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自由至尊 (英文:Liberty Prime ,被再次重造后称作自由至尊MKII[1]) 是独一无二的美軍机器人。它高40英尺(12.19米),全副武装,加上强大的激光眼武器和战术核弹,使它成为主要的作战资产。

自由至尊会被钢铁兄弟会发现并投入工作。它的完全修复归功于李·麦蒂森博士的协助,他在2277年解决了至尊的电源问题。同年在卫星中继站被摧毁后,它一直处于失修状态,直到2287年,它被带到波士顿进行修复和激活。 [2]


自由至尊是一台强大的战斗机器人,目前由钢铁兄弟会拥有。自由至尊號原本目的是為美國軍隊在2072中美战争期间从中國手中收復阿拉斯加安克雷奇。Development commenced in 2072,[3] 旨在满足军事和宣传需求。 前者决定了能力,后者决定了设计:用计划发起人康斯坦丁·蔡斯将军的话来说,自由至尊是为了体现美国军队: 一个会走路,会说话,会扔核武器的英雄提醒美国的敌人,他们挑起了与一个全球超级大国的战斗。[4] 自信这个项目很快就会有结果,蔡斯将军在2072年6月公开确认,美国军队正在与通用原子公司和羅科工業公司合作,制造一种超级武器,意在建立美国在阿拉斯加前线的统治地位。[5]

但是,尽管机器人的底盘及其武器都已在预定日期完成,包括语音模块,但开发人员却无法完成项目的原因很简单:正如项目负责人斯坦利·布鲁姆菲尔德向蔡斯将军报告的那样,他们无法开发出足以为其所有系统供电的小型电源。避难所科技公司无法提供帮助,因为唯一有能力解决这个难题的人斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩在问题显现之前不久就被隔离了。 机器人技术上可以移动和导航地形,但它只能在所有武器系统离线的情况下才能行动。[6] 延误是无法接受的,美军被迫在没有自由至尊的帮助下继续前进。 阿拉斯加战役获胜,在人员和物资上付出了沉重的代价,而自由总理则留在五角大楼下方的海湾中,等待解决其电源管理问题。[7]


随着大战的开始和结束,几乎全部被摧毁,机器人被遗弃,很快就被遗忘了。它的新机会是在2255年,当时歐文·里昂斯领导下的钢铁兄弟会远征队抵达华盛顿,并在五角大楼的废墟下找到了他。这个令人印象深刻的发现,让他们声称五角大楼是华盛顿的碉堡,他们的碉堡,并重新开发战前失败的项目。[8] 但是,同样的问题将像战前一样困扰着该计划。 其中最主要的是能源消耗。即使由雷金纳德·罗斯柴尔德领导该项目,兄弟会也无法为这只庞然大物的机器人提供动力。[9]

二十年来,兄弟会一直在努力推动它的机器人。每一次尝试都以失败来弥补,甚至到了2277年。2277年5月8日,研究小组成功恢复了46% 的内部处理器电源,45% 的武器电源,37% 的电源管理系统,并试图重新分配电源,让机器人上线。[10] 事实证明,这种尝试是徒劳的,问题来自最不可预料的方向:自由至尊自己。 罗斯柴尔德的团队试图通过使用神经阻尼器欺骗机器人,以避开激进的战斗子程序,该神经阻尼器的动力来自武器以外的其他来源。但是,机载AI例程检测到了这一尝试,并再次拒绝允许研究人员从其武器系统中汲取能量。 这次尝试炸毁了一些机器人电路,并将项目推迟了三个月。[11]

在2277年7月13日进行了另一次尝试。但是,一个有故障的电源电容器导致了电源尖峰并降低了系统性能,内部处理器,武器和电源管理电源分别降至12%,13%和1%。[12] 由于厌倦了电力的重新分配,罗斯柴尔德结束了电力管理实验,重新开始加速矢量融合模块的工作,以满足电力需求。受到铆钉城李·麦蒂森博士工作的启发,罗斯柴尔德希望有所突破。[13] 不幸的是,这种研究方式证明了... 有风险。在2277年8月1日进行的首次重大实验中,AVF装置对书记官鲍迪奇造成2度烧伤,而一次意外的武器发射几乎杀死了里昂斯长老。[14] 这些事件导致对实验小组的控制更加严格。[15]

但是仍然有希望。尽管发生了事故,罗斯柴尔德的团队还是能够恢复大部分电力并改善其分配(将内部处理器的电力提高到87%,将武器的电力提高到60%),但是电源管理的问题(以3%的效率运行)使部署变得不可能。与往常一样,移动性和导航翻译的顽固性保持在0%。 在任何时候,只有语音模块始终以100%的速度工作,嘲笑研究人员。[16]



里昂斯的骄傲独行浪者遵循了机器人的毁灭之路,扫荡了在最初的攻击中幸存下来的所有英克雷人员。 自由至尊继续向净化器发起进攻,摧毁了在岛屿周围设置以阻止登陆的光子共振屏障。 到达纪念馆后,自由自尊和骄傲者建立了一个安全区,而莎拉·里昂斯和独行者则前往该纪念馆。[19]





但是,这是英克雷的诡计。 自由至尊被引诱到罗兰设施前的死胡同中被摧毁。 就在该设施向兄弟会的袭击开展之时,英克雷从布拉德利-赫拉克勒斯轨道武器平台进行战术导弹轰炸,将该地区变成了一个杀伤区。自由自尊被摧毁了,崔斯坦的军队只能勉强到达最小的安全距离。[21][20] 自由至尊的毁灭,让兄弟会处于非常困难的境地,因为剥夺了它对英克雷唯一的军事优势。[22] 在与英克雷的冲突开始时,里昂斯几乎没有人力和资源,在失去至尊后所有这些问题浮出水面,由于正在进行的供水计划,情况更加恶化。集中资源防御英克雷,兄弟会不得不依靠独行者作为王牌。[23]

同时,罗斯柴尔德立即开始重建至尊的工作,希望使他恢复工作状态。最终,由于没有成功,这个项目被搁置了,直到英格蘭姆督學被命令恢复运作。尽管打捞状况很糟糕,[24]但她还是花了几年的时间来重建机器人。[25] 当长老亚瑟・麦克森意识到,可以在联邦内找到學院,并与之对峙时,至尊的零件被装载到普利德溫號上,并随身携带参加竞选。在波士頓機場的废墟上建造了一个特殊的龙门架,在英格蘭姆督學的命令下组装战争机器——只要兄弟会能够打捞出部件,以便部署。[26]


有几个问题必须纠正。 首先,由于机器人电力系统的复杂性,每当记录员试图给它供电时,脆弱的CPU就会崩溃。[27]摧毁自尊的导弹袭击,也摧毁了电力系统,需要研发新系统,寻求李·麦蒂森博士或斯卡拉教授的帮助。 [27] 他们帮助修复了因至尊维修不当以及原始设计中的缺陷(缺少惯性阻尼器和钛防震外壳来保护它)而导致的内存核心的完全损坏。[28][29]

重建的下一步是重建肢体。为此使用电磁驱动器,在现场使用大功率磁体构造而成。[26] 恢复的存储核心一直存在一个问题,因为向战斗机器人解释了为什么它不能移动是文士耐心的消耗。[30] 在成功组装完四肢后,战斗机器人的倒数第二个部件是改装过的 mark 28核弹,如果要以超过一半的能力运行,这是必要的。[31] 从联邦在普雷斯科特哨兵站回收出来的核弹必须进行调整,以在非常规发射器中保持稳定。[32]

使自由至尊复活的最后一步是重新启动其聚变反应堆,该反应堆自毁灭以来一直处于休眠状态。至尊的反应堆通过从普利德溫號汲取的电力保持运转,需要使用实验性铍搅拌器来冷启动反应堆。[33] 位于核融合廠大樓的搅拌器将提供启动反应所需的电涌。[34]


自由至尊是美国军事力量的化身,一个会走路,会说话,会扔核弹的英雄,提醒世界什么是超级大国。因此,它是按照人的轮廓图案设计的,并配备有美国军方可用的最强大的武器。[4] 自由至尊有两种主要武器:头戴式自由激光[35]和后装式Mark 28核弹,由标准飞机武器改装而成。[36] 底盘的强大功率输出使其仅需通过碾碎或猛击即可破坏防御工事。[37]


然而,正如上面所提到的,至尊在纸面上是个奇迹,但在实践中则不然。2072年没有核聚变能源产生足够的能量,让自由至尊即使在最低的战斗能力下也能运转,随着与中国的战争的拖延,这个项目最终被封存了。自持式聚变反应堆一直处于活动状态,为机器人提供动力,直到最后李·麦蒂森解决了功率分配和管理问题,并将其部署到战斗中。[17] 此外,该机器的低速和大尺寸使其极易受到高产量大炮和轨道导弹打击的打击,这些打击足以击穿其装甲,可能会限制其在与美国相似的军事基础上与敌人作战的实际效能。[37]



Fallout 3

Perk nociception regulator color
FO76 ui icon quest
Icon interactions other
  • Liberty Prime is first seen in the lab beneath the Citadel in its inactive state. The Lone Wanderer can gain information about the robot, as well as hear some of its dialogue by using a nearby computer terminal to initiate a dialogue test.


  • 自由至尊发射头戴式双重能量束,类似于特斯拉加农炮的射击。光束一发就能杀死多名英克雷士兵。它的背包里似乎装着无穷无尽的炸药,准确无误地向敌人投掷。这些弹药在接触时引爆,其方式与迷你核弹非常相似,但爆炸威力是前者的许多倍。自由至尊的巨大体型和力量也可以算作武器,因为它可以碾碎或撕成碎片,前提是它不会先把任何东西炸成碎片。
  • 自由至尊对各种常规攻击都免疫,能够毫发无损地抵御一连串的迷你核弹,并且能够通过践踏能量屏障来击败它们,尽管有时候它会抓住它们并把它们撕碎。最后,为了激励盟友,打击敌人的士气,它不断地发表反共言论,并宣称“美国的民主是不可战胜的。”尽管它的战斗系统很复杂,但它似乎不能像巧手先生,或其他有神经网络的机器人那样”思考”。
  • 由于它的规模,自由至尊主要遵循预先安排好的路径,只要它出现,并没有独立于它们之外。走向净化器的路上充满了脚本元素: 当它被抬出大本营实验室的时候,自由至尊会撞上大本营的墙壁,带走一些墙壁碎片。
  • 尽管它不能被杀死,但它也有可能变成敌人,在这种情况下它会在几秒钟内消灭玩家角色及其追随者。


Fallout 3

  • Take it Back!: The Brotherhood of Steel, with the help of Dr. Li, manages to fix the power issues with the robot. With the pressing need to reclaim Project Purity, Elder Lyons orders Prime deployed without proper testing. Liberty Prime makes its way to the Jefferson Memorial, while destroying Enclave energy barriers, vertibirds and troops. Once there, Liberty Prime assists the Brotherhood in guarding the memorial's entrance, after taking down the force field surrounding it. The giant robot will then remain there for the duration of the quest.
  • Death From Above: 自由至尊號加入獨行者針對衛星中繼站的戰鬥,及通過石地行車隧道進入英克雷的基地。在英克雷摧毀隧道,嚴重損壞的自由至尊號從廢墟中爬出,並啟動自毀序列,以防其被捕獲。它的頭,雙腳以及看似前臂的結構後來被帶回大本營,Similar to Deputy Weld, 它的頭可以被啟動,會說一些口號短語,但是很雜亂。
    • Three Dog will make a news report as a eulogy for it on Galaxy News Radio when it is destroyed.
    • After Broken Steel is completed, Liberty Prime's head can be found on the table in the Citadel lab. However, it is not removed from the satellite relay station, and it will remain there as well.
  • Getting Ready for Prime Time: 在斷鋼主線任務的結論中,羅切爾德學士指出,兄弟會將重建自由至尊號,但可能需要幾個月甚至幾年。He then asks for the player character's help in scavenging sensor modules and cameras to assist in the rebuilding process.

Fallout 4

Perk nociception regulator color
FO76 ui icon quest


  • 2287年,自由至尊在波士顿机场执行任务时被毁,重新投入使用时,钢铁兄弟会已经对其系统进行了几次升级,包括几乎完全重新设计了他的四肢和手臂,用电磁驱动器取代了旧的液压系统。因此他们称它 'Mk. II,'这是它已接收的编程指令。其他变化包括它的眼部激光——现在发射一束巨大的红色光束而不是蓝色 - 以及在完成自由至尊再起任务后,为至尊永久提供更现代的Mark 28核弹,以向敌人投掷。后者现在使用频率明显增加,几乎完全放弃了使用眼部激光,转而使用核弹,核弹现在被用来对付几乎所有它认为是目标的东西,甚至是一个举着铁管手枪的孤独掠夺者。
  • Liberty Prime MK II also demonstrates a significantly greater understanding of battlefield tactics than its predecessor; switching from a land-based route to an amphibious assault during its attack on the Institute whereas before it only demonstrated the capacity to overcome straightforward obstacles such as energy barriers. Prime was also able to correctly deduce that the Institute was a subterranean complex and utilized its laser weapon to bore a tunnel directly into the Institute. Together, these changes easily make Liberty Prime the most powerful NPC in Fallout 4 as it is capable of killing almost any enemy at any level with only one or two attacks.
  • Since Liberty Prime is entirely immune to its own weaponry and well aware of the fact, it has no qualms about using nukes at point-blank range, should it find itself faced with enemies milling around its feet. In such a case Prime displays complete disregard for any collateral damage to allies, who are therefore advised to maintain a healthy distance from the massive robot at all times. Other than that, not much has changed in Prime's overall behavior - it still believes it is fighting for the liberation of Anchorage from Chinese forces and continues to broadcast anti-communist propaganda slogans in the most thunderous way possible while carving an irradiated swath through the incinerated remains of its hapless foes.
  • Although it is possible to target Liberty Prime in V.A.T.S., it is immune to any form of damage, much like in Fallout 3. It never turns hostile against the player character if shot at. However, the Sole Survivor can be trampled underfoot if they are in its path.


  • Liberty Reprimed: Upon returning to Proctor Ingram after Outside the Wire, it is revealed that the Brotherhood of Steel is reconstructing Liberty Prime, who was destroyed in the war against the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland. The Sole Survivor is asked to help restore Liberty Prime to its former glory, in order to help the Brotherhood fight the Institute.
  • Spoils of War: With Liberty Prime almost ready, the Sole Survivor is tasked with recovering a beryllium agitator in order to power him up. The Sole Survivor is to travel to the Mass Fusion building with Proctor Ingram to get the agitator.
  • Ad Victoriam: With Liberty Prime fully operational, the Brotherhood of Steel is ready to launch their assault on the Institute. The Sole Survivor is to follow Liberty Prime to the C.I.T. ruins and put an end to the Institute. After completing the quest, Liberty Prime will be found patrolling Boston Airport after the endgame.
    • When Liberty Prime reaches Bunker Hill it recognizes it as a memorial site and engages "patriotism subroutines," pausing to salute while saying "honoring the fallen is the duty of every red-blooded American."
    • If the player turns on the Brotherhood of Steel after completing their storyline, and then takes down the Prydwen during With Our Powers Combined, Liberty Prime will actually survive the fight against the Minutemen.
  • Airship Down: After the Institute and Sole Survivor has dealt with the Railroad in End of the Line, the Institute will initiate their final assault against the Brotherhood of Steel. To take down the Prydwen, the Institute created a computer virus that will reprogram Liberty Prime's targeting system. After they push back the heavy resistance and the computer virus is uploaded, Liberty Prime will target the Prydwen as an aerial communist incursion and shoot the airship down. The wreckage of the Prydwen subsequently lands on Boston Airport, destroying both the Brotherhood outpost and Liberty Prime.


Fallout 3

名称 (Base ID)数据行为能力物品
Liberty Prime
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps allies: Will help allies.Icon requiredIcon optional
Melee (0 Damage)
Liberty laser (1,000 Damage)
Weapon Bomb (200 Damage)
  • Dead Microfusion cells
Liberty Prime
Experience Points
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Aggressive: Will attack enemies on sight.Icon requiredIcon optionalIcon optional
Brave: Will avoid/flee from threats only if severely outmatched.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Helps friends: Will help friends and allies.Icon requiredIcon required
Melee (0 Damage)
Liberty laser (1,000 Damage)
Weapon Bomb (200 Damage)
Weapon Bomb Special (1,000 Damage)
  • Dead Microfusion cells

Fallout 4

名称 (Form ID)数据行为能力物品
Liberty Prime
Hit Points
Damage Resistance
Energy Resistance
Radiation Resistance
Poison Resistance
Experience Points
AI attributes
Very aggressiveIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
AI attributes
FoolhardyIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
AI attributes
Helps nobodyIcon optionalIcon optional
Melee (100 Damage)
Liberty laser (1,000 Damage)
Weapon bomb (200 Damage)


Many of its quotes give reference to '50s and '60s anti-communist slogans made to be more specific to China.

Fallout 3

Broken Steel

Fallout 4


Liberty Prime appears in Fallout 3, its add-on Broken Steel, Fallout 4 and is mentioned in the Operation: Anchorage and Automatron add-ons. Liberty Prime also appears in Fallout 76 as a power armor skin in the Atomic Shop and the Fallout 76 update The Legendary Run on the Legendary perk card Power Armor Reboot. Liberty Prime also appears in Fallout: The Board Game, where the Brotherhood of Steel may send him out to take out Project Purity during the Capital Wasteland scenario, ending the game.


  • In an interview with 1UP.com, Emil Pagliarulo denied any intentional relation between Liberty Prime and Optimus Prime. Pagliarulo admitted he could have made the reference subconsciously.[41]
  • It is the "technological marvel" mentioned in the Brotherhood's faction profile, and the unknown "superweapon" referenced in the "Development of Super Weapon Confirmed" Capitol Post article that appears in terminals at the Capitol Post building and the Citadel.
  • Liberty Prime has several unused animations related to Broken Steel. Originally, it was supposed to appear in Rockland not by stomping down the hill, but jumping into the area and taking down an Enclave gunship with a double-fisted strike. The animation can be restored, and the Vertibird shot down in the game - referenced internally as DLC03PrimeWalkSmashedVertibird - will be correctly destroyed.
  • Furthermore, when the orbital strike begins, Prime was supposed to brace for the attack. This animation can also be restored in the game.
  • In the early parts of the development of Fallout 3, Liberty Prime was supposed to be larger than seen in-game, and the player character was going to ride inside of its head during the final battle.[42]
  • The G.E.C.K. lists a cut quest called "Infiltration" which was situated between The American Dream and Take it Back! and had the player character stealing a power source from Rivet City to power Liberty Prime.
  • Liberty Prime appeared in an advertisement for the PlayStation Now service, where he appeared alongside a cast of characters from various video games.[43]
  • Liberty Prime's head design strongly echoes Gort, the powerful robotic protector from the 1951 anti-nuclear-war science-fiction movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. Both robots share a powerful beam attack from their visor-like "eyes."


Fallout 3

  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Liberty Prime often gets stuck. Although the most common places for this glitch is on the left side of the highway when heading to retake the purifier at the Jefferson Memorial, and on the first large bridge the Lone Wanderer crosses. [已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC If all else fails, you may be able to fix this by selecting Liberty Prime in the console and typing "moveto player."
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If you kill Vargas at any point in the game before starting Take it Back!, Liberty Prime will stay immobile, preventing the player from continuing the questline. [已验证]
    • Has platform::PCPC The only way to fix this issue is using the console command: player.placeatme 0001d44e 1 to respawn Paladin Vargas and proceed with the quest.
    • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 It is possible to get around this by baiting Liberty Prime into chasing after you by attacking BoS initiates.
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Liberty Prime may launch into the air and remain there. The best way to solve this is to wait (real-time). If this fails, the player may need to reload the previous autosave. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the Lone Wanderer manages to get far enough ahead of Prime when it is attacking Enclave forces, it is possible for the player character to be killed by its attacks. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If the Lone Wanderer manages to get too far ahead of Liberty Prime before it disables the first "force field," Liberty Prime may stop walking across the first bridge after shutting down the first "force field." [已验证]

Fallout 4

Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Liberty Prime often stops right before the body of water on the way to the Institute. [已验证]


Fallout 3

Fallout 4

Fallout 76


  1. Liberty Prime: "Designation: Liberty Prime Mark II. Mission: The liberation of Anchorage, Alaska."
    (Liberty Prime's dialogue)
    Note: This line is played during Liberty Prime's reactivation at Boston Airport during Liberty Reprimed.
  2. Dialogue during activation at Boston Airport: "Designation: Liberty Prime Mark II. Mission: The liberation of Anchorage, Alaska."
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.81: "Liberty Prime is a formidable but currently offline combat robot that is being tinkered with in the laboratory. Its original intent was to liberate Anchorage, Alaska, from the Red Chinese back in 2072. A mixture of patriotic propaganda messages and incredible firepower ensured victory! But can the robot be fixed in time to help the Brotherhood?"
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Project Summary
  5. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Capital Post Article -- June 3, 2072
  6. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Letter: Dr. Bloomfeld to Gen. Chase
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Who built Liberty Prime? Or better yet... why?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "He was developed as a super weapon, back in the days before the war. The first joint operation between RobCo and General Atomics International. Apparently, he was meant to help liberate Alaska from the Chinese, but was never completed. They were forced to go in without him. They won, but suffered heavy losses. If we can get him up and running, well... I think you get the idea."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  8. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "Liberty Prime was a failed pre-war military project. The Brotherhood of Steel completed that project, and the giant robot is now the most powerful weapon in their arsenal."
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "Are you in charge of the um... the robot?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "I am, and have been since we first found him, well over twenty years ago. Liberty Prime is the designation we found on file for him. Magnificent, don't you think? At least he will be, once all systems are operational. It's the energy consumption. Something that big, with such advanced weapons systems... we just don't have the means to power him. Not yet."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  10. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, May 8, 2277
  11. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, May 9, 2277
  12. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, July 13, 2277
  13. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, July 14, 2277
  14. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, August 1, 2277
  15. Citadel terminal entries; Citadel Lab Terminal, AVF Problem
  16. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Current
  17. 17.0 17.1 The Lone Wanderer: "What are you doing now?"
    Madison Li: "I'm assisting Rothchild with some of his research. I've worked with portable generators more extensively than he has. I don't really care for the idea that this is supporting some gigantic military robot, but given the state of things, I recognize the need for it."
    (Madison Li's dialogue)
  18. The Lone Wanderer: "How is Liberty Prime holding up?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "Performance is exceeding all our expectations. He's been especially effective against the Enclave's Vertibirds, for which we previously had no counter. We're fine-tuning his programming as we go, but on the whole I'm pleasantly surprised. It's as I always suspected. Prime's real issue was energy management, and when Doctor Li helped us solve that problem, well, the rest was easy."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Take it Back!
  20. 20.0 20.1 Death From Above
  21. Liberty Prime: "Satellite Uplink detected. Analysis of Communist transmission pending."
    "Repeat: Red Chinese orbital strike inbound! All U.S. Army personnel must vacate the area immediately! Protection protocols engaged!"
    "Warning! Warning! Red Chinese Orbital Strike Imminent! All personnel should reach minimum safe distance immediately!"
    (Liberty Prime's dialogue)
  22. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm sorry about the robot. There wasn't anything anyone could've done."
    Reginald Rothchild: "Perhaps not, but that doesn't change the fact that it sets us back years... YEARS... ...and it removes the one significant military advantage we had over the Enclave."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  23. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm ready for more. What do you need?"
    Tristan: "With the setbacks the Brotherhood has suffered, we find ourselves in a difficult position. All our available resources need to be positioned for the inevitable counter-attack from the Enclave. At the same time, we believe we may have developed a tool to help our chances of victory. But with everyone needed to help defend against the Enclave, we have no one to send on a recovery mission. So I'm going to have you travel to the Olney Powerworks to secure some tech for us."
    (Tristan's dialogue)
  24. The Sole Survivor: "It'll take a miracle to get this pile of junk operational."
    Ingram: "You think he looks rough now? You should have seen him when I unsealed the salvage crates filled with his parts. Now... the good news is that we've got most of Prime's parts fully assembled. The bad news is that its going to take more than a few rivets and some spot welding to get them working again. The first problem is his CPU. It's fragile, and every time we try to feed power to it, it blows itself out."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  25. The Sole Survivor: "Why all the secrecy??
    Ingram: "We're pouring every resource we have into this thing. We can't risk tipping off the Institute. For now, the fewer people that know about it, the better. Come on, it's this way. Unless you're as blind as a bat, I'm sure you've noticed that we've been building a gantry on the tarmac. Maxson and Kells have been looking for something that'll tip the balance when we go toe to toe with the Institute. Now the Prydwen might be a big beast, but she's not built for fighting. That's where our new project comes in. This storage bay full of parts is what's left of Liberty Prime. The Brotherhood used it in the Capital Wasteland as a weapon against the Enclave. It's the most advanced robot the Brotherhood has ever had at its disposal. Unfortunately, Liberty Prime was destroyed in the line of duty. I've spent the better part of the last few years piecing him back together. And if you think that was easy, try rebuilding a Protectron while you're blindfolded."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  26. 26.0 26.1 Liberty Reprimed
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Sole Survivor: "Why is the power blowing out his CPU?"
    Ingram: "Liberty Prime has a highly complex power system. A good deal of that system was damaged when he exploded, so I'm working in the dark trying to come up with parts on my own. Luckily, you were able to convince Doctor Madison Li to return to the Brotherhood. She was on the original build team for Liberty Prime a little over a decade ago. I've already spoken to her, but she's reluctant to work on Prime for some reason. If you could get her down here to lend a hand with his power system, we can get the big guy moving.
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  28. The Sole Survivor: "Well, things are off to a good start... isn't that right, Doctor?|Question}}"
    Madison Li: "I hope so. Prime's suffered some significant damage to his memory core. I wish your people would have been a bit more careful, Proctor. The good news is that the damage isn't irreversible and I should be able to get the power flowing into his CPU core without overloading. If your people stay out of my way, that is."
    (Ingram's and Madison Li's dialogue)
  29. Ingram: "Well, things are off to a good start... isn't that right, Professor?"
    Professor Scara: "You call this "a good start?" This poor thing's memory core was completely corrupted. Haven't you people ever heard of inertial dampeners? Titanium shock casing? Sigh. It won't be easy, but I should be able to make a few modifications and get his basic functions online. If you can keep your inept scribes from slowing me down."
    (Ingram's and Professor Scara's dialogue)
  30. Ingram: "That's all four actuators... delivered and done. Nice work."
    Professor Scara: "Thank goodness. I've finished restoring Prime's basic programming, but trying to explain to him why he can't walk is testing my patience."
    Ingram: "Well, as soon as my scribes get those actuators in place, we'll have his arms and legs installed in no time. Which brings me to your next assignment. It won't be long before Prime can walk and talk, but he's missing one last important element... his nukes. Without them, his offensive systems aren't operating at peak capacity."
    (Ingram's and Professor Scara's dialogue)
  31. The Sole Survivor: "What's Prime armed with?"
    Ingram: "Prime has two weapon systems: his eye laser and his nuke pack. The eye laser can target a hostile from hundreds of yards out and take it down with pinpoint accuracy. His nukes are modified Mark 28 Nuclear Bombs. They used to drop the things from bombers during the war. Just one of the nukes is equivalent to about three or four Fat Man shells. Basically, whatever it hits isn't getting up again. His eye laser is almost ready to go, but without nukes to load into his pack, he's fighting at less than half his capability."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  32. Ingram: "Looks like the Mark 28's are going to do the trick. That was a good find."
    Professor Scara: "I'll work with your team to make sure that the Mark 28 Nukes remain stable when loaded into his bomb pack. Shouldn't take us more than a day or so."
    Ingram: "Well, Professor, I have to admit, we couldn't have done this without you."
    Professor Scara: "I appreciate the confedence, but I'm still a bit concerned. We haven't fully thrown the switch on Liberty Prime and I'm just hoping all the work I've done to keep his systems stable is going to hold."
    (Ingram's and Professor Scara's dialogue)
  33. The Sole Survivor: "If we're going to defeat the Institute, we can't allow personal feelings to interfere with our mission."
    Ingram: "Spoken like a true disciple of Maxson. Anyway, we need to move on to more important things now... like getting Liberty Prime off of life support. We've been feeding him power through the Prydwen's engines, but there isn't nearly enough juice to cold start his fusion reactor. That's why we need you to find us a Beryllium Agitator."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  34. The Sole Survivor: "How can a "Beryllium Agitator" start up his reactor?"
    Ingram: "If Prime's reactor is a campfire, the Beryllium Agitator is like a match. Strike it, throw it on the logs, and the whole thing ignites. Fusion reactors need a massive power surge in order to get the reaction started. Once it starts, it's self-sustaining. I'm sure I could get one of my scribes to bore you to death with the details, but you get the gist."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  35. Weapon name in the GECK.
  36. The Sole Survivor: "Can I build the nukes like I built the actuators?"
    Ingram: "I could build you a thousand nuke casings right now, but we've got nothing to put inside them. The Mark 28's have a specialized nuclear payload that requires the correct balance of fissile materials in order for them to detonate properly. In other words, I'd love to mix you a cocktail, but I'm all out of liquor. But before you give up hope, there's actually a silver lining here. Proctor Quinlan has located some records regarding a military installation which was used as a nuclear weapon storage facility. We're fairly certain this included a stockpile of the Mark 28's. The catch is that the installation is located somewhere within the Glowing Sea."
    (Ingram's dialogue)
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 The actions of Liberty Prime during the quests Who Dares Wins and Death From Above in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel
  38. Liberty Prime's appearance.
  39. The deteriorating domestic situation in the pre-war United States as detailed in the Fallout timeline and the apparently unpunished doping scandal of General Constantine Chase.
  40. Numerous contracts with Big MT, most notably the Robo-scorpion, as well as the development of power armor by West Tek and the military's own development of the Fat Man, the Anchorage Reclamation simulation, and the seemingly-unused Bradley-Hercules, Highwater Trousers and Poseidon Energy Archimedes II orbital weapon platforms.
  41. Emil Pagliarulo, "Fallout 3 Afterthoughts" on 1UP.com: "Honestly, he wasn't named after Optimus Prime, as most people suspect. At least, not intentionally -- but the subconscious is powerful thing, and I pull a lot of stuff from there unintentionally."
  42. Emil Pagliarulo, "Fallout 3 Afterthoughts" on 1up.com: "Liberty Prime is kind of an interesting case. We knew we wanted to have this big, pre-war, anticommunist robot. In the original plan, he was going to be massive, and the player was going to ride in his head, anime style. And, well, yeah -- that never happened!"
  43. PS advertisement

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