關於辐射 宇宙中名为赛斯的其他角色,參見赛思。 |
赛特将自己塑造为古城墓地的领导者,尽管他的态度和举止相当被动攻击性和粗鲁。在大戰之前,他就已经缺乏幽默感,有刻薄的专制倾向。成为尸鬼只会加深已经存在的问题。[2][3] 2077 年,当他在贝克斯菲尔德地下的12号避难所避难时,他和他的儿子提丰成了尸鬼,结果,赛特变得更加固执。他是第一批出现在废土的幸存者之一,因此,古城墓地于2083年夏天成立。[4]不到一年后,在2084年,赛特从最初的监督者手中夺取了对定居点的控制权,将他赶走了。[5]
作为为主教工作的傀儡,赛特的工作是让尸鬼保持一致并监视人类。[8]然而,无论他多么讨厌主教,他都只能成为主人游戏中讨厌的棋子。被夹在夹缝之间,赛特脾气暴躁,沮丧,并且很容易因为最小的违规行为而生气。他密谋推翻超级变种人并除掉他们,但他很清楚自己的尸鬼无法与主教的军队针锋相对并期望获胜。 [9]
互动 | ||
此角色有一个面部特写。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 |
- 在分水岭消灭超级变种人: 如果放逐者设法避免激怒他,赛特将要求他们在古城墓地的分水岭处除掉超级变种人。
- 修理古城墓地的水泵:现在超级变种人不见了,赛特希望玩家角色修理水泵。
赛特对古城墓地中超级变种人的存在感到恼火,并试图招募放逐者来解决这个问题。 如果在回收净水芯片后遇到,他还将坚持要求他们修理古城墓地的水泵。他也可能试图利用低智力的角色。
赛特的告诉我关于 | |
询问 | 答复 |
兄弟会,钢铁兄弟会 | "遗物,我们超越了他们,他们不知道,他们的视野很狭窄,只相信他们的信仰。" |
大教堂, 教徒,大教堂之子 | "在我的想法之下。" |
净水芯片 | "不在我的考虑中。" |
加勒特, 大厅 | "你脑袋空了吗?" |
屍鬼 | "未来。生存在任何地方。我们超越了常规。" |
中樞市 | "很多你这样的。一部分人有用的,但大多是扭曲的。" |
主教 | "他的意思在这里没有立足之地。一点也没有。" |
超级变种人,变种人类 | "这是世界的错误。我的视线上的一个污点。我讨厌每一个方面。" |
古城墓地 | "你的影子在哪里。就是我的家。我的规矩。力量成长的地方。" |
赛特 | "简单得很,我是赛特,我是负责人,明白吗?" |
岭,水,分水岭,分水 岭 | "提供需要的东西。" |
同一 | "错误的理想。在我看来什么都不是,什么都不是。" |
战争 | "开始。世界化为灰烬,灰烬化为成长。我们的命。" |
互动 | ||
此角色没有特殊的互动。 |
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
破损的战斗盔甲 | Colt Rangemaster hunting rifle | .223 FMJ x100 打火机 治疗针 x2 |
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
黑色的尸鬼装 |
- 赛特时刻伴随着一位强壮的保镖。
- 如果放逐者完成在分水岭消灭超级变种人然后进入避难所取净水芯片,返回赛特完成未标记的任务会自动让他敌对,并对放逐者说“净水芯片消失了”。
- 如果放逐者在游戏开始90天后到达古城墓地,塞特和所有其他尸鬼都死了,无法开始和完成在分水岭消灭超级变种人、释放尸鬼囚犯和修理古城墓地的水泵任务。
- 如果主教被干掉后赛特还活着,他将奖励玩家角色额外的弹药、能量电池和各种手榴弹。
赛特出现在辐射中。他还出现在辐射2中的破碎的梦咖啡厅 特殊遭遇事件。
- 在古埃及神话中,赛特(也拼写为 Seth、Sutekh 或 Seteh)最初是沙漠、风暴、黑暗、邪恶和混乱之神。因此,带领古城墓地的赛特非常适合参考。这也体现在他的个性上;虽然不一定是邪恶的,但他往往非常好斗。
- 在辐射的概念艺术中,一个名叫Rake的人应该是古城墓地的领导者。
- ↑ Fallout聖經6
- ↑ Typhon: "{155}{}{I'm Typhon. Y'ever hear of Set? He used to run the old-time town of Necropolis. I'm his son. Got born before the radiation hit us, so I grew up mutated. Ain't never been any other way for me.}"
(Hctyphon.msg) - ↑ Typhon: "{163}{}{"Total bastard" would be a fine way to describe the old man. Being turned into a ghoul from the radiation didn't do much for his sense of humor or sense of authority, let me tell you. 'Course, it kinda screwed up everyone's brains. I think growing up ghoulie made it a little easier on me.}"
(Hctyphon.msg) - ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2083 Summer The city of Necropolis founded by the ghoul survivors of Vault 12 (and the US citizens that fled to Bakersfield when the bombs fell)."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2084 Spring Set takes control of Necropolis, wresting control from the original Overseer. The Vault 12 Overseer, not willing to take a dirtnap, is driven north and history loses sight of him."
- ↑ Set: "{140}{Set11}{The Necropolis was mine. Not an all-things-great, but a straight-place for my kind. Then the Master showed. He could've fragged me good, but it was easy for him to just stand some muties and keep an eye on.}"
(SET.MSG) - ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2157 The Master learns the location of the Bakersfield Vault, Vault 12, and sends a detachment of super mutants there to seize the vault. Many ghouls are snapped like twigs in the attack, and Set finally parleys with the super mutants, telling them that the ghouls are the Vault survivors the super mutants are looking for. The super mutants, angered at failing to find an intact Vault, set up a small garrison at the watershed to watch the inhabitants and insure Set's... cooperation in the war to come."
- ↑ Fallout Official Survival Guide p.92-93: "Set: King of the Ghouls of Necropolis
Set styles himself as leader of Necropolis, but in fact he's a figurehead put in place by the Master to keep the ghouls in line. Set hates the Master, but fears him more. As a result, he is frustrated and short-tempered, with a nasty tendency to lash out suddenly against any who cross him. His speech is abrupt, harsh, and so jargon-laden he is, at times, a bit difficult to understand. If the player goes along with him-specifically, if he or she agrees to help him "punish" the mutants at the water shed-he can be almost pleasant, in a ghoulish sort of way." - ↑ The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What happened here?}"
The ghoul refugee: "{115}{}{The super mutants attacked. We were slaughtered. They had guns and bombs, even some steam trucks. They killed my friends. The mutants just butchered us.}"
The Vault Dweller: "{118}{}{Do you know why?}"
The ghoul refugee: "{122}{}{I heard they was pissed that some human killed their men here.}"