第90行: 第90行:
* 潛行可以保持安全。除了其原本的用途,這是唯一玩家能得到即將被攻擊前的警訊的唯一方法。就算只用 1點技能點在潛行技能上,也能至少避免玩家盲目態而受襲擊。
* 潛行可以保持安全。除了其原本的用途,這是唯一玩家能得到即將被攻擊前的警訊的唯一方法。就算只用 1點技能點在潛行技能上,也能至少避免玩家在不知情的況下受襲擊。
* 潛行會在玩家狀態為 {{Hidden}} 時,令玩家攻擊必定為暴擊(潛行攻擊)。即使敵人未找到你({{Danger}})而僅僅是在搜尋你({{Caution}}),你就無法觸發潛行攻擊。
* 潛行會在玩家狀態為 {{Hidden}} 時,令玩家攻擊必定為暴擊(潛行攻擊)。即使敵人未找到你({{Danger}})而僅僅是在搜尋你({{Caution}}),你就無法觸發潛行攻擊。
** '''注意:''' [[Silent Running]] perk 是減少使{{Caution}}警告標誌停止閃爍紅色的時間的唯一辦法。
** '''注意:''' [[Silent Running]] perk 是減少使{{Caution}}警告標誌停止閃爍紅色的時間的唯一辦法。
* 在遊戲中,聲音似乎不是主要的影響因子。如果敵人在附近,你可以衝撞購物車,這會製造大聲的噪音,但並不會驚擾敵人。槍聲也並不會驚動敵人(除非槍擊未成功殺死目標或在近距離開火。),若成功射殺目標,可以說這是個聽不見的聲音,但未命中或未成功殺死目標的射擊"'''會"'''被聽到且會驚動其他敵人。這樣的狀況下,成功射殺目標的槍擊可能是:
* 在遊戲中,聲音似乎不是主要的影響因子。如果敵人在附近,你可以衝撞購物車,這會製造大聲的噪音,但並不會驚擾敵人。槍聲也並不會驚動敵人(除非槍擊未成功殺死目標或在近距離開火。),若成功射殺目標,某方面來說這是個聽不見的聲音,但周遭的生物會注意。未命中或未成功殺死目標的射擊"'''會"'''被聽到且會驚動其他敵人。這樣的狀況下,成功射殺目標的槍擊可能是:
** 在未使用V.A.T.S.的情況,一擊殺死敵人(例如:在{{Hidden}}狀態下用狙擊步槍暴頭)。或...
** 在未使用V.A.T.S.的情況,一擊殺死敵人(例如:在{{Hidden}}狀態下用狙擊步槍暴頭)。或...
** 一次[[V.A.T.S.]]攻擊內,在V.A.T.S.結束前殺死所有目標(無論做了幾次攻擊行動或使用的子彈量),並回到正常的時間/視角。
** 一次[[V.A.T.S.]]攻擊內,在V.A.T.S.結束前殺死所有目標(無論做了幾次攻擊行動或使用的子彈量),並回到正常的時間/視角。
**This also brings up the advantages of using the [[Silenced 10mm Pistol]] and the [[Dart Gun]], whose shots are silent and are rarely noticed by enemies.
**這使得[[Silenced 10mm Pistol|消音10mm手槍]][[Dart Gun|飛鏢槍]]這類安靜而很少被發現的武器有使用上的優勢
* [[V.A.T.S.]]在面對多個(脆弱的)敵人時顯得最有效果,或者用來處理近距離的敵人。由於[[V.A.T.S.]]的命中率 系統,對於快速移動的目標可能會特別具有殺傷力(尤其是較靠近的目標)。舉例,如果你在轉角處,拿著信任的[[Combat shotgun (Fallout 3)|戰鬥散彈槍]],等著給敵人的臉一些驚喜,他的頭露出來的一剎那,進入VATS模式為他準備一些 禮物。每次送禮有非常高(通常是95%)的接收率。
* [[V.A.T.S.]] seems most useful when you have multiple (weak) opponents in front of you, or when dealing with enemies in close quarters. Due to its accuracy (specifically with near-by targets), [[V.A.T.S.]] can be especially deadly with fast-moving targets. For example, if you wait for a hostile opponent to round a corner and have a powerful weapon (such as the [[Combat Shotgun]]) ready, as soon as he pops his head around, you can go into VATS and queue several headshots, each with a very high (most likely 95%) hit probability.
* If you don't want to sneak around, acquiring a good NPC companion is an excellent idea. There are 4 pretty tough fighters you can get, ([[Charon]], [[Star Paladin Cross]], [[Fawkes]], and [[Jericho (character)|Jericho]]) but only Charon and Jericho are available early on and also Charon does not require a specific Karma (SPC and Fawkes both require good Karma and Jericho requires bad Karma). See the [[Fallout 3 Companions]] page for more details.
* 如果不想一直躲躲藏藏,收入一個優良的NPC夥伴是個極佳的主意。有4個強壯的戰士可供選擇 ([[Charon]], [[Star Paladin Cross]], [[Fawkes]], and [[Jericho (character)|Jericho]]) but only Charon and Jericho are available early on and also Charon does not require a specific Karma (SPC and Fawkes both require good Karma and Jericho requires bad Karma). See the [[Fallout 3 Companions]] page for more details.
* Respawning mostly appears to occur at sites associated with [[Fallout 3 random encounters]]. Some known sites where respawning include:
* Respawning mostly appears to occur at sites associated with [[Fallout 3 random encounters]]. Some known sites where respawning include:

2018年12月24日 (一) 12:58的版本


本页的目的在于收集玩家需要的辐射3小技巧, 您可以把这篇文章看做Moira小姐的著作<废土生存指南>的升级版2.0.

能力值 (S.P.E.C.I.A.L., 技能,以及特技Perk)


>> 新建人物的任何S.P.E.C.I.A.L.点数都不要加到10 <<

新建人物的SPECIAL点数最多加到9就可以了, 因为每一个属性都对应一个bobblehead摇头小子, 而每个摇头小子都相应的给该属性+1点能力值,所以如果你某个SPECIAL值加到10点后, 摇头小子就浪费掉了.


欲知每个S.P.E.C.I.A.L.属性的具体介绍, 请参看它们各自的属性页面. 下面是玩家对各个属性的评价:

  • Strength力量关系到你的负重量, 这关系到你回城卖破烂的次数,Strength力量对于近身肉搏玩家也特管用, 因为它能增加Melee Weapons近身武器的伤害, 但对于远程武器一点儿作用也没有.
  • Perception感知对于发现敌人是很有用的, 尤其对潜行暗杀类玩家来说.
  • Endurance耐久对于近战玩家尤其重要, 因为这个属性增加HP和抗辐射抗毒素的属性.
  • Charisma魅力影响Barter交易和Speech口才技能, 对于非暴力玩家是不错的.
  • Intelligence智力会增加你的技能点, 因为每一点智力都会给你升级时带来1点额外的技能点(玩家20级时会有19点技能点). 每一点智力还会增加Repair修理和Medicine治疗各两点, 智力也会增加Science科学.
  • Agility敏捷是潜行类玩家的最爱, 它对即时射击也很重要, 敏捷增加AP值, Sneak潜行和Small Guns小型枪械(小型枪械对于能量武器而言, 有着更加灵活的特性, 不俗的伤害和相对较低的价格).
  • Luck幸运对追求致命一击的玩家是最重要的, 因为每一点会增加你1%的致命一击命中率. 5点幸运同样是经济类Perks中的Fortune Finder寻宝者和Scrounger翻墙倒柜的前提.6点幸运是战斗Perks中的Mysterious Stranger神秘陌生救星和Better Criticals更高暴击率的前提.


  • 你的每个技能值最好加到80到90之间,因为
    • 每个相应的bobblehead摇头小子会增加10点技能值
    • 有很多perks也会相应增加技能值5-15点
    • 一些衣物也会增加1-5点的技能值
    • 另类玩家甚至可以每个技能加到最大50-60, 因为你可以通过技能书(有个Perk可以加倍技能书效果)学习到40-50点技能.
  • 辐射3归根结底是个射击游戏. 因此, Small Guns小枪技能和Repair修理技能是辐射3里面最重要的技能了. 因为这两个技能都增加了常规武器的伤害. 在游戏早期, Big Guns大型枪械和Energy Weapons能量武器不如手枪, 突击步枪, 散弹枪和远射步枪(Hunting Rifle猎枪, Sniper Rifle狙击枪,等等)实用, 因为早期大型枪械和能量武器太过于稀少, 伤害虽然大于小型枪械, 却不很明显. 可是随着游戏的进行, 在游戏后期有很多强劲的能量武器可供玩家选择.
  • Repair修理技能主要是确保武器的正常使用, 用法是用相似或者相同的武器来互相修理.
    • 一些特殊武器可以用他们的普通版本修理. 比如Silenced 10mm Pistol无声10毫米手枪可以用普通的10mm Pistol10毫米手枪修理. Lincoln's Repeater林肯的连射枪可以用Hunting Rifle猎枪修理, 值得注意的是, Chinese Assault Rifle中国突击步不能用 Assault Rifle突击步枪修理, 因为中国突击步枪的高级版本是Xuanlong Assault Rifle炫龙步枪.
    • 你的Repair修理技能也决定了Your Repair skill partially determines the initial condition of schematics weapons.
    • Repair技能也能用来解除游戏中形形色色的Traps陷阱,陷阱包括像捕熊夹,绊脚索, 地板陷阱之类的.
  • 推荐你游戏初期的Lockpick解锁与Science科学技能加到最小值25点(本身或者通过装备都可以). 因为开锁和破解电脑分5个等级, 对应的开

锁和科学技能也就相应的是25, 50, 75, 100, 所以低于这几个数字的技能是无效的.

  • Explosives爆破技能除了增加手雷伤害, 地雷伤害以及激发新Perks之外, 还有别的作用, 即某些特殊场合需要一定的爆破技能值.
    • 25点可以用来拆除Megaton亿吨镇的原子弹
    • 30点可以用来拆除集束手雷Frag Grenade,(俗称"手雷花束")
    • 45点可以用来拆除带陷阱的电脑终端
    • 60点可以用来拆除爆炸婴儿车
    • Explosives爆破技能能够延长你引爆地雷的时间. 拆雷不需要很高的爆破技能值, 只要你能够快速跑过去点击地雷就算成功拆弹了, 但是如果你动作了不够快, 就等着被炸飞吧.
  • 在游戏开始时用到什么技能就tag这个技能, 不要担心你以后要用到的技能, tag技能指的是一次性增加该技能的15点. 举个例子, 游戏开始时你tag了某个战斗技能, 而你到Megaton时, 完成了所有的非武力任务, 你应该差不多4级了, 你的战斗技能一点儿也没用上, 所以, 还不如tagLockpick开锁甚至Speech口才(能省下你无数次的Load), 这是个很好的例子, 合理的分配你的开始技能是很重要的.
  • 正如我说的, 在游戏初期Lockpick开锁和Science科学加到25点是很实用的, 所以tag这俩技能绝对是智者的选择. 注意在逃离101避难所期间, 你甚至可以找到增加这两个技能的服装.


  • Black Widow黑寡妇 (只适用于女性角色) 相对于其男性版本的Lady Killer少妇杀手要有用得多, 因为游戏中你要面对的敌人绝大多数是男性, 增加10%的男性伤害非常管用!
  • Swift Learner高速学者和Here and Now现在升级这两个perk没有什么用, 尤其是在有等级限制的条件下(原版20级, Broken Steel断钢增加到30级). 良好的睡眠(睡得好经验值有加成)以及多做些支线任务会很容易让你达到满级, 所以, 上述两个技能就显得比较鸡肋.选择其他的技能吧!
  • 增加抗辐射属性的Perks也是没用的, 因为你可以在你家里(无论是megaton的家还是Tenpenny塔的家)购买医疗箱,可以无限次治疗辐射.


  • 所有突击步枪(Assault Rifle美式突击步, Chinese Assault Rifle中国突击步枪, 等等.)在10米外命中率就很低了,所以增加Small Guns 小枪技能很重要,你可以选择Gun Nut枪痴perk(level 2; 3 ranks)来增加小枪技能数, 也可以选择Commando指挥官 (level 8; 1 rank)和Sniper(level 12; 1 rank)狙击手Perk 来增加VATS里面步枪的命中率, 如果你想用突击步枪和常规武器, 就把你的技能点加到Small Guns小枪上吧, 一般来说早期50或75点就能让你平步江湖了. Bloody Mess血腥杀戮增加5%的所有伤害, 选这个也不赖.

  • 如果你想要随身带着军火库的话, 前期来说, 子弹是很稀缺的. 子弹由于没有重量, 所以没有必要卖子弹(除非你山穷水尽了), 留着子弹以后捡到枪再用就好了. 10mm Pistol10毫米手枪(用来对付相对较弱的动物类敌人或僵尸或者你没法拆的地雷), 散弹枪(拐角处用VATS爆头无敌), 突击步枪(中距离交火), 长管猎枪(远距离交战). 突击步枪应用范围最广, 它的精度, 距离, 伤害, 弹夹数都很适中. Scoped .44 Magnum带瞄具的点44大口径手枪也是长距离的利器, 前提是你不开VATS模式. 最后, 下蹲打得准!
  • 當你獲得可以讓某些技能點數+5或甚至+10的裝甲和服裝,你可能想帶上它們到你的冒險旅程--他們確實派得上用場。很明顯的,你必須在多餘的重量和得到的狀態加成多寡做取捨,不過大部分的服裝是輕的。避免帶著多餘的衣服到處亂跑的方法--把衣服留在家裡,等需要的時侯再穿就行了。舉個例子,當你需要維修或交易的時候。
  • 如果你已經投入一些技能點在 Repair 修理上了,並且得到了房子,一個確保你的武器總是在最佳狀態的好方法,就是收集並儲存幾個同樣的物品在家,當你從可怕的廢土回到你沒有那麼可怕的家, 修好裝甲,並把你從抽屜或置物櫃找到的"備用"裝備放置好,只要你勤奮的拾荒,並定時回家修繕裝備,you'll keep your equipment in good shape without having to lug around tons of non-loot stuff everywhere.
  • 就算你有100點 Repair 維修技能, 要令某些武器和裝甲保持在最佳狀態是很困難的,因為你不能找到或買到一樣的部件來修復。
  • 如果你覺得自己經常沒子彈可用,有些方法能助你找到補給:
    • 獨立要塞(在差不多避難所101的南方)的兄弟會流放者的保護者 Casdin 是友善的,跟他聊一下,他會讓你幫他收集雷射、電漿武器,傳感器組件,廢金屬和大部分的動力裝甲 ,換取 5.56mm Round 5.56毫米口徑子彈和手榴彈(伴隨著消輻寧治療針)查看The Outcast Collection Agent 查看交易項目的完整清單。
    • 當你造訪坎特伯雷居民區,你可以投資軍火商Lucky Harith ,他就能提供更多武器及子彈。
    • 作為"道德良好(good karma)"的玩家,你可能不太需要造訪特佩尼大廈,不過兩個npc(古斯塔沃長官和其中一位商販)攜帶的大量子彈令這趟旅程值得了。
    • 你也可以透過點選增加VATS命中率的Perks(輔助能力、特長)並頻繁使用VATS來處理子彈問題。更高的命中率,浪費更少的子彈,也記得對頭部的攻擊傷害是二倍(如果暴擊就四倍了)。
    • 你也可以來趟末世購物旅遊,拜訪核彈鎮莫莉亞 鉚釘城FlakShrapnel特佩尼大廈古斯塔沃長官Boutique Le Chic(Lydia Montenegro的商店),大本營杜爾加騎士長Lucky Harith 商隊。每一趟旅程都能簡單買到幾千顆子彈。
    • 如果你有DLC匹茲堡且已完成所有任務,那就能使用能夠轉變子彈種類的子彈壓縮機。比方說,現在有300顆10毫米口徑子彈,但是你缺乏5.56毫米口徑子彈使用,就把10毫米子彈放入機器,然後到附近的電腦終端選擇5.56毫米,所有的子彈會轉為你所選擇的類型。記得你只能轉變普通的子彈,廢金屬也能改造成子彈。
  • 在較低等時期,各種肉類是回復血量的理想方法。最好的肉類有Mole Rat Wonder Meat妖怪肉,妖怪肉可以跟獵人買到。


  • 潛行可以保持安全。除了其原本的用途,這是唯一玩家能得到即將被攻擊前的警訊的唯一方法。就算只用 1點技能點在潛行技能上,也能至少避免玩家在不知情的狀況下受襲擊。
  • 潛行會在玩家狀態為 [HIDDEN] 時,令玩家攻擊必定為暴擊(潛行攻擊)。即使敵人未找到你([DANGER])而僅僅是在搜尋你([CAUTION]),你就無法觸發潛行攻擊。
    • 注意: Silent Running perk 是減少使[CAUTION]警告標誌停止閃爍紅色的時間的唯一辦法。
  • 在遊戲中,聲音似乎不是主要的影響因子。如果敵人在附近,你可以衝撞購物車,這會製造大聲的噪音,但並不會驚擾敵人。槍聲也並不會驚動敵人(除非槍擊未成功殺死目標或在近距離開火。),若成功射殺目標,某方面來說這是個聽不見的聲音,但周遭的生物會注意。未命中或未成功殺死目標的射擊"會"被聽到且會驚動其他敵人。這樣的狀況下,成功射殺目標的槍擊可能是:
    • 在未使用V.A.T.S.的情況,一擊殺死敵人(例如:在[HIDDEN]狀態下用狙擊步槍暴頭)。或...
    • 一次V.A.T.S.攻擊內,在V.A.T.S.結束前殺死所有目標(無論做了幾次攻擊行動或使用的子彈量),並回到正常的時間/視角。
    • 這使得消音10mm手槍飛鏢槍這類安靜而很少被發現的武器有使用上的優勢
  • V.A.T.S.在面對多個(脆弱的)敵人時顯得最有效果,或者用來處理近距離的敵人。由於V.A.T.S.的命中率 系統,對於快速移動的目標可能會特別具有殺傷力(尤其是較靠近的目標)。舉例,如果你在轉角處,拿著信任的戰鬥散彈槍,等著給敵人的臉一些驚喜,他的頭露出來的一剎那,進入VATS模式為他準備一些 禮物。每次送禮有非常高(通常是95%)的接收率。
  • 如果不想一直躲躲藏藏,收入一個優良的NPC夥伴是個極佳的主意。有4個強壯的戰士可供選擇 (Charon, Star Paladin Cross, Fawkes, and Jericho) but only Charon and Jericho are available early on and also Charon does not require a specific Karma (SPC and Fawkes both require good Karma and Jericho requires bad Karma). See the Fallout 3 Companions page for more details.
  • Respawning mostly appears to occur at sites associated with Fallout 3 random encounters. Some known sites where respawning include:
    • The Capitol building will respawn Super Mutants and Talon Company mercenaries within the building, and perhaps outside as well.
    • Super Mutants have also been known to respawn across the Mall, including the Lincoln Memorial.
  • You can tactically reload by mapping your weapon of choice to one of the hot key slots. Once the weapon is assigned if you tap then re tap that option your weapon will be reloaded faster and have no chance of jamming. Works even faster if weapon is holstered.


  • 在你自己的床上睡觉 (比如你Megaton亿万吨镇家中的床, 或者宾馆里的床) 使你获得"睡个好觉"的良性效果, 这效果给予你一段时间内经验值+10%的效果.
    • "睡个好觉"大约持续12个小时. 因此若是你上午10点起床, 到22点你可以获得额外的10%的经验.
    • 在不属于自己的床上睡觉或者休息是没有经验加成的, 所以, 尽早完成Megaton亿万吨镇的主线任务并得到你的房子是很有用的.
  • 记住, 这游戏等级是有上限的. 如果你满级后(20级或30级) 就不会增加经验值了, 因此Swift Learner超级学者和Here and Now立刻升级相对来说就没有什么用了.
  • 在游戏里你会经常碰到电脑旁有一个保险柜, 很显然, 电脑能让你打开保险柜. 我的建议是先破解保险柜, 然后再破解电脑终端, 双重破解, 双重经验, Hell yeah.
  • 不用完成主线任务就能升到20级. 所以, 不要完成主线任务The Waters of Life生命之水. 一旦你进入Jefferson Memorial杰佛逊纪念馆的圆形大厅, 你之前探索过的地区的敌人就会重生.
    • 对于好战派玩家, 在The Waters of Life生命之水任务中, 把李博士和其他科学家带到英克雷城堡并完成该任务, 你就能得到Power Armor Training能量装甲训练, 野外也会增加很多英克雷士兵. 尽管野外难度增加了, 但升级更快了.


  • Similar to games of The Elder Scrolls series and previous Fallout games, the amount of weight you can carry is limited by your Strength, which determines your carrying capacity. In addition to the weapons, armor, and medical supplies you carry to survive, you can collect other objects to sell to merchants to make money. This "other" category of stuff can be seen in your inventory under Misc. (though you can certainly collect and sell weapons, armor, and medical supplies!) and can be broken up into two types: stuff for crafting and stuff for selling. Most of the stuff you can use to make weapons (from purchased schematics) has a bad value-to-weight ratio, while the stuff you can't craft with has much better ratios.
  • Probably the most important thing to learn how to calculate in the economic aspect of the game is the Weight-Value Ratio, or WVR. This is simply the value of an item divided by the weight of the item. For example, the value of a Bottlecap Mine is 75. The weight is 0.5 Wg. That equates to a WVR of 150 caps/Wg, which is excellent. However, other items one might consider loot, such as the Conductor (30 caps/5 Wg) have a much lower WVR (6 caps/Wg). Proper use of this statistic allows the player to carry large quantities of value without all the weight.
  • Repair comes in handy when you are picking up a lot of items and start to tip the scale. For example, if you have picked 4 Assault Rifles at a weight of 7 each, you can use Repair to combine them into one if your Repair Skill is high enough and/or their condition is bad enough, getting rid of weight of 21 while retaining most of the value. You come out a little behind in caps than if you sold them individually (usually), but if the alternative is not to pick them up because you would be over-burdened, then pick them up and combine them
  • Early in the game -- including just before leaving Vault 101 -- a player should pick up everything not nailed down and loot every dead body found because you start with zero caps. You can adjust once you have accumulated more caps, such as not bothering with 1:1 WVR items like dishes, and later not bothering with 4:1 and 5:1 items. If you are taking your time playing the game, you should eventually have so much that you don't need to pick up anything but special (e.g.: "named") items (like Eugene), Skill books, etc. This fact is why you don't really need to ever voluntarily put any points into Barter or Speech. You won't be able to sell all the stuff you pick up anyway.
  • The best source of caps is to turn in items to specific characters who are looking for them, like Scrap Metal or Pre-War Books. Taking into consideration the compensation you receive, the WVR is considerably higher for all these items. Because they are not being "sold" to a merchant, characters will give you a flat rate no matter how low (or high) your skill is. This gives an even higher value than their modified quest weight-value ratio would indicate. The downside to this is that these items are rarer, but the benefit of hanging onto them outweighs similar items. It is also worth noting that these characters never seem to run out of caps, so you don't have to worry about the well running dry.
    • Pre-War Books can be given to Scribe Yearling in Arlington Library for 100 caps and 10 EXP.
    • Scrap Metal can be sold to Walter in Megaton for 10 caps and 5 EXP.
      • See the Scrap Metal page for more info on other characters interested in purchasing it.
    • Sensor Modules can be turned into Brotherhood Outcast Protector Casdin at Fort Independence.
      • He'll also take your high-tech equipment. Their state of repair does not concern him. Thus, after investing in the trade caravans, you can buy extremely cheap (and broken) lasers and power armor and trade them with Casdin for other items (like Stimpaks, ammo, etc.) worth far more, thus enabling you to turn a profit.
    • Sugar Bombs can be sold to Murphy in Northwest Seneca Station for 15 caps a box.
      • A successful Speech check when you first talk to him will net you 30 caps per box
      • You'll probably meet Murphy during the Blood Ties quest.
    • Strange Meat (worth 2 caps) can be traded to Eclair in Little Lamplight for Cave Fungus (worth 50 caps).
    • Buffout (worth 20 caps) can be traded to Knock Knock in Little Lamplight for Cave Fungus (worth 50 caps).
      • Note that Buffout, as a drug, has no weight, but Cave Fungus has a weight of 1. Thus, unless you need a large amount of cash, it is unnecessary (and annoying, as you cannot simply "give all") to trade your entire stockpile at once.
    • Blood Packs can be turned in to Vance in Meresti Trainyard for 15 caps after completion of the Blood Ties quest.
    • Nuka-Cola Quantum can be turned in to Sierra Petrovita or Ronald Laren during the course of the The Nuka-Cola Challenge quest for 40 caps each (or 80 to Ronald if you pass a speech test).
    • Nuka-Cola can be converted into Ice Cold Nuka-Cola if you buy the My First Nuka-Cola Machine for your house. This doubles its healing power, with no effect on value or radiation. As Nuka-Cola is plentiful in the Capital Wastes, and the other healing items are worth more (Stimpaks value 25, Blood Pack flat 15, Cave Fungus value 50), this makes Ice Cold Nuka-Cola one of the better choices for healing items (with weight) to carry.
  • Every item in the game has a fixed value that is honored by every merchant in the game (altered by your Barter skill, see below). For example, Moira in Megaton will give you exactly the same amount of money for a Toy Car as the merchants in Rivet City will. Some quests will lead to improved prices available from certain merchants, but for the most part one merchant is as good as another in terms of selling your stuff to.
  • When picking up items, it's important to consider that the Value of the item is altered by your Barter skill. With 13 Barter, you will only gain 50% of the items stated Value. So that 100 cap Sheet Music Book of yours will only gain you 90 caps if you have 100 Barter.
  • Weapons that are in good repair have a high Weight-Value Ratio. Weapons that are nearly broken don't. Especially if you're consistently finding the same type of weapon during a single trip, you should repair your "loot" weapons as much as your Repair skill will allow to increase their value and decrease the weight that you're carrying.
    • If your Barter and Repair skills are high enough (72 and 100 are high enough (modify this down via testing)) you can make a good deal of caps by buying smashed high-value gear from merchants, repairing them, and selling it right back to them. For example, buying three mostly-broken laser rifles for about 100 caps each (300 total), merging them and selling the one laser rifle back for around 600 caps can boost your wealth quickly.
  • Pick up any ammunition you might find. It can be sold if you don't plan to use it, and since it's weightless, there is no honest reason to leave it where you find it. Also, if your Barter skill is high enough you can supplement a traders lack of caps on hand with the random ammo they're selling.
    • The same can be said about weightless misc items such as Pre-War Money and Pencils.
    • The same is true of many medical supplies, which are also often weightless. Mentats, for example, are useless if your Perception and/or Intelligence are already maxed since they don't raise them above 10.
  • One of the best places to get good loot is the Capitol building. Super Mutants and Talon Company mercenaries are fighting each other for control of the building there. That means there will be lots of weakened enemies to kill and lots of bodies to loot. Hunting Rifles and Assault Rifles are everywhere. There is even a Super Mutant Behemoth (mutant). Be prepared to make multiple trips as you will not be able to carry everything out in one trip.
    • If you have low Strength and get encumbered very quickly, here is a tip. Loot until your weight is as close to max as possible. Then backtrack and stash everything you want in a container near the entrance. Then go back and continue your hunt. Once the dungeon is cleared, go sell and store items in your house, then fast travel back to empty out said container. (You do not have to put loot in a "container". Just drop it on the floor/ground and nobody is going to take it. In fact, if you have so much loot you can't sell it all, there is no real advantage to carrying it all back home. Just make a note of where you dropped it and go back if you need more caps. Any special items should be carried back, of course.)
  • If you are going to a place where you are sure to get a lot of loot, take a companion with you. When you talk to them and select "Trade equipment" you can give them some of your items. Remember that they have a weight limit too. Unlike you, at the follower's weight limit, he cannot carry more at a slower pace, he simply cannot carry more. Have them carry around as much as possible until you go to sell your stuff. See the Fallout 3 Companions page for details about how much weight each follower can carry.
  • There are 4 Caravan Merchants (Crow, Lucky Harith, Doc Hoff, and Crazy Wolfgang) who loop around the Capital Wasteland and stop at certain points (like Megaton, Temple of the Union, Rivet City, Canterbury Commons, etc.). They can be excellent sources of rare equipment. You can also upgrade their inventories and repair skills by investing in them through Uncle Roe in Canterbury Commons. Once you've fully invested in him, Crazy Wolfgang has the highest NPC repair rate in the game.
    • They can be hard to find. One of the easiest ways to force their appearance is to stand outside one of the main cities (they never come inside), and if the merchant you want is not there, use the Wait feature to wait 1-3 hours. Waiting for a few hours (3 hours seems most reliable) will make a merchant appear, and you can continue to wait in 1-3 hour increments to cycle which merchant is outside.
      • Waiting in real(game)-time for 1-2 hours will not have this effect. You have to use the Wait feature.

Display settings

  • It is REALLY helpful to have LOD and Fade display settings over at least a half or you'll be walking around in the fog and be able to see enemies only in VATS. If not else, put actor Fade as high as you can.

For more tips on gameplay and how to earn caps, see the General Tips Discussion page.