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赫伯基信徒(英文名:Hubologists)是一个宗教教派,总部设在舊金山的前城市,也可以在核子世界找到。它们起源于 大戰之前由一个名为迪克·哈贝尔(或赫伯基信徒的"轮毂")的人创立的邪教,并遵循他的教义,统称为赫伯基信徒


赫伯基教起源于大战前由科幻作家迪克·哈贝尔创立的邪教组织(被赫伯基信徒稱為 "轮毂" )。它认为存在以基于大车轮,以轮毂为中心,以赫伯基信徒为辐条,以不信者为轮缘,最终,所有的赫伯基信徒都将被召唤到天堂与Quetzel星球上的“星父”一起生活;他们计划通过使用因此命名的ESS Quetzel到达那里。

赫伯基教信仰认为,通过净化一个人体内的“神经动力”,一个人可以提升到更高的精神力量,最终超越物质世界。[1] 为了获得净化这些神经动力的帮助,赫伯基信徒将使用科学的灵性方法来换取费用。他们的标准做法是要求一名新信徒将他或她的所有世俗财产捐赠给教会,作为善意的标志,并且显然将这些财产藏在沙漠中的某个地方。[2] 向赫伯基教教会捐赠大量资金也可以帮助人们提高AHS水平。[3]



主页面: 赫伯基教

作为一种宗教,赫伯基教提倡这样一种观点,即人类受到死者精神的困扰,导致神经过敏的形成。神经动力也可以通过与所谓的"抑制器"接触而形成: 压抑自己的才能和能力的人。他们受神经动力感染的脑电波可以触发其他人的神经动力活动。通过赫伯基教中心提供的称为“对齐”的“净化”过程,成员可以消除这些负面影响并获得更大的权力。这是通过使用zeta辐射来破坏一些神经动力来完成的。因此需要多次对齐,每一次都会破坏更多的神经动力。成员为赫伯基教付出的时间、努力和瓶盖的多少程度赋予他或她一个数字等级; 赫伯基信徒的领导者AHS-9在所有在世的 赫伯基信徒中排名最高,他的副手是AHS-7。护卫通常是 AHS-4。在核子世界附近的人类学家小组中,達拉·赫伯本人也是AHS-9,独存者可能会成为AHS-8(如果他们愿意花费所要求的瓶盖)。費爾·羅勒是一名AHS-7。

"这些工具是人造的,但这个过程是星父通过他的先知 轮毂的礼物。"— 費爾·羅勒

赫伯基信徒认为,他们的创始人迪克·哈贝尔或“轮毂”很久以前就与星父进行了接触。星父住在遥远的天狼星星座“Quetzal”上。通过他,赫伯基信徒获得了关于“对齐”的知识。星父是地球上的生命之源,赫伯基信徒相信他们都是他的后裔,但他们已经迷失了方向,被神经动力引入歧途。然而,轮毂的宏伟计划将拯救他们: 轮毂说服了伟大的星父,让真正的信徒在“Quetzal”中与他一起生活,在那里他们永远免于神经过敏。星父将释放他们的全部思想潜力,他们将能够做无法想象的事情。然后他们将返回地球统治人类,一劳永逸地结束神经动力的影响,并引导其他人类发挥其全部潜力。

赫伯基教用“天上的轮子”来比喻它们的存在,迪克·哈贝尔代表车轮的中心轮毂,赫伯基信徒代表延伸的辐条,非成员代表外轮辋,被他们的教义真理“压垮”。外星生命的存在在赫伯基教中发挥了作用,作为其中的一部分,旧金山的 赫伯基信徒正试图修复战前的航天飞机离开地球,而核子世界的赫伯基信徒为了相同的目标正试图修复一个 “飞碟” (实际上是一个退役的游乐园游乐设施)。


赫伯基信徒总部2241年位于旧金山的金门大桥废墟和2287年的赫伯基信徒营地中。该邪教有一个严格的等级制度,取决于成员将时间和精力投入到赫伯基教的程度; 一个角色的时间越长或越活跃,授予的数字排名就越高。[4]迪克·哈贝尔虽然从未亲自露面,但他是赫伯基信徒的领袖,他的著作是法律。他们由“伟大而可怕的”AHS-9领导,他是最开明的赫伯基信徒,在他之下的是AHS-7。赫伯基教教会的所有其他成员的AHS级别至少为 1。

除了提供一个普通人可以理解的关于存在的简单解释之外,赫伯基信徒还使用名人代言来吸引人们加入他们的邪教。[5] 新里诺色情明星胡安·克鲁兹薇琪·戈德曼本身就是赫伯基信徒,他们高度评价这个邪教,并利用他们的名声来说服其他人加入赫伯基教会。[6] 他们敦促人们做出“正确”的选择,尽你所能清除世界上的神经过敏。[7][8] 加入赫伯基教会是一个非常简单的过程。潜在的追随者会得到一个信息全息盘,然后去和AHS-7谈谈加入。[9]


赫伯基教在旧金山以外没有太大影响。在新加州亚共和国的一个赫伯基信徒前哨站可以找到一位名为开悟者的赫伯基教传教士,而废土中可能还有其他传教士。虽然他们在旧金山以外并不为人所知,但在这座城市里却是臭名昭著。任何质疑其信仰的人都可能受到威胁或攻击。[10] 旧金山的大多数人都知道他们疯了,不应该被信任,"除非你精神上很虚弱或喜欢被搞砸。" 他们只对你的钱和你的灵魂感兴趣,他们很有可能会摧毁一个来获取另一个。[11][12]



根据赫伯基信徒的说法,“‘真正的’科学都是一堆谎言,”人们不应该听“科学家”说的话; 只有轮毂和AHS-9有答案。[16]尽管有这些情绪,但赫伯基信徒有克罗克特博士任他们使用,他利用他对技术的天然亲和力在ESS Quetzel上安装了核反应堆,并开发了强化动力装甲的技术。[17] 他们有一个名为中心连接的计算机网络,用于记录 AHS-9 对邪教的目标、邪教的惊人财务状况以及科学计算,以使他们更接近他们的星父。[2]



除了他们的主要基地外,他们还在NCR设有前哨基地。获选者可以访问任何一个并获得可能的运气和/或智力奖励 (之后加入赫伯基信徒并不是必须的)。有可能会受到惩罚,因此建议提前存档。尽管赫伯基信徒坚信不疑,玩家角色还是可以找到证据表明该邪教最初是为了赚钱而发起的骗局。在旧金山,获选者可以选择帮助赫伯基信徒完成他们疯狂的计划或作为始族任务的一部分消灭他们。


可以在核子世界再次遇到赫伯基信徒,他们在那里建立了他们的赫伯基信徒基地。他们希望修复一个破碎的“UFO” (这实际上是核子世界废弃的景点) 为此,他们需要独存者的帮助。通过对齐 (必须为此支付越来越多的瓶盖),独存者可以对齐并提高AHS排名,最高可以达到AHS-8。每次“对齐”都会通过使用zeta辐射破坏所谓的“神经痛”。对齐使对象暴露在越来越多的辐射中(最终需要清除辐射或具有辐射抗性的设备以避免死亡),但也会在游戏中的几天内提供智力属性奖励。奖励是累积的,这意味着连续接受所有八个对齐会暂时获得 +36 的智力提升。每次对齐时,赫伯基信徒都会透露更多关于赫伯基教及其计划的信息。

等级 代价 报酬 +辐射 % of HP
AHS-1 50瓶盖或中级口才检定 +1 INT
50 -5%
AHS-2 100瓶盖或困难口才检定 +2 INT 90 -9%
AHS-3 250瓶盖 +3 INT 140 -14%
AHS-4 500瓶盖
+4 INT 200 -20%
AHS-5 1000瓶盖 +5 INT 260 -26%
AHS-6 2500瓶盖 +6 INT 330 -33%
AHS-7 5000瓶盖 +7 INT
AHS-8 10000瓶盖 +8 INT 470 -47%








  1. Hubologist teachings
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hubologists computers: "{106}{}{Welcome to HubLink.}"
    "{116}{}{[After wading through the religious gobbledygook, it appears that the Hubologists have created a means of hardening power armor. They have also found a way to compute launch trajectory, orbits, and spatial destinations. Further, it appears they're working on weather control.]}"
    "{113}{}{Future goals.}"
    "{119}{}{[You spend about half an hour reading about the goals AHS-9 is trying to achieve. In addition to enlightenment and reunion with the Star Father, it appears that he's also got no qualms about destroying humans who weren't with him from the beginning. He's a little crazy.]}"
    "{122}{}{[The Hubologist Church appears to be hugely wealthy. The standard approach is to ask a new recruit to donate all his or her worldly possessions to the Church as a sign of good faith. When someone isn't asked to do this, apparently it means the Hubologists aren't intending to deal fairly. They have a huge cache of loot stashed somewhere in the desert. You can't quite figure out the coordinates.]}"
  3. Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman's dialogue: "{223}{}{If you donate lots of money, you can be AHS-5 even faster.}"
  4. Enlightened One's dialogue: "{106}{}{Well, I am the Chosen One.}" (The Chosen One)
    "{119}{}{Chosen One? Don't you mean AHS-One? Just what text are you working from?}"
    "{115}{}{Oh dear, a Level One. Still trapped in primitive state. Perhaps a zeta-scan alignment would help. Would you like that?}"
    "{211}{}{There. We erased a few nasty imprints! You are now an AHS-1. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tend my church.}"
    "{212}{}{Greetings, fellow seeker. There is nothing more I can do for you. You must continue your journey as an AHS-1 on your own.}"
  5. Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{100}{}{You see an eerily wholesome couple.}"
    "{101}{}{You see Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman, two of New Reno's more notorious film stars.}"
    "{102}{}{You see a dark-haired man and a blonde woman, both of whom are extremely attractive. They exude a slutty "come-hither" vibe.}"
    "{103}{}{Him: Hi! I'm Juan Cruz! Her: And I'm Vikki Goldman! Both: We're celebrities! And we endorse Hubology! Both: Please note that any similarities between us and people or institutions, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.}"
    The Chosen One: "{105}{}{Celebrities? What makes you celebrities?}"
    "{121}{}{Her: Why, we were in the movie business in New Reno. We made hundreds of films, many of them classics, like "Top Bun," "Frisky Bizness," and "Days of Rubber". That's what makes us celebrities.}"
  6. The Chosen One: "{136}{}{Shouldn't I make my own choices, rather than let celebrities guide me?}"
    Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{166}{}{Him: That's very forward-thinking of you. Her: Very enlightened. Him: We offer our opinions to people - and if our celebrity can attract more believers, we're anxious to use it.}"
  7. The Chosen One: "{124}{}{Who cares if YOU endorse it? Shouldn't I make my own choices?}"
    Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{127}{}{Her: Oh, yes, you should definitely make your own choices. Him: And with the Hub's latest book, you can learn how to make the RIGHT choice!}"
    The Chosen One: "{128}{}{His latest book? Isn't he dead?}"
    "{143}{}{Him: Dead? Ha ha! Perhaps. We like to think that he aligned all his neurodynes and went to join the Star Father. Her: We have extensive use of his jotted notes and barely-begun manuscripts to spread the word of the Hub. Him: For example, we found a scrap that said: "2 doz. eggs/Milk/TP". Obviously this is significant. It needs to be heard.}"
    The Chosen One: "{144}{}{Err... right. I have more questions.}"
  8. The Chosen One: "{129}{}{The "right" choice. Sure. What about free will?}"
    Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{151}{}{Her: Of course you have your free will. You have the choice to allow your neurodynes to be filled with the filth of the world. Him: You have the choice to live a joyless, meaningless existence in the rat race. Both: Or you can come to a greater understanding of life through the Great Wheel.}"
  9. The Chosen One: "{134}{}{How do I join?}"
    Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{170}{}{Him: Well, it's very simple. We just give you this informational holodisc. Her: ... you sit through a short movie... Him... and then you go talk to AHS-7! Her: Easy, isn't it?}"
    The Chosen One: "{171}{}{Let's do it.}"
    Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{187}{}{Her: That wasn't so bad, was it? Him: Now just go talk to AHS-7 and we'll be comrades in Hubology! Her: I'm so excited! Him: Getting new recruits makes me horny. Her: Oh, honey... Him: Oh, baby...}"
  10. Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman's dialogue: "{145}{}{What, because some crackpot wrote something down you feel the need to publish EVERYTHING?}" (The Chosen One)
    "{156}{}{Her: You dare call the Hub (praise his vision) a crackpot? Here? In a stronghold devoted to his study? Him: Get out of here. If you talk to anyone on the way out, you will be attacked. Infidel. Both: Good riddance.}"
  11. The Chosen One: "{137}{}{Tell me about the Hubologists.}"
    Marc: "{146}{}{They're crazy. Don't trust them - unless you're mentally feeble or like being screwed over. They're interested only in your money and your soul, and there's a good chance they'll destroy the one to get at the other. I've seen it happen too many times.}"
  12. Punk: ""
    (Fcmalpnk.msg, Fcfempnk.msg)
  13. Fcbadpea.msg and Fcgudpea.msg
  14. Ken Lee's dialogue: "{170}{}{You must complete a second test: the Hubologists are our enemies. Their leader, AHS-9, has been abducting and brainwashing our children. Kill him for the good of the Shi and I shall tell you how to speak to the Emperor.}"
  15. AHS-7's dialogue: "{165}{}{The oppressive Shi have been contesting our power and wreaking havoc among our brethren with their neurodyne-influencing ways. We believe that if their Emperor is killed, they will see the error of their ways. Will you kill the Emperor?}"
  16. Hubologist's dialogue: "{163}{}{"Real" science is all a pack of lies.}"
    "{164}{}{Don't listen to what "scientists" tell you.}"
    "{165}{}{Only the Hub and AHS-9 have the answer.}"
  17. The Chosen One: "{124}{}{What new tech have you developed?}"
    Crockett: "{157}{}{Let's see... I built a nuclear reactor for the spaceship. I created the hardening process for power armor. And I fix things that are broken.}."