
Gametitle-FO4 FH
Gametitle-FO4 FH
You have come to know the one real truth of this world. Nothing is the only thing that truly matters.— Gwyneth

Sister Gwyneth is the heretical member of the Church of the Children of Atom on the Island in 2287.


Known for her peculiarities and moods, Gwyneth is a very devout and dedicated child of Atom. She was well liked among her family, known for her reliability, and ability to find a cache of mirelurk eggs on beaches they thought were clear.[1] She would spend hours with their former high confessor, Martin, discussing the finer points of their faith.[2]

Upon seeing documents describing what an atom was, she could no longer believe that Atom was real. With Martin's zealotry lingering and losing control of his flock, she came to him to discuss her crisis of faith.[3] For the better part of two hours, they discussed their dogma, with Martin reminding her of all the gifts they believed Atom bestowed upon them, their radiation immunity, their family and their home on the Island. That eventually calmed her down, but as she left for bed, her questions lingered in his mind and raised doubts that Martin had possessed for some time. Martin would question how wise she was,[4] although this would be blamed on DiMA.[5]

Sometime later, while Gwyneth was praying quietly, she suddenly lept up and began to shout that Atom is a lie. Although not a violent person, when the then Grand Zealot Tektus confronted her, Gwyneth struck him with such force that she knocked him to the ground. When she realized what she had done, she fled. Tektus wanted to immediately send someone after her, to make her an example, but High Confessor Martin insisted they wait for her return for Atom's forgiveness. However, this did not take place, as blasphemous messages appeared at their holy sites not long after.[6][7][8][9][10] Now that the sister is committing such fervored acts of heresy, Zealot Theil was tasked by Tektus[6] to bring her Atom's justice: execution.[11][12] However, this is hampered by how clever Gwyneth is, and Theil has since been unable to track her whereabouts. Her failure to both find Gwyneth and Gwyneth's heresy eat away at her constantly, as Theil has been praying to Atom for her friend's return to the family.[13] Should Sister Gwyneth return to the family, Theil will be very grateful[14] and Richter would be impressed that the Sole Survivor got through to her and grateful. As he to is extremely fond of her,[6][15] he would even go so far to convince Tektus to show mercy so long as she remained faithful.[16]

Despite his fondness, the heresy needed to be dealt with and Richter would not bat an eye should she remain a heretic. Whatever the outcome, the Sole Survivor proves themselves worthy to enforce Atom's laws in Richter's eyes, so much so that he solemnly hands over a sacred religious weapon, "Atom's Judgement," to continue the fight against the enemies of Atom.[17][18][19][20]


When she left the children to pursue her new heresy, it was not just that Atom was completely fictional, but also that the real truth is that "nothing" is god, that "nothing" is deathless, without fear and remorse, and that those who have died have become one with nothingness.[21] Gwyneth even went as far as to believe that the Children of Atom was a false gospel by those like Martin and Tektus to know the truth about Atom, and that Atom is a tiny mote in the vastness of "Nothing," which is the true nature of existence.[22][23][24]

To spread her message to try and save her family, she began to "desecrate" the Children's holy sites with her message. She truly cares for her family and wants to save them, seeing her new mission to spread her truth of "Nothing." She wishes that she was not compelled to do so,[25][26][27] and that she could just go home to be with her family.[28][29][30]

The Sole Survivor, whether a child, crusader or most appropriately an inquisitor,[6] can convince her that she is just blinded by fear and doubt, and that she should just come home to face punishment.[31][32] However, the Sole Survivor can also more easily convince her to flee the Island[33][34] to spread her message to those whom will actually listen.[35]

Despite all that she could have learned about forgiveness in the face of heresy, she has none for Far Harbor, and if it is destroyed, she will take some mild pleasure in its destruction.[36][37]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
  • The Heretic


服装 武器 其他 物品
Child of Atom rags Combat knife

Notable quotes[]

  • "We aren't all infinite worlds. Just empty space. Dead. Cold. That we are Nothing."
  • "What they don't want you to know is that Atom is but a tiny mote in the vastness of Nothing. Nothing is the true nature of existence."


Sister Gwyneth appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One If convinced to flee during The Heretic, she may still be found working in the Nucleus afterward. It will not be possible to interact with her and she will not respond to prompts by the Sole Survivor to talk to her. [已验证]



  1. The Sole Survivor: "Was there something between you and Sister Gwyneth?"
    Brian Richter: "Ha. No. She was just a good woman. A touch odd, but someone you could rely on. Always managed to turn up a cache of Mirelurk eggs on beaches you thought were clear. We were better with her. Shame to watch her slip away. Can't be helped now."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  2. The Sole Survivor: "Tell me about Sister Gwyneth."
    Brian Richter: "Certainly never expected something like this from her. Not that she wasn't without her peculiarities, but she always seemed... dedicated. She and Confessor Martin, they would spend hours discussing the finer points of Atom's graces. Abandoning the family... something sick has clearly claimed her mind. She doesn't deserve to live like that."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  3. Gwyneth's journal
  4. Sister Gwyneth's visit
  5. A Vengeful Creature
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Brian Richter: "Ah, there you are. Have a job for you."
    The Sole Survivor: "What kind of job?"
    Brian Richter: "A matter of heresy that needs to be dealt with."
    The Sole Survivor: "I'm ready to serve, Grand Zealot."
    Brian Richter: "There is a woman, one of our own. Or, she was. Gwyneth. But she's given herself over to something... dark. The Confessor ordered Zealot Theil to track her down, but the heretic eluded her. Now Gwyneth has begun profaning our holy sites with her mad ravings, openly flouting the word of Atom. The High Confessor wants her found. And executed."
    The Sole Survivor: "Why have me do this? You have other Zealots who probably know the area better."
    Brian Richter: "Consider it a test. Prove your dedication to the family."
    The Sole Survivor: "We can't try talking to her? Maybe she'll see reason."
    Brian Richter: "I do. But as our resident Inquisitor, this task seemed only appropriate."
    Brian Richter: "I do. But as our resident Crusader, I know you'll be able to handle this."
    Brian Richter: "Won't lie. Sister Gwyneth was a good woman. But whatever's driven her to this lunacy... I'm not sure how much it's left behind. Regardless, the High Confessor's decided her abandonment of Atom's too great a sin. The refusal of His grace can't be permitted."
    The Sole Survivor: "I'll find her, Grand Zealot."
    Brian Richter: "Good. Speak to Zealot Theil. She should be able to point you towards Gwyneth's trail. Bring Atom's judgement to the heretic. Now go."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  7. Theil: "Sister Gwyneth's heresy cannot be permitted to continue."
    "May Atom guide you to the heretic."
    "Hopefully you will succeed where I failed."
    "Sister Gwyneth was never violent in the past, but you should still be prepared for anything."
    "I only wish that I knew what drove Sister Gwyneth mad."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  8. The Sole Survivor: "The Grand Zealot sent me. Tell me what you can about Sister Gwyneth."
    Theil: "Very well. As I'm sure the Grand Zealot informed you, Gwyneth was once a devoted member of our order. Though prone to strange moods, she was well-liked by many. The Grand Zealot in particular seemed to have a fondness for her... ...at least until she turned her back on Holy Atom. It was my duty to find her, but Gwyneth was always clever. I am ashamed to admit that I failed."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  9. The Sole Survivor: "What caused Gwyneth to turn her back on Atom?"
    Theil: "I can only tell you what I saw. She was praying quietly, when she suddenly leapt up and began to shout that Atom is a lie. When Tektus confronted her, she struck him with such force that she knocked him to the ground. When she realized what she'd done, she fled. Tektus wanted to send someone after her, make an example, but at the time it was not his decision. Confessor Martin insisted we wait... ...hope for her return. Sadly, that never happened and we gave her up for dead. That was the end of Gwyneth, or so we thought. One of the acolytes spied her at a holy site, but she escaped in the Fog. It was not long after that the blasphemous messages appeared... ...and we knew it had to be her."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  10. The Sole Survivor: "I'll find Sister Gwyneth."
    Theil: "Then by Atom's grace, I hope that you will succeed where I did not. You should begin by searching the holy sites. Perhaps you'll find some clue that I missed."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  11. The Sole Survivor: "Why not just ignore her? Is Gwyneth really that much of a threat to you?"
    Theil: "No, that is out of the question. Atom's will is clear in this matter. Heresy cannot be tolerated."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  12. The Sole Survivor: "I can tell Gwyneth was your friend. How do I know you didn't deliberately fail?"
    Theil: "I would never risk defying Atom's will. My faith is my life, and my devotion to Atom is absolute. Despite your insults, it is my duty to help you in this matter, and so I will. You should begin by searching the holy sites. Perhaps you'll find some clue that I missed."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  13. Theil: "...let our lost sister see the error in her ways..."
    "...thank you for returning Gwyn to our family..."
    "...guide my shots true..."
    "...shield me from those who would do me harm..."
    (Theil's dialogue)
  14. Theil: "Never did say thanks for what you did for Gwyneth. Thanks. Now, what can I do?"
    (Theil's dialogue)
  15. The Sole Survivor: "Sister Gwyneth is coming back. She wants to make amends for her actions."
    Brian Richter: "Got through to her, huh? Wasn't sure anyone could. Can't promise the High Confessor won't just kill her on sight. Still... a tale of sin and redemption sets a useful example. You've done well. Proved your devotion and more important, your loyalty. Atom smiles on you today, brother/sister."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  16. Gwyneth: "Grand Zealot Richter convinced the High Confessor to show mercy. I can stay as long as I remain faithful. I can barely believe it."
    "Not everyone has forgiven me, but it's still good to be home."
    "Thank you for helping me see the truth."
    "If not for you, I'd still be out there, lost and alone."
    "Never again will I turn my back on Atom. My devotion has never been stronger."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  17. Brian Richter: "Find Gwyneth and put an end to her heresy. That is your task."
    "Gwyneth's heresy must be dealt with."
    The Sole Survivor: "Sister Gwyneth won't be troubling you any longer."
    Brian Richter: "She brought it on herself. Won't ask you for the details. Doesn't really matter to me. You've done well. Proved your devotion and more important, your loyalty. Atom smiles on you today, brother/sister."
    The Sole Survivor: "Glory to Atom!"
    Brian Richter: "Here, take this. It's not just a weapon, it's one of our sacred artifacts. Go forth, and show no mercy to the enemies of Atom."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  18. The Sole Survivor: "Absolutely not. I'm not just going to execute a woman."
    Brian Richter: "Atom makes demands of us all, however unpleasant. It is not our place to disobey. Speak to Zealot Theil. She should be able to point you towards Gwyneth's trail. Bring Atom's judgement to the heretic. Now go."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  19. The Sole Survivor: "Could we try talking with her?"
    Brian Richter: "Wish it were the case, but the time for talk has passed. She's defiled our holy sites and refused the grace of Atom. That demands judgement."
    (Richter's dialogue)
  20. Brian Richter: "Hmm. Good example you set. Blasphemy can't be tolerated, no matter how decent the source. Now, was there something you needed?"
    (Richter's dialogue)
  21. Gwyneth: "The Children of Atom have allowed themselves to be deceived, and I must show them the truth! There is no Atom! There is Nothing! Nothing is endless, Nothing is deathless, and Nothing is without fear or remorse. Who better to understand this than you? You, who have become part of Nothing for eternity, as we must all someday. You have come to know the one real truth of this world. Nothing is the only thing that truly matters. Soon, soon more will come. My messages will reach them. It must! The word will spread and the Children of Atom will come. They will embrace Nothing, as I have, and then, at last, they will understand."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  22. Gwyneth: "Stop! This is a sacred place. Why have you come here? Are you seeking the truth of Nothing?"
    The Sole Survivor: "The truth of Nothing? What does that mean?"
    Gwyneth: "If you are truly prepared to hear it, then I will tell you. The Children of Atom have been deceived by Martin, by Tektus... it's a false gospel, all of it. What they don't want you to know is that Atom is but a tiny mote in the vastness of Nothing. Nothing is the true nature of existence. I have seen it with my own eyes... a void so vast and empty, like a night sky without stars. I know it is difficult to accept, but you must, and so must the others. They deserve to know the truth."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  23. The Sole Survivor: "You've betrayed Atom with your lies and heretical messages."
    Gwyneth: "Not long ago, I would have said the same. But then I learned the truth. The Children of Atom have been deceived by Martin, by Tektus... it's a false gospel, all of it. What they don't want you to know is that Atom is but a tiny mote in the vastness of Nothing. Nothing is the true nature of existence. I have seen it with my own eyes... a void so vast and empty, like a night sky without stars. I know it is difficult to accept, but you must, and so must the others. They deserve to know the truth."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  24. The Sole Survivor: "The Children of Atom want you dead. You need to stop defiling their holy sites."
    Gwyneth: "I can't. I have a duty that is greater than myself, one that is worth any sacrifice. The Children of Atom have allowed themselves to be deceived, and I must show them the truth! There is no Atom! There is Nothing! Nothing is endless, Nothing is deathless, and Nothing is without fear or remorse. Who better to understand this than you? You, who have become part of Nothing for eternity, as we must all someday. You have come to know the one real truth of this world. Nothing is the only thing that truly matters. Soon, soon more will come. My messages will reach them. It must! The word will spread and the Children of Atom will come. They will embrace Nothing, as I have, and then, at last, they will understand."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  25. The Sole Survivor: "You saw something you didn't understand and it scared you. Now you've turned your back on Atom and your family."
    Gwyneth: "I... I know what I saw! Yes, I was afraid, but not for myself. I was afraid that my brothers and sisters were living a lie, and that's why I left."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  26. The Sole Survivor: "Look, I know you think you're trying to save the Children of Atom, but you could be wrong. It's not too late to turn back and atone for your actions."
    Gwyneth: "I wish I could believe that."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  27. The Sole Survivor: "If you stay here, you're as good as dead. You need to leave this island and never come back."
    Gwyneth: "To abandon my task would be to defy the will of Nothing, and that's something I will never do. I will spread the truth of Nothing and I will show the children of the false god the folly of their ways, even if it costs me my life."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  28. The Sole Survivor: "You're not thinking clearly, and unless you stop, these delusions are going to get you killed. You can't go on like this, Gwyneth."
    Gwyneth: "Do you think I wanted this? To leave my family behind? But now... I've gone too far."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  29. The Sole Survivor: "You're out here all alone. Don't you miss your brothers and sisters at the Nucleus? I know they're like a family to you."
    Gwyneth: "Of course, I miss them more than anything. I've never been alone before. If I thought there was a chance they might accept me... but I'm a heretic, and my life is forfeit."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  30. Gwyneth: "Thank you for helping me to see reason."
    "I just need time to prepare myself before I return."
    "The Nucleus is my home. It's where I belong. I see that now."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue) Note: These lines are spoken after convincing Gwyneth to return to the Children of Atom and abandon her heretical beliefs.
  31. The Sole Survivor: "Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this."
    Gwyneth: "Blinded by fear and doubt... I... can't deny the truth of those words. How could I have been such a fool? I was a Child of Atom, one of the beloved. I must seek forgiveness from the others. Please tell Richter that I will return soon. I'll accept whatever punishment is deemed just."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  32. The Sole Survivor: "What if you misunderstood what you saw and overreacted? Do you really believe that everyone is wrong about Atom except you?"
    Gwyneth: "I can't... I can't think about that now. I've strayed so far from the path. I don't dare look back."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  33. The Sole Survivor: "Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this."
    Gwyneth: "I've gone too far now. I have chosen my path, and I must walk it to the end."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  34. The Sole Survivor: "If you stay here, you're as good as dead. You need to leave this island and never come back."
    Gwyneth: "Hm... there's wisdom in your words. If I cannot save the Children of Atom from their blindness, perhaps I can spread the word elsewhere. Yes... Nothing's will becomes more clear to me now. I must spread the message to all who will hear, no matter how far the journey. You should tell Richter and the others that I'm dead. I can't risk them following me. Thank you for opening my eyes to that which I could not see."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue)
  35. Gwyneth: "I will spread the truth of Nothing to the whole world!"
    "The Children of Atom are lost beyond hope. I can do nothing more for them."
    "I tried to show the Children of Atom the truth, but they would not see it. Now I must show that truth to others."
    "Soon... I will begin my journey soon."
    "You have shown me a new path. Soon the whole world will know the truth of Nothing!"
    "I will spread the holy word to the masses! Nothing is real!"
    (Gwyneth's dialogue) Note: These lines are spoken after convincing Gwyneth to abandon the Children of Atom and flee Mount Desert Island to spread her beliefs elsewhere.
  36. Gwyneth: "A shame Far Harbor could not be made to see the Light."
    (Gwyneth's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken if the Fog engulfs Far Harbor at the conclusion of the quest Cleansing the Land.
  37. Gwyneth: "Atom's mercy. Such a glorious gift. But one Far Harbor deserves?"
    (Gwyneth's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken if the crusade against Far Harbor is called off at the conclusion of the quest Reformation.