貓王(英文名:The King)是一名猫王模仿者,2281年他领导着一个名为“貓王幫”的团伙,在位于自由城南部的演藝學校外活动。
出生于2240年代中期,[1] 貓王是新維加斯原始部落之一的成员,然后豪斯先生。他和他的帮派住在一所古老的猫王模仿学校。他们认为这是一个崇拜的地方,因为海报和全息录像带都是一个人,他的真名无法找到,只被称为“猫王”。在学校的上层,他们发现了原猫王会穿的衣服和大量的发胶。猫王很快就带着学校和服装,将自己塑造成猫王,是猫王的大老板。
与莫哈韋廢土中的其他帮派不同,貓王幫建立在尊重之上,不会去寻找他们的下一场战斗。相反,猫王是坚定的无政府主义者,他们相信完全的个人自由并且“每个人都是[他们]自己的猫王”。[2]如果这种自由意味着街头暴力猖獗,那就这样吧。猫王,乃至猫王帮,都知道他无权践踏他人维护和平的自由。[3] 但猫王并没有考虑到他最终的死亡,也没有办法保持自由城享有的微弱自由。[4]
猫王的得力助手是佩瑟尔,他是一个儿时的朋友,有时会破坏他的和平意图。貓王幫在很大程度上让他为所欲为,有增无减;容忍他对陌生人和擅自占地者的肆无忌惮和暴力倾向。[5] 除了他的亲密朋友,貓王幫还与两个追星者保持密切联系。如果不是每晚都在心形床上温柔地爱她们,猫王会在约会之夜和她们两人一起去拉斯维加斯大道参观赌场。
互动 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 |
- G.I.布鲁斯: 猫王要求信使执行各种任务来帮助他的组织和自由城,例如处理奥里斯和NCR的问题。
- 不过是条猎犬: 在发现雷克斯的脑部问题可以得到帮助后,猫王问你信使是否会带雷克斯去雅各布斯镇看亨利医生。
- 王翼弃兵: 克罗克大使希望猫王停止与NCR的敌对行动。可以与猫王讨价还价以实现这一目标。
- 杀死猫王的朋友佩瑟尔、罗伊、韦恩或法里斯会导致信使只有一个对话选项,"我希望得到一些工作..." 只有一个来自猫王的回答: "我有一些...但是我的好朋友被打了/我的一些朋友被打了..." 之后,信使无法获得任何任务,但可以作为同伴获得雷克斯。(在控制台中输入猫王的任务: prid 0010e0ce,然后输入moveto player最后在控制台打开的情况下点击佩瑟尔的身体并输入resurrect并对其适用的列表中的任何其他人重复该过程。)
- 可以在剧院或他位于3楼的房间中找到猫王。
- 睡在猫王的床上会获得充分休息奖励,尽管它不是自有床。
- 杀死猫王导致新維加斯先生将行动归因于NCR,NCR士兵将评论在自由城击败一个团伙。
- 猫王是玩家角色必须吃掉才能获得冠军的肉辅助能力的角色之一。
- 猫王、老本和圣地亚哥永远微笑,即使在战斗中也是如此。
- 克罗克大使认为猫王“非常有魅力”。他还透露,猫王已经30多岁了。尽管被称为“极具魅力”,但他的魅力只有5。
- 猫王看着这个人的旧全息录像带,学会了像他一样说话,并开始教其他人这样做。
- 1.05的高度修正使猫王几乎有6'4" (1.92m) 高,使他与佩瑟尔一起成为游戏中最高的人类NPC之一。只有简·巴普蒂斯特·卡廷和拉尼厄斯更高。
- 猫王的剧本是由Jesse Farrell设计的,他也编写了这个角色。[7]
- 猫王的原型是埃维斯·普里斯利,他曾在拉斯维加斯进行过广泛的演出。他的名字本身就是一个参考,因为普里斯利被称为“摇滚之王”,或者简称为“猫王”。
- 猫王总部的名字,貓王的演藝學校,是对猫王模仿者现象的参考。
- 在他们的总部,可以找到几个微妙的参考,例如黑板指示模仿猫王的人吃花生酱和香蕉三明治,这是猫王的最爱,被称为“猫王”三明治。黑板包括猫王的其他特征,包括旋转的臀部和一些通常归因于他的短语。
- 在G.I.布鲁斯的结尾在与国王交谈时说:“谢谢,非常感谢。”回应帮助佩瑟尔的NCR。这句话是猫王常说的。
- 游戏中的几个参考文献都提到了猫王歌曲的名字:
- 新维加斯先生引用猫王的话说NCR难民是“伪装的魔鬼”,不想看到NCR“在贫民区”并呼吁群众“返回原处” - 所有这些都是猫王的歌曲。
- 在解决与NCR的冲突后,猫王提到他希望看到"多说话'少打架'。"这是猫王从歌曲"少一点对话对著名线路的引用"少一点对话,多一点行动。"
- 如果信使说服猫王在G.I.布鲁斯结束后站在NCR一边,猫王的一段简短的声音片段可以在新维加斯电台听到。“感觉如此糟糕”和“重新思考宝贝”都是猫王的歌曲。
- 猫王有时将NCR称为“士兵男孩”,这是对猫王歌曲的引用,“士兵男孩。”
- 涉及猫王的任务包括“G.I.布鲁斯”和“不过是条猎犬”基于猫王的歌曲和电影名称。
- 当猫王将雷克斯介绍给信使时,他说他对雷克斯的状况感到“震惊”。"浑身是劲"又是一首猫王的歌。
![]() | 以下内容基於辐射:新维加斯刪節内容. |
- 最初,开发者计划与卡斯的浪漫选项,其中信使将挑战她参加饮酒比赛,导致他们俩都喝醉了,然后第二天早上醒来发现他们不经意间在夜间举行了一场由猫王主持的仪式。如果玩家在他的帮派中有足够的好名声,猫王就会唱“温柔地爱我”。然而,事实证明,获得猫王歌曲的表演权成本太高,Chris Avellone反对游戏中的浪漫。[8]
![]() | 關於辐射:新维加斯刪節内容的内容到此作結。 |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "Tell me more about the King."
Dennis Crocker: "He's caucasian, in his mid-30s, and extremely charismatic. It's that last part that we're counting on. The Kings are a bunch of young hoodlums who aren't inclined to listen to anyone, except him. Get him on our side, and the rest will fall in line."
(VStreetDennisCrocker.txt) - ↑ The Courier: "Tell me about the Kings."
The King: "We're different than other gangs, and not just because we dress better. We're not just a group of thugs looking for our next fight. The Kings are about an idea, you see? Where every man is free to follow his own path, do his own thing. Where every man is a king in his own right."
(The King's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "The violence needs to stop."
The Kings: "And whose job is it to stop it? Yours? Mine? Who are we to tell people what to do? No man has that right."
(The King's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "And when you're dead? What will happen to their freedom then?"
The King: "[SUCCEEDED] Honestly, I hadn't thought it through that far. I'd guess someone would come and take over this place. And you can be damn sure they won't run it like the King, baby. They might run everyone out, or enslave them, or worse. I guess I have no choice. Tell your NCR masters that I accept their terms. I'll see that violence against their people is dealt with. Now take these fools and get out of here before they start a riot."
(The King's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What can you tell me about Pacer?"
The Kings: "Pace? He and I grew up together around here. We've been through a lot together, and there's no man I'd rather have at my side in a pinch. Don't judge him too harshly for trying to get some caps out of you. He probably took you for a squatter, looking for a place to settle down. There've been a lot of people moving into the area lately, and it's got some people riled. Can't blame 'em myself. There's only so much to go around."
(The King's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Where did you get the robot dog?"
The King: "I got Rex here from a salvager a few years ago. He was a little dinged up when I got him, but one of the Followers fixed him right up."
The Courier: "Is there something wrong with him?"
The King: "He's been acting peculiar for some time now. I took him to the Followers and had him checked out, and they said his brain is bad or something."
The Courier: "He doesn't seem very happy."
The King: "He goes through spells like this from time to time. The Followers said his brain is going bad or something."
The Courier: "Can they do anything?"
The King: "No, they said they don't have the tools to help him."
The Courier: "Is he going to be okay?"
The Kings: "For now, but they said eventually he's going to get worse. I don't know what to do."
The Courier: "Can I help somehow?"
The Kings: "I don't know. Maybe. If you found a way to help my poor Rex here, I'd be much obliged. Your best bet would be to talk to Julie Farkas over at the Old Mormon Fort north of here. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did."
(The King's dialogue) - ↑ J.E. Sawyer on Tumblr: "Jesse Farrell wrote the King, Pacer, a bunch of other Freeside and BoS folks (Hardin, McNamara). Jesse handled the setup of Rex, but I believe Jeff Husges did Rex's brain quest."
- ↑ Jason Bergman on Bethesda Forums