The converted munitions factory, formerly Radiation King Assembly Plant 12, is a location in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia. It is a public workshop with claim and defend event quests.
Radiation King Assembly Plant 12 是放射大王最好的装配厂之一,至少在2076年1月,当月它们达到98%的良率高峰,建造、包装和装运近150台电视机。这是近两年来工厂首次没有遇到任何机器停机、员工车间事故或典型的辐射烧伤处理(除了休息室的一次化学品泄漏)。[1]
此等效率引起了军方的注意,5月20日時他們派出了一个检查组,评估该设施可否用于军事用途。[2] 在它通过后,美国陆军工程兵团于7月在迈伦·波拉德上校的授用下对设施进行改造。工作人员被征召入伍,工头指定了雇员联络员,弹药制造开始了。到11月,工厂正在迅速制造弹药,连工头都不介意被派在装配线上。[3] 一个由重型坦克支援的装甲步兵排被分配到该设施的防御中。
This former Radiation King assembly plant is located in a secluded corner of the Savage Divide. Outside, there's a small Vertibot landing pad next to a parking area that spawns a level 50 vertibot to defend the factory alongside the three heavy gun emplacements. The factory floor can be accessed by entrances on the northern and southern sides of the building. The factory is a workshop settlement and offers food (7), water (8), as well as junk, ammo, silver, lead, aluminum, and oil resource nodes (1 each).
The factory itself has three floors, surrounding the main assembly hall. The factory offices and the reactor room are located on the southern and northern end of the ground floor respectively. The foreman's office is in the southern corner on the second floor, while the storage and break rooms are up on the top floor.
Outside of the plant, there is a gated parking area filled with army vehicles. To the west is a Vertibot landing pad with a crate of Vertibot signal grenades. There are oil, silver, lead, aluminum and junk deposits here, though the most notable resource is the ammunition plant inside on the first floor. If it is powered up, the plant can produce a wide variety of ballistic and energy ammunition types by selecting the desired ammo on an adjacent terminal. Also on the first level, on the eastern side, is a generator room that has an armor workbench and a fusion core. The second floor holds the supervisor's office, as well as a mostly empty break room to the east. Next to that is another room where the assembly line begins.
The factory has a sprawling connection of catwalks, and if one walks along the section heading north and ascending to the third level, they will reach a small storage room with various explosives and a weapons workbench. On the other end of the building is another office that is locked by a terminal. Above that office is a platform with various containers and a sledgehammer on top of a desk. On the factory's roof, there is a small building that can be accessed with a console and file cabinets inside. Littered throughout the roof are holes that can be jumped into to re-enter the factory.
- 何瑞斯的筆記 - 休息室對面的區域桌上,旁邊有台收音機。
- 佛洛伊德的筆記 - 在被終端機鎖住的辦公室,窗邊咖啡桌上。
- Fusion core - In the generator room.
- Ten Vertibot signal grenades in a crate beside the landing pad.
- Power armor chassis with random T-series armor pieces on the third floor.
The munitions factory can be powered from Monongah power plant if the Powering Up Monongah quest has been completed, though it is tricky to locate the plant's power box in order to connect power from there to the ammunition plant.
The converted munitions factory appears only in Fallout 76.
- ↑ Converted munitions factory terminal entries; supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes 02-12-76
- ↑ Converted munitions factory terminal entries; supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes 05-20-76
- ↑ Converted munitions factory terminal entries; supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes 07-05-76
- ↑ Converted munitions factory terminal entries; supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes 01-20-77