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获选者(英文:Chosen One)是《辐射2》的玩家角色,放逐者的孙子或孙女。
- 玩家可以选择他们的性别、年龄(16到35岁之间)和游戏过程。文章以性别中立的方式撰写以反映这一点。
废土最有影响力的部落成员的血统一直延伸到放逐者和他的配偶,帕特。[Non-canon 1] 作为长老的孩子,获选者是居住在避难所外的前13号避难所居民的第三代成员,类似于他们的祖父母是第三代生活在避难所中。
获选者从一出生就被训练成为部落的优胜者,并在未来成为他们的长老。这些试验的一部分是参与哈库宁的药物治疗,而获选者发展的最后阶段是审判神庙; 获选者的母亲也早已完成的试炼。完成他们的训练后,获选者被阿罗由的人派去寻找一个伊甸园创造套件,据信它拥有力量能让衰败的村庄再次繁荣起来。
最终,获选者在13号避难所中找到了G.E.C.K. ,但他们也发现除了他们村庄的未来之外,还有更多的危险。英克雷,一个由战前政府和军工联合体的精选成员组成的邪恶准军事组织,绑架了阿罗由部落,以开发一种生物制剂能够消灭整个人类,除了那些特别接种的人。
他们击败英克雷的旅程将他们带到那瓦罗,据记载,他们在那里潜入了军事基地,在那里,他们在没有英克雷监管制服的情况下被军士长抓获。他们被误认为是新调来的,因此受到了世界上最严厉的斥责。[7]在那里,获选者释放了 查恩,[Non-canon 2]杀死了英克雷科学家施罗伯博士,并修复了一只名为K-9的电子机械狗; 后来把他交给一位名叫多萝西的机械师照顾。[Non-canon 3]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Klamath Bob: "Howdy. Name's Bob, but folks around here call me Klamath Bob. What can I do you for?"
The Courier: "I take it you're from Klamath?"
Klamath Bob: "Heh, yeah good old Klamath. Not a bad place if you like hunting, eating, and skinning geckos all day! Heh heh. It's a pretty dull place, but I hear there was a bit of excitement when this tribal from Arroyo came to town years back. All before my time, though."
(Klamath Bob's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Where did you come up with this recipe?"
Jas Wilkins: "My great-aunt Rose ran a bed and breakfast back in California, in a town called Modoc. She's the one who created the recipe in the first place. I don't know how she managed to get a hold of a female Deathclaw, but she kept it in a shed. Aunt Rose had a steady supply of eggs for her omelets. At least, she did until some stranger came along and killed the Deathclaw. Shot it right in the eye."
(Jas Wilkins' dialogue) - ↑ Rose of Sharon Cassidy background
- ↑ The Courier: "I'd like to know about you."
Marcus: "Was part of Super Mutant army, ran a town, walked the wasteland with a tribal. Now I'm here."
(Marcus' dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Why would this Mr. Bishop be after you?"
Bruce Isaac: "Oh, well, that's all just a big misunderstanding, see. Mr. Bishop, well, he owed me a lot of money, and, y'know, he's a busy guy, so I sort of figured I'd just...take it off his hands."
The Courier: "Why did you come all the way out here from New Reno?"
Bruce Isaac: "You don't know Mr. Bishop. He's not like the other bosses up there. He knows the Wasteland like the back of his hand, and he likes to wander it. I knew if I didn't get way the hell away from New Reno, he'd run me down like a dog."
(Bruce Isaac's dialogue) - ↑ 辐射:新维加斯
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 The Courier: "Who's Sergeant Dornan?"
Cannibal Johnson: "He was a drill instructor I knew. He was also the meanest bastard I've ever known. Once, he caught this private out of uniform and old Dornan went off on the most ear-blistering rant known to man. It was inspiring."
(Cannibal Johnson's dialogue) - ↑ Fallout 2 endings, Arroyo: "After the Enclave's destruction, the refugees of Arroyo and Vault 13 resettled, building a new community with the aid of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Finding themselves hundreds of miles from their Vault, the members of Vault 13 chose to join the villagers in establishing a new community, and their technical expertise, combined with the villagers survival skills, allowed the new settlement to grow and prosper. Two generations of the same bloodline were re-united, and their savior, the Chosen One, became Elder, presiding over the village in the years to come."
- ↑ The Courier: "Tell me more about the tribal."
Marcus: "We were looking for a GECK to save the village of Arroyo. Eventually, we did. Nuked an oil rig in the process. We went separate ways after that. I went east into the Rockies, looking for other mutants like myself. Don't know what happened to my friend. I've got a feeling it turned out all right in the end."
(Marcus' dialogue)
- ↑ Fallout 2 manual: "Together, our little group moved north, away from the Vault, and away from that old life. Slowly, I taught them what experience had taught me. And together we learned to thrive. The Tribe Over time, our ragtag group turned into a tribe. I fell in love with one of them, and we raised a family, like all of our tribes people. We founded the Village, beyond the great cliff. It is a secure home thanks to our hard work. We would send scouts back towards the Vault, to help others who thought like ourselves, but that slowly came to an end. We no longer head in that direction. I often wonder what became of Vault 13, and the other Vaults, but I never had the time to go exploring again."
- ↑ Fallout Bible 6: "e. Xarn the Intelligent Deathclaw from Navarro
According to F2 designer John Deiley, Xarn was supposed to go back to Vault 13 and warn the Vault about Horrigan's attack, but he never made it (in the original design, he was supposed to be able to go back and save all the deathclaws and warn them about the Enclave, but this didn't make it in). He was last seen wandering east into the wastes toward Vault 13 - he never made it, however, so his final destination is unknown." - ↑ Fallout Bible 6: "d. K-9 (from Navarro)"
"After getting his motivator repaired, K-9 was left in NCR by the Chosen One so that he could receive necessary repairs from Dorothy and, not long after his recovery, Dr. Henry (who had been placed in critical condition after being reportedly assaulted by the Chosen One some time earlier). Dr. Henry, afraid that too much information about the Enclave would be obtained from K-9, attempted to destroy the cyborg, but was stopped by cyberdog and Dorothy, who suspected what Dr. Henry was planning. The NCR government used the attack as an excuse to confiscate K-9 and cyberdog in order to learn more information about the Enclave as well as what makes the two of them "tick." At last report (and over Dorothy's objections), K-9 and cyberdog were disassembled and analyzed. Structural damage during the disassembling is reported to have killed them both."