

被绑架的商人 (displayed as Kidnapped Trader at (Location Name)) is a Minutemen radiant quest in Fallout 4.

Quick walkthrough[]

Minutemen radiant quest: Kidnapped Trader
Speak to the leader of the settlement.
Travel to the prisoner's location.
Free the prisoner.
Pay the ransom.
Report your success to the leader of the settlement.
Reward: ~100 caps
Reward: 200+ XP

Detailed walkthrough[]

This quest can be periodically obtained when entering a settlement with a supply line to another settlement in place. The settlement leader will inform the Sole Survivor that one of their traders has been kidnapped for ransom by a group of raiders, super mutants, or Gunners.

There are two ways to proceed: the Sole Survivor can give the settlement leader enough caps to pay the ransom, completing the quest immediately, or they can offer to rescue the trader. If the kidnapped trader is not rescued or the ransom paid within 3 days of talking to the settlers, the trader will be killed and the quest will fail. Time is of the essence.

To rescue the kidnapped trader, the Sole Survivor must travel to the enemy hideout and locate them. They are often behind a locked door or gate deep in the hideout, and reaching them can prove quite dangerous. Killing the trader by accident will fail the quest, so the Sole Survivor should proceed with caution. After reaching the trader and talking to them, they will be freed and begin trying to return home. The quest can still fail if they die at this point, so the Sole Survivor may wish to escort them, especially if the area has not been fully cleared. After completing the rescue, the Sole Survivor can talk to the settlement leader to receive thanks and a reward of ~100 caps.

Settlements asking for help[]

Possible prisoner locations[]

Quest stages[]

50 Travel to <Alias=ActualLocation>A Radio Freedom broadcast said there's been a kidnapping at <Alias=ActualLocation>. I need to get there and see what I can do to help. OR
Preston Garvey has sent me to investigate a kidnapping at <Alias=ActualLocation>. I need to get there and see what I can do to help.
81 (Optional) Pay the ransom (<Global=MinRadiantOwned03Ransom> Caps)
100 Rescue the kidnapped trader from <Alias=KidnapperDungeon>The settler I spoke to told me where I could find the kidnapped victim. I need to go there and rescue him/her.
200 Report back to the people of <Alias=ActualLocation>
450 Talk to Preston GarveyNow that I've helped <Alias=ActualLocation>, I need to let Preston know the good news. OR
I should talk to Preston and let him know I was unable to help <Alias=ActualLocation> with their kidnapping.

Companion reactions[]

Accept the quest from the settlerDislikesLikeLikeLikeLikeLikeNo reactionLikeLoveLikeLikeNo reactionLikeHates
Refuse to help the settlementLikeDislikesDislikesNo reactionDislikesDislikesNo reactionDislikesDislikesNo reactionDislikesNo reactionDislikesLike


  • 该任务仅适用于居民人口至少为2(一名负责人、一名商人)的据点。
  • 如果安装了Nuka WorldDLC且玩家代表核子世界在联邦占据了据点之后,被占领或被subdued的据点相关的任务将不会触发。
  • 据点的居民负责人如果死亡,将导致任务失败。
  • 尽管从势力角度来看,该任务属于义勇军任务,但在加入义勇军之前就可以触发。如果玩家加入了义勇军,任务的对话当中将提及义勇军,否则将略过相关内容。其他据点任务类似。
  • 失败后,仍然可以在敌人的藏身处找到被绑架商人的尸体。


  • Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One如果该任务出现在庇护山丘而且老冰棍接受了该任务,任务标记可能会指向无法互动的双头牛。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 在某些据点,NPC可能会在无法到达的位置生成。 (for instance, Roger Warwick at Warwick homestead might spawn inside the water cistern). This bug is shared with the other settlement quests.[已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC This can be resolved by using the console command targetID.moveto player to teleport the NPC in question.
    • The Warwick homestead example can be resolved by building stairs into the cistern and a bell outside of it. Using the bell and waiting for an in-game hour (using the Wait option) will cause the NPCs to spawn near the bell.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes kidnapped NPCs might spawn without the quest being active, killing them and then talking to preston will activate the quest in the player's Pip Boy but it will remain unfinishable as the NPC is dead.[验证逾期]