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關於同名的任务,參見莱莉的游骑兵(任務)。 |
莱莉的游骑兵(英文名:Reilly's Rangers)是一个雇佣兵派系,位于首都废土,位于蘇厄德廣場附近的遊騎兵基地。到2277年,莱莉的游骑兵有四名成员。
这家雇佣兵公司的主要合同包括绘制首都废土的地图,特别是华盛顿特区的市中心,这是一个他们称为"史密斯先生"的匿名联系人。[3][4][5][6][Non-game 1] 他们也有消灭超级变种人的合同。[7]
一旦进入國賓館,他们唯一的选择就是继续上逃,希望能到达屋顶并联系钢铁兄弟会获得增援。[13]在穿过酒店的过程中,他们设法匆忙设置了几个地雷和其他对策,以减缓超级变种人的攻击。[14]当这群人爬上酒店的一个楼梯井时,西奥被一枚手榴弹击中,炸死了他,并迫使其他突击队员留下他和他随身携带的弹药。[15][16][17][18][19][Non-game 2]
剩下的四名游骑兵设法到达了屋顶,在那里他们启动了求救无线电信号。然而,兄弟会的帮助从未到来,莱莉推测他们可能穿过该地区密集的超级变种人。[13]莱莉拥有一个隱形小子,她决定溜出酒店,稍后带着援军回来营救布彻、布里克和多诺万。然而,她在逃跑过程中受了重伤,她记得的最后一件事是被一个超级变种人伏击后掉进了涵洞。[20][21]虽然她不记得了,但她最终在地下城外面被发现,并被巴罗斯医生救活,尽管她昏迷了好几天。[22][23][Non-game 3]
- 莱莉的游骑兵成员在护甲、技能和生命值方面与钢铁兄弟会圣骑士不相上下。
- 在完成相关任务后,多诺万可能会在废土冒险时被随机遇到。当獨行者问他在那里做什么时,他会回答说莱莉跟踪了他们,让他带来弹药,或者更具体地说,一个迷你核弹。在这次遭遇战中,他可能会被发现与三个超级变种人战斗。如果不干预,他很可能会被杀。如果他死了,他的身体可以被掠夺(没有任何负面的业报)来获得迷你核弹,加上他的装备(他有唯一的游骑兵战斗盔甲头盔),武器和弹药。
- 除非獨行者有非常高的潜行技能,否则试图扒窃莱莉的游骑兵是不值得冒险的。如果失败,游骑兵将变得敌对并保持这种状态(除非是在莱莉的游骑兵任务期间),并且和莱莉一起做地理测绘将不可用。
- 在随机遭遇战中杀死多诺万并掠夺他的尸体可能会使游骑兵在返回营地时产生敌意。如果敌人杀死了多诺万,你甚至不需要靠近他或掠夺他,即使你自己没有杀死他,游骑兵也会变得敌对。 [已验证]
- 当你第一次在屋顶上加入莱莉的游骑兵时,他们可能会无缘无故地变得敌对,只需重新加载最后一次自动存档到屋顶,直到它不再发生。 [已验证]
- 英克雷地狱火装甲或特斯拉护甲(带或不带头盔)进入莱莉的游骑兵营地,他们可能会变得敌对。 [已验证] 如果你穿着
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Lone Wanderer: "Who put you in charge?"
Butcher: "Reilly did. I'm the second in command of the Rangers. Now, can you just answer the question?"
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's the deal with Talon Company?"
Reilly: "Let me give you a word of advice. Stay away from them, they give mercs a bad name. They have no morals, no remorse and wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through a defenseless man's head if it meant a job. They've been pretty active lately around the old Capital Building ruins. I'd recommend giving that area a wide berth."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ 3.0 3.1 Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Personal Entry 177
- ↑ Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Mapping Contract
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me how this all happened."
Butcher: "Well, we were on a contract to map the Vernon Square area of the D.C. Ruins. That's what we do, you see... usually it's routine. What we didn't expect was to get jumped by dozens of those damn Super Mutants. They came out of the woodwork. We had to retreat into the hospital next door and fight our way to the roof like you did. It was the only direction we could manage. Long story short, we got stuck on the roof with no supplies and Reilly went for help. That's the last we heard from her."
(Butcher’s dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me more about Reilly's Rangers."
Butcher: "We're mercs, but instead of hunt and destroy we map the ruins for sale to the highest bidder... and make a good living at it, too. There were five of us in the company until we lost Theo."
(Butcher’s dialogue) - ↑ Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Super Mutant Eradication
- ↑ Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Personal Entry 179
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me more about Reilly's Rangers."
Reilly: "There's five of us... oh wait, four now. I almost forgot about Theo. Poor bastard. Besides myself of course, we have Brick, our heavy weapons specialist, Butcher, our medic and Donovan, our tech. All of them have been with me for years. I'd trust any of them with my life."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I've heard of you guys. You pack some serious firepower."
Reilly: "You're pretty sharp, kid. We pack plenty of firepower, but that didn't help us from getting our asses into serious trouble. I didn't expect to make it out of there alive."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "So, what's this about needing help? Tell me the whole story."
Reilly: "We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Let me guess, more Super Mutants inside?"
Reilly: "You got it. More of the ugly bastards just kept coming. We fought our way to the roof and found a way across to the Statesman Hotel next door. The Super Mutants seemed driven... like they smelled blood. They kept following us. Once in the hotel, the only way to go was up."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ 13.0 13.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Last stand?"
Reilly: "Last stand? Well, we hoped not. We figured we'd get up there and get a better signal to radio the Brotherhood of Steel for help. Problem is, help never arrived. Vernon Square is so thick with the Super Mutants, I don't think they could slip through."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Did you set any kinds of traps or mines?"
Reilly: "Actually, we did lay down a bunch of countermeasures. I don't know how many of them have already gone off though. When I slipped out with my Stealth Boy, I think I almost tripped one or two of them. Damn near didn't make it out of there at all, come to think of it."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Bad move, I'm guessing."
Reilly: "On the way we lost Theo, one of my guys. We were unable to get the ammo case off of his body as we were pushed onwards. So, guns almost dry, we hit the roof of the Statesman."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Where is Theo's body?"
Reilly: "We lost him on one of the stairwells on the second floor of the Statesman Hotel. He almost made it, but one of the Muties hit us with a frag grenade; blew him apart. If you can get to his ammo crate, there's a ton of rounds inside. Bring as many as you can to the Rangers."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Where can I get some more ammo around here?"
Brick: "Well, if you've picked the Mutie corpses clean, there isn't much else to scrounge. I dunno if you came across it or not, but one of our guys dropped on the second floor stairwell. He had an ammo crate with him. Gonna have to get the code from Butcher though."
(Brick's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Where can I get some more ammo around here?"
Donovan: "On our way to the roof, one of our guys got scragged. Poor son-of-a-bitch get blown apart by a frag. I think he went down on the second floor stairwell of this place. You find him, and you'll find his ammo crate. Ask Butcher for the code though. We lock that stuff so the Muties can't steal what's inside."
(Donovan's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Where can I get some more ammo around here?"
Donovan: "We lost a good man on the retreat to this godforsaken roof. Theo. Newest guy in the group too. He got killed on the second floor stairwell of the hotel. He was carrying our ammo supply with him. Here, let me give you the code. The more ammo we have the better!"
(Donovan's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "So that leaves them up there. How come you're here?"
Reilly: "My bad idea I'm afraid. I had a Stealth Boy which allowed me to slip off the roof unnoticed. The plan was to get back to get some help. I was almost at the street when a Super Mutant jumped me. Damn near ripped my arm off in the process. Last thing I remember was falling into a culvert. Now I'm here. Some rescue attempt, huh?"
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How did this all happen, Reilly?"
Reilly: "We were mapping the Vernon Square part of the downtown ruins and got jumped by a Super Mutant ambush party. Usually it isn't a problem, but this group was bigger than usual. We fought our way into Our Lady of Hope Hospital, hoping to find cover. Eventually the fight spilled into the Statesman Hotel and we ran all the way to the roof. I left my guys up there and tried to stealth out but got caught by a Mutie ambush patrol. That was the last thing I remember."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What’s wrong with her?"
Doctor Barrows: "She had multiple lacerations, contusions, broken leg, some internal bleeding and blunt force trauma. She’s hasn’t been conscious since they brought her in a few days ago. I’d say she tangled with some super mutants and lost. It’s a miracle she isn’t dead."
(Doctor Barrows' dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Reilly’s Rangers?"
Doctor Barrows: "Oh, you must be new around here. They’re a mercenary company that bases itself out of the D.C. Ruins. I’m assuming she’s their leader, Reilly. What was left of her armor had her name stenciled on it. She was in a pretty bad way when they found her outside Underworld."
(Doctor Barrows' dialogue) - ↑ 24.0 24.1 The Lone Wanderer: "How have you guys survived up here?"
Butcher: "I'd say it was a whole lot of luck. We set as many traps as we could behind us and killed as many Super Mutants as possible. Being able to fend off the last wave of them made the rest more cautious, but it also drained our ammo. It's only a matter of time before they rally, especially since you punched through their lines."
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How have you guys survived up here?"
Brick: "Skill baby, pure skill. And my big-ass gun!"
(Brick's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How have you guys survived up here?"
Donovan: "By the seat of our pants. We are out of everything. Ammo, food and time. I have no idea how we've made it this long, but damn I am glad you got up here."
(Donovan's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Doesn't look like the elevator works anymore."
Butcher: "You're right. What we need is something to power the elevator motor up here and get the thing going. On the way up here, I'm pretty certain we passed a maintenance room. Inside was a wrecked Protectron. If you can get me its fission battery, I can have Donovan jury-rig the elevator."
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "We all make mistakes, Reilly. You're not a fortune teller."
Reilly: "Yeah, but I led the guys right into a corner. Theo died because I decided to take shelter in the hospital. I'm not so sure I'd be trusted leading anyone at this point."
(Reilly's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's been happening since you've been back?"
Butcher: "Things seem better now. Reilly's gained back her confidence a bit. We've been doing stuff here and there. I don't know what you said to her, but thanks."
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's been happening since you've been back?"
Brick: "Now that you're part of the team, Reilly is her old self again. We've been vaporizing hostiles like there's no tomorrow!"
(Brick's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's been happening since you've been back?"
Donovan: "Oh wow, Reilly snapped out of her slump now that you're mapping for the Rangers. Now we go out and kick ass like the old days. Ooh-rah!"
(Donovan's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's been happening since you've been back?"
Butcher: "Frankly, I'm bored to tears. I think the last incident has Reilly a bit on edge. She says she wants to wait until she's in top shape, but I think she's fine. I don't know what's holding her back."
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's been happening since you've been back?"
Brick: "Me and ole' Eugene have been a bit sad lately. No Super Mutants to mow down. I guess as soon as Reilly's ready, we can head back out into the ruins. I wish I knew what she was waiting for."
(Brick's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's been happening since you've been back?"
Donovan: "Not much really. Reilly is taking it easy for a while until she gets back into shape. She looks ready to rock in my opinion, but I'm no doctor. I'm kind of itching to get out of here, but she still calls the shots. Something has her spooked."
(Donovan's dialogue) - ↑ Ranger compound terminal entries; Reilly's terminal, Personal Entry 178
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "The shit's about to hit the fan up here, and you're asking questions?"
Butcher: "Look, Reilly once told me all we got in this shitty world is each other. I buy into that theory quite a bit. We watch each other's backs and that's what keeps us alive. If she's dead and you just followed our transmission, I want to know about it!"
(Butcher's dialogue) - ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Look, let's get out of here and I promise I'll take you to her."
Butcher: "All right. I'm sorry. We're just... very close. If something's happened to her, I don't know what I'll do. Anyway, sorry. Ahem. The only way off of the roof now is using the express elevator."
(Butcher's dialogue)
- ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.42: "Reilly’s Rangers
Reilly grew up in the ruins of Washington D.C. not even knowing what happened to her parents. When she was only 10, she encountered a man who had formal military training and took her in. Throughout the years, as she grew from a girl to a woman, this man taught her everything there was to know about combat, tactics, and survival. Finally, when she was 22, he died of natural causes. To honor him, Reilly bravely carried his body all the way to Arlington Cemetery, where she interred his body and gave him the best military burial she could provide. After that, she wandered the Wasteland, doing odd mercenary-related jobs, and building up a reputation as a tried and true soldier who gets the job done. When she was 26, she founded Reilly's Rangers and undertook the biggest mission of her carrier : mapping all of the ruins of Washington D.C. It's unknown if Reilly undertook this mission of her own accord or was hired to do so, but she attacked this task with everything in her arsenal. Taking several other mercenaries with her, she formed "Reilly's Rangers" and set out to accomplish this dangerous feat."
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles) - ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.100: "Theo (deceased):
Theo was 22, and the quartermaster, caring for all the equipment and carrying additional ammunition that might be needed during a mission. On a probationary contract pending Reilly's decision, Theo recently succumbed to Super Mutant ordnance somewhere within the sprawling Statesman Hotel, near where the remaining team is holed up." - ↑ Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 432: "18.06 REILLY'S RANGERS COMPOUND
Growing up in the ruins of Washington D.C. without parents, Reilly encountered a military man who took her in and taught her everything there was to know about combat, tactics and survival . When he died 12 years later, she carried his body all the way to Arlington Cemetery, and gave him the best military burial she could. Four years ago at 26, she founded Reilly's Rangers, and began a massive mapping exercise. Currently, she has suffered severe wounds, and is in a coma, somewhere near the Ghoul stronghold of Underworld. Before she meets the Lone Wanderer, her team was held up near Vernon Square by a large pack of super mutants where she was injured and nearly killed when she attempted to escape. The Lone Wanderer can assist her in her recovery, as well as finding and rescuing her team."
(Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition Tour of the Capital Wasteland)