
Ten cans? You can't take only ten cans. You know it tastes better than that old Cram or Brahmin that's been sitting out in the sun for days. There are people out there who are hungry, you've just got to sell up the product a bit more.— Theodore to Rylee

Theodore "Theo" Collins is the man running Longneck Lukowski's Cannery in 2287.


Longneck Lukowski's Cannery was a meat processing and packing plant that survived the Great War relatively unscathed. 到了2287年,西奥多·柯林斯在之前借助仍在运行的机器人,并修好蒸馏设备,经营起了这家罐头工厂。他说服了一些商人为他提供肉类,工厂里的罐头总是供不应求,偏偏有些商人送来的肉并不新鲜,还没来得及装进罐头就坏掉了,于是西奥多偷偷往罐头里装鼹鼠肉。Eventually one of the canning retorts exploded, causing the basement to become infested with feral ghouls. He then began mixing in the meat from the feral ghouls to keep up with demand, causing consumers to become ill.

When the Sole Survivor encounters the cannery, they find Theodore arguing with Trader Rylee about the quality of the meat. He claims that the meat was contaminated by mole rats and 警告玩家千万别去旧地下室。当玩家前往地下室调查此事时,he locks the elevator to prevent them from telling anyone his secret.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap 243
卖: Potted meat


服装 武器 其他 物品
Flannel shirt and jeans Longneck Lukowski's key


  • Mystery Meat: The Sole Survivor offers to investigate Theodore's mole rat problem by taking a look around the cannery.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Theodore attacks the player character when they return from the cannery basement, but attempts to surrender before he is killed and offers to split his profits in order to live. The player character then has a choice to kill him or spare him and receive between 12 and 100 caps from him every few days.


  • Theodore is initially unarmed when first met by the player character. When confronted at the end of the Mystery Meat quest, he will be armed with a pipe rifle.
  • Theodore will not fight the player character if his weapon is stolen while sneaking.


Theodore Collins appears only 在辐射4 .


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Talking to Trader Rylee before Theodore will cause a dialogue bug that removes the option to ask him about people getting sick, resulting in Mystery Meat becoming unobtainable from him. You can still start the quest by going all the way up the inside of the cannery and going down the elevator in the southeast corner, or alternatively by loading an earlier save and speaking to Theodore first. However, sometimes this bug will occur regardless of trying to talk to Theodore first. [已验证]

