Sergeant Bitter-Root is an NCR 1st Recon sniper stationed at Camp McCarran in 2281.
Bitter-Root is a sniper with the NCR's 1st Recon at Camp McCarran. 乍一看來,他是個沉默寡言而且很難接觸的人,不過如果為此詢問他,他會解釋他沒有惡意,只是性格封閉,不善於表達。這來自他不幸的成長經歷。
他從小生活在苦泉,父母都是大汗幫的人。他的父親是個嗜酒如命,殺人不眨眼的虐待狂。Bitter-Root從3歲起,就經常被他這個瘋狂的父親帶出去,被迫目睹他和那些追隨他的癮君子以屠殺新加州共和國的人(包括軍人和平民)為樂,在一片血肉橫飛中瘋狂地大笑。他的母親was an insipid person whose only useful quality to the group seemed to be her being,用她丈夫的話來說就是一個「只知道嗑藥的混賬」。為了毒品,她經常出賣肉體,甚至曾經試圖把兒子賣給奴隸販子。他憎恨他的父母,也痛恨他成長的這個環境和受到的教育。
臭名昭著的「苦泉大屠殺」使他終於能夠不用再忍受這一切。時任上尉的Dhatri少校收養了他,視如己出。苦根聲稱自己根本不記得那場大屠殺,但如果你追問下去(智力7以上),他會承認自己親歷了那場悲劇,還是個孩子的自己渾身浴血,有NCR士兵的,有他同胞的,也有他自己的。有跡象顯示事發之時他是將大汗幫的那些人當做敵人,親手殺死了幾名大汗幫的成員 (甚至可能包括其父母)——或許也正因為如此,NCR士兵沒有將槍口對準他。
互動 | ||
此角色是必要的。關鍵角色不會被殺死。 | ||
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他們給予-輔助能力。 | ||
此角色是一位臨時的同伴。 | ||
此角色開啟任務。 |
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此角色參與任務。 |
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此角色是一個醫生。 | ||
該角色是一名商人。 | 賣: - | -|
此角色可以修理物品。 | 修理 瓶蓋: - | |
此角色可以修改武器。 |
- | |
此角色出租床位。 | -. |
- I Don't Hurt Anymore: 如果想要治療貝琪下士的心理創傷,苦泉能夠幫到忙。
- Three-Card Bounty: Bitter-Root and the rest of 1st Recon can be brought along to take down Driver Nephi.
- After the completion of Three-Card Bounty, Bitter-Root and the rest of the 1st Recon will move out to Camp Forlorn Hope.
服裝 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
NCR armor 1st Recon beret |
Hunting rifle | - | - |
Sergeant Bitter-Root is the only active member of 1st Recon that actually sleeps at night. The others simply stand or sit around.
Notable quotes[]
- "I figured I grew up around the bastards...they owed me a name, after all they put me through."
- "I like to keep things simple. Just focus on now. That's why they made me a sniper. You let your mind wander back a ways, and you lose sight of what's in front of your eyes. Good way to miss a mark."
- "Could be that NCR found some blood on me, and none of it mine. Could be that a few of those Khans didn't die from NCR bullets."
Sergeant Bitter-Root appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.