↑Lenny: "D'dad?" Coffin Willie: "Not now, Lenny, I ain't in th' mood to be talkin'." (NcWillie.msg)
↑Lenny's character description: "You see an especially short, older ghoul." "You see Lenny, Harold’s assistant." "You see a short, older ghoul. He appears to be preoccupied." (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑ 3.03.1The Chosen One: "What do you do here?" Lenny: "W’well, I h’help H’harold mostly. Wh’when people get hurt, I h’help them out." The Chosen One: "What else did you say you did here?" Lenny: "I h’help H’harold administer the town. Th’there’s always more p’paperwork to do." The Chosen One: "You can heal people?" Lenny: "Well, b’before the W’war I w’was a doctor." The Chosen One: "Before the war? But that must have been almost 160 years ago." Lenny: "That's t’true. B’but the radiation seems to have g’given us g’ghouls a longer life-span. ‘Course, it took almost eveything else away." (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑Lenny: "I hear that you’re the Descendant of the Vault Dweller. You know, I met the Vault Dweller once." The Chosen One: "You met my ancestor?" Lenny: "W’well. I didn’t actually m’meet the V’vault Dweller. But I saw them. Once. " The Chosen One: "You saw the Vault Dweller? Where?" Lenny: "I’it w’was a long time ago. In a place called N’necropolis. A lot of us g’ghouls lived there. One, day I saw someone running through the city." The Chosen One: "Running?" Lenny: "Yes, running. You see, we ghouls c’can’t run too much anymore. So, I knew it was an outsider when I saw them. They ran by so close I could have touched them. I wish that I had joined the Vault Dweller.…" The Chosen One: "You wanted to join my grandsire?" Lenny: "Yes. I h’had the chance of a lifetime and I blew it." The Chosen One: "What do you mean?" Lenny: "L'later, I h’heard that the Vault Dweller had fixed our water system. The V’vault Dweller saved us -- all of us. Do you understand? It didn’t matter that we were ghouls. For once it didn’t matter. We w’were people again. W’worth saving." The Chosen One: "My ancestor was the founder of our tribe. That memory is revered amongst my people." Lenny: "Later, I heard that the Vault Dweller destroyed the source of the m’mutant army. The Vault D’dweller saved all of us. Human and ghoul alike… I could have been a part of that, but I lacked the c’courage. I’ve never forgiven m’myself." (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑The Chosen One: "Took things away?" Lenny: "W’well, y’yes. We look l’like f’friggin’ f’freaks. We d’don’t have any skin, for Chrisakes." The Chosen One: "Well, I guess you have seen better days." Lenny: "Y’you c’could say that. I’d trade in all those years to b’be a n’normal person again." The Chosen One: "Well, not much hope of that, I suppose." Lenny: "If those f’fools in Vault City w’would share their medical technology, I’m sure we could c’cleanse the excess r’radiation and heal ourselves." The Chosen One: "They won’t help you?" Lenny: "Y’you’ve been to Vault City? Then you t’tell me wh’what you think the chances of g'getting h’help from those bigots is. M’might as well watch a p’paper dog chase an asbestos c’cat through hell." The Chosen One: "I’m sorry to hear that, but I think you’re right. Let me ask you about something else." (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑Lenny: "Later, I heard that the Vault Dweller destroyed the source of the m’mutant army. The Vault D’dweller saved all of us. Human and ghoul alike… I could have been a part of that, but I lacked the c’courage. I’ve never forgiven m’myself." The Chosen One: "I am following in my ancestor’s footsteps. Would you like another chance? Will you join me?" "I'm h'happier than a bull b'brahmin in a pasture-full o' cows! I'd b'be honored to j'join you. I m'may be old and I cain't m'move t'too darn fast, leastwasy not for too long, b'but I kin sure p'patch you up when y'you need it." (GCLENNY.MSG)
↑John Cassidy: "Ghoul-boy, you better keep your damn distance. Shoooo-weee, do you stink." (VCCasidy.msg)
↑John Cassidy: "Dammit, Lenny, you need a bath. Or some disinfectant." (VCCasidy.msg)