
All Quiet on the Western Front[]

A Paladin will ask the Vault Dweller what they have to report, to which the Vault Dweller respons, "All quiet on the western front."[1] This references All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel by German World War I veteran Erich Maria Remarque.


哈勃城舊城區,看守這兄弟會新兵的暴徒守衛一見到你就會攻擊,並且有時候他們會說:「你曾經在蒼白的月光下和魔鬼共舞么?」(Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light?)這就像重現了蒂姆波頓蝙蝠俠中的場景一樣。註:這句話是小丑在一個博物館裡說的,小丑在博物館裡看到布魯斯和碧姬,然後覺得碧姬很漂亮,就連同自己的手下上去抓女主,然後再抓的過程中說了這句話,布魯斯就想起了殺死自己父母的人也說過這句話,於是就知道了小丑就是殺父仇人。[2]



The image and title of the perk Lifegiver is a Vault Boy presented in a manner consistent with representations of Jesus Christ.

Conan the Barbarian[]

Barney Black is most likely a cultural reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unlike his brother Arnold Black, Barney is a reference to another character played by Schwarzenegger - Conan the Barbarian.


放逐者會隨機遇到一個藍色的英國警用電話亭(Police Box專門用於報警或聯繫警察,普通的電話亭為紅色)

Fo1 Tardis



  • 在遊戲中曼它特用於提高 感知以及智力。在赫伯特的《沙丘》中曼它特是一部電腦,它用於增強一個名為「Sapho Juice」的物質的感知。
  • If the player speaks to Rutger in the Hub about transporting water, Rutger will ask how much the player needs and where it's going. The player can respond, "I need it all! Some day, I'm going to transform the face of the planet. You'll see!" This is likely a reference to the Fremen's plan to terraform Dune, which first required stockpiling large amounts of water.

Fallout developers[]

George Burns and Gracie Allen Show[]

The "The attack crushes the temple. Good night, Gracie" critical hit message from Fallout is a reference to this show and the Good Night, Gracie legend.[4]

The Incredible Hulk[]

From Marvel Comics's The Incredible Hulk.

  • The image for the perk Mutate! is an allusion to Bruce Banner and his alter-ego the Hulk.
  • The image for the perk Bonus HtH Damage is an allusion to the Hulk's anger and strength.





斯塔布雷頓夫人是哈勃城圖書館的管理員,該名字和喜劇British Dental Association中的人物有著相同的名字,而這部喜劇是由蒙提派森劇團表演的。 註:蒙提派森劇團(Monty Python,也叫巨蟒,和Python語言是兩碼事,但是Guido van Rossum特別喜歡他們的飛行馬戲團所以該編程語言以此命名)是英國六人喜劇團體,影響力非常廣泛,包括《辛普森的一家》以及《南方公園》的編劇也是他們的粉絲,魔獸爭霸中有叫做Terry Palin的伐木工,會唱"The Lumberjack Song"。

Nine Inch Nails[]

The song Ismarc sings is a cultural reference to the Nine Inch Nails song "Head Like a Hole" which goes:


Head like a hole
Black as your soul
I'd rather die
Than give you control


馬克松隊長的日記中曾出現過這麼一句話:「我真不敢相信這些混蛋最終還是這麼做了,他們都應該下地獄!」這句話和1968年人猿星球最後一幕的台詞非常相似。註:該版的人猿星球講述的是一艘出發自二十世紀的宇宙飛船經過6個月的近光速飛行最終墜落在公元3978年的一顆陌生星球上,該星球的主人是人猿。在最後的一幕中,主角發現了沙灘里的自由女神像殘骸;他恍然大悟,原來他跌落的星球正是地球,只不過往前快進了幾千年,而那時人類已用核武器毀滅了自己的文明,在後一波文明中退化成了猩猩的奴隸。(這一幕的台詞是:We finally really did it.You maniacs!You blew it up!God damn you!God damn you all to hell!終於發生了...你們這些瘋子!你們破壞了一切!該死!你們都應該下地獄!)[5]


剛走出13號避難所的入口時有一具屍體,當你檢查屍體時信息欄中將會出現一條這樣的信息:「你看到艾德,艾德已經死了。這個梗可能來自於低俗小說(它是個電影)中Gold Watch部分的「Zed is dead」這句話;也有可能是和搖滾樂隊The Pixies在1987年發行的首張專輯中一首叫「Ed is Dead」的歌有關。[6]




開場動畫中有一個播廣告和新聞的電視,那個電視的牌子的名字叫Radiation King(輻射王),這個名字來源於霍默·辛普森(Homer J. Simpson)小時候的外號——TV霍默(TV Homer)。P.S.真沒想到有什麼聯繫,Homer喜歡看電視沒錯、在核電廠工作沒錯,但不看還真不知道有這麼層聯繫。。。。。


如果哈勃城的警長肯尼死於戰鬥,放逐者會大喊(其實就頭上出現一行字):「他們殺了肯尼!這些混蛋!」(如果是放逐者殺了肯尼警長,那麼信息欄將會提示你殺了肯尼!你這個混蛋)。這個梗取自於南方公園的四主角之一的肯尼,他在很多場合下均會因某種原因死亡,而且每集都有不同的方式,每一次肯尼掛了之後斯坦和凱爾都會說「Oh my god!They kill kenny!」、「You Bastard!」(所以是兩段話)。後來可能是因為死法用完了就不怎麼死了。[7]


當放逐者試圖勒索蜥蜴鮑勃的時候,將會出現一個可選的對話選項「最好的選擇是使用人肉!是使用人肉啊!」這出自於超世紀諜殺案,影片中世界人口爆炸,蔬菜和水果這些純天然物品變成了奢侈品,人們開始用人工食品代替。其中一種最好的產品Soylent Green是用人做的。[8]


Arnold Black – a prefabricated character – 's first name and catchphrase indicate that he is a cultural reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger and his character Terminator.[9]




當兄弟會的士兵和你一起攻打變種人軍事基地時,他們有時會說「我一邊吃著口香糖一邊來這收拾它們,可是我的口香糖吃完了。」(這™就是你讓我一個人去掃基地的理由!)當玩家進入佳客鎮的Skumm Pitt時和其中一個骷髏黨對話,有個對話選項就是:「我會一邊嚼口香糖一邊揍人...我想你可以歇歇了。」這句話出自極度空間中一個叫Rowdy的摔跤手說的話:「我一邊吃著口香糖一邊來這收拾他們…… 可是我的口香糖吃完了……」(原文:I have come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubble gum.)[10]

Vampire: The Masquerade[]

Camarillo and Gehenna are likely references to Camarilla and Gehenna in Vampire: The Masquerade RPG system.


在哈勃城中一個農民會說:「讓我們來玩一場全球性熱核戰爭吧!」[11]This is clearly a reference to the motion picture WarGames.

Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The[]

Lucy in the Los Angeles Vault, quotes The Wonderful Wizard of Oz while pacing in her cell.[12]



  1. Paladin: "{102}{}{Hold, initiate! What do you have to report?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{103}{}{All quiet on the western front.}"
  2. Rough guard: "{106}{}{Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?}"
  3. Fallout Bible 5: "13. There's a bounty hunter to the west of the Followers of the Apocolypse compound with a suspiciously familiary name. What's his story in the Fallout universe? Where did he come from?
    It's just a joke from Jess Heinig, one of the programmers. It's one of the five billion developer in-jokes in Fallout 1 and 2. The fellow [Avellone] has no past, and no future."
  4. Robobrain: "{5006}{}{. The attack crushes the temple. Good night, Gracie}"
    (COMBAT.MSG (Fallout))
  5. Captain Maxson's diary, Oct. 23 2077
  6. Fallout Bible 6: "What's the deal with Ed? Zed's Dead, baby, Zed's dead. From Pulp Fiction. That's part of the reference. Ed was twofold: to immediately show the player that the outside world was dangerous, and to tell the player that he wasn't the first choice of someone to send out. Ed was sent out before the waterchip malfunction, however, since he's just bones."
  7. Kenny: "{106}{}{Oh my God! They killed Kenny! Those bastards!}"
  8. The Vault Dweller: "{234}{}{I think we need to talk about Doc Morbid and some of your secret ingredients.}"
    Bob Frazier: "{153}{}{What are you talking about?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{157}{}{Prime Choice Select is made of people!!!! It's made of people!!!}"
  9. Fallout Official Survival Guide p.32: "Arnie, a.k.a. "Dutch""
    "Born Arnold Black, the son of Dutch parents, Arnie has always been a problem in the Vault. When he sits in chairs he breaks them. When he goes through doors, his head cracks the door frame. The door frame cracks, that is, not the head. And when he rumbles "I'll be back," bad things tend to happen within the staid and normally quiet community of the Vault. Maybe that's why everyone is so glad he drew the short straw and is on his way into the outside world. Maybe someone rigged the drawing, to make certain he got the short straw."
    "Strength: 10
    Perception: 5
    Endurance: 10
    Charisma: 4
    Intelligence: 4
    Agility: 4
    Luck: 4
    Tag Skills: Small Guns, Big Guns, Unarmed Combat.
    Traits: Bruiser, Bloody Mess"
  10. Crack assault paladin: "{100}{}{I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum. I'm all out of gum.}"
  11. Slappy: "{103}{}{Let's play Global Thermo-Nuclear War.}"
  12. Lucy: "{301}{}{You see a human female. She is staring at your shoes.}"
    "{302}{}{There is no place like home, no place like home, no place like home . . . [pacing back and forth]}"
  13. Cut content Jason Zimmerman: "{102}{}{Hey, are you from really far away? Have you had a lot of adventures?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{Actually, I'm from Mars. Want to see my firelance?}"
    (JASON.MSG) Cut content