The yellow and dirty trench coats provide a single point bonus to both Charisma and Endurance plus 5 points to Radiation Resistance. The faded trench coat adds 2 points to Perception, however, it has no Radiation Resistance.
Every trench coat variant takes up all of the body slots, preventing armor from being worn over them. They can be upgraded with ballistic weave to increase the protection that they provide.
Nick Valentine wears a unique faded trench coat that replaces his right hand with a "synth" flesh stripped hand. It can only be removed by replacing it with the faded trench coat given to the Sole Survivor (incidentally "repairing" his hand), allowing his original coat to upgraded with ballistic weave and returned to him.
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One The appearance of the dirty trench coat is the same as the yellow trench coat on male characters and only shows correctly on female characters. [已验证]
Airship captain's hat ·Army helmet (dirty) ·Baseball cap ·Battered fedora (crumpled, dirty, worn, yellow) ·Blue battling helmet ·Bowler hat (Triggerman bowler) ·Coast Guard hat ·Combat armor helmet (Commando helmet) ·Faded visor ·Field scribe's hat ·Formal hat ·Grandpa Savoldi's hat ·Gray knit cap ·Green hood ·Green rag hat ·Hard hat (Mining helmet) ·Lieutenant's hat (Captain Ironsides' hat) ·Lorenzo's Crown ·MacCready's hat ·Mascot head ·Medical goggles ·Metal helmet ·Military cap ·Militia hat ·Minuteman hat ·Minutemen general's hat ·Newsboy cap ·Pompadour wig ·Postman hat (dirty) ·Press cap ·Sea captain's hat ·Silver Shroud hat ·Submariner hat ·Tinker headgear ·Trilby hat ·Ushanka hat ·Welding helmet ·Yellow slicker hat