關於辐射76中一个不相关的派系叫做家族,參見Lombardi Family


血族(英文名:The Family)是一群自称是吸血鬼的帮派,住在断桥镇聚落以东的梅瑞斯提地鐵站








  • 万斯: 领导者和向导。他试图让他的食人族们放弃他们的冲动,只吃血,采用传说中吸血鬼的方式。在完成任务血缘关系后,询问他是否可以教独行者吸血鬼的方式,将导致他教噬血细胞辅助能力,允许通过消耗血包获得+20 HP。
  • 霍莉: 万斯的妻子,她对万斯的一些信仰持保留态度,但出于传统和奉献精神,她完全支持他。独行者可以通过口才检查,高魅力Scoundrel辅助能力获得进入伊恩房间的密码。
  • 艾伦: 一个把万斯视为同类救世主的新成员。根据血缘关系的完成情况,他可以被派去保护断桥镇免受废土的威胁。
  • Brianna: 她为家族的男性成员提供卖淫服务,以换取适度的瓶盖。随着少女杀手辅助能力,独行者能够说服她泄露进入伊恩房间的密码。
  • 卡尔: 店主。他不相信万斯的教义,但为了在他的隧道里维持一个仓库,他假装相信。他可以用黑寡妇辅助能力引诱他给出安全电脑终端机的密码。独行者也可以靠力量检查威胁他放弃密码。
  • 贾斯汀: 伊恩在血族中的红颜知己。贾斯汀指导伊恩学习万斯的各种教义,并充当他的代理哥哥。独行者可以通过口才检定或Impartial Mediation辅助能力说服他泄露进入伊恩房间的密码。
  • 罗伯特: 哨兵和玩家角色将遇到的第一个血族成员。罗伯特是梅瑞斯提唯一一个不像血族成员的成员,这是通过食人辅助能力或对话之外的对话发现的。

















  • 所有的血族成员一开始都没有敌意,除非被激怒。
  • 如果某个事件的发生导致了血族成员的死亡,当独行者和伊恩谈话时,他就会变得充满敌意,直到他得到了他姐姐在核彈鎮写的信。在那之后,伊恩会要求一个人待着。下一次独行者回到断桥镇时,他们会被告知伊恩已经回来了,而独行者将会得到奖励。
  • 如果独行者在没有被允许的情况下潜入罗伯特身边,血族将变得充满敌意。
  • 如果在第一次和万斯谈话时表现得粗鲁无礼,他会在他和其他血族成员变得敌对之前警告独行者他们的行为。




  • 任务设计师Alan Nanes负责编写血族中的角色。[Non-game 1]
  • 打开伊恩房间的密码是"蝙蝠属",这是蝙蝠科的一个属。
  • 血族和查尔顿·赫斯顿1971年的电影最后一个人中的反派很像,那是一种夜间活动的苍白的吸血鬼变种,生活在地下,称自己为"家族"。
  • 血族组织的法律与桌面RPG吸血鬼:避世之血族 中的秘党联盟的戒律非常相似。


Has platform::PCPC 黑进血族的终端机会使血族充满敌意,即使终端机本身并没有被标记为拥有。只有在万斯或其他血族成员没有给你密码的情况下才会发生这种情况。 [已验证]



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "What is this place?"
    Vance: "What you see before you is the last bastion of hope for the downtrodden and misunderstood. It is a sanctuary for the oppressed and a beacon of faith for the tyrannized."
    The Lone Wanderer: "<Allow Vance to continue.>"
    Vance: "We are the remnants of society, cast aside like the clean-picked bones of a hunter's feast. I led my flock beneath the sun-baked sands of the Wasteland to keep them safe and teach them my ways. Men of science would call us cannibals, eaters of human flesh. Society labels us as monsters, demons and the unclean."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  2. Vance: "Welcome to our home. My people call me Vance. I lead this group of weary travelers and outcasts who need a home. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
    (Vance's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Lone Wanderer: "If I said vampires, and you said I was right, we'd both be crazy."
    Vance: "Do you think I believe I can turn into a bat and fly away? Of course not. Do I cast my image in a mirror? Absolutely. Now ask me if I believe these individuals from every corner of the Wasteland need me to give them a sense of purpose and identity. I have shown these people the ways of the vampire. I've provided them shelter, organization and a sense of belonging."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "A cannibal by any other name is still a cannibal."
    Vance: "That is completely untrue. Your difficulty grasping the concept that change is possible in my people perplexes me. Let me try a different approach. Let me counter that ignorance with a lesson in objectivity. I say we are no longer cannibal, only consuming the blood of our prey. What would that make us in your eyes?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "I still say you're cannibals."
    Vance: "It saddens me to think that your failure to understand us could be my fault. If that is the case, allow me to enlighten you. We call ourselves vampires; a brotherhood that honorably stretches back thousands of years."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Wait a minute... What happened to him?"
    Vance: "Ian's hunger for flesh overwhelmed him... it drove him to kill his parents. Because of my intervention that night he stopped just short of being lost forever to his cravings for flesh."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Are you telling me that Ian is a cannibal?"
    Vance: "I am telling you he will no longer be labeled as such. He has become one of us... a member of the Family. The hunger that drives us must be kept in check. It is one of the most difficult things to teach. Ian lost control because no one was around to guide him. His own family was alien to him."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What you're doing here is brainwashing them, plain and simple."
    Vance: "Yes. In a way, I am brainwashing them. I am eliminating their fears, their inhibitions and their shame. I have reined in their cravings and taught them to eat not of the flesh, but to drink of the blood. Most importantly, they have a Family. A place where their quirks are tolerated and understood."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "You people murdered his parents!"
    Vance: "Murder is a very strong word, my friend. Do you consider it murder when a hunter stalks his prey in order to put food on the table? The Family must do what it can to survive, and Ian provided us the way. Ian is at a critical moment in his life right now. After all that occurred in Arefu, he is scared and confused."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "How did you know Ian was trying to decide to stay or leave?"
    Vance: "My fine friend, that poor soul has been wrestling with the same question every new member of the Family asks himself when they arrive. Do I belong here, or should I depart? All I ask is that they spend the time to reflect before deciding in solitude."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Vance: "Monsters! Villains! Criminals! Animals! Every one of us has been branded with these insults at some point in our lives. But why? Are we THAT different from those who hunt for meat to survive or from those who kill for territory? Of course not. I submit to you that we are the victims of evolution; the next step in mankind's acclimation to this hellish existence. The adaptation we were given wasn't meant to be ignored or persecuted. It's our way of survival. We can not allow the humans to hunt us down and kill us like dogs! We must show them we are a force to be reckoned with! Well rest easy now, my brothers and sisters. It's time to stop all of the running, all of the hiding and all of the denying. We will organize, we will prepare, we will teach you to cope with your differences and we will keep you alive. We are the Family and together we will stand united!"
    (Vance's dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "Now that I have a better understanding of the Family, may I speak to Ian?"
    Vance: "I had always assumed if a human happened upon our home, it would be for the purpose of our extermination. It appears my fears were ill-placed. It is a pleasant surprise to meet someone as amenable as yourself. Very well. I will allow you to speak to Ian. Perhaps you can help him come to grips with his greatest enemy. Himself."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you mean?"
    Vance: "Humans call for our extermination or reform. Reforming implies something is wrong with us and needs to be eliminated. I think of my teachings as more of an improvement, a way to transcend our cannibalistic nature."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  12. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "The Family
    The Family is a group of cannibals who have banded together thanks to the efforts of Vance, their leader. Living under the ruins of Meresti Trainyard, the group keeps out of public view, staying away from larger towns and settlements and only surfacing to feed. Realizing that the cannibal is both feared and hated even in the lawless Wasteland, Vance has decided to teach his people the way of the vampire as he interprets it from classic literature. He's convinced most of the Family that they are indeed true vampires, teaching them to drink the blood of their prey and not to feed upon the their flesh. Vance believes this gives them a sense of belonging and purpose in a world that doesn't understand their unusual trait. Although the Family may truly believe they are like the vampires in traditional works of fiction, they retain no abilities or "powers" that distinguish them from any other cannibal in the Capital Wasteland."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "Can you teach me the ways of the Vampire?"
    Vance: "To be a vampire is a life commitment. It is not achieved by my words, it is something you earn by your own will and sincere meditation. Sadly, I cannot fully make you one of us, but I can teach you how the life blood of others brings us regenerative powers. Since your body lacks the way to extract blood as we do, you must find alternative sources for your nourishment. Drink deep of the blood, allow not a drop to spill. Feel the warmth as it spreads inside you. You are becoming one with the life force of another. They lend a part of themselves to you. For a brief moment, you are two entities becoming one. Allow the feelings to course through your body as you partake of the blood... feel it empower you and make you stronger. Once you have done this deed, only then will you know what it is like to be a vampire."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Blood Ties
  15. Vance: "I will make this as clear as possible, Karl. Never again. You disobey my laws once more and you will be out of Meresti for good!"
    (Vance's dialogue)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "I have no idea."
    Vance: "Then that is a mystery you will have to solve on your own. In ceremony, each member of the Family must speak one of the Laws... it is theirs to remember and to enforce. Perhaps from these Laws you can discover what we are. Return to me when you are ready."
    (Vance's dialogue)
  17. Meresti Metro station terminal entries#The Family terminal
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "Enough talk! I'm here to wipe your kind out!"
    Vance: "I would choose your next words VERY carefully if I were in your place. Your self-applauding notions are the sole reason we are down here in hiding like Mole Rats. I will warn you only once. Do NOT test me. I have no qualms about having your blood running down my throat."
    (Vance's dialogue)


  1. Meet the Devs of Skyrim Q&A:
    Alan Nanes: "Some of the most notable characters is a really tough question. Harold in Fallout was a big one for me. I also really liked enjoyed writing the characters involved in "The Family" as well."

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