

舊金山(英文名:San Francisco)是新加州的一个城市。大戰之后,其人口主要为始族,他们是坠毁的潜艇中国船员的后代,以及被称为赫伯基信徒的宗教崇拜的成员。


即使在战前,旧金山也被认为是一个“奇怪”的城市。[Non-canon 1]它在大战期间显然也受到了重创,因为这座城市的大部分地区都是一片废墟。战后,中国潜艇人员在他们的潜艇始皇帝号因核战导致系统故障后漂流到旧金山港,重建了这座城市。始族爬了出来,开始用他们仅有的少数幸存者重建城市,报废他们搁浅的潜艇用以创建他们的钢铁宫殿[1][2]



Fallout Bible 在赫伯基信徒被摧毁后,始族最终与油轮流浪者建立了不稳定的贸易关系,这两个团体继续使旧金山成为主要的渔业和贸易中心。[Non-canon 2]

Van Buren 然而,在英克雷控制站被摧毁后不久,来自那瓦罗基地和其他地方的英克雷幸存者将他们剩余的大部分核武库转向港口城市,并在假设居民是那些用核武器炸毁石油钻井平台并暗杀英克雷总统的人。[Non-canon 3]






Fo2 San Francisco Chinatown
主页面: 唐人街


区内著名的设施包括Red 888 Guns武器店,老仇Flying Dragon 8杂货店,冯医生的诊所和罗盘的健身房以及通往金门始族城码头钢铁宫殿。雷达之外是一个战前军事站,目前由鋼鐵兄弟會控制,由一名名为马修的士兵负责。


Fo2 Steel Palace of the Shi
主页面: 钢铁宫殿

钢铁宫殿是旧金山始族中国居民的主要基地。它是一个小型加固结构,由全副武装的警卫保护(H&K G11M72高斯步枪是常见的),位于始皇帝大型机(这也是潜水艇的遗物)记录和分析派系的历史,为李健提供建议。


Fo2 San Francisco Docks
主页面: 始族城码头

码头养活了一群地底人和始族的孩子。从古老和腐蚀PMV 瓦尔迪兹号周围的水的锈褐色来看,这不是一个非常健康的居住地。


Fo2 San Francisco Shuttle
主页面: 金门

金门是赫伯基信徒称之为家的地方。该地点分为两个较小的部分:他们的航天飞机所在的破裂的桥梁,以及作为他们总部的地堡;后者是两者中最引人注目的地方。在碉堡中,获选者可以找到赫伯基信徒教派最重要的人AHS-7AHS-9,以及薇琪·戈德曼胡安 · 克鲁兹,来自新里诺的两位支持赫伯基信徒事业的色情明星。



主页面: 始族



主页面: 赫伯基信徒

赫伯基信徒,一个专注于迪克·哈贝尔的战前“教义”的邪教,也将这座城市称为家园,并获得了战前USS Quetzel,他们打算通过修复并使用现已毁坏的金门大桥作为发射平台,发射它来离开地球。航天飞机本身是在旧金山国际机场被发现的,很可能参与了一项将英克雷人员运送到地球外以逃避战争的废弃计划。



主页面: 油轮流浪者



主页面: 鋼鐵兄弟會



它是南方著名的城市,向废土中的其他城市售卖鱼。[Non-canon 4]在2241年,新加州共和国在旧金山没有影响力,始族很乐意保持这种状态,而赫伯基信徒并不关心这些事情。



  • 油轮需要燃料
  • The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work
  • You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer
  • 杀死始皇帝
  • The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro
  • Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi
  • The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship
  • Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub
  • 杀死AHS-9
  • The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro
  • Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists
  • Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship
  • The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand
  • Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible
  • Get Chip's spleen
  • Get some hardened power armor from Crockett
  • 为钢铁兄弟会获取垂直飞行机图纸




旧金山仅出现在辐射2中。辐射3扩展包断钢中提到了其水族馆。城市的金门大桥出现在辐射4原子命令游戏中,并通过克罗格的记忆,从窗外看到金门。在辐射76中的麥林托克營Patriotism Training中也提到了它,[5]以及更新狂野阿帕拉契亚[6]范布倫中也将提到这座城市。



Has platform::PCPC 在旧金山地图上按5会将获选者带到具有“未使用艺术”房间的位置 - 穿梭内部。尝试检查某些东西只会让玩家角色看到穿梭墙。除了使用较早的存档之外,没有其他方法可以退出该区域。[已验证]



  1. The Chosen One: "{175}{}{Tell me about this place.}"
    Fung: "{178}{}{You have come to the right person. Would you like long history or short?}"
    The Chosen One: "{180}{}{Short.}"
    Fung: "{182}{}{Our people landed here on the submarine Shih-huang-ti, when the missiles exploded over the world. With the aid of a cult, we, the Shi, rebuilt San Francisco. That is the short version.}"
    The Chosen One: "{183}{}{How about the long version?}"
    Fung: "{186}{}{The long version is this: We are here because our people are the descendants of the crew of a nuclear submarine, called the Shih-huang-ti. When the missiles fell in the Great Deluge, the systems aboard the submarine failed and we drifted in the dark for many days.}"
    Fung: "{188}{}{At last, we drifted ashore. We found ourselves near the ruins of San Francisco. Most of the city was devastated in the war. We had to recreate society based on the few survivors who had crept back to the city.}"
    Fung: "{190}{}{We rebuilt with what we could find, and we have scientists and technology the world must envy. We are rebuilding civilization, but not as that horrid Master creature did.}"
    (Fung's dialogue)
  2. The Chosen One: "{128}{}{What's the history of the place?}"
    Ken Lee: "{149}{}{We were the survivors from the wreck of a submarine. When we ran aground, we stripped the metal from the submarine to create the Palace. Some do not believe this.}"
    The Chosen One: "{150}{}{Hm. It sounds almost as if you're berating someone.}"
    Ken Lee: "{178}{}{Berating someone? Any fool who had done their research can see that the very basis of Shi-town is the wreckage of this submarine. It seems fruitless to argue with those who would say there is no submarine.}"
    The Chosen One: "{179}{}{That's very even-tempered of you.}"
    Ken Lee: "{180}{}{It certainly is. And I deal with these people on a daily basis. Alas!}"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Chosen One: "{123}{}{Tell me about the place.}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{125}{}{We have lived here for years, but we did not always live here. Dr. Fung knows the complete history. I'll bet what you're looking for is what we do now.}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{Yep.}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{128}{}{Now, we are mainly fishermen and scientists. Our fishermen catch fish. Our scientists are working on a project that they say will change the world.}"
    The Chosen One: "{129}{}{Change the world how?}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{133}{}{I do not know. They keep their secrets to themselves.}"
    The Chosen One: "{134}{}{I see. What else is happening in town?}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{137}{}{We have two rivals of martial arts in town. They are Lo Pan, a lover of self, and the Dragon, who loves others. It is said that whoever wins will determine the future of martial arts.}"
    The Chosen One: "{138}{}{I see. Anything else in town?}"
    Mai Da Chiang: "{141}{}{There is a gang of vagrants who have moved onto the Poseidon Oil tanker on the wharf. There were monsters living inside it, but the vagrants have sealed them into the lower hull. Though they are outsiders, we are grateful to the drifters for this task.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{128}{}{I hear some flying machines brought a load of villagers down this way.}"
    Lao Chou: "{157}{}{They did not. They came from the north and flew over us, heading out over the sea.}"
  5. Jianjun audio recording: "This area's way different from San Francisco. The winters are so cold!"
  6. Anne's holotape


  1. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.218: "You're here to find a ship that you can use to travel to the distant Enclave. That's the only way you'll ever be able to rescue your Tribe. You'll leave more than your heart here if you're not careful. San Francisco was hit hard by nukes, but it didn't kill the city. Instead it just mutated it into something a bit weirder. You'll have to make your way past an oddly revived Chinatown, post-nuke punks, and a bizarre group of cultists called Hubologists. Hmm, maybe San Francisco hasn't changed all that much."
  2. Fallout Bible 5: "The punks on the tanker also survived, and they had a great view of the Poseidon oil rig exploding. They eventually into an uneasy trading relationship with the Shi after the destruction of the Hubologists, and the two groups went on to make San Francisco a major fishing and trading center."
  3. Chris Avellone: In the 1st iteration of Van Buren, history was the Enclave nuked the hell out of San Francisco, assuming that the destruction of the oil rig was caused by attackers from that city (and also a way to clean the slate there).forums.obsidian.net
  4. Fallout Bible 6: 5. Why such a large city like San Francisco is not so well known as Vault City? The people there didn't seem to isolate like VC citizens. I also don't understand why San Fran was avoided by caravans though there was a lot of good stuff to buy.
    "It is actually well known (at least in the South), you just don't see the caravans from San Francisco. San Francisco trades fish to other cities in the wasteland. Mmmm, fish."
  5. Chris Avellone: In the 1st iteration of Van Buren, history was the Enclave nuked the hell out of San Francisco, assuming that the destruction of the oil rig was caused by attackers from that city (and also a way to clean the slate there).
  6. The History of Bethesda Game Studios - Narrator: "In fact, at one stage, they had asked Obsidian to remove a line in New Vegas about San Francisco being totally wiped off the map. They wanted the Bay Area to at least be an option for future games."