赤誠之心是 Fallout: New Vegas 第二部資料片,由黑曜石娛樂開發及貝賽斯達軟業發行
赤誠之心資料片會在遊戲中新增一些需使用求生技能的製作食譜,但與前作資料片死錢不同的是,多數食譜並不需要資料片專屬物品或 Perk。大部分的食譜在遊戲一開始便即獲得,只要玩家擁有對應之技能等級和原料就能使用。
- Dancing Flame
- Daniel
- Follows-Chalk
- 杰德·马斯特森
- 约书亚·格雷汉姆
- Randall Clark
- 里奇
- 伤口撒盐
- Stella
- Two-Bears-High-Fiving
- Waking Cloud
- White Bird
- Happy Trails Trading Company
- New Canaanites
- 死马部落
- 悲伤部落
- The White Legs
- .45 Auto
- Chalk's headdress
- Daniel's hat
- Daniel's outfit
- Dead Horses stalker armor
- Desert Ranger combat armor
- Desert Ranger combat helmet
- Gecko-backed leather armor
- Gecko-backed leather armor, reinforced
- Gecko-backed metal armor
- Gecko-backed metal armor, reinforced
- Joshua Graham's armor
- Park ranger hat
- Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet
- Sorrows adorned outfit
- Sorrows outfit
- White Legs hide armor
- White Legs outfit
- Black coffee
- Blood shield
- Cave fungus
- Dark datura
- Datura antivenom
- Datura hide
- Daturana
- Healing poultice
- Homebrewed Nuka-Cola
- Homebrewed Sunset Sarsaparilla
- Large wasteland tequila
- Sacred datura root
- Spore carrier sap
- Spore plant pods
- Wasteland tequila
- Weapon binding ritual
- Yao guai meat
- .45 Auto pistol
- .45 Auto submachine gun
- A Light Shining in Darkness
- Compliance Regulator
- Fire bomb
- Follows-Chalk's .45 Auto pistol
- Follows-Chalk's war club
- Joshua's Pistol Whippin' .45
- Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist
- She's Embrace
- Survivalist's rifle
- Tomahawk
- War club
- Waking Cloud's yao guai gauntlet
- Yao guai gauntlet
- .45 AP silencer
- .45 AP HD slide
- .45 Auto SMG comp.
- .45 Auto SMG drums
- War club casings
- War club honors
- Compass
- Compass sensor module
- Ghost of She's paw
- Green gecko egg
- Green gecko hide
- Li'l Scout lunchbox
- Medical supply kit
- Mining detonator
- Mining explosives
- Scripture
- Tanned green gecko hide
- Walkie-talkie
- Zion National Park snow globe
World objects[]
- Campfire sack
- Clay pot
- Hollow log
- Survivalist hidden cache
- White Legs war totem
- Wooden crate
- Workbench crate
完成任務所給予的經驗值獎勵取決於玩家當下的等級,主線劇情在等級 1-4 時提供約 3,000 XP,而等級 45-50 則約 22,000 XP,每個支線任務則約 75 到 550 XP。
Icon | Name | Location(s) | Given by | Reward | Quest ID |
A Family Affair | Sorrows Camp | Waking Cloud | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:010c82|6|0|left}} | |
Arrival at Zion | Zion Canyon | Jed Masterson | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:008893|6|0|left}} | |
Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin | Eastern Virgin | Follows-Chalk | Variable XP .45 Auto pistol War club |
xx{{#pad:00a3b9|6|0|left}} | |
Chaos in Zion | Zion Canyon | Self | A Light Shining in Darkness, Joshua Graham's armor, Daniel's outfit | xx{{#pad:00ae9c|6|0|left}} | |
Civilized Man's Burden | Dead Horses Camp | Follows-Chalk | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:010c83|6|0|left}} | |
Crush the White Legs | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP A Light Shining in Darkness |
xx{{#pad:008a36|6|0|left}} | |
Departing Paradise | Southern passage | Self | 无 | xx{{#pad:010c25|6|0|left}} | |
Deliverer of Sorrows | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00f708|6|0|left}} | |
Flight from Zion | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP A Light Shining in Darkness Chalk's headdress Daniel's outfit Daniel's hat Joshua Graham's armor Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist Scripture |
xx{{#pad:008a37|6|0|left}} | |
Gathering Storms | Sorrows Camp | Daniel | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00f304|6|0|left}} | |
Gone Fishin' | Dead Horses Camp | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00f6ef|6|0|left}} | |
Happy Trails Expedition | Northern Passage | Happy Trails Expedition Broadcast | 175 caps, When We Remembered Zion achievement | xx{{#pad:008891|6|0|left}} | |
Prisoners of War | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00b4d3|6|0|left}} | |
Retake the Bridge | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00b4d1|6|0|left}} | |
River Monsters | Yao guai cave | Daniel | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00c7c2|6|0|left}} | |
Rite of Passage | Sorrows Camp, White Bird's Cave, Ghost Den | White Bird | Variable XP, She's Embrace | xx{{#pad:0094c3|6|0|left}} | |
Roadside Attraction | Dead Horses Camp | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00f6ee|6|0|left}} | |
Sanctity of the Dead | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00b4d2|6|0|left}} | |
The Advance Scouts | Zion Canyon | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00c7c0|6|0|left}} | |
The Grand Staircase | Sorrows Camp | Daniel | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:008894|6|0|left}} | |
The Treacherous Road | Old Rockville Bridge | Daniel | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00c7c1|6|0|left}} | |
Tourist Trap | Dead Horses Camp | Joshua Graham | Variable XP | xx{{#pad:00f6f0|6|0|left}} |
名称 | 等级要求 | 特殊要求 | 级别 | 效果 | ID |
Grunt | 8 | 枪械 45, 爆破 20 | 1 | 9毫米口径的手枪和冲锋枪,.45口径的手枪和冲锋枪,制式步枪,突击卡宾枪和精确射手步枪,轻机枪,破片手雷,榴弹步枪和 发射器以及战斗匕首所造成的伤害+25%. | 00F677 |
Home on the Range | 8 | 生存 70 | 1 | 只要你使用营火,你就可以拥有睡眠的选项,并获得睡眠所带来的全部好处。 | 00B2F3 |
Sneering Imperialist | 8 | 1 | 在V.A.T.S.模式下攻击各种部落和掠夺者人物时+15%的伤害以及+25%的命中率。 | 00F67B | |
Tribal Wisdom | 8 | 生存 70 | 1 | 动物、变种动物和变种昆虫的攻击所造成的肢体伤害-50%,毒素抗性+25%,潜行状态下可以食用变种昆虫。 | 00F679 |
Fight the Power! | 10 | 1 | 在面对任何身穿NCR,军团或是钢铁兄弟会护甲的人物时+2DT并+5%暴击机率。 | 00F67C | |
Eye for Eye | 20 | 1 | 每增加一处残疾的肢体,你造成的伤害都额外增加10%. | 00B2F4 |
名称 | 同伴 | 效果 | ID |
静若安澜 | 白云 | 白腿族人的感知属性-3. | 00B2F7 |
迦南风格 | 约书亚·格雷厄姆 | .45自动手枪的散布减小,暴击机率增加一倍。 | 00B2F5 |
清晰界标 | 追踪粉笔 | 在爬到顶峰时,附近的地点都会标记在地图上,并且感知属性暂时+3. | 00B2F6 |
- 赤誠之心是唯一一部不會以螢幕告示玩家將要進入新地區的資料片,玩家只會在與傑德·馬斯特森的對話中收到警告。
- 由於 Home on the Range 這項 perk 的作用,在安裝赤誠之心後會移除在戰鬥中使用營火的功能。
- 赤誠之心內的技能書只會在搜刮時隨機出現。詳見 Fallout: New Vegas skill books 。
- 本資料片與死錢相同,玩家不能帶同伴進入錫安地區,但不同的是赤誠之心並未強制令同伴退出隊伍,玩家必須自行讓原本的同伴離隊。
- 赤誠之心同所有資料片一樣,會將等級上限提高 5。
- 在資料片開始時,系統不會奪走玩家裝備,但會依情況改變進入時的負重上限。當玩家擁有 Strong Back 或 Pack Rat 兩項 perk,或者求生技能超過 50,抑或是與傑德·馬斯特森對話通過口才檢定,玩家將可以攜帶 100 磅的物品到新地區;若沒有符合上述條件,則負重上限則為 75。
- 玩家可在完成資料片後回到錫安地區,但同伴依然無法跟隨,也沒辦法在北方通道等待,而是會回到自己的家園(例如 ED-E 會回到普瑞姆),這是因為前往錫安的旅程需耗費 14 天。
- 赤誠之心強調天氣變化,在遊戲中增加了下雨和陰天。
- 在完成資料片後,玩家將可在莫哈維廢土買到資料片中的新武器,例如戰斧、火炸彈、戰棍、妖怪手套、.45自動手槍和 .45自動衝鋒槍,以及相對應的改造零件和子彈。
- 本資料片中相當重要的一點,多數的獨特 NPC 將會在劇情完成後離開錫安地區。
- 如果玩家選擇打敗白腿族並讓死馬和悲痛部落留在錫安,在主線任務結束後,兩邊的部落居民仍會待在各自的營地,並對信使保持友好。
- 結束主線任務後,可以殺掉死馬和悲痛部落成員並搜刮屍體,而不會使善惡值降低。若在攻擊死馬時被看見,整個部落會與玩家永久敵對。
- 跟死錢一樣,玩家在錫安的舉止並不會對莫哈維產生很大的影響。這使玩家在執行任務時,不用拘泥於角色原本的「善」或「惡」。
- 玩家若通過赤誠之心裡面唯一的商人約書亞‧葛拉漢的口才檢定,他會允許你向丹尼爾收購醫療補給品,而丹尼爾的瓶蓋和物資相當有限。
- 多數的部落裝備精良,玩家可以在此找到莫哈維上少見的武器。
- 玩家不能以 Animal Friend 能力影響少數敵對生物。
- 錫安地區的交通運輸工具都不會爆炸。
- 玩家可以在主要角色熟睡時進行偷竊,包括約書亞‧葛拉漢、丹尼爾或 Follows-Chalk,但不能偷走他們的專屬武器和服裝。
- 載入赤誠之心不會改變 22號避難所的孢子植物和孢子攜帶者,在玩家搜刮他們的屍體時仍會呈現「空」。
- 莫哈維的同伴們並不會將錫安的部落服裝視為派系衣服,所以他們可以帶著或穿上。
- 在完成赤誠之心的主線劇情後,因為多數的主要角色會離開錫安地區,玩家將無法觸發或完成支線任務。
- 錫安地區散布著許多骨骸,根據蘭德爾‧克拉克的終端機記錄,這些骨骸很有可能是被輻射塵殺死的露營客們。
- 避難所男孩/女孩的圖像在這部資料片中以鏡像呈現,他們是朝右看而不是朝左。
- Honest Hearts was first hinted at via in-game graffiti,[1] sparking speculation that it would be the next add-on. This speculation was seemingly confirmed when ZeniMax registered "Honest Hearts" as a trademark.[2] The graffiti hinting at Honest Hearts refers to Joshua Graham, and New Canaan, which were originally to appear in Van Buren, Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3 project.[3][4]
- Honest Hearts was again hinted at in the game files of the Dead Money add-on, with the inclusion of an unused snow globe for Zion National Park, and further suggesting it would be the next DLC in line for release after Dead Money.[5]
- Joshua Sawyer has indicated that the title of this add-on is a reference to Brigham Young's aphorism, "Honest hearts produce honest actions".[6]
- J.E. Sawyer also revealed that the story of Honest Hearts drew inspiration from the Utah War and Mountain Meadows Massacre.[7]
- ↑ The in-game graffiti in question can be found in the game's "nvdlcgraffiti" folder, sharing the filename "nvgraffitihonesthearts". They read:
- "Where's New Canaan, anyway?"
- "The Burned Man Walks!"
- "Joshua Graham Lives!"
- ↑ Honest Hearts - trademark by ZeniMax Media Inc. Rockville, MD - Serial Number: 85198870
- ↑ Burham Springs design document
- ↑ New Canaan design document
- ↑ Unused snow globe model found in the Dead Money game file under the folder named "FNVDLC02"
- ↑ I heard you went to Zion National Park? Did you find any Honest Hearts there? @ Formspring
- ↑ J.E. Sawyer on Formspring
Template:Navbox Honest Hearts