↑ 2.02.1Hubologists computers: "{106}{}{Welcome to HubLink.}" "{112}{}{Research.}" "{116}{}{[After wading through the religious gobbledygook, it appears that the Hubologists have created a means of hardening power armor. They have also found a way to compute launch trajectory, orbits, and spatial destinations. Further, it appears they're working on weather control.]}" "{113}{}{Future goals.}" "{119}{}{[You spend about half an hour reading about the goals AHS-9 is trying to achieve. In addition to enlightenment and reunion with the Star Father, it appears that he's also got no qualms about destroying humans who weren't with him from the beginning. He's a little crazy.]}" "{114}{}{Finances.}" "{122}{}{[The Hubologist Church appears to be hugely wealthy. The standard approach is to ask a new recruit to donate all his or her worldly possessions to the Church as a sign of good faith. When someone isn't asked to do this, apparently it means the Hubologists aren't intending to deal fairly. They have a huge cache of loot stashed somewhere in the desert. You can't quite figure out the coordinates.]}"
↑Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman's dialogue: "{223}{}{If you donate lots of money, you can be AHS-5 even faster.}"
↑Enlightened One's dialogue: "{106}{}{Well, I am the Chosen One.}" (The Chosen One) "{119}{}{Chosen One? Don't you mean AHS-One? Just what text are you working from?}" "{115}{}{Oh dear, a Level One. Still trapped in primitive state. Perhaps a zeta-scan alignment would help. Would you like that?}" "{211}{}{There. We erased a few nasty imprints! You are now an AHS-1. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to tend my church.}" "{212}{}{Greetings, fellow seeker. There is nothing more I can do for you. You must continue your journey as an AHS-1 on your own.}"
↑Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{100}{}{You see an eerily wholesome couple.}" "{101}{}{You see Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman, two of New Reno's more notorious film stars.}" "{102}{}{You see a dark-haired man and a blonde woman, both of whom are extremely attractive. They exude a slutty "come-hither" vibe.}" "{103}{}{Him: Hi! I'm Juan Cruz! Her: And I'm Vikki Goldman! Both: We're celebrities! And we endorse Hubology! Both: Please note that any similarities between us and people or institutions, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.}" The Chosen One: "{105}{}{Celebrities? What makes you celebrities?}" "{121}{}{Her: Why, we were in the movie business in New Reno. We made hundreds of films, many of them classics, like "Top Bun," "Frisky Bizness," and "Days of Rubber". That's what makes us celebrities.}" (Fcjuavki.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{136}{}{Shouldn't I make my own choices, rather than let celebrities guide me?}" Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{166}{}{Him: That's very forward-thinking of you. Her: Very enlightened. Him: We offer our opinions to people - and if our celebrity can attract more believers, we're anxious to use it.}" (Fcjuavki.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{124}{}{Who cares if YOU endorse it? Shouldn't I make my own choices?}" Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{127}{}{Her: Oh, yes, you should definitely make your own choices. Him: And with the Hub's latest book, you can learn how to make the RIGHT choice!}" The Chosen One: "{128}{}{His latest book? Isn't he dead?}" "{143}{}{Him: Dead? Ha ha! Perhaps. We like to think that he aligned all his neurodynes and went to join the Star Father. Her: We have extensive use of his jotted notes and barely-begun manuscripts to spread the word of the Hub. Him: For example, we found a scrap that said: "2 doz. eggs/Milk/TP". Obviously this is significant. It needs to be heard.}" The Chosen One: "{144}{}{Err... right. I have more questions.}" (Fcjuavki.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{129}{}{The "right" choice. Sure. What about free will?}" Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{151}{}{Her: Of course you have your free will. You have the choice to allow your neurodynes to be filled with the filth of the world. Him: You have the choice to live a joyless, meaningless existence in the rat race. Both: Or you can come to a greater understanding of life through the Great Wheel.}" (Fcjuavki.msg)
↑The Chosen One: "{134}{}{How do I join?}" Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{170}{}{Him: Well, it's very simple. We just give you this informational holodisc. Her: ... you sit through a short movie... Him... and then you go talk to AHS-7! Her: Easy, isn't it?}" The Chosen One: "{171}{}{Let's do it.}" Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman: "{187}{}{Her: That wasn't so bad, was it? Him: Now just go talk to AHS-7 and we'll be comrades in Hubology! Her: I'm so excited! Him: Getting new recruits makes me horny. Her: Oh, honey... Him: Oh, baby...}" (Fcjuavki.msg)
↑Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman's dialogue: "{145}{}{What, because some crackpot wrote something down you feel the need to publish EVERYTHING?}" (The Chosen One) "{156}{}{Her: You dare call the Hub (praise his vision) a crackpot? Here? In a stronghold devoted to his study? Him: Get out of here. If you talk to anyone on the way out, you will be attacked. Infidel. Both: Good riddance.}"
↑The Chosen One: "{137}{}{Tell me about the Hubologists.}" Marc: "{146}{}{They're crazy. Don't trust them - unless you're mentally feeble or like being screwed over. They're interested only in your money and your soul, and there's a good chance they'll destroy the one to get at the other. I've seen it happen too many times.}" (Fcmarc.msg)
↑Ken Lee's dialogue: "{170}{}{You must complete a second test: the Hubologists are our enemies. Their leader, AHS-9, has been abducting and brainwashing our children. Kill him for the good of the Shi and I shall tell you how to speak to the Emperor.}"
↑AHS-7's dialogue: "{165}{}{The oppressive Shi have been contesting our power and wreaking havoc among our brethren with their neurodyne-influencing ways. We believe that if their Emperor is killed, they will see the error of their ways. Will you kill the Emperor?}"
↑Hubologist's dialogue: "{163}{}{"Real" science is all a pack of lies.}" "{164}{}{Don't listen to what "scientists" tell you.}" "{165}{}{Only the Hub and AHS-9 have the answer.}"
↑The Chosen One: "{124}{}{What new tech have you developed?}" Crockett: "{157}{}{Let's see... I built a nuclear reactor for the spaceship. I created the hardening process for power armor. And I fix things that are broken.}." (Fccrocke.msg)
The tanker needs fuel ·The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work ·You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer ·Kill the Shi Emperor ·The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro ·Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi ·The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship ·Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub ·Kill the AHS-9 ·The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro ·Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists ·Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship ·The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand ·Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible ·Get Chip's spleen ·Get some hardened power armor from Crockett ·Get the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel