Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-FNV LRGametitle-FNV GRA
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV HHGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-FNV LRGametitle-FNV GRA




Gun Runners' Arsenal挑战“即使是神也会流血”(Even a God-King Can Bleed)中,要求玩家用投矛将凯撒的头致残。这个成就引用自斯巴达的列奥尼达一世的名言。列奥尼达曾经说在战争结束时,他将证明“即使是神的国王也会流血”,并最后用投矛划过薛西斯的一只眼睛,完成了他的诺言。Gun Runners' Arsenal


  • 如果邮差拥有“狂野废土”天赋,并且在大坝之战中支援NCR,那么玩家将会在临时开启的“NCR紧急通话频道”中听到“Game over, man, game over!”;“"They're coming out of walls, they're coming out of the goddamn walls!"”两句台词,这都是电影《异形2》中的原台词。
  • 游戏中的击杀挑战“核轨道轰炸”(Nuke it From Orbit)【即用肩扛武器杀死250个敌人】也同样出自《异形2》中的名台词 "nuke the entire site from orbit - it’s the only way to be sure."


FNV中的爆破杂志叫做《爱国者的食谱》,其名称可以追溯到一本叫《无政府主义者的食谱》(the Anarchist Cookbook)的书,此书饱受争议之处就在于记录了许多自制爆破物的方法——很明显,都不合法。游戏中这本杂志的封面上贴上了“违禁材料,务必焚毁”的标签。


如果邮差拥有“狂野废土”天赋,新维加斯先生会以“Stay classy, New Vegas”结束新闻播报。这句话源自电影《王牌播音员》中主角Ron Burgundy的口头禅"You stay classy, San Diego."




炸药帮的Philip Lem名字来源于美国情景喜剧《好男当自强》(Better Off Ted)里面一对活宝科学家Phil和Lem。


GRA击杀挑战中有一项叫做“奴隶的服从”(A Slave Obeys),要求使用高尔夫球杆击杀豪斯先生。 这个挑战是对《生化奇兵》中反派Andrew Ryan(安德鲁 瑞恩)的死法以及其死前台词“ A man chooses, a slave obeys.”(为人尚可自主,为奴唯命是从)的致敬。 Gun Runners' Arsenal


  • 任务“臣服于凯撒”(Render Unto Caesar)来源于《马可福音》12:17的名言“上帝的归上帝,凯撒的归凯撒。”(Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God's.)
  • 赤诚之心所有奖杯名称均来自圣经中的《诗篇》。 Honest Hearts
  • Not only are the Honest Hearts achievement/trophy names references to the Bible but the location for the add-on itself is a reference to the Zion which was the city of Jerusalem in the Old Testament. Honest Hearts
  • 罪恶城赌场,是圣经中著名的罪恶之城,与索多玛齐名。
  • 吾乃军团”(We Are Legion)其任务名来源于《马可福音》5:9,耶稣遇见了一个被群魔附身的人,当耶稣问他的名字时候,这些恶魔便说:“吾乃军团,因吾等众多”(My name is legion, for we are many.)


潜行杂志《魅影奇侠》的封面是对DC出版的Adventure Comics 428的封面的翻版复刻,这一本漫画是角色“黑兰花”(Black Orchid)的起源故事。


  • 无名枪(That Gun)的模型借鉴了《银翼杀手》中Rick Deckard的佩枪。
  • GRA击杀挑战“利益或危害”(Benefit Or a Hazard),这一名称是对银翼杀手中Harrison Ford的台词的致敬,他在剧中曾说“合成人像其他机器一样——要么造福大众,要么为害四方。如果它们真的对人有利,那就不关我的事了。”(Replicants are like any other machine - they're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem.) Gun Runners' Arsenal
  • 为毁灭而生”天赋的描述中包含了对银翼杀手中 Eldon Tyrel(由Joe Turkel扮演)的台词的致敬,其原文为“The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”,引用自老子《道德经》。


在“布鲁尔的私酿啤酒厂”这一地点中,有一块标有“战略核驼鹿”(Strategic Nuclear Moose)的标牌,致敬了现实中的苏格兰酿酒厂Brewdog(酿酒狗)的一款帝国斯陶特(Imperial Stout),叫做“战术核企鹅”。




Novac镇的标志性建筑物就是那座巨大的霸王龙雕像,其实它的名字叫做Dinky(丁奇),而它的存在是为了致敬现实中加利福尼亚的一处景点——卡巴宗恐龙(Cabazon Dinosaurs



Carmen Sandiego[]

在我对你施了魔法”(I Put a Spell on You)任务,靠近内鬼他会说“你靠的太近了,谢慕斯!”(You're getting too close, shamus!)。这个梗源自于游戏《卡门.圣地亚哥在哪》(《Where Is Carmen Sandiego》)。


GRA击杀挑战“你不属于这个世界”(You Don't Belong In This World!)要求玩家使用武士刀,炸药,迈歇提,投矛,飞刀和飞斧杀死10个变种野怪。这个挑战名来自《恶魔城X:月下夜想曲》中角色Richter Belmont面对德古拉时的台词。并且此挑战中出现的武器都在月下夜想曲对应出现。另外一个GRA击杀挑战“The Same Could Be Said of All Religious Weapons”也同样出自月下夜想曲。Gun Runners' Arsenal




  • 主线任务“Ain't That a Kick in the Head”取自Dean Martin的同名歌曲,这首歌在维加斯音乐电台中也有播放。
  • 新维加斯先生有时会说“你只是芸芸众生之一,直到有个人来爱你——而我就是那个人”("You're nobody 'till somebody loves you and that somebody is me.)作为他的开场白。而這是Dean Martin和其他人录制的一首歌名。
  • 任务“飞吧!”(Volare!)任务名是一首著名的意大利语歌曲,它最脍炙人口的英语翻唱版本由Dean Martin完成。这首歌最初的名字叫做“Nel blu dipinto di blu”,意为“在蓝色中,融化于蓝”(In blue, painted blue)

Doctor Who[]

  • An NCR Emergency Radio Broadcast references The Doctor, and the BBC, the network that Doctor Who is broadcast on. ("Bravo Bravo Charlie the Doctor is coming")
  • In combat, the Securitrons may yell "EXTERMINATE," the signature line of the Daleks.
  • Written on a pillar in a wine cellar in Dead Money is "I am not your mummy!" This is a reference to the two part episode "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances," in which the zombie-like enemies with gas-mask faces (who bear a remarkable resemblance to the ghost people in the add-on) ask everyone "Are you my mummy?" Dead Money
  • With Wild Wasteland enabled, the trauma override harnesses will say "Hey, who turned out the lights?", a reference to the Doctor Who episode Silence in the Library. In the episode alien particles control a spacesuit containing a skeleton which repeats the dead wearer's last words over and over. Old World Blues (add-on)
  • The sonic emitter from Old World Blues is a reference to the Doctor's companion Jack Harkness. Who on his first appearance on "The Empty Child" was wielding a Sonic Blaster which shares a very similar design. Old World Blues (add-on)

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog[]

维罗妮卡的背包里经常有叉子,这是致敬了她的配音演员Felicia Day,她曾经在Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog这部短篇科幻喜剧里扮演Penny,一个喜欢用叉子吃冷冻酸奶的人。


  • GRA成就Love the Bomb来源于奇爱博士(Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)。
  • 尼普顿杂货店对面有个沙袋围起来的房子,里面摆了很多陷阱,并且屋主留下一张纸条写了很多非常偏执的话语(也就是被害妄想)。屋主的语气很像奇爱博士里的Jack D. Ripper's将军。
  • 原子牛仔的LOGO致敬了奇爱博士中的T.J.’KING KONG’(金刚)少校,他在片中曾经像竞技牛仔一样骑着核弹头。




Vault 11中随处可见的监督选举海报上大多有“I hate Nate”和“I hate Kate”两种口号。这是致敬了艾森豪威尔当时选举时的口号“I like Ike”


Classic Inspiration(古典灵感)这个任务,要求邮差在莫哈维的各个地标性建筑拍照。其中邮差获得的柯达R-9000相机非常类似于现实中柯达公司发售的Hawkeye Brownie相机。

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[]

In Freeside, some street-lights are stamped with TES-04, referencing another game made by Bethesda called "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion." You can also find a utility pole with the reference when you enter Primm.

Elmer Fudd[]

If the player has Cass as a companion, when sneaking she occasionally says, "Be very, very quiet; we're huntin' shit heads." This is a direct reference to Elmer Fudd's famous quote, "Be vewy, vewy quiet; I'm huntin' wabbits."

Elvis Presley[]

Elvis Presley is frequently referenced in quest names, but licensing his songs for the soundtrack proved too costly for the developers.[1]

Chalkboard Kings SoI

The chalkboard in King's School of Impersonation

Army of Darkness[]

With the Wild Wasteland perk, when Dean Domino kills his first ghost person he will say "He's not dead... it's a trick. Get an axe." This is a reference to the 1992 horror comedy film Army of Darkness wherein the hero Ashley "Ash" Williams, using these same words, cautions a knight against touching a seemingly deceased Deadite, who, true to his warning, proves to be merely faking.


Euclid's C-Finder is a reference to the Greek mathematician Euclid, regarded as the "father of geometry."

Forrest Gump[]

  • The quest title "Run Goodsprings Run" is a reference to an iconic line "Run, Forrest, Run!" from the film Forrest Gump.
  • Private Jeremy Watson, the soldier who is to receive a medal from President Kimball during his visit to Hoover Dam, bears many similarities to Forrest Gump: they are both in the army, share the same haircut, are less than intelligent and Watson saved a platoon of soldiers in Forlorn Hope as Forrest Gump saved a group of soldiers in Vietnam. As a further reference, Watson claims he will meet the president personally and receive a medal for his duties. Like Gump, he is unwittingly humble for his achievements.

Frank Sinatra[]

When the Courier wins 4,500 caps at Gomorrah the floor manager says "Looks like you're on a roll! Luck be a lady tonight!" This is a line from the song "Luck Be A Lady," written by Frank Loesser for Guys and Dolls, the Broadway musical about gamblers and their girls. Mr. New Vegas also mentions "lady-like luck" on the radio. Frank Sinatra played Nathan Detroit in the film version, but the song was actually sung by Marlon Brando(!) in that movie. Sinatra later made it one of his standards.

Another reference to Frank Sinatra is one of Hadrian's insults hurled at Swank when he says "Make yourself at home Swank, hit somebody!" This is also a reference to Don Rickles.

The quests My Kind of Town, One for My Baby, Come Fly With Me, Ring-a-Ding-Ding!, You'll Know It When It Happens, I Could Make You Care and Don't Make a Beggar of Me are references to songs sung and made famous by Frank Sinatra.


Inside the Cave of the Abaddon, there is a fossilized dog named Seymour. This is a reference to the Futurama episode "Jurassic Bark," in which Fry finds his dog Seymour fossilized. You can only find Seymour if you have the Wild Wasteland trait. Lonesome Road (add-on)

Grapes of Wrath[]

Rose of Sharon Cassidy, a potential follower for the courier, is named after the character of the same name in John Steinbeck's novel, Grapes of Wrath. She describes the book as "some Old World book about dirt pilgrims."

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[]

In Old World Blues, in the X-8 research center after splicing together a Mister Orderly and lobotomite, the created robobrain's ensuing speech mimics that of the sperm whale as it fell from the sky in 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.

Also in Old World Blues, there is an X-42 research center. In the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, 42 is the answer given by a computer to the question: 'what is the answer to life, the universe and everything?'

Homestar Runner[]

In the GECK, the object effect for the flare gun is named "Burninate All the Peoples," a line from Strong Bad's Trogdor song.[2] Lonesome Road (add-on)

Howard Hughes[]

Mr. House is in most aspects based on the famous recluse Howard Hughes. Many aspects of House's personality, lifestyle and backstory are modeled on Hughes: his reclusive nature, his terror of bacteria, his fixation on Las Vegas, his insistence on working only through trusted lieutenants, his appearance, and his relationships with pre-War film stars. A portrait of House standing in front of a large robot is based on an iconic photograph of Hughes standing in front of a Boeing Army Pursuit Plane in the 1940s.

The Hustler[]

The guest terminal in Vault 21 advertises pool sets in the gift shop with the line "Hustle it like Minnesota Fats!" This is a reference to the novel The Hustler by Walter Tevis and its 1961 film adaptation, starring Jackie Gleason as Fats.

Indiana Jones[]


All of the Think tank doctors' names are references to an infinite loop: Dr. Klein and the Klein bottle, Dr. Mobius and the Möbius strip, Dr. Borous and the ouroborus, Dr. Dala and the mandala as well as Dr. 8 and Dr. Zero. Old World Blues (add-on)

John Mellencamp[]

In the Red Rock Drug Lab, you find a couple named Jack and Diane. Jack is a dark haired male and Diane is a younger blonde woman. They are likely referencing the John Mellencamp song "Jack and Diane" from 1982, in which the music video has a dark haired male and blonde woman.

Kate Beaton[]

The unique Tesla cannon, the Tesla-Beaton prototype, is named after Kate Beaton, a Canadian webcomic artist known, among other things, for several comic strips about Nikola Tesla.

La Longue Carabine[]

Corporal Sterling, a member of 1st Recon at Camp McCarran will, if asked about his gun, state that it is known as "La Longue Carabine." This is a reference from the book Last of the Mohicans, in which La Longue Carabine is one of the nicknames for both Natty Bumppo and his rifle.


With the Wild Wasteland trait, the player character can talk to Rex, and receive a map marker indicating the location of somebody (named Jimmy) who fell into a well.

Less Than Jake[]

In the Goodsprings Cemetery, there is a grave marked Jay Frenzal. This is a reference to the song of the same name from the album B Is for B-sides by an American ska-punk band Less Than Jake. The song, in turn, is a reference to Jason Whalley of Frenzal Rhomb, who has one line on the track.

Loch Ness Monster[]

After raising the B-29 Superfortress from Lake Mead during the quest Volare!, Mr. New Vegas will talk about sightings of something rising out of lake mead that locals have dubbed the "Lake Mead Monster", and how all the photos of it so far are grainy and underexposed. This is a reference to the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, of Scottish folklore, and how most photographs of the monster are of infamously low quality.


A broadcast from the NCR Emergency Radio references the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 which is part of the mysterious and significant chain of numbers in the aforementioned TV show.

Logan's Run[]

In Old World Blues, the trait Logan's Loophole is a reference to the 1976 science fiction film Logan's Run based on the 1967 novel of the same name. Old World Blues (add-on)

Mad Max[]

  • The achievements Blast Mastery and You Run Barter Town are both references to Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. Blast Mastery refers to the character of Masterblaster, and Bartertown was the location around which Beyond Thunderdome was set.
  • The leather armor, reinforced, as well as the lightweight leather armor also bear a strong resemblance to the armor worn by Max in the series.
  • Lupe at the Grub and Gulp can say: "a little fallout never killed anybody" when talking about Dirty Water, a reference to a water salesman when Max enters Bartertown.

Michelangelo Buonarroti[]

The name of the character and artist Michael Angelo is a reference to the 16th-century Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Mister Las Vegas[]

Wayne Newton is known as Mr. Las Vegas. He voices the radio personality Mr. New Vegas.

Monty Python[]

  • At Cottonwood Cove, spray-painted on one of the buildings is "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS"(Romans go home), which is a reference to Monty Python's The Life of Brian. This only appears with the Wild Wasteland trait.
  • Inside one of the church basements at Camp Searchlight are three Holy Frag Grenades, a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. These also only appear with the Wild Wasteland trait.
  • Another Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference appears during the quest They Went That-a-Way. When you first talk to Jessup, he will express shock at your survival. One of the possible responses to this is "I got better." This phrase used in this context is one of the many running jokes of the aforementioned film.
  • With the Wild Wasteland trait, one will be confronted by Maud's Muggers, a gang of elderly hoodlums, outside of Cerulean Robotics. This is a reference to the skit, "Hell's Grannies" from "Monty Python's Flying Circus."
  • The food item squirrel on a stick is likely a reference to the food item "rat on a stick" in "The Meaning of Life."
  • During the second battle for Hoover Dam, the playable character can see graffiti on one of the dam's towers; the graffiti says "Legion go home," which is possibly a reference to Monty Python's The Life of Brian. This is what Brian's "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS" was supposed to say, but instead, it said, "People called Romanes, they go, the house."

Obsidian Entertainment[]

  • In the South Vegas Ruins, there is a small building called Zapp's Neon Signs. Inside, on a terminal at the bottom of the building, there is a neon sign order from Scott Evert, a reference to Scott Everts.
  • The evil gnome has a baseid of Scottegnome.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish[]

Marcus might say when attacking: "one fist, two fist, red fist, blue fist". This is a reference to the Dr. Seuss book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.


The unique Mister Gutsy Ironbelly's line, "There's nothing I like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country!" is a version of a line from the 1970 movie Patton: "Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

Period songs[]

See also the entries for other famous singers: Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Elvis Presley, and Wayne Newton.

Other songs[]

  • The quest Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger is named for 2001 song by Daft Punk.
  • The quest High Times is named for a 1970 song by The Grateful Dead.
  • The quest Why Can't We Be Friends? is named from the 1975 song by War.
  • The challenge VR the Champions is named after the 1977 song "We are the Champions" by Queen.

The Physicists[]

  • The Physicists is a German novel written by the Swiss author Friedrich Dürenmatt. In the book, scientists Dr. Möbius, Einstein, and Newton are all inmates in an asylum. Dr. Mobius in the add-on Old World Blues is portrayed as being mentally unstable. Old World Blues (add-on)
    • In the book, Dr. Mobius is also merely pretending to be insane in order to keep his secrets from the world, fearing that his knowledge could destroy it. This is similar to Mobius' elaborate plans to keep the Think Tank hemmed into Big MT.

Planet of the Apes[]

If the player character has the Wild Wasteland trait, and nukes both sides at the end of Lonesome Road, the ending slide will quote Charlton Heston and show a picture representing the ending scene from the original Planet of the Apes. Lonesome Road (add-on)

The Princess Bride[]

  • With the Wild Wasteland trait, rodents of unusual size can be encountered in various places. The protagonist of the film, Wesley, states that he doesn't believe that rodents of unusual size exist, before promptly getting attacked by one.
  • The challenge I Am Not Left Handed is a reference to Inigo Montoya's line from the sword fight with The Man in Black in The Princess Bride.

The Prisoner[]

When saying goodbye to Victor, he replies with "be seeing you," along with the hand gesture; the often-repeated phrase in the 1967-68 television series.

(Léon) The Professional[]

The perk The Professional is a reference to the 1994 film Léon released in the US as The Professional and directed by Luc Besson. The correlating in-game picture features a stylized Vault Boy with a coat, stubble, and round glasses similar to the main character of the film, played by French actor Jean Reno. The picture also features a potted plant that plays a significant role in the film.

Professional Wrestling[]

During the quest G.I. Blues when heading over to the Old Mormon Fort in Freeside, there are three men in one tent named Roy, Wayne, and Farris. The three names put together are a reference to Roy Wayne Farris, a professional wrestler who wrestled for WWF and WCW during the 1980s and 1990s as "The Honky Tonk Man."

Return of the Living Dead[]

Red-haired, death-obsessed woman named Trash, whom the player finds dead in a shack beside the old nuclear test site, is a reference to the character Trash in Return of the Living Dead.

Revolting Cocks[]

As soon as you enter the second section of the Strip (where the monorail, The Tops, and The Ultra-Luxe are), immediately to the left, there is a Lucky 38 sign advertising the features the casino has to offer. One of the advertisements is for the "Revolving Cocktail Lounge". The second V of "revolving" has been vandalized over with a T, making it "Revolting Cocktail Lounge". There was a band formed in the 1980s called the Revolting Cocks. One of the songs off their 1968 debut album Big Sexy Land is called 38. This is synonymous with the Lucky 38. This makes it a possible reference to the band Revolting Cocks and their song 38.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner[]

  • The name of the challenge ...And Not a drop to Drink is part of a commonly misquoted couplet from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The actual lines are "Water, water, every where, / Nor any drop to drink." Lonesome Road (add-on)
  • The name of add-on Lonesome Road might come from Rime of the Ancient Mariner Part VI, stanza 11, which reads, "Like one that on a lonesome road / Doth walk in fear and dread, / And having once turned round walks on, / And turns no more his head; / Because he knows a frightful fiend / Doth close behind him tread." Ulysses plays the part of the "frightful fiend," the Courier's secret past with the Divide corresponds with "and having once turned round walks on," and the Lonesome Road itself is homonymous. Lonesome Road (add-on)


The name of the Gun Runners' Arsenal challenge Ne Ne Ne Ne... is a reference to the film RoboCop; it's the sound Clarence Boddicker makes when he blows off Alex Murphy's right hand with a shotgun.

With the Wild Wasteland trait, A Securitron will also say "Your move, creep!"

while you are in the Lucky 38. This was a line used in Robocop. Likewise, if the Courier chooses to frame Heck Gunderson for his son's murder during the Beyond the Beef quest, the securitron will say "Dead or alive, you're coming with me"

before shooting him dead.

Sammy Davis, Jr.[]

Tommy Torini bears striking resemblance to Sammy Davis, Jr. the only African-American member of the entertainment group, the "Rat Pack," even down to the missing eye, which Sammy Davis, Jr. lost in an auto collision.

Saving Private Ryan[]

Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy is a reference to the movie Saving Private Ryan.

Sesame Street[]

You may hear Dog saying "OM NOM NOM" while devouring an enemy, if you have the Wild Wasteland trait. This is most likely a reference to the Cookie Monster.Dead Money

Six String Samurai[]

The name and icon for the New Vegas Samurai achievement is a reference to the Palm Pictures film Six-String Samurai. The guitar, stubble, and glasses are all references to the film's main character, Buddy.


The two passwords for the Eastern and the Western reflector control terminals are text encoded in hex and can be found in the notes. The decoded Eastern password is Too many secrets and the Western decoded password is My voice is my passport. - both are notable passphrases in Sneakers.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs[]

In the add-on Old World Blues with Wild Wasteland on near by the Construction site the player will be able to find seven garden gnomes stood facing the red stones, with a number of pickaxes on the ground. This is a reference to the children's story Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs about a girl who escapes her evil stepmother and lives with a small group of dwarven miners. Old World Blues (add-on)

Something Awful[]

  • The YCS/186 Gauss rifle is named for the "Your Console Sucks" forum that has the forum ID number 186.
  • The abbreviated console command for disabling Hardcore mode is "Babby," a reference to a meme that originated on the Something Awful website. In addition, the word "Babby" is often used as a pejorative in various Something Awful subforums.
  • A Wild Wasteland encounter found near Goodsprings consists of a man in glasses named Johnny found dead at the edge of a cliff. Johnny is surrounded by various objects including five ace cards and four orange balls. This is a reference to Zybourne Clock, a failed amateur game project that originated on Something Awful.

Soylent Green[]

Salient Green is a reference to the 1973 film Soylent Green. Old World Blues (add-on)

Star Trek[]

  • The perk Set Lasers for Fun is a reference to the phrase "Set phasers to stun" from Star Trek.
  • The damage challenge "Beam (Weapon) Me Up" is a reference to the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty." It comes from the oft-quoted, but never used in the show, order that Captain Kirk gives his chief engineer, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, when he needs to be transported back to the Starship Enterprise.
  • After updating House's Securitrons to Mark II, they may say "Obedience Brings Victory." This was one of the main catch phrases used by the Jem'Hadar in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  • During combat, if Marcus is hit by an enemy weapon, he may occasionally cry out, "I am NOT a merry Mutant!" This is a reference to Michael Dorn's role as Worf on Star Trek: The Next Generation, specifically the episode "Qpid," in which Worf protested to being given the role of a "merry man" in Q's Robin Hood recreation. This is also a reference to Fallout 2, as Marcus says the same line as the Chosen One's companion.
  • When dealing with The Kings in Freeside for Ambassador Crocker if you have the Wild Wasteland trait, Ambassador Crocker will tell you "Damn it, I'm an ambassador, not a doctor!" It's a clear reference to the "I'm a doctor, not a {type of profession}" line of quotes from Leonard "Bones" McCoy in Star Trek.
  • Some of the ICBMs derelict or otherwise that you encounter during the Lonesome Road expansion, including the one you end up launching, are Titan Vs.

Star Wars[]

  • The Wild Wasteland trait adds an encounter in the town of Nipton. If you follow the road from city hall east, you will find a burning house with the skeletal remains of Owen and Beru, Luke Skywalker's uncle and aunt who were burned by stormtroopers in A New Hope.
  • The challenge "...And Know Disintegrations" is a play on Darth Vader's line in The Empire Strikes Back.
  • During the quest You'll Know It When It Happens, Ranger Grant asks you to report what has happened at the top of the guard post when you kill a Legion assassin, one of the dialog options when responding to him is to say "Everything's fine up here, thank you. How are you?." This is a reference to A New Hope, when Han Solo says the same thing while he and Luke Skywalker rescue Princess Leia from the Death Star.

Team Fortress 2[]

There is a Vault 19 terminal with a message about a “spy" among them, stated that "one of the Reds pretending to be a Blue," a possible reference to the Spy from Team Fortress 2.

Terminator 2[]

In one of the ending slides (Missile Launch: NCR ending slide, image 2b) for Lonesome Road, a skeleton is seen clinging to a chain-link fence facing the blast. This is a reference to the nightmare Sarah Connor has after falling asleep in Terminator 2.[3]

The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo[]

The Courier Who Broke the Bank is a reference to Joseph Jagger (1830–1892), a British engineer who was widely known as The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo.

The Rat Pack[]

The group of actors/singers of the 1960s, the Rat Pack, made up of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop, is poked fun at by the Rad Pack Revue, the group of entertainers working at The Aces theatre in The Tops. Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin both performed songs used in Fallout: New Vegas.

See also the entries for Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis Jr.

The Simpsons[]

The Radiation King company is the manufacturer of the Simpsons' television on the cartoon of the same name.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre[]

The theme, location, climate, and design of Sierra Madre is loosely based on the 1948 film The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. The film is about prospectors hunting for gold in the Sierra Madre, threatened by bandits, elements, and worst of all, personal greed. Dead Money

The Wizard of Oz[]

  • In Boulder City when Victor meets up with the player, if the player responds with "I don't like being followed." Victor will say "Now now, it's not my fault that Dorothy and the Tin Man happened to be on the same yellow-striped road, is it?"
  • In Old World Blues Dr. Mobius refers to a group of murderers who were looking for a heart, a brain, and courage, or a spine which they had all along. Old World Blues (add-on)

Their Eyes Were Watching God[]

The character Jeannie May Crawford is a reference to Janie Mae Crawford, the main character of the book Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston.

This is Spinal Tap[]

During the quest Ant Misbehavin', when asked by Loyal about what frequency a sonic emitter would need to have to kill mutated ants, with insufficient Science skill, the player can suggest to "turn it up to eleven." This is an idiom, coined in one scene from This is Spinal Tap, referring to the act of exploiting something to its utmost abilities. The idiom itself is a reference to the volume setting on a guitar amplifier, the maximum of which is usually 10, and by "turning it up to eleven," one goes beyond the maximum.

Tootsie Roll Pops[]

  • The quest The Legend of the Star is a reference to a decades-old rumor regarding Tootsie Roll Pop wrappers that dates back to the 1930s. Some Tootsie Roll Pops come packaged in wrappers that depict a boy dressed like a "wild west Indian," shooting an arrow at a star. Ever since the wrappers were found, rumors have circulated that there is some kind of secret prize attached to sending in wrappers. In the 1980s the Tootsie Roll company began replying to queries about the wrappers with a short story entitled "The Legend of the Indian Wrapper" that forms the basis for the story Festus tells the player upon the completion of The Legend of the Star.
  • The terminal entries found in Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters depict the Sunset Sarsaparilla company capitalizing on a similar rumor about star caps.

United States nuclear weapons program[]

The weapons mod Fat Man Little Boy kit references the code names of the atom bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The reasons for the names were that Fat Man was an implosion-style device with a spherical core, while Little Boy had a longer and slenderer gun-type mechanism. This reference caused the names to be changed for the Japanese release.

Vegas Vic[]

Victor's name as well as the image used for his face is based on Vegas Vic.


As a word used during the terminal unlock mini-game the word Cochise appears a reference to Base Cochise the final stronghold in the game Wasteland.

The securitrons also bears some resemblance to Wasteland's Threshing Crawlers.


The graffiti found at Hoover Dam and occasional loading screens say "spirit of 2277" which is a reference towards the spirit of '77 in Watchmen Chapter 8: Old Ghosts.

W.B. Yeats[]

In the underpass near the Nipton Road reststop there is a piece of graffiti which states "The centre cannot hold," a quote from the Irish poet W.B. Yeats's poem "The Second Coming."

World War I and II propaganda[]

The NCR propaganda posters are similar to propaganda from the WW1 and WW2 eras.


Adamantium Skeleton is a reference to Wolverine. This perk was carried over from Fallout 3.

