

英克雷主基地,也被称为英克雷控制站总统钻井PR_002海神能源石油钻井 担任英克雷的主要总部。[1][2][3][4]





到了2077年3月,随着世界直接走向核对抗,美国总统和英克雷的其他成员撤退到全球范围的各个设防区。太平洋的海神石油钻井平台被选为美国可以继续存在并对中国发动战争的秘密基地,[Non-canon 1]最终目标是夺回美国大陆。英克雷的一些成员撤退到世界其他地方的偏远地区,但当炸弹袭击时,他们与主力部队失去了所有联系。随着世界燃烧和美国解体,其总统和英克雷,战前美国影子政府的残党,[8][Non-canon 2][9]确立了自己的延续性,声称对美国大陆拥有统治权。





英克雷石油钻井平台上使用的常用计算机单元是DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal[18]平台上使用的操作系统包括Fenestra '98[19] Apricot OS,[20]避难所科技专用操作系统。[21]




作为一个军事基地,石油钻井平台受到严密防护,包括用于抵御海上威胁的外部火炮(即没有海神IFF转发器的一切)。[23]该钻井平台还拥有一支重要的运输垂直飛行機队伍。在内部,除了配备高级动力装甲的英克雷士兵外,还有一个庞大的安全炮塔网络(双.223 口径机枪)以及铁卫兵机器人的出现,准备消灭任何敌人。很可能,石油钻井平台是整个后核美国中保护最完善的地方。


石油钻井平台的科学设施配备了尖端的战前技术。 其中的设备包括红外光谱仪和合成化合物的设备 - 如果需要,数量巨大。[24]








Entry hall
Access corridor


Fo2 Oil Rig Dock




Fo2 Oil Rig Entry Hall

钻机的入口大厅,两旁排列着强大的自动炮塔,旨在消灭一切,每个人都愚蠢到试图攻击装置。主厅的地板是一个巨大的浮雕,上面印有英克雷这个词,左下角有一个小型接入终端机。大厅通过螺旋楼梯连接到拘留/研发层和营房,通过带有候诊室的通道。 与法兰克·荷瑞根的最后一战在这里进行。


军营区与入口大厅相连,有一个储藏室,用T-51 动力装甲代替叉车,部队住房(连同一个大型健身房和厕所),一个装有炸药的军械库,一个装满炸药的军械库,士兵的管理处和指挥官的生活区。一个螺旋楼梯密封在与总统楼层相连的防洪门后面。


Fo2 Detention Oil Rig



Fo2 Oil Rig Trap Level
另見: Trap room puzzle



Fo2 Oil Rig Presidential Quarters




Fo2 Oil Rig Reactor Level




英克雷油井平台出现在辐射2中,并在辐射:新维加斯[11][29] Fallout 4,[9]辐射76[3]更新钢铁黎明中被提及。[30]






  1. Reactor Maintenance and Repair Robot Control terminal: "Security Access Code Sequence Accepted. Welcome to PoseidoNet:
    "Active PoseidoNet Stations: Atomic Powerplant #5, Navarro Refinery, Control Station ENCLAVE, ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control... AccessDenied"
  2. Transmission console; Control Station ENCLAVE
  3. 3.0 3.1 MODUS: "We were once connected to Enclave hubs across the United States from here - Raven Rock, the Presidential Rig. It is likely we will never see those places again."
  4. The Whitespring bunker terminal entries; Archival terminal, Cabinet Nuclear Alarm Logs
  5. The Chosen One: "{116}{}{Where is the Enclave main base located?}"
    Central computer for Navarro: "{125}{}{Searching... Accessing geographical maps... Data acquired. Enclave headquarters is located 175 miles off of the coast of California in the Pacific ocean. Coordinates are 37 degrees 18 minutes north latitude by 120 degrees 7 minutes west longitude.}"
    The coordinates as given by the computer are erroneous, as they place the oil rig deep inland.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sierra Depot GNN transcript
  7. The Chosen One: "{116}{}{Where is the Enclave main base located?}"
    Central computer for Navarro: "{125}{}{Searching... Accessing geographical maps... Data acquired. Enclave headquarters is located 175 miles off of the coast of California in the Pacific. Coordinates are 37 degrees 18 minutes north latitude by 120 degrees 7 minutes west longitude.}"
    The Chosen One: "{127}{}{What the hell does all that crap mean?}"
    Central computer for Navarro: "{128}{}{Searching... Accessing English slang dictionary... Data acquired. Translation follows: 1) It's a long ways out in the ocean. 2) It's off the coast of California. 3) It's west of the city of San Francisco. 4) If you do not understand the geographical coordinate system then you will not find it.}"
    (Central computer for Navarro's dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "What are you talking about?"
    Arcade Gannon: "I wasn't always with the Followers, or with the NCR. My late father was an officer in a group called the Enclave, a remnant of America's Pre-War government. Memories being short around here, not a whole lot of people remember them. But they did bad things. Terrorized communities, kidnapped people. Eventually, someone stopped them. I was born a few years later at a military base on the coast, a place called Navarro."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 4
  10. The Whitespring bunker terminal entries; Archival terminal, Schematic Archives, Prototype Power Armor Schematics
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Courier: "I'd like to know about you."
    Marcus: "Was part of Super Mutant army, ran a town, walked the wasteland with a tribal. Now I'm here."
    The Courier: "Tell me more about the tribal."
    Marcus: "We were looking for a GECK to save the village of Arroyo. Eventually, we did. Nuked an oil rig in the process. We went separate ways after that. I went east into the Rockies, looking for other mutants like myself. Don't know what happened to my friend. I've got a feeling it turned out all right in the end."
    (Marcus' dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Power plant operations
  13. The Courier: "What happened to the Enclave oil rig and Navarro?"
    Judah Kreger: "Internal sabotage took down the oil rig - never did get the full story. The NCR took out Navarro, saying we posed a threat to the region."
    (Judah Kreger's dialogue)
  14. Enclave remnants
  15. The Chosen One: "{120}{}{Where is the Enclave main base located?}"
    Enclave technician: "{135}{}{The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?}"
    (Enclave technician's dialogue)
  16. The Chosen One: "{120}{}{Where is the Enclave main base located?}"
    Enclave technician: "{132}{}{Didn’t you come from there?}"
    The Chosen One: "{134}{}{No actually, I’m from up north.}"
    Enclave technician: "{135}{}{Oh... I didn’t know we had an outpost up there. Anyway, the main base is off the coast of San Fran a ways.}"
    (Enclave technician's dialogue)
  17. DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{228}{}{User Help file update not available with trial PoseidoNet software. Please purchase full version for full access to all further updates. Your trial period for PoseidoNet access is 59, 439 days overdue.}"
    (DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal's information)
  18. DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{103}{}{You see a DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal, with a full 64k of RAM, it's the very latest in computer technology.}"
    (DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal's information)
  19. DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{116}{}{This terminal has a message on it; "Loading Fenestra '98." The terminal is covered with a thick layer of dust. }"
    (DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal's information)
  20. DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{117}{}{This terminal seems to be an Apricot-brand terminal. It's running something called Fallout 2. Wow, it looks like it's multiplayer and 3D.}"
    (DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal's information)
  21. DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal: "{242}{}{Presidential Security Passkey recognized, Good day, Mr. President…. Emergency Counter Insurgency Protocol initiated…**Malfunction**… Security link offline on this level. Please submit form FG-I-106-32-0635 to authorize repair services. Thanks for using another fine Vault-Tek product. Good day.}"
    (DataPlex 2000 SmarTerminal's information)
  22. The Chosen One: "{126}{}{I need to shut down your atomic reactor.}"
    Tom Murray: "{134}{}{Shut it down? Are you crazed? You're not going to shut down *my* reactor.}"
    The Chosen One: "{135}{}{Yes, I am. You better tell me how, or I'll shut you down, permanently.}"
    Tom Murray: "{138}{}{Here, I tell you what. I'll do it for you. But if you try to shut it down too fast it'll overheat.}"
    The Chosen One: "{139}{}{I don't care about that. Just shut down the reactor, or I'll gut you like a fish.}"
    Tom Murray: "{141}{}{You're bluffing. You wouldn't dare.}"
    The Chosen One: "{142}{}{Yes, I would. If you don't help me, you're a dead man.}"
    Tom Murray: "{146}{}{Okay, okay. I'll do it. Just take it easy now. But I'm telling you - it's going to overheat as soon as I put the containment rods down. If we perform a crash shutdown like this we'll have to scram the whole reactor-or we better learn to speak Chinese.}"
    (Tom Murray's dialogue)
  23. The Chosen One: "{107}{}{I hear you're the one who knows all about this ship.}"
    A. Ron Meyers: "{113}{}{This ship's a Poseidon tanker. It's equipped with tech that lasted through the war. It's got a FOB that allows access to the navigation computer room, and it's got an IFF transponder that protects it from Poseidon guns.}"
    (A. Ron Meyers' dialogue)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Enclave scientist: "{109}{}{This spectrometer is fucked up.}"
    "{110}{}{Where's the maintenance crew when you need them?}"
    "{111}{}{I just calibrated the IR-spectrometer.}"
    "{112}{}{How did the recrystalization go?}"
    "{113}{}{The synthesis is complete, doctor.}"
    (Enclave scientists' dialogue)
  25. Charles Curling: "{241}{}{It's not pretty. You should leave as soon as possible. But I'd rather have the weight of a thousand on my conscience than several hundred-thousand. Our time is through here. We had our chance.}"
    (Charles Curling's dialogue)
  26. Enclave scientist: "{102}{}{You see a pale but healthy looking citizen.}"
    (Enclave scientists' dialogue)
  27. Enclave scientist: "{138}{}{Must be another security drill.}"
    "{139}{}{Don't those troopers ever get tired of these drills?}"
    (Enclave scientists' dialogue)
  28. Enclave citizen: "{104}{}{Wonder what the safety movie is tonight?}"
    (Enclave scientists' dialogue)
  29. The Courier: "Tell me about the old days with the Enclave."
    Judah Kreger: "I miss those days sometimes. We all had a purpose, you know? I admit that some of the folks in charge were pretty ruthless. The rest of us, though - we were just trying to civilize things. The NCR was still new and it didn't look like they'd last all that long. Then, we lost the oil rig and shortly after that, the base at Navarro. Nobody left except us Remnants."
    (Judah Kreger's dialogue)
  30. Enclave research facility terminal entries; Transmission console, Control Station ENCLAVE
  31. The Chosen One: "{116}{}{Where is the Enclave main base located?}"
    Central computer for Navarro: "{125}{}{Searching... Accessing geographical maps... Data acquired. Enclave headquarters is located 175 miles off of the coast of California in the Pacific ocean. Coordinates are 37 degrees 18 minutes north latitude by 120 degrees 7 minutes west longitude.}"


  1. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2077 March Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the president and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make contingency plans for continuing the war."
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition, p. 48: "THE ENCLAVE
    In the recent past, the Enclave—the remains of the United States government—were evacuated to an oil rig off the coast of California. Little is known about what happened to these forces, although the country has 游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 new commander-in-chief : President John Henry Eden. However, recent reports and chatter have pinpointed the resurgence of the Enclave, with their base centered on a secure underground facility known as Raven Rock. Initial contact was made there 35 years ago.

    During this time, the new President Eden has been slowly rebuilding his resources, thanks in part to the technology already available at the Raven Rock military base. Vertibirds, weapons, and robots were easy to construct, but human followers were more difficult to find. The answer was to rely on Colonel Autumn, who controls the Enclave soldier forces, as well as creating a propaganda-spewing series of Eyebots sent to roam the Wasteland, spreading hope. Eden could spout his pro-government rhetoric, and promise a return of the pre-war America of legend: a land of white picket fences, baseball, apple pie, and good, old-fashioned American global supremacy.
    President Eden's secretive plan all along has been to rule over an America of the "pure," free from any mutation. He has learned of a ridiculously ambitious experiment known as Project Purity, and knew the time to strike had come: His Enclave forces would "reclaim" the Jefferson Memorial. By controlling the purified water, Eden would control the Capital Wasteland, and the rest of the country eventually. What better way to administer modified F.E.V.- which kills anyone infected with any form of mutation-than through the water supply?"
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 66: "Colonel Augustus Autumn
    Autumn grew up on an oil rig off the California coast (the base of operations for the Enclave, the secretive contingent of the United States government that survived after the apocalypse). His father was the high-ranking Enclave scientist on orders from the president to move all high-ranking officials to the only other secure Enclave location with a functioning ZAX super-computer, Raven Rock. Colonel Autumn has proven to be far less subservient than his scientist father, often openly disagreeing with the president's decisions."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. Question: "I was just wondering how many people were part of the Enclave. How many lived out on the Poseidon Oil Rig and were there others at different locations around the planet/continent? Thanks."
    Chris Avellone: "There were 60-80 people stationed on the Poseidon Oil Rig, and yes, there were/are other remnants of the federal government scattered across the planet and the continent, but as to whether they were affiliated with the Enclave is unknown."
    (Ask Chris Avellone on Vault13.net (archived)
  5. Real world sculpture
  6. Fallout Bible 6
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)