關於other uses of the name Boomer,參見Boomer




轟炸族是由一群原本居住在34号避难所的避难所居民组成的部落。库存过剩、不受保护的军械库导致居民中出现了一种特别以枪支为中心的文化。[Non-game 1]轟炸族是一个特别痴迷于武器以及自由持有和携带武器的权利的群体。23世纪初,当避难所的人口激增时,避难所的監管人试图通过引入人口控制措施和封锁军械库来挽救局面。这些努力事与愿违,暴乱开始了,并迅速演变成全面的叛乱。未来的轟炸族袭击了军械库,拿走了大部分重型武器和装备,然后从避难所里冲了出来。反应堆在袭击中被毁,避难所也毁了。[1]






轟炸族对外人有偏执和敌意的倾向。这一点,再加上他们对爆炸物的喜爱,导致新維加斯当地人称他们为"轟炸族" 。部落并不介意这个名字,只要它意味着人们与之保持距离。虽然轟炸族的仇外心理让他们远离了麻烦,但莫哈韦的主要派系也试图获得他们的青睐。然而,无论谁接近他们(豪斯先生,三大家族NCR,或凯撒军团),轟炸族的反应都是一样的:大炮。[Non-game 2]

轟炸族在繁荣的农场里种植自己的作物,他们在基地生活了几十年,学会了种植这些作物。奈利斯太阳能阵列的太阳能板为部落提供电力,他们也从米德湖获得清洁水源。[16][17]在某种程度上,NCR试图切断轟炸族的供水。轟炸族的回应是炸毁了NCR在新维加斯东部的部分输水管道,这导致NCR迅速撤回他们的决定并恢复了水流。在接下来的几个月里,没有其他人试图接近轟炸族,这是他们非常喜欢的现状。[Non-game 2]









Boomer Museum Mural











这正是轟炸族所喜欢的,尽管这并不是说他们不与外界保持一定的关系。有一次,新加州共和国切断了基地的供应。轟炸族的反应是炮轰NCR在新维加斯东部的供水管道。NCR迅速恢复了流水。[Non-game 2]



FNV Boomer Emplacement












# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Boomer end slide 02
没有了有组织的领导,剩下的大炮族慢慢地离开了,留下了奈利斯空軍基地被勘探者和拾荒者淹没。大炮族积累起来的知识很快就散去了,他们的存在也慢慢地从记忆中消失了。 杀死佩儿洛亚尔。(将覆盖所有其他结局。)
Boomer end slide 01
胡佛大坝之战后,NCR发起了几次针对大炮族的战役,但都很快被大炮族的大炮结束。随着时间的推移,大炮族发现对火药的需求大增,他们与軍火販子建立了关系,用他们的剩余作物换取弹药。 不要完成飞得更高!,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!。¹
Boomer end slide 02
豪斯先生对大炮族不感兴趣,把他们留在奈利斯。部落背对着世界,在奈利斯保持着坚固的防御。 不要完成飞得更高!,完成豪斯先生的结局任务孤注一掷。¹
Boomer end slide 03
大炮族抵御了来自军团的多次攻击,但最终还是败给了军团的优势。军团奴役了大炮族,并从废土上抹去了他们存在的任何记忆。 不要完成飞得更高!,完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服。³
Boomer end slide 03
废土上几乎没有法律,大炮族继续保护自己,抵御入侵他们领土的勘探者和拾荒者。 不要完成飞得更高!,完成独立新维加斯的结局任务没有神,没有主人。¹
Boomer end slide 01
在軍火販子的帮助下,大炮族与NCR建立了健康的贸易关系。最终,大炮族开始到废土游荡,同时仍然阻止外人进入奈利斯。 完成飞得更高!,完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
Boomer end slide 02
豪斯先生对大炮族几乎没有兴趣,他们最终开始冒险离开奈利斯与旅行者会面和交易。 完成飞得更高!,完成豪斯先生的结局任务孤注一掷
Boomer end slide 03
大炮族在胡佛大坝展示实力之后谨慎,凯撒选择了不去管大炮族。大炮族仍然与世隔绝,但不时有人看到他们飞越莫哈韦沙漠。 完成飞得更高!,完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Boomer end slide 03
尽管胡佛大坝之后废土变得无政府状态,但大炮族的实力展示阻止了寻求进入奈利斯的寻宝者。 完成飞得更高!,完成独立新维加斯的结局任务没有神,没有主人
¹杀死佩儿造就了这个结局。不要杀死洛亚尔 或任何其他大炮族。
²这个场景的叙述者不小心说“out to Nellis”而不是“out of Nellis”,而字幕的措辞是正确的。


  • 珍珠是轟炸族中年龄最大的,也是这个部落的领袖。她预言,总有一天,一个外人会突破奈利斯的防线,帮助轟炸族与世界其他地方联系起来,即使"只是一点点"。在这一点上,玩家角色可以选择杀死珍珠(这将降低他们在轟炸族中的声誉)或履行他们的承诺。玩家角色也可以忽略珍珠的请求。
  • 如果玩家角色有一个喜欢的声誉,并帮助足够的轟炸族,珍珠将提出湖中女士。在第二次胡佛大坝之战中,轟炸族将通过从飞机上轰炸敌人来帮助信使和他们所选择的派系。人们可以真正看到飞机飞行和投掷炸弹。
  • 尽管轟炸族几十年来从未离开过奈利斯空軍基地,信使是他们第一个允许进入大门的外人,但在轟炸族的太阳能发电机大楼里可以找到NCR货币。
  • 尽管轟炸族出生的人对所有外人都有明显的仇恨,但不仅被接受或喜欢,而且被偶像化是相当容易的。对皮特说些关于轟炸族的好话或聪明的话,把废金属交给杰克,完成他们相对简单的任务/任务,这些都能给信使带来良好的声誉。
  • 轟炸族在第一次遇到玩家角色时并不会对其怀有敌意。
  • 轟炸族会对当前跟随玩家角色的同伴进行评论:
    • 当有維羅尼卡·聖安傑洛作为同伴时,轟炸族有时会说:"我可以在一千码外发现兄弟会的间谍。即使是可爱的人。"
    • 当有勞爾·特哈達作为同伴时,轟炸族有时会说:"以前从未见过这么近距离的尸鬼。我不确定我是否想这么做。"
    • 当有ED-E作为同伴时,轟炸族,甚至打手先生可能会说,"我可以帮你解决机器人的问题。"或者,"你知道有个机器人跟着你吗?"
  • 一旦轟炸族在战斗中变得敌对(即使在完成飞得更高!或有偶像崇拜的名声),他们将永远不会再对信使友好。这是因为信使在他们那里的声望会降到最低(就像被偶像化到野孩子或者喜欢软心肠的魔鬼)。
  • 如果信使已进入轟炸族领土通过隧道列车服务(需要撬开两侧"非常困难"锁),而轟炸族已经向他们的位置开火了,在试图进入轟炸族地区通过最常见的路线 - 轟炸族将开始从这个位置向信使开火,并将从相当远的距离向他们开火; 如果信使选择逃跑。此外,快速前往大门,或者穿过大门将导致他们向信使开火,即使他们跑回大门,当信使第一次进入时被“瞄准”的守卫将被大炮炸死。为了避免这种情况,请不要通过列车服务隧道进入。
  • 在被接受之前,轟炸族会对玩家角色说话,就好像他们因为仇外的本性而被他们避开或憎恨一样。
  • 如果玩家角色装备了阵营护甲,那么他们就不会获得声誉(不管是好是坏)。
  • 即使玩家角色是轟炸族的偶像,医生也不会为他们提供任何医疗服务,说他需要任何剩余的物资来治疗伤员。
  • 如果信使在皮特讲述轟炸族的历史时离开,他们在轟炸族中的声誉会略有下降。




Spare Us the Cutter
  • 一个未使用的信息(FactionReminderBoomer)表明,在某个阶段,玩家可以通过穿其他种族的衣服来伪装成轟炸族。
  • 有一些只允许玩家对话的话题,可以问赤红商队守卫关于杰克任务中的红发女孩(如 VDialogueCrimsonCaravan1ECrimsonCaravanGuardAAM2Topic000 - "你认识这一带的红发人吗")。
  • 还有一个剪掉的消息框叫做NellisCCJanet。它是空白的,但有"珍妮特"的标题。这可能看起来并不重要,但这是你如何改变现有NPC名称的一部分 - 例如,隐藏他们的真实姓名,直到玩家发现一些关于他们的信息。结合上述内容,这意味着玩家最初可能需要进行一些实际的侦探工作才能为杰克找到珍妮特?
  • 如果玩家是个混蛋,让珍妮特在经过炮兵靶场的路上被炸飞,杰克也会剪掉对话。


  1. Vault 34 terminal entries; Terminal, gi.d3.8o20
  2. The Courier: "Tell me about the Boomers."
    Robert House: "They occupied Nellis Air Force Base a little over 50 years ago. One of my Securitrons got some video of their arrival - and then... exploded. Odds are they were Vault dwellers. That's everything I know about them, really."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Pete: "Ages ago, long before I was born, we lived underground. Everyone had guns but the overseer wouldn't let us explode anything, not even a hand grenade. We left and wandered the wastes. There were savages with knives. We blew them up with frag mines and grenades, burned them with flamethrowers. It was neat, but there was a downside. For every 43.6 savages we killed, we lost one of our own. We needed a new home. We needed Nellis. Nellis, glittering like shrapnel in the desert sun. Nellis, bursting with missiles, warheads, and bombs. Nellis had waited. Just for us. Here, we have prospered and multiplied. Here, our mighty guns destroy any savages who might try to harm us before they can even reach our gates! Well, until... but... not saying you want to harm us or you're a savage, but... anyways. Nellis has revealed many secrets. It has taught us how to fly the bombers once based here. And it has taught us where to find one! And that is our story so far, for this last image is our future. To restore the bomber, to fly the open skies in armored safety, raining high-explosive ordnance upon ignorant savages - this is our destiny! I'm pleased that you listened to the entire story! Perhaps there are details you'd like to know more about? Let me know."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "Why did your ancestors leave the safety of a vault?"
    Pete: "So you know about the vaults! Yes, we lived in one of those. Ours was numbered 34. In our vault, everyone had guns - but the overseer wouldn't let you fire off any of the really fun ones. I guess all the little pops and bangs at the firing ranges just got boring after a while!"
    (Pete's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "I'm surprised Nellis was empty when your people found it."
    Pete: "Several atomic warheads detonated here hundreds of years ago, leaving the base highly radioactive. The savages of the wastes, ignoramuses, all avoided Nellis by habit."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "But a little radiation didn't keep your people away!"
    Pete: "That's right! Our Geiger counter indicated that the base was radioactive, but not dangerously so. Enough time has passed."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Kind of stupid, making a radioactive scrapheap your home."
    Pete: "For your information, our people had brought Geiger counters with them from the vault. The radiation levels here were within safe limits. Also for your information, Nellis is not a scrapheap! We repaired most of the damage here long ago. Nellis is comfy!"
    (Pete's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Courier: "What are howitzers doing at an Air Force Base?"
    Pete: "You're right, they weren't here when we discovered Nellis! We found the guns at a huge weapon depot called Area 2, many miles from here! It took many weeks to drag the guns and their ammunition back to Nellis - and it was the last time any of us set foot beyond our homeland!"
    (Pete's dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "The Boomers sound dangerous."
    Robert House: "Only if you come within a mile or so of them. Given their history of extreme isolationism, it's tempting to leave them be. But those howitzers of theirs... You can't let indeterminate variables rattle around in your equations like that. They have to be accounted for, one way or another."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "How did you learn where to find an old bomber?"
    Pete: "Loyal found a file somewhere on the base, with magazine articles, photographs, a map, even. It seems that a bomber, apparently the 29th of its kind, crashed in Lake Mead on July 21st, 1948. Just imagine - that's over 300 years ago! The photographs showed that it was basically intact, and the map tells us exactly where to find it. Except we haven't left Nellis in decades."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "Keep dreaming. That plane's never going to fly."
    Pete: "As I said, repairing and flying the bomber is our destiny. It's that simple."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Courier: "How has Nellis taught your people to fly?"
    Pete: "Once we restored power, we learned that some elaborate chairs we'd been sleeping in were actually virtual reality simulators. We believe they were used to train combat pilots. We use them extensively. I alone have shot down over 500 Chinese Xian-85 fighters! Before you ask, I'm afraid there's no way you can be allowed to use the simulators. They are for our use only. Sorry."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "Mother Pearl said you have a 'bug problem?' "
    Raquel: "Long story short, the power failed a few days ago because giant ants have tunneled into the generator room and set up a nest. I led a team down to exterminate them, but there were... so many of them. We lost two killed, three wounded. Personally, I think it's more than a savage can handle, but if you want to kill those ants and switch the power back on, feel free."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "I can handle a few ants."
    Raquel: "Sure, anyone can. But there's more than a few down there. See for yourself. One other thing. The ants must be eating gunpowder from the munitions down there, or something. They exploded when hit by a flamethrower. One of us was using a laser pistol - same thing. Bullets seem okay, just don't hit the artillery shells. Loyal's been working on some kind of weapon to use against them. Maybe you should check with him."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Courier: "Who is Mother Pearl?"
    Raquel: "As I said, she is our Eldest. Mother Pearl has lived at Nellis from the start, and has the wisdom of her age. She said this day would come, and that any savage to reach our gates should be brought to her."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Courier: "The ingenuity of your people is remarkable."
    Pete: "Thank you. Our self-sufficiency is a point of pride."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 The Courier: "How do you survive, totally cut off from the world?"
    Pete: "Nellis is a completely self-sufficient community! We draw water from Lake Mead, solar arrays provide power, and we grow our own crops!"
    (Pete's dialogue)
  18. The Courier: "Are you going to confiscate my weapons?"
    Raquel: "Confiscate your weapons? Certainly not! Personal armament is the foundation of social trust and responsibility."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  19. The Courier: "Your people are a determined bunch."
    Pete: "Yes, there's just about nothing we won't do to get our hands on some explosive ordnance!"
    (Pete's dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "Yeah, any detonation with a yield of less than a half-ton of TNT is boring."
    Pete: "[SUCCEEDED] Exactly! We haven't detonated any atomic warheads since before I was born, but besides that, to heck with nitpicky restrictions!"
    (Pete's dialogue)
  21. Raquel: "I'll take this from here! I'm Raquel, Master-At-Arms for the Nellis homeland. Mother Pearl, our Eldest, wishes to speak to you."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Courier: "What happens when they come of age?"
    Boomer teacher: "All of us are trained in combat and farming from a very early age. When we reach adulthood, we serve in whatever capacity we are best suited."
    (Boomer teacher's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "What's a Master-At-Arms?"
    Raquel: "I oversee the security of the Nellis homeland, from the coordination of its defenses to the training and fitness of its population."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  24. The Courier: "Good to hear. The wasteland is no place for children."
    Boomer teacher: "I agree. That is why we do everything we can to teach the children from birth to defend themselves and serve the tribe."
    (Boomer teacher's dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "Tell me about the Boomers."
    Caesar: "The Boomers settled at the old air base northeast of Vegas many years ago. No one knows exactly how long it's been. It may be that no one's traded with them or even spoken to them that entire time. If so, they're sitting on one hell of a stockpile of ammunition..."
    The Courier: "Don't you know anything about their society?"
    Caesar: "My scouts have seen people moving around the base. The perimeter is guarded, with spotters in towers directing the artillery fire. They must have extraordinary vision. Some of my scouts were targeted at extreme distances. So no, I can't tell you what to expect inside the base. No one's been inside it, except them."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  26. The Courier: "She works for the Crimson Caravan."
    Pearl: "She's with those traders? They've tried to contact us before, but I'm not interested in trading with greedy savages. This presents a bit of a problem. Jack isn't allowed to leave Nellis, and I doubt she would make it through the artillery alive."
    (Pearl's dialogue)
  27. The Courier: "I guess poor nutrition could explain a lot of your behavior."
    Pete: "Our nutrition is not deficient! We supplement our diet of grains and vegetables with soy and legumes for protein."
    (Pete's dialogue)
  28. Biodiesel refinery
  29. The Courier: "I can teach how to make jacketed hollow points and other specialized ammo."
    Boomer teacher: "[SUCCEEDED] Wow, our stockpiles mostly included full metal jacket. I should start a reloading class for the children to learn how to make ammunition!"
    (Boomer teacher's dialogue)
  30. The Courier: "Oh the stories I could tell you about fixing stuff with duct tape and bubble gum!"
    Boomer teacher: "[FAILED] Right... when we repair stuff, we tend to use welding torches and plasma cutters. I think I still with Loyal and Jack for repair knowledge."
    (Boomer teacher's dialogue)
  31. The Courier: "Anything else I can help out with?"
    Raquel: "The next time you leave Nellis, keep an eye out for missiles. We're down to a five-year supply for our launchers."
    (Raquel's dialogue)
  32. The Courier: "Where should I look for spare parts?"
    Loyal: "Ha! If we had spare parts, do you think I'd be asking you to fix the damn things? That's rich. No, we ran out of spares a while back, and Jack and I have been doing our best to patch the arrays up as best we can. Sadly, we're at our wit's end. There have to be spare parts somewhere around the wasteland, but I just don't know where to direct you. You may have noticed we don't get out much."
    (Loyal's dialogue)
  33. The Courier: "Tell me again what I need to do."
    Loyal: "I wish you'd paid attention the first time! All you need to do is attach the deployable ballast to the plane. Some of my robots will carry a remote activation station out to the shore. Attach the ballast, hit a button, and they'll handle the rest."
    (Loyal's dialogue)
  34. The Courier: "Your plan worked. The plane floated up. Seemed to be intact."
    Loyal: "That's tremendous! I'll transmit instructions to the robots to start packing up the plane to bring it back to Nellis!"
    (Loyal's dialogue)
  35. The Courier: "Are you and your people still ready to help in the upcoming battle at Hoover Dam?"
    Pearl: "We have our ears on the radio waves. When the fighting starts you can count on our air support."
    (Pearl's dialogue)
  36. The Courier: "Can I get a code to use the VR pods in the mess hall?"
    Loyal: "No. Those aren't for outsiders to use. Leave them alone."
    (Loyal's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible 0 Vault system:
    "Vault 34 The armory was overstocked with weapons and ammo and not provided with a lock."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.43: "Boomers
    At the beginning of the war, Nellis Air Force Base scrambled an enormous number of fighters and bombers to respond to the missile launch. None of those planes ever returned. Additionally, despite the best efforts of a man named Mr. House, some of the missiles that struck the greater Las Vegas area impacted Nellis. As a result, Nellis was not an attractive site for scavengers for over a hundred years after the war.
    Fifty years ago, a group of Vault 34's dissidents struck out on their own and started using Nellis as a base. Over a long period of time, they eventually decided to call Nellis their home. They learned a great deal of information from the records at Nellis and used that information to open the weapons storehouses at (currently unknown locations called) Area 2 and the Hawthorne Army Depot. The result of their efforts was an enormous stockpile of heavy ordnance, artillery, and small nuclear weapons.
    Due to the tribes paranoia, hostility, and excessive reverence for explosives, the New Vegas locals started calling them 'Boomers.' The Boomers didn't mind the name as long as it meant people kept their distance. No matter who approaches them (Mr. House, the Vegas families, NCR, or Caesar), the Boomers have the same response: artillery. While the Boomers' attitude has kept away trouble, all of the major players around New Vegas want to get on the tribe's good side. People simply have no idea how to accomplish that. As far as all intelligence indicates, the Boomers have a clean water supply from Lake Mead, power from solar panels inside the base, and thriving farms that they've learned to develop 'the hard way' over the decades they've been in the base. Once, the NCR attempted to shut off the Boomers' water supply. The Boomers' response was to shell sections of the NCR's water pipeline in eastern New Vegas. The NCR promptly restored the flow.
    In the months that followed that experiment, no one has tried to approach the Boomers, which is just how they like it."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)