father, James, a doctor and scientist in Vault 101. James frequently makes comments about the player character's deceased mother, Catherine, and her favorite Bible passage, Revelation 21:6, which speaks of "the waters of life".

The main quest begins after James leaves Vault 101, throwing it into anarchy and causing the paranoid overseer to send his security force after the Lone Wanderer; forcing them to flee also.

The search for James takes the Wanderer on a journey through the Wasteland, first to the nearby town of Megaton, named for the undetonated atomic bomb at the center of town, then the Galaxy News Radio station, whose enthusiastic DJ, Three Dog gives the player character the moniker of "The Lone Wanderer". From here, the player character travels to Rivet City, a derelict aircraft carrier now serving as a fortified human settlement. Here, they meet Doctor Li, a scientist who worked alongside the James. Doctor Li informs the Wanderer of Project Purity, a plan conceived by Catherine and James to purify all the water in the Tidal Basin and eventually the entire Potomac River with a giant water purifier built in the Jefferson Memorial. However, continued delays and Catherine's death during childbirth put an end to the project and James took the player character as a newborn to raise them in the safety of Vault 101.

After investigating the Jefferson Memorial, the Lone Wanderer tracks James to Vault 112 and frees him from a virtual reality program being run by the Vault's sadistic Overseer, Dr. Braun. James and the Wanderer return to Rivet City, where James reveals he sought out Braun for information on the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.,) a device that contains the components needed to finally activate Project Purity. James and Doctor Li lead a team of Rivet City scientists to the memorial with intent to restart the project, but the memorial is invaded by the Enclave, a powerful military organization formed from the remnants of the pre-War United States government. James floods the project's control room with radiation to stop the Enclave military leader, Colonel Augustus Autumn, from taking control of it, killing himself (but Autumn survives,) his last words urging his child to run. The Lone Wanderer and Dr. Li flee to the ruins of the Pentagon, now a base for the Brotherhood of Steel known as the Citadel. With Project Purity still inoperable even with the Enclave occupying the site, the Wanderer travels to Vault 87 to find a G.E.C.K. and finish James's work. It is discovered that the Vault was a testing site for the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) and the source of the Super Mutants in the Capital Wasteland. After acquiring the G.E.C.K., the Wanderer is ambushed by the Enclave and captured.

At the Enclave base at Raven Rock, the player character is freed from their cell by the Enclave leader, President John Henry Eden, who requests a private audience with them. En route to his office, however, Colonel Autumn defies Eden's orders and takes command of the Enclave military, ordering them to kill the Wanderer. Fighting their way to Eden's office, the player discovers Eden is actually a sentient ZAX series supercomputer who took control of the Enclave after their defeat in Fallout 2 on the West Coast thirty years ago. Eden wishes to repeat the plan of then-President Dick Richardson using Project Purity to infect the water with a modified strain of FEV that will make it toxic to any mutated life. This plan will kill most life in the wasteland including humans; however, the Enclave, due to their genetic "purity" as a result of their isolation, will be immune and free to take control of the area. The Wanderer, provided with a sample of the new FEV, is given a choice either to leave peacefully or convince Eden to self-destruct the entire base. The Lone Wanderer escapes Raven Rock and returns to the Citadel.

With the knowledge they possess, the G.E.C.K. and the means to activate Project Purity, the Brotherhood assault the Jefferson Memorial, spearheaded by a giant robot named Liberty Prime. In the control room of Project Purity, where the player character is confronted by Colonel Autumn and has the choice to persuade him to give up or kill him. Dr. Li informs the player character that the purifier is ready to be activated, however, the activation code must be input manually from the lethally irradiated control room. The Lone Wanderer is forced to choose between sending Sarah Lyons of the Brotherhood inside the extremely irradiated purifier or entering themselves. Whoever enters into the chamber inputs the code hinted at throughout the game—21:6—and dies from a radiation spike.

If the "Broken Steel" DLC is installed, the player character survives if they activate it themselves, but they also have the option of sending one of their radiation-immune companions to enter the code and start the purifier with no casualties. The player also has the possibility to enter the FEV sample into the water prior to activation, having adverse post-ending effects on the game's side quests.


配音演员 角色
朗·普尔曼 旁白
Liam Neeson James (the player character’s father)
Jennifer Massey Madison Li
Odette Annable Amata Almodovar
Erik Todd Dellums 三狗
Malcolm McDowell Enclave President John Henry Eden
Peter Gil Colonel Augustus Autumn
William Bassett Elder Owyn Lyons
Heather Marie Marsden Sarah Lyons
Gregory L. Williams Lucas Simms
Wes Johnson 伯克先生
Charlie Warren Allistair Tenpenny



主页面: Van Buren


Fallout 3 was initially under development by Black Isle Studios, a studio owned by Interplay Entertainment, under the working title Van Buren. Interplay Entertainment closed down Black Isle Studios before the game could be completed, and the license to develop Fallout 3 was sold for a $1,175,000 minimum guaranteed advance against royalties to Bethesda Softworks, a studio primarily known as the developer of the The Elder Scrolls series.[2] Bethesda's Fallout 3, however, was developed from scratch, using neither Van Buren code, nor any other materials created by Black Isle Studios. In May 2007, a playable technology demo of the canceled project was released to the public.[3]


FO3 poster

辐射3海报。 E3 2006 展览会

Bethesda stated it would be working on Fallout 3 in July 2004,[4] but principal development did not begin until after The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was completed.[5] Bethesda announced their intention to make Fallout 3 similar to the previous two games, focusing on nonlinear game play, a good story, and true "Fallout humor." Bethesda also stated the game is targeted for a rating of M for Mature, and would have the same sort of adult themes and violence that are characteristic of the Fallout series. Fallout 3 uses a version of the same Gamebryo engine as Oblivion, and was developed by the same team. Initially, Bethesda held the right to make only three Fallout games, with royalties to be paid to Interplay.[6]

In 2006, Bethesda bought the full Fallout franchise, leaving Interplay the right to make Project V13. Between May 2 and June 5, 2007 Bethesda showcased 5 pieces of concept art by Craig Mullins on the Fallout 3 website during the countdown to the teaser. The cinematic teaser trailer for Fallout 3, consisting of the first part of the intro, was released by Bethesda Softworks on June 5, 2007, after a 30-day countdown on the Fallout 3 website. On August 2, 2007, the game's website was opened.


Leonard Boyarsky辐射的一位创作者, 当被问及互动娱乐把版权卖给贝塞斯达时说到,他觉得“我们的前妻卖掉了她拥有法定监护权的孩子,”他承认,他觉得自己对这个系列非常有占有欲,[7]但也承认他的担忧与贝塞斯达无关。[8] 该系列粉丝社区的一些成员也提出了相当多的担忧,主要是关于与原始游戏相比游戏风格的重大变化以及辐射3Oblivion的相似之处。 然而,媒体的反应基本上是正面的,许多人认为转向第一人称视角和实时对抗的更新以及与Oblivion相似是件好事。



辐射3在2007年E3展上展出后获得了多个奖项。IGN授予它 2007 年 E3 游戏奖,GameSpot授予它 2007 年 E3 最佳角色扮演游戏奖。[11][12] 继游戏在2008年E3展上的展示后,IGN还将其评为最佳整体RPG、最佳整体主机游戏和2008年E3展的整体游戏。[13] 游戏评论家奖授予该游戏E3 2008最佳角色扮演游戏和最佳展览。[14]


2008 年7月4日,辐射3在澳大利亚被OFLC拒绝分级,使游戏在该国销售变为非法。要重新分类游戏,贝塞斯达软件公司必须删除澳大利亚版游戏中的违规内容,并将游戏重新提交给OFLC。[15] 根据OFLC委员会的报告,该游戏被拒绝分级,原因是“药物的真实视觉表现及其递送方法(带来)与‘现实世界’药物相符的‘科幻’药物。”尽管如此,澳大利亚的辐射3预计将在10月30日发布,与欧洲版本同步,并且随着药物名称的变更按时上市。[16]

2008年9月9日,贝塞斯达的PR和营销副总裁Peter Hines称澳大利亚版的辐射3是一个误会。所有版本的辐射3不再包括现实世界的药物参考,[17]吗啡被重命名为注射剂X






2008年10月9日,一份Xbox 360版本的辐射3在全球范围内被泄露。贝塞斯达软件公司的回应是关闭流媒体视频和YouTube视频。然而,大量信息被泄露,包括大部分的主要任务线。



Fallout 3 devs


主页面: Fallout 3 developers

该项目由执行制片人Todd Howard领导。其他制作人包括Ashley ChengGavin CarterJeff Gardiner。首席设计师是 Emil Pagliarulo,他之前曾参与过Thief游戏以及Oblivion中的黑暗兄弟会任务。首席关卡设计师是 Joel Burgess。其他负责人是首席美术师 Istvan Pely 和首席程序员 Steve Meister。 游戏的公关和营销由 Pete Hines 协调。

见: 获取辐射3开发者已知开发人员的完整列表。



Fallout 3 Collector's Edition


辐射3典藏版特点: 一个避難所小子 摇头娃娃辐射3艺术集(其中包含前所未见的游戏独家概念艺术)和“辐射3的制作”DVD。整套合集装在一个避难所科技午餐盒容器里。


Pip-Boy 3000 digital clock





FO3 Xbox 360 Limited Edition






辐射3:年度版于2009年10月13日面向PC、PS3和360平台发行;这个版本包括所有5个扩展包,一张避难所安全海报封底,和一本版权信息小册子与“废土生存指南”封面。 母舰泽塔除了年度版版本外,不会有任何光盘版本。


  • V.A.T.S.的最初灵感来自于Burnout的车祸模式回放。
  • 辐射的世界里,炸弹是在10月23日落下的。贝塞斯达试图将辐射3的发行与此同步。
  • 辐射3中,华盛顿市区的面积曾经是现在的两倍。该团队认为它太大,令人困惑,并将该区域的空间减半。首都废土面积只有原来的一半,团队觉得面积太小,所以废土面积翻了一番。 [20]
  • PC版的《辐射3》并没有针对Windows 7以及以后的四核系统进行优化,但是如果修改了.ini文件就可以正常运行了。



  • 辐射3公告
  • 辐射3急转弯
  • 见见辐射3开发者
  • 辐射3 FAQ
  • Fallout 3 Manual





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