
Sarcasm. Very clever. I need information on locations outside of DC. Since I am occupied, you can provide it for me.

Knight Captain Irving Gallows is a scout operative of Lyons Pride of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2277.


Gallows is scout and stealth expert of the Lyons' Pride. He appears to have not been born into the Brotherhood.[1] When he is questioned about his role in the pride he will merely answer "Spec-ops."[2] He's far from talkative, but he is said to be one of the best soldiers there is. He's a quiet man who isn't much liked by the Brotherhood members beyond the Pride. It's been said that if an enemy is in the field and sees Gallows, he's already dead. Gallows tends to disappear from time to time, which only adds to the mystery surrounding him. But it is well known among the other members of Lyons's Pride that Gallows is actually out hunting and killing super mutants. Or so other Pride members hope.[3]

Gallows is generally withdrawn and keeps to himself, and his fellow Pride members hold a variety of opinions about him. All can agree that if Gallows showed the tiniest bit of interest in leadership, he'd already be a paladin, but he only cares about the mission and killing super mutants. Nobody has managed to get close with him, not enough to learn where he comes from or even his real name. Most are just glad to have him on their side, though some, like Knight Captain Dusk, treat him with suspicion.[1] The only opinion that matters to Gallows is that of Sentinel Lyons, and that she appreciates his methods.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
FO76 ui icon quest
Icon severed ear color


  • Gallows Humor: The other members of his squad have a betting pool to find out his real name. If the rest of the group have yet to be asked about the prize before the player reveals his name, the Lone Wanderer will not be able to claim it.
  • Take it Back!: While moving towards Project Purity with Liberty Prime he will assist the Lone Wanderer in battle.

Other interactions[]

  • Gallows is not very talkative, but the player character can improve Gallows' disposition by repeatedly staying silent when they first meet, which will result in him saying, "I'm glad we understand each other." This will also slightly increase the player character's percentage for the Speech check regarding his name.



  • Since it is not possible to remove his helmet, his face cannot normally be seen. However, the GECK lists him as an African American, with dark brown eyes and the "buzz cut" hairstyle. With console commands, his helmet can be removed and his face revealed.
  • Irving Gallows appears in the ending slides.
  • In the game files, there is some unused dialogue involving Gallows asking the Lone Wanderer to perform recon in locations outside of Washington, D.C. in exchange for ammo.[5]

Notable quotes[]


Knight Captain Gallows appears only in Fallout 3.



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "No one knows his name?"
    Glade: "Nope. No one knows his name, where he comes from -- nothin'. He's a mean little bastard for sure. He'd be a Paladin by now for sure, except that he ain't got no interest in leadin'. Only killin'. I'm just glad he's on our side."
    (Glade's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "So what's your specialty in the Lyons' Pride?"
    Irving Gallows: "Spec ops. Let's leave it at that."
    (Irving Gallows' dialogue)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.80: "Knight Captain Irving Gallows
    Gallows is the Pride's scout and stealth expert. He's a quiet, kind of creepy man who isn't much liked by the Brotherhood members beyond the Pride. It's been said that if an enemy is in the field and sees Gallows, he's already dead. Gallows tends to disappear from time to time, which only adds to the mystery surrounding him. But it is well known among the other members of Lyons's Pride that Gallows is actually out hunting and killing Super Mutants. At least, they HOPE they're Super Mutants...."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about the Lyons' Pride?"
    Irving Gallows: "Sarah appreciates my... methods. I fill a role no one else can."
    (Irving Gallows' dialogue)
  5. KnightCaptainGallows.txt#19