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在一般意义上,輻射正史(英文名:Fallout canon)是其当前权利持有人贝塞斯达软件公司自2007年以来认为是辐射宇宙官方部分的作品集。[1]




  1. 正史 指已发行的特许经营作品(游戏和电视剧)中未被删除的所有项目。这些是唯一的绑定源。
  2. 补充来源 指的是非约束性的、非游戏的、提供关于主题的额外信息的来源。
  3. 依赖来源 指的是非约束性的、非经典的资源,这些资源可以提供关于主题的额外信息,但不能与其他资源相协调,或者游戏开发者在其创作过程中的参与情况不明确。
  4. 非正史 是一个狭义的术语,指从连续性中明确删除的内容或从未发布过的内容。




  1. 只有已发布游戏构成标准 ,对开发者有约束力。
  2. 所有非游戏资源或其他信息对开发者均不具有约束力。 除非包含在已发布的游戏中,否则它们分别分类为补充从属来源
  3. 取消的游戏和因连续性被中断的游戏被明确归类为非正史
对我们来说,正史总是从游戏中的内容开始。Emil Pagliarulo







最原始的知识来源是你在游戏中看到的[...]如果不是在游戏中,我们可能会使用它,也可能不会。Ferret Baudoin, CHAD








策略指南通常包含游戏中未发布的额外信息,如角色传记、幕后信息或其他杂项信息。在某些情况下,这些信息是由贝塞斯达自己从内部公司文档中直接提供的。[6] 然而,他们的大部分内容都是基于早期的游戏构建[7]并且不能更新以解释补丁或更新所执行的更改,这可能导致指南与其所涵盖的游戏之间的差异。在这种情况下,应该使用游戏内部信息。[6]




  • Chris Taylor interview for Vault13.net (2001)
  • 辐射圣经 (2002):通常被误认为是辐射正史的权威指南,圣经主要是在黑岛工作室的首页上发布的"背景材料和狂欢"的集合,由Chris Avellone编译,并有来自不同开发者的评论。[8]虽然该出版物的大部分内容都致力于提供"狂欢"背景和其他开发材料,但Chris Avellone在爱和更正方面做出了一些明确的声明,他希望在未来的辐射游戏中反映出来。例子包括瓦那明球的命运,以及PMV瓦尔迪兹号上的避难所门的意义。因此,虽然圣经是几个灵感来源之一[9][10]但对于贝塞斯达的开发者来说,他们并不认为圣经中的所有内容都是正史,而是会根据自己的判断来决定应该包含哪些内容。[3][5]圣经中引入的许多背景元素在辐射3辐射:新维加斯辐射4辐射76中重新引入。[11]
  • Joshua Sawyer的Formspring回应 (存档在这里),Tumblr的帖子和SomethingAwful.com论坛的回复(2011+): J.E. Sawyer总是一个活跃的发帖者,他的回复提供了大量的幕后信息,扩展了辐射:新维加斯的背景。
  • 异尘余生之起源 (2012): 这是一篇由Scott Campbell撰写并发布于No Mutants Allowed网站的文章,详细介绍了辐射制作过程中的灵感、原因和设计决策。
  • Ferret Baudoin采访CHAD:辐射76故事播客 (2020):与首席作家的幕后直播采访和问答环节关于辐射76: 废土人[5]
  • Cain on Games (2023)




  • 辐射:避难所,由贝塞斯达设计,管理,目前[12]Behaviour Interactive的发展帮助下更新,被维基认为是一个依赖来源。它的环境和游戏功能被设计成"符合辐射宇宙的美学和故事情节",尽管贝塞斯达没有明确评论它的正史地位。
  • 辐射:避难所Online,虽然是由贝塞斯达发行,但却是由外部公司(分别是盛趣游戏和盖娅互娱)开发和发行,并且也被认为是一个独立的来源。它只在亚洲市场正式发布,尽管它的APK可以在全球范围内下载。
  • 辐射76原子商店通常强调趣味性而不是绝对符合正史,导致更宽松的包容标准。[13][14]
  • 辐射4创作俱乐部区别于原子店,模糊了正史和非正史之间的界限。尽管贝塞斯达审查了创作俱乐部的所有内容,以确保内容在游戏中发挥作用,并与游戏的总体背景保持一致,但他们倾向于优先考虑内容和游戏玩法的吸引力,而不是绝对遵守正史游戏。这种情况被描述为"与正史平行"。[15]








  • CHAD: 辐射76故事播客 (2020): 辐射76的主要作者Ferret Baudoin的幕后直播采访和问答环节: 废土人。当被问及钢铁兄弟会鲜为人知的圣骑士斯瓦福德时,撰写兄弟会故事的费雷特解释说,他不记得不止一个圣骑士(伊丽莎白·塔格蒂)。[18]然而,由于圣骑士斯瓦福德仍然在游戏中被提及,Ferret的矛盾回忆被认为是不规范的。



  • 兄弟会在芝加哥出现了一个小的流氓支队...[19]
  • ...在城市里与超级变种人战斗(战略版的后传,超级变种人在密苏里州开战,从圣路易斯开始)...[20]
  • ...是由飞艇到达的。[21][22]
  • 辐射战略版最初是由Emil Pagliarulo在与我们的创始人的通信中提出的"大致"正史。[23]这款游戏在正史游戏中被引用了3次(辐射3两次,辐射4一次),同时重写了游戏中的所有事件。
  • 辐射圣经通常被误认为是辐射正史的权威指南,考虑到它的年代,它是贝塞斯达开发者的几个灵感来源之一。[29][30] 然而,他们并不认为圣经中的所有内容都是正史,也不判断应该包括哪些内容。[3][5]圣经中引入的许多背景元素在辐射3辐射:新维加斯辐射4辐射76中重新引入。[31]




  • 由于执行不当,许多保安機器人台词在辐射:新维加斯中没有播放,而天啟追随者辐射中的好结局也没有实现。这两个都应该标记为错误。
  • 辐射76中的英克雷地狱火装甲最初被确定为51號避難所终端机的X-02动力护甲,在名称被地狱火取代之前。页面应反映更改,在"幕后"部分注明原始名称。
  • 辐射:新维加斯中出现了NCR教官和他的学员在麦卡伦营地,受伤的NCR士兵在敢死队营地尼尔森之间的无人区,但后来由于主机的内存管理限制而被打了补丁。它们可以被引用,但应注明为已删除的内容。




类似的例子是辐射2中的 Sierra Depot GNN transcript。它声称中美戰爭开始于大戰前13天,对于新游戏所设定的战争事件来说,这是一个不现实的时间框架。辐射3除了关于美国兼并加拿大的信息外,还明确与这个开始日期相矛盾。正因为如此,文字记录通常是不可靠的信息来源。此外,Chris Avellone忽略了辐射圣经中的文字记录,尽管它不是游戏的来源,但它确实提供了一个有用的开发者视角。

同样重要的是要注意,并非给定来源中的每个叙述者都是可靠的。像麦朗Ezra Parker这样的角色被认为是经常撒谎的人,而其他角色可能信息贫乏,如亚伯拉罕·华盛顿和他对美国历史的滑稽而不准确的版本。不同的派别在某些问题上可能有不同的观点 - 例如,钢铁兄弟会鐵路組織就会对合成人的人性产生分歧。通常来说,最好的做法是注明来源,并如实呈现角色或派别的描述,让读者自己得出结论。不寻常的情况可以逐案处理。


非正史和非游戏(补充或依赖的正史来源)引用必须使用以下格式明确标记。任何与辐射、辐射2、辐射3、辐射:新维加斯、辐射4、辐射76无关的内容都应以以下格式引用: Fallout Wiki:Reference formatting guideline/Non canon


政策投票通过: Forum:Vote: Fallout canon policy overhaul (2020)
  1. Asset Purchase Agreement
  2. For example, Tim Cain and Chris Taylor had different views on the origins of ghouls, with the issue eventually resolved by a completely different development team.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Fallout 76: Would the Fallout bible be considered canon or not?:
    Emil Pagliarulo: "So, there's actually different versions of the Bible, too. A lot of the stuff from the Bible is on- public on the Fallout Wiki, online, and you can look at that stuff. For us, it's always... for us, canon always starts with what is in the games. And so... it's what is in Fallout 1, Fallout 2... even some of like, Fallout Tactics is- there's some stuff from canon from Fallout Tactics as well. And our Fallout games. So, we always look at what's in the games first, and then we go to the Fallout Bible and look at the stuff. So, some of the stuff that is in Fallout 3 that is now canon came from the Fallout Bible, some of that fiction. And so... it depends. We look at the Fallout Bible and some of the lore that really... was written, y'know, back in the day. It makes sense and we use that and put it in our games. We don't just assume that everything in the Bible is canon. We have to take it step-by-step inside. It's a judgement call."
    Note: This video is an excerpt from a longer interview at Gamescom 2020.
  4. Fallout First Look: This Is How the World Ends—With a Smiling Thumbs-Up: Todd Howard: "We view what's happening in the show as canon." Bethesda Softworks had some amount of oversight to ensure that the scripts fit within the existing world of Fallout and previous titles. Bethesda executives Todd Howard and James Altman serve as executive producers on the TV series."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Ferret Baudoin - 12/16/2020 Fallout for Hope - CHAD: A Fallout 76 Story Podcast Twitch stream: "The primal source of lore is what you see in the games. Everything after that is varying degrees--I would say, if it's not in the games, we may use it, we may not. There's things we may fully like, 'no, this is what happened!' No, that's just headcanon for a writer. That doesn't actually exist until you see it... the funny thing is, there are things I intend that have already been re-written, but that's OK. That was never in the game. Sure, alright. You wanna change that? That's a great story; go for it! We will get inspiration from all sorts of sources, right? Who's to say what we'll take and what we won't?"
  6. 6.0 6.1 David S.J. Hodgson (via twitter): "If memory serves, [the "Wasteland Census" section in the Fallout 3 Game Guide] is supposedly canon as I worked with “certain documents” and the guide was fully approved by Bethesda. You’d have to confirm with @DCDeacon of course. However, if you come across a discrepancy between game and guide canon, game trumps guide."
  7. Mashable.com interview with David S.J. Hodgson, author of the strategy guides for Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76
  8. The Fallout Bible on blackisle.com (archived)
  9. Welcome Back to Fallout
  10. Emil Pagliarulo on DAC: "Don't worry, guys. I sleep with a copy of the Fallout Bible under my pillow."
  11. For example, Vault 106 in Fallout 3, Vault 34 in Fallout: New Vegas, the T-51 power armor development timeline in Fallout 4, and Vault 29 was mentioned in Fallout 76.
  12. File:Bethesda Softworks LLC v. Behaviour Interactive, Inc. et al.pdf Page 1: Bethesda conceived of and designed the environment and gameplay features for FALLOUT SHELTER to fit within the aesthetic and storyline of the FALLOUT universe. To realize its design, Bethesda contracted with Behaviour under a work-for-hire agreement to develop FALLOUT SHELTER to Bethesda’s specifications
    Page 6: “On January 22, 2014, Bethesda engaged Behaviour to assist developing the FALLOUT SHELTER game under the code name ‘Underground’… Bethesda provided the conception, design, and overall direction of the game’s mechanics and resulting look and feel, and Behaviour provided the implementation
    Page 8: Bethesda retained and exercised complete ‘creative, technical and promotion control over all phases of development and distribution’ including ‘all text, graphics, artwork, voices, designs, gameplay, music, screens and characters.’”
  13. Fallout 76: Is the Atomic Shop or Creation Club considered canon?:
    Emil Pagliarulo: "Atomic Shop is a lot...we found that Atomic Shop tends to not be canon so much, it's a lot looser. Just because it's, y'know, stuff that you purchase or use Atoms get into your game that is, like... there's a big fun factor there. There's a lot of stuff in Atomic Shop that we could take out because it's not strictly Fallout canon, and then players would be bummed. Because it's in a live multiplayer game, you... it's always a judgement call, it's tough. There's a lot of stuff that's... the canon rules are a lot lighter with the Atomic Shop stuff. Because we want people to have what they want and just have fun."
    Note: This video is an excerpt from a longer interview at Gamescom 2020.
  14. Ferret Baudoin - 12/16/2020 Fallout for Hope - CHAD: A Fallout 76 Story Podcast Twitch stream: "I think if you're buying it in the store, you're choosing to go outside of the game in order to customize your experience. The same way that you would getting a mod that you particularly enjoy. So I tend not to sweat that stuff. If people can rationalize it, fantastic."
  15. Fallout 76: Is the Atomic Shop or Creation Club considered canon?:
    Emil Pagliarulo: "Okay, lemme answer this. So... um, Creation Club and Atomic Shop are two very different things, first of all. Creation Club is, let's start there, Creation Club is sort of as close to canon as we can get but also sort of the lines get blurred. So, for example, the team that does the Creation Club stuff always runs fiction by me and says 'would this work? Is this canon? How close is this?' And any time there's any writing or anything that goes into Creation Club, we wanna make sure that it's, y'know, everything fits. So for example, y'know, there was a cyberpunk apartment that went in that you access in Fallout 4 that you access via Goodneighbor. And there was some notes in it, it was like a synth's apartment. So all the fiction there had to be right. It could be canon, it could be... So it's sort of like parallel to canon, almost. It's... we don't wanna limit ourselves. We don't wanna not do something completely. It's tough. Because you don't wanna not do something that would be awesome, because it might get a little close to not being canon. So, it's always a judgement call. We weigh everything."
    Note: This video is an excerpt from a longer interview at Gamescom 2020.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Todd Howard: "For our purposes, neither Fallout Tactics nor Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel happened."
  17. 17.0 17.1 Shacknews: ""We do follow the continuity of Fallout 1 and 2," promised Howard, "though obviously they're set in the West Coast and we're set in the East Coast. When we do games, we don't like people to feel that they need to play the previous ones. We like to have lots of nods, and have the lore make sense. So it's not a continuation of that story, but it does say that stuff all happens. As far as the existence of Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel, we pretty much ignore their existence in the same way that I ignore Aliens 3 and 4."
  18. Ferret Baudoin - 12/16/2020 Fallout for Hope - CHAD: A Fallout 76 Story Podcast Twitch stream 00:45:00: "Swafford...? Swafford? Wow... uhhh... that one's not leaping to mind, which is unusual. I'm usually really on top of that. I think uh... I don't recollect that. Cause Paladin Taggerdy, if it was a knight or something like that, I could see that being somebody, but you know... I think there's only one Paladin."
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "Then where's the rest of the Brotherhood?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "The West Coast, unless something has changed. There's been no contact with them for the last several years. There's also a small detachment in Chicago, but they're off the radar. Gone rogue. Long story."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "Care to share anything about the Super Mutants?"
    Elizabeth Jameson: "The Brotherhood has been battling Super Mutants for decades. First out West, then in Chicago. Now here. But this group of Super Mutants is different, somehow. Physically, yes, but mentally as well. If we knew where they came from, we'd know why."
    (Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue)
  21. The Sole Survivor: "Did the Brotherhood ever build other airships?"
    Kells: "There were less advanced versions of this ship built on the West Coast a long time ago. Historical records about their current status are in dispute, but we're fairly certain that they were destroyed. In any event, I hope your tour of the Prydwen helped acclimate you to our way of life up here. I think you'll find that the more familiar you become with both her capabilities and her crew, the longer you'll survive as a member of the Brotherhood. You're dismissed, Knight/Paladin/Sentinel."
    (Kells' dialogue)
  22. Brotherhood soldier (1):"I still can't believe I was posted to the Prydwen. I mean, look at her... she's one of a kind."
    Brotherhood soldier (2): "Actually, the Brotherhood of Steel had a whole fleet of these things at one time. They weren't as advanced as the Prydwen, mind you... but seeing them fill the sky must have been an impressive sight."
    Brotherhood soldier (1): "Are you kidding me? What happened to them?"
    Brotherhood soldier (2): "Not sure, really. Most of them were destroyed fighting Super Mutants or scuttled for parts. I think one of them crash landed somewhere in the Midwest. I heard that the wreckage is still there."
    Brotherhood soldier (1): "Wow... I had no idea."
    (Generic Brotherhood soldiers' dialogue) Note: This conversation is listed in the game's files as ConvBoSAirportPrydwen07Scene.
  23. Information acquired from Emil Pagliarulo by Paweł "Ausir" Dembowski. The wiki currently does not have a transcript of this information, and all content from Fallout Tactics should follow the referencing guidelines below.
  24. Chinese stealth suits in Hoover Dam in Fallout: Vegas
  25. New Canaan from Van Buren served as basis for the Canaanites in Honest Hearts and several characters from it are mentioned by name.
  26. The Tibbets Prison was altered into Big MT.
  27. The Courier: "What happened next?"
    Elijah: "After that... I wandered, alone. Saw the storms of the Divide, walked among the Ciphers of the West. Traveled to the Big Empty. I heard the signal. The woman's voice, the Sierra Madre, promising a chance to begin again, reverse my fortunes. All... nonsense. I tracked the signal. Came here, scouted the city... using other hands. Kept dying on me, killing each other. You - you got the farthest of all."
    (Elijah's dialogue)
  28. Last day of school
  29. Welcome Back to Fallout
  30. Emil Pagliarulo on DAC: "Don't worry, guys. I sleep with a copy of the Fallout Bible under my pillow."
  31. For example, Vault 106 in Fallout 3, Vault 34 in Fallout: New Vegas, the T-51 power armor development timeline in Fallout 4, and Vault 29 was mentioned in Fallout 76.