

莉莲·玛丽·鲍恩(英文名:Lillian Marie Bowen)是一个夜行者,居住在2281年的雅各布斯镇。她是一个可能的同伴


出生于2078年,[Non-canon 1][5]大戰仅仅一年后,莉莉在17号避难所就过着简单的生活,[6]直到同一在2153年突袭了她的避难所。75岁的老奶奶被拖到外面,第一次看到了太阳。[5]她被带到玛丽博萨军事基地并浸入強制進化病毒的大桶中。她会以夜行者的身份出现,然后被用作间谍或刺客,[7]塔比瑟为小队长。[8][9]


最终,她到达了被称为雅各布斯镇的定居点,由超级变种人马库斯领导和监管,她现在住在那里,照料大角羊[Non-canon 2][13] 然而,最近,当地的夜行者出现了一种隐身變異,设法将驯养的大角羊作为猎物猎杀。如果信使选择干预,莉莉愿意参与其中。[14][15]

在雅各布斯镇居住期间,她开始接受亨利医生的精神分裂症帮助,使用抗精神病,这是由于过度使用隱形小子造成的,并表现为名为"里奧"的声音。[16]然而,药物的副作用是最明显的记忆丧失。不愿忘记她的过去,尤其是她的孙子吉米贝基[2][3][4]她选择服用一半剂量的药物。[17][18][19][20] 通过听她最后一次探望孙子时的全息录音来体现这一行为。[21]

"里奧"将自己表现为一个可以与之交流的恶意异常和反社会的声音,他会在战斗中给出指示并告诉她做“可怕的事情”。[18][19]反过来,他也不喜欢被称为她脑海中的声音。[22]与此形成鲜明对比的是莉莉天生的性格,友善、乐于助人[23] 以及和蔼。[24]由于她的夜行者训练,她可以帮助信使潜行。虽然她声称不喜欢枪支,但这并不意味着她无法使用它们,只是她和"里奧"更喜欢使用带刃的近战武器。[25][26]

当亨利医生开始研究治疗夜行者精神分裂症的方法时,她请求他的许可提供帮助。[23] 在他告诉她永久性脑损伤的风险后,她甚至仍然希望提供帮助。[27][28][29][30][31][32]如果信使帮助她和亨利医生完成治疗,雅各布斯镇将会繁荣昌盛。[33]此外,如果信使帮助她说服她服用半剂量药物是正确的,她最终将离开雅各布斯镇寻找她过去的残余。但是,如果她确信每次都应该服用全部剂量,她就会忘记过去的重要性并扔掉她的全息磁带。或者,如果她被说服停止服药,那么她将被里奥的改变吞噬,成为一只掠食的野兽。[34]



Perk nociception regulator color
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。状态在硬核模式 开始时过期。
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予隐身女孩辅助能力。
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest


  • 莉莉和里奧: 某个时段,如果莉莉是激活的同伴,玩家可能会开始听到一些关于孩子问候祖母的录音。这暗示着莉莉的无标记任务开始了。
  • 猜猜我今天看到了谁: 莉莉被要求进入雅各布斯鎮小屋,以便亨利医生可以对她进行一些关于隐形小子影响的实验。


  • 她对莫哈韦周围的地点有独特的空闲对话:
地点 评论
LilyTabitha "Tabitha! You naughty, naughty girl! Leo remembers what you did!"
LilyVault "My, my, this reminds me of when I was a girl. Right over there would have been where your grandpa and I had our first kiss!"
LilyTheStrip "My, aren't all these lights fancy?"
Novac, by Dinky the T-Rex "Ooh, look, pumpkin! A dinosaur! Do you want to ride the dinosaur?"
LilyDogs "Nice puppies - do doggies want treats?"
LilyBoomers "Ahh! Loud! Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten!"
LilyBlackMountain "I wonder if Marcus knows about this place...."
  • 非玩家角色围绕莉莉发表评论,例如:
角色 评论
夜行者 "头部的声音说有人靠近。像我们一样的人。"
NCR平民 "我希望超级变种人已经得到控制。"
NCR游客 "我见过那些生物的所作所为,但我不知道你如何信任它们。"
軍火販子 "我不知道有友好的夜行者这样的东西。看那东西。"
大炮族 "我喜欢你们这些大变种人。你很容易被发现。"
惡魔幫 "那是卑鄙的狗娘养的吗?在我看来都一样。"
军团 "如何让那个蓝色怪物服从?"
钢铁兄弟会 "管好那个变种人,不然我们就杀了他。"
炸藥幫 "他妈的。以前从未见过这样的变种人。"
大汗帮 "天哪,那是夜行者吗?"
追随者 "看看那个——一个友好的夜行者。它在这里做什么?"
自由城人们 "你结交的伙伴很古怪。我以为所有的超级变种人都是疯狂的食人族。"
猫王帮 "哇。你带了一大群变种人。不过,只要不惹麻烦,一切都好。"
Strip Securitrons "Be advised, visitors will be held responsible for the behavior of any non-human sapients accompanying them."
Strip MPs "What's a mutant doing in the Strip?"
Omertas "Uh, I don't think we allow her kind in here. I'll let it go this time though."
外维加斯居民 "另一个在新维加斯外围漫游的超级变种人,嗯?"


# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Lily end slide 02
莉莉漫长的一生终于在莫哈韋廢土中结束。随着生命从她身上消失,她最后的想到是她的孙子们。 莉莉死亡。
Lily end slide 03
信使的鼓励下定期服药,莉莉的头脑最终变得清晰起来。她的记忆被药丸弄糊了,她把孙子的录音放在一边,不再记得它的意义。 鼓励莉莉在她没有标记的任务中定期服药,莉莉和里奧
Lily end slide 03
莉莉继续一半剂量服药,虽然想起了孙子孙女,但脑子里还是一片混乱。最终,她与信使分道扬镳,向西旅行,寻找她过去的残余记忆。 鼓励莉莉在她未标记的任务莉莉和里奧中继续服用一半剂量的药物;或者不完成任务。
Lily end slide 02
信使的鼓励下,她完全停止服药,莉莉的不稳定性与日俱增。最终她变成了一只贪婪的野兽,慈祥的老祖母被愤怒所淹没。 鼓励莉莉在她没有标记的任务莉莉和里奧中完全停止服药


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡




  • 她的丈夫过去常常制作一种特别烈的私酿,她时不时地喝。[1]
  • 如果有人和莉莉一起进入3号避难所的自助餐厅,她会评论小时候的自己,能记得她的初吻。这也会在进入 11 号避难所19号避难所22号避难所时发生。
  • 作为夜行者,莉莉的速度也明显快于玩家角色。她经常冲锋以与目标交战,这在与死亡爪等生物打交道时可能会出现问题。
  • 当莉莉成为同伴时,如果她的生命值减少到一半,她将遭受“精神崩溃”并处于攻击模式,直到它消失。在此崩溃消退之前,玩家角色无法向莉莉发出命令或与她互动。她也会重复一段咒语,快速地重复数到十来让自己平静下来。[35][36]
  • 当莉莉不是同伴,但大毒蜂可能会袭击雅各布斯镇并杀死她。
  • 如果玩家角色要求她变得带侵略性,她会评论说:“这正是里奥要求我的!”
  • 超越牛肉任务中,莫蒂默将拒绝使用她代替泰德·甘德森的建议,因为她不是人类。 这同样适用于勞爾·特哈達
  • 当和莉莉一起去诺瓦克时,她问他们是否想骑霸王龙丁基
  • 带着莉莉走近蛮族村庄时,她会问:“哦,天哪,这一切都是我做的吗?”
  • 当敌人被识别时,莉莉会经常说“到奶奶身后”,然后将自己置于玩家角色和敌人之间。
  • 蹲下时,莉莉会进入她自己的潜行模式,在该模式下她会激活一个永久的隐形小子,直到玩家角色停止潜行。在这种模式下,很难看到莉莉在前面,或者在玩家角色和对手之间,而且由于她倾向于站在信使和他们的敌人之间,因此经常会不小心射中她。有时可以通过告诉她“退后”来应对这种情况。
  • 雅各布斯镇的超级变种人可能会对莉莉发表评论,他们在其中对玩家角色耳语,"最好小心点。莉莉又在喋喋不休地谈论她的孙子孙女了。"
  • 莉莉明显比基恩等其他夜行者矮。
  • GECK编辑器中,有莉莉在成为超级变种人之前的角色模型,以及她的孙子贝基吉米的模型。




莉莉·鲍恩由Travis Stout撰写。[Non-canon 3]


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 莉莉的飞鸟桨叶和突击卡宾枪有时可能会互相夹在一起,导致她使用的任何一把都挂在上面。剑也可以完全由枪代替。然而,她不会用枪射击;她将继续将其用作近战武器。打开她的同伴轮并强迫她在近战和远程攻击之间切换几次将修复此故障。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时进入隐身模式时,莉莉会说出她的正常台词,"哦,亲爱的,你别担心我,你奶奶知道如何保持安静,"但会每20-30秒重复一次。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 甚至在招募之前,如果你和莉莉交谈,她就会评论诸如幸运38赌场或班尼被杀之类的事情。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在杀死雅各布斯鎮的雇佣兵后,她可能会随机攻击玩家然后失去意识。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在极少数情况下,莉莉可能会在被招募为非硬核游戏的同伴之前死去。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 有时,当莉莉装备了哦,寶貝!她会随机丢失武器。它将不再在她的手中或她的库存中,如果在那里停止使用,它通常会在那里。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 如果要求莉莉使用远程武器,她可能不会拿出她的突击卡宾枪,而是留着她的飞鸟桨叶或保险杠劍(如果它在她的物品栏中)。即使切换回近战,她仍会站在信使附近,尝试将近战武器用作远程武器。这可以通过将她切换回远程,然后再次切换回近战来解决;但是,没有解决办法让她使用突击卡宾枪,因为下次你将她切换到远程时,该错误再次出现。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果玩家将莉莉解雇到幸运38顶层公寓,她将不会一直到那里,而是可以在赌场部分找到,能够再次被招募并被解雇到顶层公寓而没有问题。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 当玩家角色潜行时,莉莉可能不会与玩家一起进入潜行模式,而是会像玩家没有潜行一样行走。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 如果玩家在潜行时解散了莉莉,莉莉将保持隐身模式直到再次被招募。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 莉莉可能会在猜猜我今天看到了谁期间在去雅各布斯镇的路上消失,如果她被送到幸运38,然后被要求在不重新雇用她的情况下接受亨利医生对隐形小子Mark II的测试。然而,无论她是否真的在那里,仍然有可能完成任务,尽管除非以某种方式找到她,否则她可能无法再次被雇用。 [已验证]
    • 要解决此问题,请访问解散终端机并解散所有同伴,或重新加载以前的存档。前者应该把莉莉带回幸运38的总统套房。
  • [补充平台] 当莉莉失去知觉时,如果信使蹲下,她仍然可以激活隐身模式。[验证逾期]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Lily Bowen: "Either grandma needs to cut back on grandpa's special moonshine, or she's been poisoned."
    (Lily's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken when Lily is poisoned by a creature.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Courier: "Jimmy? Little Jimmy - my, how you're grown up. So good of you to come visit your grandma."
    The Courier: "Who's Jimmy?"
    Lily Bowen: "Oh, Jimmy, don't you go being silly now! Come over here and give your grandma some sugar!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Lily Bowen: "Becky? Jimmy? Is that you?"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Courier: "I'm sure. I'd rather you didn't have any psychotic breaks, even if it means you aren't as strong."
    Lily Bowen: "Well, all right, then, dearie. I suppose I'll have my holotapes to remind me of Becky and Jimmy...."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Courier: "Where did you come from?"
    Lily Bowen: "I grew up in Vault 17. I never even saw the sun until I was 75 years old - that was when Super mutants raided the Vault and carried a lot of us off. Yes, Leo, I'm getting to that part! They made me one of them, and they put me to work in an army that was going to conquer California."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  6. Lily Bowen: "My, my, this reminds me of when I was a girl. Right over there would have been where your grandpa and I had our first kiss!"
    (Lily's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken when entering the cafeteria of a vault.
  7. The Courier: "You were a soldier?"
    Lily Bowen: "A spy. Sometimes an assassin. I killed a lot of folks for the Master. Yes, Leo, you helped, too."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Earlier, it seemed like you knew Tabitha. What's the story there?"
    Lily Bowen: "Tabitha was grandma's squad leader when we both worked for the Master. She wasn't very nice at all, but she was good at the chopping. Almost as good as Leo...."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  9. Lily Bowen: "Tabitha! You naughty, naughty girl! Leo remembers what you did!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Where'd you get that sword?"
    Lily Bowen: "This old thing? Oh, I scavenged it off a wreck in Klamath. Leo showed me how to make it all ready for chopping, didn't you, Leo?"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "Who was the Master?"
    Lily Bowen: "Oh, he was a nasty man, dearie. You don't want to know about him. He was the one who made that Super mutant army I told you about."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "What happened then?"
    Lily Bowen: "That wicked old Master got what was coming to him, that's what! After his cathedral blew up, I decided it was high time to go home."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "What do you do in Jacobstown?"
    Lily Bowen: "I watch over the Bighorners. They're sweet, gentle creatures, but sometimes they get ornery. Just like my grandkids!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "I'm looking into the Nightstalker mutation. Want to come along with me?"
    Lily Bowen: "Oooh, those Nightstalkers, always killing my Bighorners! It'll be nice to give them a piece of my mind!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  15. The Courier: "I'd like to help. What do you need me to do?"
    Henry: "I'm not convinced that the Nightstalker mutation is a natural one, and I need someone to investigate their lair for proof. Some of the Super Mutants have looked around as well, but they've come back empty-handed. Perhaps a pair of fresh eyes will have better luck. Lily might be interested in coming with you - she's lost a few of her Bighorners to Nightstalker attacks and would enjoy a little revenge."
    (Doc Henry's dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "What kind of medicine are you taking?"
    Lily Bowen: "Doctor Henry calls them "anti-psychotics." I don't know what they're supposed to do, they just make my memory fuzzy."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  17. The Courier: "Why is it hard to remember them?"
    Lily Bowen: "It's my medicine, dearie. It keeps me calm, but it makes my memory go all fuzzy. That's why I only take my dosage every other time. That way at least I remember their faces."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Courier: "What happened in that fight back there?"
    Lily Bowen: "Oh, pumpkin, grandma's sorry about that. Sometimes she gets mad and listens to Leo when she really shouldn't. The medicine is supposed to help with that, but sometimes grandma doesn't take it."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Courier: "Who is Leo?"
    Lily Bowen: "Leo is a very bad man, pumpkin! Yes you are, Leo, don't try to deny it! He tells me to do things, terrible things, and sometimes the medicine isn't enough to keep him quiet!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "You should keep taking your meds every other time. It's worth the risk to remember your family."
    Lily Bowen: "That's sweet of you, dearie. I'll try to be better about controlling myself if I see you try to sneak away."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  21. The Courier: "What was that recording you were listening to?"
    Lily Bowen: "Oh, that old thing? That's a holotape from the last time I visited my grandkids. Such sweet little children, you know. Little angels. Sometimes it's hard to remember them, so I take that old tape out from time to time and listen."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  22. The Courier: "So he's just a voice you hear in your head?"
    Lily Bowen: "You shouldn't say things like that where Leo can hear you, dearie. He doesn't like it."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  23. 23.0 23.1 The Courier: "Why Lily and not some other Nightkin?"
    Henry: "Lily is eccentric, certainly, but I've never felt she was dangerous. More importantly, she asked if she could help me in some way. I've told her about the risks, and she still insists on helping me."
    (Doc Henry's dialogue)
  24. The Courier: "Tell me about yourself."
    Lily Bowen: "Aww, someone wants to hear grandma's stories! What would you like to hear, pumpkin?"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  25. The Courier: "What's the best way for me to use your skills?"
    Lily Bowen: "Isn't that sweet of you to fret about me? Such a good boy/girl. I can always help you stay hidden from the bad people so you won't get in trouble. I don't mind fighting - especially to protect you, dearie - but I don't like guns. Give me a good chopper, and Leo and I will go right to work!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  26. The Courier: "I want you to use ranged weapons."
    Lily Bowen: "Well, if you insist, but Leo isn't going to like it much."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  27. The Courier: "Doctor Henry wants to know if you'll continue to wear the Mark II prototype."
    Lily Bowen: "Of course I will, dearie, if it's helpful. Don't you worry what will happen to little old me. I'm tougher than I look!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  28. The Courier: "There's a risk that the mental damage will be permanent."
    Lily Bowen: "Of course, dearie."
    The Courier: "You can always say no."
    Lily Bowen: "I know that, dearie."
    (Lily's dialogue)
  29. The Courier: "Did you still want to help Doctor Henry run his experiment?"
    Lily Bowen: "Of course, dearie. I know it's dangerous, but it'll all turn out for the best, you'll see. I'll go to him now - it would be rude to keep him waiting!"
    (Lily's dialogue)
  30. The Courier: "What are the risks of the experiment?"
    Henry: "Possibly immediate and permanent mental damage. There's a reason the Stealth Boy Mark IIs never got beyond the prototype stage. Lily already has a pre-existing condition, and the experiment will likely make things worse for her."
    (Doc Henry's dialogue)
  31. The Courier: "What do you want to do?"
    Henry: "I'm close to the cure, I can feel it. Lily's continued help will give me the last bit of data that I need."
    (Doc Henry's dialogue)
  32. The Courier: "What will happen to Lily?"
    Henry: "Permanent damage to her mind is a certainty. Even the cure won't help her."
    (Doc Henry's dialogue)
  33. Possible endings for the quest Guess Who I Saw Today in Fallout: New Vegas.
  34. Possible endings for the unmarked quest Lily and Leo in Fallout: New Vegas.
  35. Lily Bowen: "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten! One two three four five six seven eight nine ten!"
    (Lily's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken when her health is halfway reduced.
  36. Lily Bowen: "Ahh! Loud! Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten!"
    (Lily's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken at Nellis Air Force Base.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 PlayStation Blog Meet the Companions
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide p. 44: "Part 3: Other Factions: Mojave Wasteland; Super Mutants"
    "Unfortunately for Marcus, not all of the Nightkin were content to live under his rules. Davison (who currently talks to a Brahmin Skull named Antler in the bowels of the REPCONN Test Site) and Tabitha (who broadcasts her particular brand of insanity from Black Mountain) broke off on their own, eventually winding up with their own dysfunctional Super Mutant communities. Though Marcus is disappointed at how things turned out, he does the best he can to take care of Lily and the other Super Mutants and Nightkin at Jacobstown."
  3. Profile On: Games Writer Travis Stout

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