






萨尔瓦多家族大部分时间都不跟别人交往,而其他家族自从西区大屠杀之后就一直保持着距离。[3] 他们非常保护他们的秘密,杀死那些问问题的人,比如那些关于他们的镭射武器的人。[4]家族还因为其他自定义的对他们的"侮辱"而杀人,比如打牌作弊。[5][6]

尽管他们隐居,但他们并不回避冲突。他们使用诡计和诈骗保护服务,而不是直接和高调的暴力手段。路易斯·萨尔瓦多知道理查德 赖特会把杀人的责任推到莫丁诺家族头上,于是命令理查德 赖特用污染捷特下毒。这将导致两个家族之间的战争,削弱了他们的实力,并使萨尔瓦多家族得以控制新里诺。[7][8][9]





卡图奇是萨尔瓦多家族在新里诺的旧称。应该有一部他们对待英克雷的电影。Chris Avellone, Fallout聖經8


  1. The Chosen One: "Tell me about the Salvatore Family."
    Jules: "Quiet bunch. They're led by Louis Salvatore, an original gangster gettin' on in years. Their territory's on the West Side; their crib's this bar called Salvatore's on 2nd Street. Don't be making trouble there."
    (Jules' dialogue)
  2. The Chosen One: "Did they always have these pistols"
    Jules: "They didn't always have 'em'else they'd be in charge o' New Reno'ALL of New Reno. As it stands, they're just building up quietly. Those pistols showed up'maybe a few months back, 'round the time o' the massacre."
    (Jules' dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Chosen One: "Massacre?"
    Jules: "Oh, yeah'two Salvatore boys with those pistols killed a buncha Bishop's men, then shot down some of Mordino's boys who'd been tryin' to muscle in on the West Side. Since then, the other families steered clear of the Salvatores."
    (Jules' dialogue)
  4. The Chosen One: "They shoot light? Do they call the pistols 'laser pistols?'"
    Jules: "Well, uh, I don't really know' I ain't sure what you're talking about. But take my word for it: don't go asking the Salvatores about those pistols. They have this twitchy habit a killing people who're curious."
    (Jules' dialogue)
  5. The Chosen One: "Let me prove it, Mr. Salvatore. Assign me a task."
    Louis Salvatore: "(Takes a deep breath from the oxygen mask.) There is... a man... who has used his... skill with cards to rob me. The sum is...trivial. The insult is not. I want him killed and the money he stole returned."
    (Louis Salvatore's dialogue)
  6. Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and make an... example of him
  7. The Chosen One: "Word is you had Mr. Wright's son poisoned. Why?"
    Louis Salvatore: "(Mr. Salvatore looks at you for a long time in silence, then speaks.) We Salvatores...we will rule New Reno. If a child must die to insure that, it will be...done. There is no other reason."
    (Louis Salvatore's dialogue)
  8. The Chosen One: "You were ASKED to make poisoned Jet? For who?"
    Renesco: "The Salvatores requested it -- they said it was a..."special order." I didn't know they were going to give it to the Wright kid. You HAVE to believe me...I don't poison kids!"
    (Renesco's dialogue)
  9. Orville Wright: "Now why in hell would they do that?"
    The Chosen One: "Way I see it, the Mordinos control the Jet in Reno. Naturally, you'd blame them for a drug overdose... and then there'd be war. IF you two didn't wipe each other out, you'd at least be weakened by the fight. That makes life easier for the Salvatores... all they have to worry about then is the Bishops."
    (Orville Wright's dialogue)
  10. The Chosen One: "What kind transmissions are you talking about?"
    Metzger: "The Enclave and New' hey. What the hell you care for? It's business. I need to be sure no one's trying to fuck me over. That's all you need to know."
    (Metzger's dialogue)
  11. Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert