
Cazadores are extremely deadly, but they are also reclusive. Try looking near the Red Rock's canyons.Red Lucy



當主角從槍口下闖過鬼門關時,該地正遭受大毒蜂的肆虐。 this outcome was predicted by McMurphy in the graphic novel All Roads, as he comments that they need to bury Chance and get out of the place before the creatures show up.

曾幾何時,這裡最早是個典型的當地部落。後來,這裡遭受了魔鬼幫的襲擊與蹂躪(根據現場遇難者的遺體推測,襲擊者的首領使用噴火器)。在磕了瘋狂葯的襲擊者的踐踏下,此地生靈塗炭。While Benny wishes to avoid confrontation with the Fiends after observing an early warning sign, the Fiends are killed by the Great Khans and Benny after Chance, suffering from shellshock and drug withdrawals, charges into battle after seeing the flames and charred bodies that remind him of the Bitter Springs Massacre.

Chance, suffering from severe burns, then overdoses on Psycho after Benny recounts the story of the Singer to him and leaves the drug by his side.




  • 消防斧可以在村落內一具或幾具魔鬼幫成員屍體上找到
  • 一塊藏有隨機戰利品的中空岩石可以在村落出口左手邊找到
  • The flamer used by the unnamed Fiend leader in the graphic novel was destroyed when Chance bent the nozzle back onto the man, burning him alive. This is why it cannot be found.
  • 「錢斯」之墓在一座可以俯瞰村落的山上。
  • 瘋狂葯和杰特可以在營火周圍找到,they are remnants of the party thrown by the drugged-up Fiends following their massacre of the residents.
  • 大汗幫士兵盔甲可以在該地與魔鬼幫眾屍體一同散落的大汗幫人屍體上找到, despite the fact none of the Khans died during the battle in the graphic novel.
  • 如果「莉莉奶奶」在隊伍中,她會說「哦,天啊,這難道也是我乾的?」
  • In All Roads, it is suggested that they go up north so they can circle east around the fiends attacking the camp, though the game map doesn't suggest such an option.




  • Has platform::PCPC該地的屍體或大毒蜂可能會消失,但是當玩家重新讀檔並再次進入此地時,這些都

可能會重新出現,甚至死去的魔鬼幫成員可能會復活(空血狀態)並與大毒蜂激戰。當 快速旅行到此地時,你或許可以目擊到上述激戰的場面。[已验证]

  • Has platform::PCPC Occasionally, the burned bodies may actually be alive. They will attack the Courier on sight with only their fists as weapons (or may pick up a nearby weapon left on the dead bodies), or be in a fleeing state due to damage received by the enemies mentioned in the bug above as they can occur simultaneously. They display as having 0 HP with the Living Anatomy perk, and thus die from any hit (granting good Karma upon being killed by the Courier), but can be a threat when fast traveling to the site, particularly if the other enemies respawn as well.[已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Fast travelling to the camp may result in witnessing a fight between cazadores, fiends, and (now alive) burned bodies.[已验证]

