
莫哈韦战役(英文名:Mojave Campaign),也被称为平定莫哈韦,是新加州共和国的军事进攻,始于2253年,目的是吞并整个莫哈韋廢土


这场战役是在2253年38名NCR居民被莫哈韦掠夺者屠杀后爆发的。蒂贝特总统随后失去了不信任动议。她的继任者,温德尔·彼得森 ,命令三个营的NCR步兵进入莫哈韦,开始了战役。[Non-game 1]战役的最初意图是震慑所有的掠夺者,以便为NCR居民安全前进,但后来改变了目标,继续控制胡佛大坝,阻止凯撒军团越过科罗拉多河,进而防止他们危及西部的共和国。[1]


为了确保从莫哈韦到西部的NCR的运输路线,2272年建立了莫哈维前哨站[Non-game 1]早在2273年,新加州共和国就派出游骑兵到东部去寻找有兴趣的东西。[2]最重要的是,游骑兵发现战前的城市拉斯维加斯(现改名为"新維加斯")相对来说没有受到大战的影响,而且胡佛大坝处于可修复的状态。意识到这些地方的军事和经济价值,共和国于2274年迅速派遣一支特遣队控制了新维加斯地区,希望利用那里丰富的资源为自己谋利[3]在迁移到莫哈韦地区后,NCR占领了附近的其他地区,如牛头城,这被称为"平定莫哈韦"。[Non-game 1]

一旦他们能够调动相当规模的部队,NCR就占领了胡佛大坝。如果不是NCR在2274年不情愿地签署了新维加斯条约,共和国就会在占领大坝后不久向这座城市进军并占领它。根据该条约,NCR获得了胡佛大坝的控制权,并被允许将95%的电力转移到共和国的核心地区,而将剩下的5%转移到赌城。此外,NCR还被允许在该地区部署军事力量,允许NCR公民不受干涉地参观拉斯维加斯大道,但必须承认新拉斯维加斯的独立。为了确保豪斯先生遵守条约,条约签署后,NCR大使馆就在赌城设立了。[Non-game 1][3]

当胡佛大坝重新启动并开始向赌城提供电力时,这座城市开始腾飞。共和国的上流社会的公民们一股股地涌进来参观这座城市,对这样一个地方感到好奇。[Non-game 1]即便如此,新加州共和国在管理如此大的地区方面仍有困难。这场战役是一场后勤上的噩梦,物资和部队到达任何地方都很缓慢,而共和的资金都被绑在参议院选举正在进行的洛杉矶晒骨场[4]莫哈韦战役在NCR居民中非常不受欢迎,参议员们不想因为把资金转移到一个许多人永远见不到的沙漠而毁了他们的选举机会,他们的兄弟、姐妹、儿子和女儿都死在那里。[5]此外,保卫胡佛大坝,保持它的运转,以及加强防御凯撒军团是一项艰巨的任务;到目前为止,只有前两者可以实现。[4]


然而,NCR新获得的财富和领土很快就会受到凯撒军团势力的威胁。在馬爾佩斯特使的指挥下,军团部队向胡佛大坝的NCR守军进发,试图夺取这一战略资产和河流渡口,这就是著名的第一次胡佛大坝之战[Non-game 1]马尔佩斯特使向NCR守军挺进,但他的部队无法穿透共和国的防线。第1侦察营新加州共和国游骑兵,在汉隆首席的指挥下,在用他们高超的枪法从远处杀死军团的百夫长十夫长后,向西进行了一次战术撤退,越过大坝进入巨石城,这一行动促使馬爾佩斯特使命令军团精锐部队向前推进,追击敌人的神枪手。








另见: 旭日行动

甚至在进入莫哈韦之前,NCR和钢铁兄弟会就展开了一场漫长而血腥的战争,原因是在这片废土上应该如何监管科技的分歧。尽管兄弟会拥有先进得多的技术和训练,但在前线多次战败后,兄弟会已经开始撤退。当新加州共和国于2275年将麦卡伦营地作为其在莫哈韦地区的行动基地时,它刺激了钢铁兄弟会莫哈韦分会的零星游击袭击。[Non-game 1]战争的结果最好的说明钢铁兄弟会莫哈韦分会。2276年,兄弟会在争夺太阳神一号控制权的战斗中损失惨重,被称为旭日行动,兄弟会撤退到隐秘山谷,并一直处于流亡状态,只派出侦察队来获取基本需求。[Non-game 1][9]NCR的成功可以追溯到他们优越的人数,以及他们优越的领导,战术和战略。NCR的人数比兄弟会多出20比1,迅速而果断地击败了兄弟会,这可以被称为整个NCR-兄弟会之战中最决定性的胜利。不久后,NCR将立即重新部署他们的部队到胡佛大坝。[10]


在战争的早期,大汗帮开始袭击NCR的军事前哨和平民定居点。NCR随后宣布对可汗帮发动反击。他们最终追踪到一群可汗帮掠夺者在苦泉镇的定居点,导致了苦泉镇大屠杀[Non-game 1]可汗帮领袖父汗现在对NCR心怀怨恨,并考虑加入凯撒军团的联盟。[11]他还与惡魔幫建立了经济联盟,向他们出售藥物,这样他们就会反过来骚扰NCR。[12]


  1. The Courier: "Why is the NCR interested in this desert?"
    Hayes: "It is no secret. Our interest here is two fold. First, we want to remain in control of Hoover Dam. It supplies the Republic with power, and is a source of fresh water. Second, we want to prevent the Legion from advancing across the Colorado River and endangering the home states."
    (Hayes' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "Have you always been with the First Recon?"
    Sterling: "Used to be a Ranger... one of the first they sent out east, back before we took the Dam. Observation and reconnaissance. We took the lay of the land, checked out the locals, and kept ourselves inconspicuous. Couple friends of mine were the first to scout the Dam. That was back in '73, if I recall. Lot of those Rangers are dead now. Vegas always chewed men up... it's just a little more literal, nowadays."
    (Sterling's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Courier: "I'd like to know more about the NCR."
    Dennis Crocker: "I can provide a quick history lesson, if that's what you're looking for. In 2274, President Kimball sent the NCR army into the Mojave in force, with the objective of occupying and repairing Hoover Dam. Rangers and army scouts had confirmed that the dam was basically unoccupied and could be restored to an operable condition. Upon arriving at the dam, however, they discovered that a large force of tribals and robots had occupied it. This was our introduction to the Three Families, the Securitrons, and, of course, Mr. House. Using his Securitrons as intermediaries, Mr. House called for parlay. He claimed his forces had occupied Hoover Dam in order to safeguard it for our arrival. And that he was ready to turn it over to us, so long as we could agree to terms. Those terms became the Treaty of New Vegas. The Treaty recognized Mr. House's sovereignty over the Strip and granted us rights to establish military bases at the Dam and McCarran Airport. The NCR is legally permitted to send 95% of the electricity produced by the dam to our home states. The remaining 5% goes to the Strip. The treaty actually makes it illegal for the NCR to prevent its citizens, or troops on furlough, from visiting the Strip. Once on the Strip, our citizens are subject to arrest - or punishment - by House's Securitrons, though that's a rare occurrence. Our troops enjoy a different status. It's illegal for the Securitrons to take action against them. Of course, it's also illegal for our troops to carry firearms on the Strip, so there isn't much trouble they can get into. Our military police does an adequate job of keeping the troops on furlough in line. I don't envy them that task. The embassy was established a few weeks after the Treaty was signed. Basically Mr. House handed us a dumpy little building he had no interest in renovating. I'm the third ambassador to hold this post. And the first, I think, to accept its limitations. My predecessors had ambitions of engineering the annexation of the Mojave. They thought they'd convince Mr. House to join up. I've never even spoken to the man - or whatever he is. Maybe the situation will change once we've beaten the Legion once and for all."
    The Courier: "Go on."
    Dennis Crocker: "Now we mostly just keep track of the NCR citizens and troopers around and make sure they don't get in trouble, but that's Captain Pappas' job. I keep myself busy with paperwork and reports that get sent back to the NCR. It's mostly busy work, but every once in awhile, we make progress."
    (Dennis Crocker's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "How is NCR doing?"
    Hanlon: "It's no secret that we've had better campaigns. Holding this whole length of river isn't easy. We're stretched thin and the Long 15 just keeps getting longer. Slow to get supplies. Slower to get reinforcements. NCR's senate has got funds tied up at the Boneyard and President Kimball ordered our most experienced rangers to chase ghosts down in Baja. Even Caesar knows that General Oliver's coming back to Hoover. Colonel Moore's doing a fine job of running things over at the dam. In her own way, of course, when she's not trying to wrangle my rangers into helping her. But just keeping that dam secure and operational day to day is enough work for one person, never mind building a defense against the Legion."
    The Courier: "How is NCR doing?"
    Hanlon: "Mojave Outpost sent word through the stations. The rangers coming up from Baja moved through Dayglow a week ago. Some of the patrol rangers have reported that Oliver's power armor heavy troopers are starting to reinforce the front lines. Wish they got here a bit earlier, but that's the senate for you."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Why are funds tied up at the Boneyard?"
    Hanlon: "Senate elections are coming up. Local representatives don't want to push any more funding to the Mojave campaign because it's unpopular. Most of the folks around the Boneyard haven't been to New Vegas and probably never will. All they know is that their money gets sucked away to this desert and their brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters die here."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  6. We Will All Go Together
  7. Restoring Hope
  8. Return to Sender
  9. Still in the Dark
  10. The Courier: "Shouldn't there be more people than this defending a power plant?"
    Haggerty: "There should. But we're not getting much power out of it so none of our enemies have a big interest in it either. Not like Hoover Dam, anyway. We had a real fighting force here just long enough to take it from the Brotherhood of Steel. Then they got sent east to the dam like everybody else. Caesar's Legion sends skirmishers every so often. Prodding for weaknesses, mostly. The reality is, if they really wanted it, we'd all be dead."
    (Haggerty's dialogue)
  11. Oh My Papa
  12. Aba Daba Honeymoon


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 458 Important Dates:
    "2253 President Tibbett is removed from office by a vote of no confidence following her "timid" response to the massacre of 38 NCR citizens at the hands of Mojave raiders. Her replacement, President Wendell Peterson, orders three battalions of NCR infantry into the Mojave."
    "2270 The extirpation of tribals in the area of present-day Bullhead City is complete. "The Pacification of the Mojave," as it comes to be known, makes General Aaron Kimball a national hero."
    "2272 The NCR's Mojave outpost is established."
    "2274 NCR forces move east and occupy Hoover Dam. The NCR reluctantly signs the Treaty of New Vegas recognizing Mr. House and his stewards, the Three Families, as the rightful owners of the Strip. The Strip opens for business."
    "2274 Hoover Dam restarts and the Strip blazes with light. The first trickle of privileged, curious NCR citizens visits the Strip."
    "2275 Camp McCarran is established as NCR Headquarters in the Mojave. Sporadic fighting begins with the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel. The NCR government withdraws official support from the Followers of the Apocalypse and founds The Office of Science and Industry."
    "2276 Conflict with the Brotherhood of Steel escalates, culminating in decisive victory at HELIOS One. The Mojave Brotherhood is considered 'neutralized.'"
    "2277 Legion forces under the command of the Malpais Legate fail to wrest control of Hoover Dam from the NCR. Despite heavy casualties, the NCR's victory is celebrated back home."
    "2278 Following the abduction and killing of four soldiers, NCR troops assault the Great Khans' settlement at Red Rock Canyon游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 and massacre several dozen men, women, and children. This event goes unreported in NCR press."
    Note: The Guide erroneously states that the NCR attacked Red Rock Canyon.