關於companions in other Fallout games,參見companion


永久同伴需要滿足一些必要條件才能加入玩家角色的隊伍。對於一些 NPC來說,有不止一種方式可以讓他們加入。每個同伴必須滿足的可能條件列在名字下面。他們的位置在名字旁邊。

  • 叫她一起。


一旦NPC成為同伴,他們的對話菜單就會變成戰術和戰鬥選項的列表。與輻射2不同,「戰鬥操控」菜單沒有添加到 嗶嗶小子界面。這意味著在輻射中,操控系統最多只能算是最基本的。

狗肉沒有任何操控選項。 對於人類同伴,選項如下所示:


  • 命令同伴離開團隊,並返回他們在遊戲世界中的原始位置。


  • 起初,這似乎沒有任何作用,因為同伴最初只攜帶其默認武器。 但是,他們可能有更好的武器(和彈藥,用於槍枝),然後NPC將使用該武器。 另外,同伴可以撿起地面上發現的武器。


  • 呆在我身邊。 -NPC停留在2個六邊形格附近。
  • 保持適當的距離。 -NPC停留在4個六邊形格附近。
  • 移動到更遠的距離。-NPC停留在4-6個六邊形格附近。


  • 偷竊技能:可以自由交換任何物品,因為同伴只要被招募就不會報復。 庫存空間限制在150-200左右。
  • Barter: The inventory can be filled indefinitely, but to retrieve an item, one or more with an equal or greater total value must be given, as any other barter.
  • Some of the items with the "Use on" label when placed in the interface slots, when used on an NPC, will be placed in their inventory if the item lacks any applicable effect to that NPC, e.g. stimpaks will be used and will vanish, while mentats, buffout or junk will be placed in the inventory.

Companions stick with whatever armor they were wearing when recruited, thus surplus armor can be sold.


Companion Default Armor Default Weapon S.P.E.C.I.A.L. HP Notable Skills Usable Weapons
Dogmeat Leather armor Unarmed 7 7 7 2 3 10 8 50 Unarmed 91% N/A
Ian Leather jacket 10mm pistol 7 6 6 5 6 6 5 50 Small Guns 85%, Unarmed 90%, Melee Weapons 85%, Throwing 51% Unarmed weapons, knives°, all pistols, SMG
Katja Combat armor* Throwing knife 4 8 5 6 8 6 5 39 Small Guns 80%, Unarmed 120%, Melee Weapons 110%, Throwing 110% Unarmed weapons, knives°, Spear, 14mm and .223 pistols, SMG
Tycho Leather armor Shotgun 6 7 6 5 6 7 5 60 Small Guns 65%, Unarmed 80%, Melee Weapons 85%, Throwing 50% Unarmed weapons, Spear, 10mm pistol and Desert Eagle, rifles, BB guns, and shotguns

* Katja uses a leather jacket sprite, despite her armor.

° Includes Knife, Throwing knife, Combat knife, and Ripper

Temporary companions

Like permanent companions, there are a few conditions that must be met to have temporary companions recruited. A few events must unfold however. Their location is next to their names, while the requirements are listed below their names.

  • After passing one week of in-game time, the Vault Dweller must return to Shady Sands and initiate the quest Rescue Tandi from the Raiders.
  • She will automatically join once she is freed from her jail cell.
  • They will appear outside the Cathedral after talking to Nicole about infiltrating the place
  • These will appear on the maps after having scouted the northern wastes, but can be either convinced to attack the Cathedral by accessing the computer in Morpheus' room or the base, they will not go inside the Military Base, however.

Companion controls

Tandi and the aforementioned invaders have no means of control in their companion forms, similar to Dogmeat: instead of having a dialogue menu, they only yield floating text, ex. Tandi expresses her amazement of the world outside Shady Sands.


Companion Default Armor Default Weapon S.P.E.C.I.A.L. HP Notable Skills Usable Weapons
Tandi Clothing Knife 5 6 6 8 6 7 8 35 Small Guns 42%, Unarmed 101%, Melee Weapons 81%, Throwing 47% Knives, SMGs


If a companion is told to leave, they will stay at that exact point for the rest of the game. They will still engage in nearby combat, however.
